Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Then you have the power. CHANGE THE LAW! And if you can't, you are again, blowing smoke! Face it Joe, you are losing the debate because we BOTH know, you do NOT have the majority on this issue!

Obama did change the law. He signed an executive order. We are done here.
That is the power of 1 man; and so you are suggesting that it is OK if the next President rescinds it, because that is the way you like to do business.

Good, I will pass it on to everyone that believes in the constitution, that it is ok if we invoke whatever we want as long as it is an executive order. Noted, put forth by Jose, a big Democratic supporter, on this day the 24th of January, 2016. Thanks for getting people to think it is all ok to go around the law, and invoke whatever you want.

And we wonder why it is sooooo screwed up!
AGAIN... Another example of how Trump has beat your brains out and you don't even seem to realize it.... seems that you would notice since you lack brains to begin with... you can't really afford to lose any... but you don't. The Mexican meme was what kicked off his remarkable campaign and he has moved up in the polls ever since. It didn't work, and here you are, idiotically trotting it out again... what's the matter, was the first butt-kicking not enough? No problem, he'll be glad to pop that kisser again for ya!

He can get away with that Racist Shit in the gop Primaries because very few not-white people vote in those. But in the General Election, where they will make up 30% of the electorate, this racist shit is not going to fly.

You think all Mexican Americans or Hispanic Americans want unlimited Third World Immigration?

They don't. Many of them are smart enough to realize that turning American into another Mexico is not in their interests.

Trump will give them a reason to vote REpublican.
Better reread your nonsensical rebuttal Jose. Lugar was a SENATOR. I will not say anything more in an attempt not to embarrass you-)

I was speaking in terms of Gerrymandering in a general tense, but clearly, that home schooling isn't sinking in, is it?

Point was, you far right guys nominated Murdoch in the primary where probably only about 10% of the electorate participated... He was a right wing crazy asshole teabagger who said crazy shit about how women should look at their rapes as a "gift from God", and even the inbreds in your back-ward ass state couldnt' vote for that.

And Jose, tell all the nice people who/whom/what got elected! That is correct, a DEMOCRAT. See, people aren't dumb, we knew what is correct, and wrong. At least the Democrat is here; in state, and oh boy, he is hearing it, lol. Still, he deserved to win, and so he did. Democracy was served well, and I may not agree with his politics, but I agree with the outcome.
That is the power of 1 man; and so you are suggesting that it is OK if the next President rescinds it, because that is the way you like to do business.

Good, I will pass it on to everyone that believes in the constitution, that it is ok if we invoke whatever we want as long as it is an executive order. Noted, put forth by Jose, a big Democratic supporter, on this day the 24th of January, 2016. Thanks for getting people to think it is all ok to go around the law, and invoke whatever you want.

And we wonder why it is sooooo screwed up!

We have an executive branch for a reason.

You see, here's the thing you don't get. We have about 11 million undocumented people here, and Congress only allocates enough resources to deport about half a million a year. So it really becomes up to the President to make a JUDGMENT CALL about who he is going to try to deport.

The person who was brought here as a baby and raised in American schools and doesn't speak the language of his home country but does hold down a productive job. Probably not a priority.


Here's the thing. Whoever the GOP elects next (if they ever do) isn't going to any m ore or less about the "illegals" than Obama is doing.
A lot of crime is driven by illegals. Ignoring that is a irresponsible.

And a lot of people need deported. They don't belong here.

A lot of crime is committed by citizens. If they break the law, they should go to jail.

But our immigration system is broken, and a lot of the people here who are just trying to make a better life for themselves deserve a break.

Nothing I said indicated that I don't think Citizens Criminals should go to jail.

That doesn't challenge my point that a lot of crime is driven by Illegals and that ignoring that is irresponsible.

Our immigration system is broken. It has imported a ton more Third Worlders than is good for America.

