Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Those numbers compare illegals to the overall population, numbers which include numbers for the Black community, which is also all kinds of fucked up.

Illegals contribute greatly to the crime problem and it is irresponsible to ignore that.

Deport all the illegals, stop Third World Immigration and the prisons will have more room for Citizen Criminals.

I wondered how long it was going to take you to start complaining about the blacks.

Here's where you right wingers are all manner of stupid. Who do you think invites these illegals in to start with? It's rich people who either hire them off the books, or invite them in on work visas that expire
No, they really DON'T. That's where you are completely wrong. MOST Americans aren't concerned with immigration reform. They want the flood of illegal aliens stopped and they want the ones who have broken the law deported.

Uh, no, guy. IN fact, 65% favor a path to citizenship for illegals. Only 19% support your "Deport them All" philosophy.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

In the context of a media that is constantly lying about the issue and about the pro-deporters.
Well, it's happening HERE, Joe. Every day. Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and he has been doing that for 8 years now. Congress has been passing an average of 2,000 regulations per session since Obama was elected. We have literally reams and reams of new regulations and mandates on business and individuals across the board, restricting what they can and cannot do. We have dozens upon dozens of new agencies and un-elected czars and government cronies assigned to making sure we march in lockstep with Obama's socialism.... and you want to pretend it isn't happening. You're plum GOOFY!

So where was that regulation about your potty breaks, exactly? That's what you were complaining about, not the number of regulations.

Okay, I'm going to be nice to you and let the whole potty break thing slide as your usual hysterical hyperbole.

So which one of those 2000 new regulations was sooooo horrifically bad that it crushes your freedom and makes Baby Jesus cry?

I have to go run some errands, so you will have a few hours to research it. Try to avoid using nutter sites to make your point.
Those numbers compare illegals to the overall population, numbers which include numbers for the Black community, which is also all kinds of fucked up.

Illegals contribute greatly to the crime problem and it is irresponsible to ignore that.

Deport all the illegals, stop Third World Immigration and the prisons will have more room for Citizen Criminals.

I wondered how long it was going to take you to start complaining about the blacks.

Here's where you right wingers are all manner of stupid. Who do you think invites these illegals in to start with? It's rich people who either hire them off the books, or invite them in on work visas that expire

I'm not complaining about the blacks. I just mentioned that fact that I have a higher bar than the general numbers. The general numbers are not good.

NOt just the rich. Plenty of middle class, even poor people hire illegals to work under the table and at low wages.

I'm well aware of that and would love to see laws to slam those people HARD.
In the context of a media that is constantly lying about the issue and about the pro-deporters.

What are they lying about?

That you are a bunch of racist assholes?

Guy, I hate to break it to you, but you are a bunch of racist assholes.

NOt wanting this country turned into a Third World shit hole does not make us Racist Assholes.

Claiming it does makes you a lying asshole.
No, they really DON'T. That's where you are completely wrong. MOST Americans aren't concerned with immigration reform. They want the flood of illegal aliens stopped and they want the ones who have broken the law deported.

Uh, no, guy. IN fact, 65% favor a path to citizenship for illegals. Only 19% support your "Deport them All" philosophy.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

Well first of all, I don't believe that poll. I think polls are subject to influence by the nature of the question and how it is presented. I don't have a problem with a "path to citizenship" for certain individuals who have been here for a long time... but that comes AFTER we have secured the border and it includes some kind of penalty for breaking the law. That is NOT Amnesty.

I've not said "deport them all" and I don't think we can realistically ever hope to accomplish that. I do think we can deport MANY and I think we should. Round them up? Maybe... if we know where they are... I think we should go get their ass and send them home. But look... AFTER we've built the wall and secured the border to ensure we've eliminated the problem of illegals flooding across the borders, I am all for some kind of plan to deal with cooperative individuals who self-report their illegal status and genuinely want to remain here. If they want to continue to hide or remain under the radar... deport their asses when they are caught.
Well Toro, it's not up to ME... I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump wins, I'll vote for Trump. I can't vote for a Socialist or Communist. Sorry... not gunna happen! It doesn't matter to me who the Republican candidate is, they will not appoint radical liberals to the Supreme Court. If Hillary wins, she WILL. That's a given and you should know that going in. If you don't, you deserve the three or four radical liberals she's going to appoint to SCOTUS and what comes with that. I'll be moving to Australia.

They're much more socialist in Australia than here, even with Democrats in charge. Can't own guns either. Australia is Canada with better weather but worse sports and punctuality.

