Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

THere is nothing "racism or hatred" about wanting better Trade and Immigration Policy for America to serve American interests.

It is possible that you are correct and that minority voting patterns and demographics will never give me what I, and many millions of other Americans want.

the problem with you Right Wing Clowns is you keep mistaking the interests of big multi-national corporations for America's interests. Not that I can blame you, you've been brainwashed to see it that way.

The reality is, that Hispanic Lesbian Illegal Alien is really in the same boat you are in. Just trying to get by and make her life a little better. But the 1%ers are very good at playing on your racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

So keep pretending a rich guy who doesn't share your values or concerns is really looking out for you because he's willing to say the racism a little more openly than the other tools.

The 1% WANTS the illegal here. I want her to go home.

They have failed to get me to support their economic interests.

You, on the other hand...
You are the fucking retard. Walls WILL work and they're gonna work. Penn and Teller are CLOWNS. They make a living being CLOWNS. It's all they have ever done. We will not hire clowns to build the wall or design the wall, You don't know what kind of wall "you guys always want to build" because it hasn't been fully engineered as of yet. Prisons have walls and it seems to keep people in without a problem. It also keeps people out.

Prisons have walls that are maybe a few thousand feed long, guarded by hundreds of men, with the people INSIDE those walls subjected to constant scrutiny.

To build that beautiful wall Trump wants to build, you'd have to man it with hundreds of thousands of men... and all it takes is for one to take a bribe to look the other way.

The overstays on visas is going to stop, We will enforce the deadlines and "round up" those who are in violation. You can call us racist xenophobes while we do it if that makes you feel better... but it's going to be done because it has to be done. And no... Hispanics are not alienated because we want to deport illegal aliens. That is a lie that you continue to propagate and the lying is going to end too.

Uh, guy, Romney got only 29% of the Hispanic Vote in 2012 after he started mouthing that shit. and frankly, most of those people were CUBANS, who get all sorts of special privileges that Mexicans and other Latinos don't get because we are still butthurt over Castro spanking us 50 years ago.

Guy, it doesn't have to be done and it won't be done. The reality is, our country runs on having an underclass to do the truly unpleasant jobs.

Our nation does not run on the underclass.

THat's silly marxist nonsense.
Prisons have walls that are maybe a few thousand feed long, guarded by hundreds of men, with the people INSIDE those walls subjected to constant scrutiny.

To build that beautiful wall Trump wants to build, you'd have to man it with hundreds of thousands of men... and all it takes is for one to take a bribe to look the other way.

Then we'll man it with 100k people if that's what we need to do. Personally, I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem with the various deterrents that are going to accompany it. And... if we have a problem with people accepting bribes to let folks in, we can re-institute firing squads. Whatever other problems you dream up, we can find a way to deal those as well.

Uh, guy, Romney got only 29% of the Hispanic Vote in 2012 after he started mouthing that shit. and frankly, most of those people were CUBANS, who get all sorts of special privileges that Mexicans and other Latinos don't get because we are still butthurt over Castro spanking us 50 years ago.

Guy, it doesn't have to be done and it won't be done. The reality is, our country runs on having an underclass to do the truly unpleasant jobs.

I don't really care what Romney did. Don't care about your partisan liberal blustering. I also don't care about special interest groups or who will get what vote. Frankly, anyone who is a working, tax-paying American, should be opposed to millions and millions of illegals coming here, not paying taxes, not contributing to their communities, taking our jobs and burdening our resources. If you actually FAVOR that, you have no business bitching about lack of good paying jobs, wage disparity, lack of emergency health care, health care costs, increased crime rates, failing infrastructure, or any of the other thousand problems that illegal immigration causes.

Yes, it DOES have to be done and it is going to BE done. You can be stubborn about this, but it's like your glorious Nationalized health care... it's happening whether you like it or not.
You are the fucking retard. Walls WILL work and they're gonna work. Penn and Teller are CLOWNS. They make a living being CLOWNS. It's all they have ever done. We will not hire clowns to build the wall or design the wall, You don't know what kind of wall "you guys always want to build" because it hasn't been fully engineered as of yet. Prisons have walls and it seems to keep people in without a problem. It also keeps people out.

Prisons have walls that are maybe a few thousand feed long, guarded by hundreds of men, with the people INSIDE those walls subjected to constant scrutiny.

To build that beautiful wall Trump wants to build, you'd have to man it with hundreds of thousands of men... and all it takes is for one to take a bribe to look the other way.

