Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Our nation does not run on the underclass.

THat's silly marxist nonsense.

Actually, it does and always has. This country was built on slavery, grown on exploitation of immigrant labor, including most of our ancestors. And that's not a bad thing. As the son of an immigrant, I understand the desire to have your children do better than you. It's a great driver.

Forced labor contributed, but was not the majority of "building".

The farmers in colonial America pushed the frontier forward with their farms and they were not an underclass. The US colonies had the highest standard of living in the world.
Then we'll man it with 100k people if that's what we need to do. Personally, I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem with the various deterrents that are going to accompany it. And... if we have a problem with people accepting bribes to let folks in, we can re-institute firing squads. Whatever other problems you dream up, we can find a way to deal those as well.

Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad for some wage-slave who took a bribe to look the other way when some illegals came in. We can't even execute murderers effectively. Now, if we started executing CEO's and Outsourcers, I'd be totally on board with that.

I don't really care what Romney did. Don't care about your partisan liberal blustering. I also don't care about special interest groups or who will get what vote. Frankly, anyone who is a working, tax-paying American, should be opposed to millions and millions of illegals coming here, not paying taxes, not contributing to their communities, taking our jobs and burdening our resources. If you actually FAVOR that, you have no business bitching about lack of good paying jobs, wage disparity, lack of emergency health care, health care costs, increased crime rates, failing infrastructure, or any of the other thousand problems that illegal immigration causes.

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems, despite what the Nativists claim. They are paying taxes, they aren't using public services that much, they are contributing to their communities.

Fact is, when you say, "Illegals", the Hispanic Community hears "Those Spics!!!" And then they vote your guy down.

Yes, it DOES have to be done and it is going to BE done. You can be stubborn about this, but it's like your glorious Nationalized health care... it's happening whether you like it or not.

65% favor a path to citizenship. Deport them all is only supported by 19%. You hateful racist fucks can probably get Trump nominated, but he's going to lose 49 states when people realize he's too nuts to have nukes.

You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.

Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad...
No one gives a shit what you think no one will tolerate.

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems...
Sure it does and only a fucking moron would think it doesn't. Illegals take jobs that Americans WOULD do if the pay was right, and the pay would be right if Americans were the only option. Illegals keep wages low across the board because... hey, you want a pay raise, how about I go hire an illegal to do your job? And every border town has reported financial disaster and are on the brink of collapse because they can't pay for the added burden to the infrastructure.

Fact is, when you say, "Illegals", the Hispanic Community hears "Those Spics!!!"
No... that's YOU making that claim because you're a little closet racist bigot. Most Hispanics I know are highly pissed that some people are being given a pass on obeying immigration laws they had to adhere to at great cost and effort. When they bring their illegal ass here, it diminishes what the Hispanic American citizen has to offer because of people like YOU who see them all as "Spics" and don't feel like you should have to pay them decent wages.

My path is go the fuck home and stay in your shitty Third World country and don't bring your problems to US.
I have a simple enough solution to that. Stop letting the employers choose who they get to employ. Heavily fine employers who hire illegals. Confiscate their businesses or put a ICE bureaucrat in his HR Department making sure he doesn't do that. Problem Fucking Solved.

Why do you keep wanting to strip freedom and be a fascist? Why is that always your first impulse? For the record, we already have laws regarding the hiring of illegals and we already impose heavy fines for knowingly doing so. And... how the hell is 100k ICE bureaucrats a more doable idea than 100k border patrol agents? ....You should really stop thinking... you're not very good at it.
First, I doubt you know any people of color well. second, most Hispanics see the racism behind guys like Trump. Trump doesn't talk about those Polish people being rapists and drug dealers. (In Chicago, an illlegal is far more likely to be from Poland than Mexico.) He's screaming about the Mexicans.

Well of course you doubt I know any minorities... you stereotype people based on your own prejudices like the bigot you are and can't help being. Trump said one sentence in one speech and that's where ALL of this comes from. For the record, it shouldn't matter what kind of people are breaking the law and coming in illegally. If a burglar breaks into your house, does it matter if he is also a rapist or a brain surgeon? Trump simply makes the point these people aren't the best and brightest, they are generally the scum of society... and he is right. That's not racism toward Hispanics, even the Hispanics know this. It's common fucking sense.... something you apparently lack.
Forced labor contributed, but was not the majority of "building".