I might vote for Ted Cruz if he runs against Hillary, though I'd probably wind up supporting the Libertarian candidate. I'd definitely vote for him if Sanders were the nominee. And I wouldn't count that out.

Cruz is an asshole, but he's principled, and I respect that. He'd be a lousy President since almost everyone hates his guts. But if you don't want anything to happen in Washington and don't want the government to get bigger, Cruz is probably your guy, much more so than Trump, who'd definitely expand the government.
No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.

Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Lying about US only makes US angrier.

Are you being divisive on purpose now?

No one is lying about YOU (see, I can use caps too).

You're the ones who are divisive. Telling you that is NOT being divisive.

But you're funny.

Name the number one example of Trump spewing hatred, you divisive liar.

Idiot. I've been as polite to you as humanly possible. He called Mexicans racists, women he disagrees with pigs and said John mccainnisnt a war hero. Your mental derangement is not my problem.

And if you think pointing out what he is is "divisive", that's also your problem.
Well Toro, it's not up to ME... I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump wins, I'll vote for Trump. I can't vote for a Socialist or Communist. Sorry... not gunna happen! It doesn't matter to me who the Republican candidate is, they will not appoint radical liberals to the Supreme Court. If Hillary wins, she WILL. That's a given and you should know that going in. If you don't, you deserve the three or four radical liberals she's going to appoint to SCOTUS and what comes with that. I'll be moving to Australia.

They're much more socialist in Australia than here, even with Democrats in charge. Can't own guns either. Australia is Canada with better weather but worse sports and punctuality.

I might vote for Ted Cruz if he runs against Hillary, though I'd probably wind up supporting the Libertarian candidate. I'd definitely vote for him if Sanders were the nominee. And I wouldn't count that out.

Cruz is an asshole, but he's principled, and I respect that. He'd be a lousy President since almost everyone hates his guts. But if you don't want anything to happen in Washington and don't want the government to get bigger, Cruz is probably your guy, much more so than Trump, who'd definitely expand the government.

I think you're being overly kind to Cruz. I don't see anything principled about him. He's a double ivy who Alan Dershowitz said was one of the best students he's ever had so he must know that the things he says about the Court and the Constitution are lies. He knows better.

But he uses his brand of extremism to call out the religious right and raise money.

I'm not sure what's principled about shutting down the government and costing our economy billions while talking about fiscal reapinsibility. He did get a lot of email addresses though so he could start running for president.

He's an incredibly dangerous theocrat about whom not a single person who knows him will say a kind word.
Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Lying about US only makes US angrier.

Are you being divisive on purpose now?

No one is lying about YOU (see, I can use caps too).

You're the ones who are divisive. Telling you that is NOT being divisive.

But you're funny.

Name the number one example of Trump spewing hatred, you divisive liar.

Idiot. I've been as polite to you as humanly possible. He called Mexicans racists, women he disagrees with pigs and said John mccainnisnt a war hero. Your mental derangement is not my problem.

And if you think pointing out what he is is "divisive", that's also your problem.

He said some Mexican illegals are rapists. THis is true. Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.

The media lied about it. THey told people that he said all Mexicans or all illegals are rapists.

THank you for helping me prove my point.

It is not "spewing hatred" to discuss the crime problem associated with Illegal Immigration.

It is being divisive to lie about it and to smear good people with a very poisonous label.
Well Toro, it's not up to ME... I'm voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump wins, I'll vote for Trump. I can't vote for a Socialist or Communist. Sorry... not gunna happen! It doesn't matter to me who the Republican candidate is, they will not appoint radical liberals to the Supreme Court. If Hillary wins, she WILL. That's a given and you should know that going in. If you don't, you deserve the three or four radical liberals she's going to appoint to SCOTUS and what comes with that. I'll be moving to Australia.

They're much more socialist in Australia than here, even with Democrats in charge. Can't own guns either. Australia is Canada with better weather but worse sports and punctuality.

I might vote for Ted Cruz if he runs against Hillary, though I'd probably wind up supporting the Libertarian candidate. I'd definitely vote for him if Sanders were the nominee. And I wouldn't count that out.

Cruz is an asshole, but he's principled, and I respect that. He'd be a lousy President since almost everyone hates his guts. But if you don't want anything to happen in Washington and don't want the government to get bigger, Cruz is probably your guy, much more so than Trump, who'd definitely expand the government.