The overstays on visas is going to stop, We will enforce the deadlines and "round up" those who are in violation. You can call us racist xenophobes while we do it if that makes you feel better... but it's going to be done because it has to be done. And no... Hispanics are not alienated because we want to deport illegal aliens. That is a lie that you continue to propagate and the lying is going to end too.

Uh, guy, Romney got only 29% of the Hispanic Vote in 2012 after he started mouthing that shit. and frankly, most of those people were CUBANS, who get all sorts of special privileges that Mexicans and other Latinos don't get because we are still butthurt over Castro spanking us 50 years ago.

Guy, it doesn't have to be done and it won't be done. The reality is, our country runs on having an underclass to do the truly unpleasant jobs.

Our nation does not run on the underclass.

THat's silly marxist nonsense.

That's all Joe ever does...spew Marxist claptrap! That's when he's not lying about once being a Republican. The only way he was "once a republican" is if he had a fucking lobotomy.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
Remember Peggy Noonan.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]

Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
Remember Peggy Noonan.

Mmm, why?
I didn't miss that.

"However, federal prison inmates account for six percent of the total incarcerated population; noncitizen populations in state and local prisons are more difficult to establish."

These numbers are not well tracked and you libs are cherry picking.

If federal prisons have 27% of their population are noncitizens, that indicates a HUGE non-citizen crime problem.

not necessarily. IN fact, when a state finds they have a non-citizen criminal, they usually turn them over to the Feds.

That can be easily fixed by stopping Third World Immigration and deporting the fuckers.

Yes, those scary brown people. You aren't even a little racist, no sir.
The 1% WANTS the illegal here. I want her to go home.

They have failed to get me to support their economic interests.

You, on the other hand...

You supprot them without realizing it, Cleetus.

I mean, I hate having to point out how stupid you are, because it's not like you ever make an effort to become smart.

So how did the 1% make her a more valued employee than you?

They can pay her less. If you had a meaningful minimum wage, there'd be no point in hiring illegals. You'd actually hire people who can comprehend English.

But they get you sooooo darned angry at that illegal taking your job.
Then we'll man it with 100k people if that's what we need to do. Personally, I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem with the various deterrents that are going to accompany it. And... if we have a problem with people accepting bribes to let folks in, we can re-institute firing squads. Whatever other problems you dream up, we can find a way to deal those as well.

Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad for some wage-slave who took a bribe to look the other way when some illegals came in. We can't even execute murderers effectively. Now, if we started executing CEO's and Outsourcers, I'd be totally on board with that.

I don't really care what Romney did. Don't care about your partisan liberal blustering. I also don't care about special interest groups or who will get what vote. Frankly, anyone who is a working, tax-paying American, should be opposed to millions and millions of illegals coming here, not paying taxes, not contributing to their communities, taking our jobs and burdening our resources. If you actually FAVOR that, you have no business bitching about lack of good paying jobs, wage disparity, lack of emergency health care, health care costs, increased crime rates, failing infrastructure, or any of the other thousand problems that illegal immigration causes.

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems, despite what the Nativists claim. They are paying taxes, they aren't using public services that much, they are contributing to their communities.

Fact is, when you say, "Illegals", the Hispanic Community hears "Those Spics!!!" And then they vote your guy down.

Yes, it DOES have to be done and it is going to BE done. You can be stubborn about this, but it's like your glorious Nationalized health care... it's happening whether you like it or not.

65% favor a path to citizenship. Deport them all is only supported by 19%. You hateful racist fucks can probably get Trump nominated, but he's going to lose 49 states when people realize he's too nuts to have nukes.
Our nation does not run on the underclass.

THat's silly marxist nonsense.

Actually, it does and always has. This country was built on slavery, grown on exploitation of immigrant labor, including most of our ancestors. And that's not a bad thing. As the son of an immigrant, I understand the desire to have your children do better than you. It's a great driver.
Then we'll man it with 100k people if that's what we need to do. Personally, I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem with the various deterrents that are going to accompany it. And... if we have a problem with people accepting bribes to let folks in, we can re-institute firing squads. Whatever other problems you dream up, we can find a way to deal those as well.

Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad for some wage-slave who took a bribe to look the other way when some illegals came in. We can't even execute murderers effectively. Now, if we started executing CEO's and Outsourcers, I'd be totally on board with that.

I don't really care what Romney did. Don't care about your partisan liberal blustering. I also don't care about special interest groups or who will get what vote. Frankly, anyone who is a working, tax-paying American, should be opposed to millions and millions of illegals coming here, not paying taxes, not contributing to their communities, taking our jobs and burdening our resources. If you actually FAVOR that, you have no business bitching about lack of good paying jobs, wage disparity, lack of emergency health care, health care costs, increased crime rates, failing infrastructure, or any of the other thousand problems that illegal immigration causes.