The farmers in colonial America pushed the frontier forward with their farms and they were not an underclass. The US colonies had the highest standard of living in the world.

Uh, no, they really didn't. I think you need to stop reading jingoistic crap. For most of our history, America was a pretty miserable place to live if you were black, a Catholic, a Jew, a woman, an native american, or an immigrant. It was awesome for the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males, but that was about it. Oh, yeah, White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males- describes all but TWO of our presidents, doesn't it?

Well of course you doubt I know any minorities... you stereotype people based on your own prejudices like the bigot you are and can't help being. Trump said one sentence in one speech and that's where ALL of this comes from.

Yeah, usually you only have to say one stupid thing to get labelled...

If a burglar breaks into your house, does it matter if he is also a rapist or a brain surgeon?

retarded analogy. The country isn't "your house". Illegals are here because someone INVITED them. Maybe YOU didn't invite them, but someone did, either by granting them a visa or offering them a job under the table.
Why do you keep wanting to strip freedom and be a fascist? Why is that always your first impulse? For the record, we already have laws regarding the hiring of illegals and we already impose heavy fines for knowingly doing so. And... how the hell is 100k ICE bureaucrats a more doable idea than 100k border patrol agents? ....You should really stop thinking... you're not very good at it.

Well, let's look at that.

All an Border Patrol Agent can do is catch Paco once at the border. They send Paco back, but Paco is back the next day, cutting a brand new hole in that beautiful wall that Trump wants to build. And after enough tries, he's going to get past that Border Patrol agent or just have his Coyote bribe him.

Now, if you go after the rich asshole who hires Paco and all his friends, eventually the government is going to end up owning the Rich assholes stuff or the rich asshole is going to learn his lesson and knock that shit the fuck off. So now there's no reason for Paco to come here.

But you can't see this because you have been so conditioned to love you some rich people. (you are never going to be one, sorry.) that you excuse their every bad behavior.
Why do you keep wanting to strip freedom and be a fascist? Why is that always your first impulse? For the record, we already have laws regarding the hiring of illegals and we already impose heavy fines for knowingly doing so. And... how the hell is 100k ICE bureaucrats a more doable idea than 100k border patrol agents? ....You should really stop thinking... you're not very good at it.

Well, let's look at that.

All an Border Patrol Agent can do is catch Paco once at the border. They send Paco back, but Paco is back the next day, cutting a brand new hole in that beautiful wall that Trump wants to build. And after enough tries, he's going to get past that Border Patrol agent or just have his Coyote bribe him.

Now, if you go after the rich asshole who hires Paco and all his friends, eventually the government is going to end up owning the Rich assholes stuff or the rich asshole is going to learn his lesson and knock that shit the fuck off. So now there's no reason for Paco to come here.

But you can't see this because you have been so conditioned to love you some rich people. (you are never going to be one, sorry.) that you excuse their every bad behavior.

1) You can't 'cut a hole' in a fucking concrete wall with steel rebar.
2) If people accept bribes to allow someone in, you punish them severely.
3) I want to go after the rich assholes as well and cut off all the assorted benefits.
4) I also want to close down sanctuary cities and jail those who don't comply.
1) You can't 'cut a hole' in a fucking concrete wall with steel rebar.
2) If people accept bribes to allow someone in, you punish them severely.
3) I want to go after the rich assholes as well and cut off all the assorted benefits.
4) I also want to close down sanctuary cities and jail those who don't comply.

You do realize how nearly impossible it would be to build a wall 2000 miles long out of congrete and rebar, right?

Of course, half of the "illegals" in this country didn't have to sneak past a fence. They got a visa, came here legally, and then didn't go home when they were done.

Guy, the War on Drugs has proven "punish them severely" really isn't much of a deterrent.

I have to wonder what kind of marginal thing you do for a living that you truly worry that an illegal will take your job.
You do realize how nearly impossible it would be to build a wall 2000 miles long out of congrete and rebar, right?

Nope, I realize no such thing... how much experience do you have with concrete structural engineering, dude?

BTW... Tell Donald J Trump something is "impossible" then sit back and watch the man make it happen.