I think you're being overly kind to Cruz. I don't see anything principled about him. He's a double ivy who Alan Dershowitz said was one of the best students he's ever had so he must know that the things he says about the Court and the Constitution are lies. He knows better.

But he uses his brand of extremism to call out the religious right and raise money.

I'm not sure what's principled about shutting down the government and costing our economy billions while talking about fiscal reapinsibility. He did get a lot of email addresses though so he could start running for president.

He's an incredibly dangerous theocrat about whom not a single person who knows him will say a kind word.

He is not a Theocrat.

That you don't know anyone with a kind word to say about him just shows how much you have isolated yourself.
He said some Mexican illegals are rapists. THis is true. Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.

The media lied about it. THey told people that he said all Mexicans or all illegals are rapists.


This is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

Trump presumes that most Mexican immigrants are criminals. To Trump's apologists, they'll twist whatever he says to be positive. To everyone else, it's clear that he's a divisive, tribal demagogue.
I'm not complaining about the blacks. I just mentioned that fact that I have a higher bar than the general numbers. The general numbers are not good.

NOt just the rich. Plenty of middle class, even poor people hire illegals to work under the table and at low wages.

I'm well aware of that and would love to see laws to slam those people HARD.

I'm sure you would. But most sane people realize that we all benefit from that labor, the jobs simply we don't want to do. I don't want to pick lettuce or clean toilets, but someone has to do it.
Well first of all, I don't believe that poll. I think polls are subject to influence by the nature of the question and how it is presented. I don't have a problem with a "path to citizenship" for certain individuals who have been here for a long time... but that comes AFTER we have secured the border and it includes some kind of penalty for breaking the law. That is NOT Amnesty.

I've not said "deport them all" and I don't think we can realistically ever hope to accomplish that. I do think we can deport MANY and I think we should. Round them up? Maybe... if we know where they are... I think we should go get their ass and send them home. But look... AFTER we've built the wall and secured the border to ensure we've eliminated the problem of illegals flooding across the borders, I am all for some kind of plan to deal with cooperative individuals who self-report their illegal status and genuinely want to remain here. If they want to continue to hide or remain under the radar... deport their asses when they are caught.

Guy, Walls won't work. I'm fucking serious, whenever I hear one of you guys talk about a wall, I conclude I am dealing with some kind of retard.

There was an episode of Penn and Teller's BS where they hired six illegals from the Home Depot, and they spent a day building a section of fence just like the Wall you guys always want to build. And it took them all day to build a section of it that was something like 20 feet across. Then they challenged them to get around it. Two had to dig under it, two had to climb over it, and two had to cut through it. All three teams made it past the wall in less than two minutes. Penn joked "Do you think these guys have done this before?"

The vast majority don't even have to break through a wall. They've usually come here legally on work or student visas and then don't go home when those visas expire.

But again, your hateful, racist xenophobes aren't a majority in this country, you might get Trump nominated, but he'll lose in the general election and you guys will have alienated Hispanics for a century.
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I'm not complaining about the blacks. I just mentioned that fact that I have a higher bar than the general numbers. The general numbers are not good.

NOt just the rich. Plenty of middle class, even poor people hire illegals to work under the table and at low wages.

I'm well aware of that and would love to see laws to slam those people HARD.

I'm sure you would. But most sane people realize that we all benefit from that labor, the jobs simply we don't want to do. I don't want to pick lettuce or clean toilets, but someone has to do it.
I thought EVERYTHING could be automated; that's what Conservatives tell me!
I'm not complaining about the blacks. I just mentioned that fact that I have a higher bar than the general numbers. The general numbers are not good.

NOt just the rich. Plenty of middle class, even poor people hire illegals to work under the table and at low wages.

I'm well aware of that and would love to see laws to slam those people HARD.

I'm sure you would. But most sane people realize that we all benefit from that labor, the jobs simply we don't want to do. I don't want to pick lettuce or clean toilets, but someone has to do it.
I thought EVERYTHING could be automated; that's what Conservatives tell me!

With time we will be able to do that and that will free up our society to focus on higher paying jobs. Of course, the conservatives will have to agree to a living wage ;)
He said some Mexican illegals are rapists. THis is true. Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.

The media lied about it. THey told people that he said all Mexicans or all illegals are rapists.


This is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

Trump presumes that most Mexican immigrants are criminals. To Trump's apologists, they'll twist whatever he says to be positive. To everyone else, it's clear that he's a divisive, tribal demagogue.
Most Mexicans are criminals, like the animalistic negro.

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