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems, despite what the Nativists claim. They are paying taxes, they aren't using public services that much, they are contributing to their communities.

Fact is, when you say, "Illegals", the Hispanic Community hears "Those Spics!!!" And then they vote your guy down.

Yes, it DOES have to be done and it is going to BE done. You can be stubborn about this, but it's like your glorious Nationalized health care... it's happening whether you like it or not.

65% favor a path to citizenship. Deport them all is only supported by 19%. You hateful racist fucks can probably get Trump nominated, but he's going to lose 49 states when people realize he's too nuts to have nukes.

You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.

Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad...
No one gives a shit what you think no one will tolerate.

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems...
Sure it does and only a fucking moron would think it doesn't. Illegals take jobs that Americans WOULD do if the pay was right, and the pay would be right if Americans were the only option. Illegals keep wages low across the board because... hey, you want a pay raise, how about I go hire an illegal to do your job? And every border town has reported financial disaster and are on the brink of collapse because they can't pay for the added burden to the infrastructure.

Fact is, when you say, "Illegals", the Hispanic Community hears "Those Spics!!!"
No... that's YOU making that claim because you're a little closet racist bigot. Most Hispanics I know are highly pissed that some people are being given a pass on obeying immigration laws they had to adhere to at great cost and effort. When they bring their illegal ass here, it diminishes what the Hispanic American citizen has to offer because of people like YOU who see them all as "Spics" and don't feel like you should have to pay them decent wages.
65% favor a path to citizenship. Deport them all is only supported by 19%.

I believe in path to citizenship. So I guess I am in that 65% ...huh? :dunno:

Now, MY path involves following and obeying the law and paying restitution if you've broken it. It also includes fixing the problem of MORE illegals coming into the country by building a wall.

I might would support the "Deport Them All" theory if there were any evidence that could actually work. But we're going to run into a problem at some point because we don't know where or who they are. If we know where and who, we should go get them and deport them because they broke the law. But we'll never get them all, it's not practical.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

I really can't wait until the REAL vote comes out--LOL I have this feeling that these ridiculous polls and the media are going to end up with a lot of egg on their faces.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

I really can't wait until the REAL vote comes out--LOL I have this feeling that these ridiculous polls and the media are going to end up with a lot of egg on their faces.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up


I think many are interested in seeing actual votes. I've heard this BOTH ways... that Trump's poll numbers are inflated AND that the polls aren't reflecting the actual support he has.
Yeah, no one is going to tolerate a firing squad...
No one gives a shit what you think no one will tolerate.

They haven't shot those assholes in Oregon yet, have they?

Except illegal immigration doesn't create any of those problems...
Sure it does and only a fucking moron would think it doesn't. Illegals take jobs that Americans WOULD do if the pay was right, and the pay would be right if Americans were the only option. Illegals keep wages low across the board because... hey, you want a pay raise, how about I go hire an illegal to do your job? And every border town has reported financial disaster and are on the brink of collapse because they can't pay for the added burden to the infrastructure.

I have a simple enough solution to that. Stop letting the employers choose who they get to employ. Heavily fine employers who hire illegals. Confiscate their businesses or put a ICE bureaucrat in his HR Department making sure he doesn't do that. Problem Fucking Solved.

No... that's YOU making that claim because you're a little closet racist bigot. Most Hispanics I know are highly pissed that some people are being given a pass on obeying immigration laws they had to adhere to at great cost and effort. When they bring their illegal ass here, it diminishes what the Hispanic American citizen has to offer because of people like YOU who see them all as "Spics" and don't feel like you should have to pay them decent wages.

First, I doubt you know any people of color well. second, most Hispanics see the racism behind guys like Trump. Trump doesn't talk about those Polish people being rapists and drug dealers. (In Chicago, an illlegal is far more likely to be from Poland than Mexico.) He's screaming about the Mexicans.
I didn't miss that.

"However, federal prison inmates account for six percent of the total incarcerated population; noncitizen populations in state and local prisons are more difficult to establish."

These numbers are not well tracked and you libs are cherry picking.

If federal prisons have 27% of their population are noncitizens, that indicates a HUGE non-citizen crime problem.

not necessarily. IN fact, when a state finds they have a non-citizen criminal, they usually turn them over to the Feds.

That can be easily fixed by stopping Third World Immigration and deporting the fuckers.

Yes, those scary brown people. You aren't even a little racist, no sir.

1. Link that it is normal to turn non-citizens over to the Feds.


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