Of course, half of the "illegals" in this country didn't have to sneak past a fence. They got a visa, came here legally, and then didn't go home when they were done.

And they are going to be rounded up and sent packing too.

Guy, the War on Drugs has proven "punish them severely" really isn't much of a deterrent.

War on Drugs is punishing the user, that's YOUR plan for the illegal aliens... punish the user. Doesn't work... thanks for acknowledging that.

I have to wonder what kind of marginal thing you do for a living that you truly worry that an illegal will take your job.

I've been my own boss for 40 years. No one can take my job.
Nope, I realize no such thing... how much experience do you have with concrete structural engineering, dude?

BTW... Tell Donald J Trump something is "impossible" then sit back and watch the man make it happen.

Guy, we can't afford to fix the roads and bridges that are falling down, you want to piss away money building a wall the Mexicans will easily get around?

And they are going to be rounded up and sent packing too.

Uh, huh. Uh, guy, how are you going to do this, exactly? I mean, you guys seem to tell us all the time how we can't round up all the guns, but you think you can round up all the immigrants? I guess some "fascism" is okay by you, then?

War on Drugs is punishing the user, that's YOUR plan for the illegal aliens... punish the user. Doesn't work... thanks for acknowledging that.

My plan is to fuck rich people who hire them. When they are getting fined more than they are saving by not hiring americans, they will knock it the fuck off.

I've been my own boss for 40 years. No one can take my job.

ah, another Possum Catcher.
Guy, we can't afford to fix the roads and bridges that are falling down, you want to piss away money building a wall the Mexicans will easily get around?

My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down. Whenever we have a problem with a road or bridge, we go to the city council or county commission and ask them to fix it... they sometimes raise property tax but they get it done. We don't have to run to Sugar Daddy to take care of that. We're not going to piss away anything, we'll build a wall the Mexicans can't get around. Wait and watch.

Uh, huh. Uh, guy, how are you going to do this, exactly? I mean, you guys seem to tell us all the time how we can't round up all the guns, but you think you can round up all the immigrants? I guess some "fascism" is okay by you, then?

Well we go where they are and get them. No, that's NOT fascism... there is no Constitutional right to break the law... that's law enforcement.

My plan is to fuck rich people who hire them. When they are getting fined more than they are saving by not hiring americans, they will knock it the fuck off.

That's good, so we won't have any problem out of you when we implement that part of the plan. Unfortunately, you're going to have to also tolerate the rest of our plan. We're going to seal the border so that no more can come here illegally. We're also going to deport the ones who we catch here illegally. Sorry if you don't like it... that's going to happen.
My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down. Whenever we have a problem with a road or bridge, we go to the city council or county commission and ask them to fix it... they sometimes raise property tax but they get it done. We don't have to run to Sugar Daddy to take care of that. We're not going to piss away anything, we'll build a wall the Mexicans can't get around. Wait and watch.

Alabama. That explains SOOOOOOOOO Much. Do you have at least 50% of your teeth, Cleetus?

  • Alabama is the only state that does not have a state dam safety program.
Drinking Water
  • Alabama has reported $7.9 billion in drinking water infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.
Hazardous Waste
  • Alabama has 14 sites on the National Priorities List.
  • Alabama has reported $4.4 billion in wastewater infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.
  • 1,405 of the 16,070 bridges in Alabama (8.7%) are considered structurally deficient.
  • 2,203 of the 16,070 bridges in Alabama (13.7%) are considered functionally obsolete.
  • Alabama received $62.8 million from the Federal Highway Bridge Fund in FY2011.
Well, dun-der, Cleetus, you all aren't meeting your basic needs. But go build that wall to keep them nasty Mexicans out.

Well we go where they are and get them. No, that's NOT fascism... there is no Constitutional right to break the law... that's law enforcement.

and if we pass a national gun law to confiscate all the guns, that'll be fine, too.

That's good, so we won't have any problem out of you when we implement that part of the plan. Unfortunately, you're going to have to also tolerate the rest of our plan. We're going to seal the border so that no more can come here illegally. We're also going to deport the ones who we catch here illegally. Sorry if you don't like it... that's going to happen.

guy, you really think Rich people are going to go along with this? Man, are you fucking stupid, Cleetus. Why am I betting you ancestors fought for the Confederacy and you aren't the least bit embarrassed.
Alabama has reported $7.9 billion in drinking water infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.
Alabama has reported $4.4 billion in wastewater infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.
It has been a strategy for quite a while now to inflate numbers by projecting ahead for decades. What is the need now, I mean for next year? Not out 20 years. In 20 years infrastructure will deteriorate regardless what state you are in, no?
It has been a strategy for quite a while now to inflate numbers by projecting ahead for decades. What is the need now, I mean for next year? Not out 20 years. In 20 years infrastructure will deteriorate regardless what state you are in, no?

Guy, the thing is, Alabama is the sixth poorest state in the Country, being run by dumb-ass Cleetus types like Boss Hogg. (Yup, that's my new nickname for him)

Alabama: The sixth poorest state in America (Connecting Alabama)

"Everyone in this room knows Alabama is one of the poorest states in America, where one in four children live in poverty. Nearly one million of our fellow Alabamians are dependent on Food Stamps."

Gov. Robert Bentley addressing state legislators Tuesday night
The governor went on to call the statistics of poverty sobering. And indeed they are when you begin to look at the numbers county by county. Poverty both connects and disconnects swathes of Alabamians from each other.
Guy, the thing is, Alabama is the sixth poorest state in the Country, being run by dumb-ass Cleetus types like Boss Hogg. (Yup, that's my new nickname for him)
Guy, how poverty is determined? Say if one doesn't have a 60" plasma tv in every room, doesn't have at least 4 cars in the garage, kids don't wear Michael Jordan sneakers...etc?
Guy, the thing is, Alabama is the sixth poorest state in the Country, being run by dumb-ass Cleetus types like Boss Hogg. (Yup, that's my new nickname for him)
Guy, how poverty is determined? Say if one doesn't have a 60" plasma tv in every room, doesn't have at least 4 cars in the garage, kids don't wear Michael Jordan sneakers...etc?

I'm sure you don't need a plasma TV (do they even make those anymore?) when you got your gun and Jesus!!!
My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down. Whenever we have a problem with a road or bridge, we go to the city council or county commission and ask them to fix it... they sometimes raise property tax but they get it done. We don't have to run to Sugar Daddy to take care of that. We're not going to piss away anything, we'll build a wall the Mexicans can't get around. Wait and watch.

Alabama. That explains SOOOOOOOOO Much. Do you have at least 50% of your teeth, Cleetus?

ASCE | 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

  • Alabama is the only state that does not have a state dam safety program.
Drinking Water
  • Alabama has reported $7.9 billion in drinking water infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.
Hazardous Waste
  • Alabama has 14 sites on the National Priorities List.
  • Alabama has reported $4.4 billion in wastewater infrastructure needs over the next 20 years.

    • 1,405 of the 16,070 bridges in Alabama (8.7%) are considered structurally deficient.
    • 2,203 of the 16,070 bridges in Alabama (13.7%) are considered functionally obsolete.
    • Alabama received $62.8 million from the Federal Highway Bridge Fund in FY2011.
Well, dun-der, Cleetus, you all aren't meeting your basic needs. But go build that wall to keep them nasty Mexicans out.

I don't know or care if Mexicans are nasty... they can't come into America unless they do it legally. Sorry you can't get that through your stupid little head.

And again... In spite of your little propaganda organization's "factoids" the roads and bridges in my state are just fine. I drive on them every single day. Haven't seen any bridges collapsing... my car hasn't disappeared into any pothole... it's pretty much at the very BOTTOM of my list in terms of problems facing the country right now. I am MUCH more concerned with the flood of illegal immigrants coming across the southern borders.

And I don't care if you want to call me names and insinuate I am racist or uneducated... that's fine, I understand you have to do that because you don't really have anything substantive to argue. So when you do that it actually makes me feel good inside... like I have made my point and owned your ass in every way. I love it when I cause you to melt down like that. Makes my fucking day!
I'm sure you don't need a plasma TV (do they even make those anymore?) when you got your gun and Jesus!!!
You can balance the Jesus part by putting your prayer shawl on your head and banging it into a wall, no?

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