We need to stop that, and deport any that we legally can.
Joey, I have heard your shtick for a few years now... I know it by heart. I once thought you might actually be Joe Biden... you're that stupid sometimes. You're not fooling anyone but you believe you are. You think that you can portray yourself as a republican who has seen the light.... but you're a democrat, you've always been a democrat and you'll always be a democrat. You're just too stoopid to be anything else.

no, guy, I'm a guy who had his life fucked up by how bad Bush managed the country. I WISH I could have my life from 2000 back. But in 2000, I was one of you stupid assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" was like the worst thing ever.

Now I realize, the worst thing ever is a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and having to work three jobs in order to make ends meet. THAT'S the worst thing ever.

NOw I've finally, finally dug my way out from under that wreckage, and it took me seven years to do it. But I'll be damned if I let you guys fuck it up because you found a guy who hate Mexicans and Gays just like you do.

Nope... Worst thing ever is going to be turning us into a Socialist shithole. A place where you can't go to the bathroom without your government granting you permission first.
And Jose, tell all the nice people who/whom/what got elected! That is correct, a DEMOCRAT. See, people aren't dumb, we knew what is correct, and wrong. At least the Democrat is here; in state, and oh boy, he is hearing it, lol. Still, he deserved to win, and so he did. Democracy was served well, and I may not agree with his politics, but I agree with the outcome.

No, guy, the fact that an assclown like Murdoch was ever on a Statewide ticket was the problem. Particularly when he displaced a man as distinguished as Lugar. That you had a moment of sanity after he said women should be thanking God for their Rape-babies, doesn't really absolve you of the stupidity.
That doesn't challenge my point that a lot of crime is driven by Illegals and that ignoring that is irresponsible.

Except that it's really not. Illegals are LESS likely to get in trouble with the law because they can be deported for petty theft or assault, as opposed to Citizen criminals who are often given a slap on the wrist because we ALREADY have too many people in prison.

Nope... Worst thing ever is going to be turning us into a Socialist shithole. A place where you can't go to the bathroom without your government granting you permission first.

And where has this happened, exactly? Because now you are going in to crazy land again.

How about debating policies people have actually proposed instead of whining they are regulating your potty breaks.
Trump is t Reagan. And women, minorities gays and young people run from you guys like the plague.

Also decades of flatlined middle class wages are proof that trickle down economics is the voodoo economics daddy bush said it was.

What you say is not 100% true, but for the sake of debate this one time, we will accept it as reality.

It is not who runs from us, and goes wee-wee-wee, all the way home, but rather who does that, and stops at the polls to vote for Hillary-) Good luck with that, because ALL of us are running to the polls for sure!

This election is probably going to be 58% turnout or higher, and that bodes badly for you. You can spin it all you want, but if it is over 56.9%, you are OUT OF POWER! Why? Because the agent of change drives the increase EVERY time throughout history. (doubt me? Check it out) Hillary is the status quo.

Now you may not know this, but I an Debbie Wasserman, Shultz know this, and she is drinking a whole bunch of Pepto, and I am not! (not yet anyway) What does that tell you, lololol!

you underestimate the intensity with which the trump brigade disgusts people. the ones who will stay home are the establishment republicans who are mortified by what you hijackers have done to their party. the rest of us will go out to vote to protect what we see as priorities from the theocrats and bigots on the right. you seem to think that you don't have to offer an alternative that wouldn't make us nauseous. that's the same mistake you made in the last two presidential elections.

It is the failures of the Establishment Republicans that has lead to this populist revolt.

Indeed, the same process is leading to Sanders rise against the Establishment Hillary.

No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.

Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.
Guy, most AMericans support immigration reform, and giving residency to at least some undocumented citizens.

No, they really DON'T. That's where you are completely wrong. MOST Americans aren't concerned with immigration reform. They want the flood of illegal aliens stopped and they want the ones who have broken the law deported.

I personally don't mind having some immigration reform in return for more stringent border security and enforcement. But the enforcement and security are going to come first. Those who have broken our laws are going to have to pay a price for that.... we cannot allow people to break the law and get away with it. If you want to bow up and call me awful names, it doesn't bother me. A wall is going to be built and we're going to stop the flood of illegals into our country because we have to do that. If you're not mature enough to understand why, I can't help you.... grow the fuck up.
Institute Disparate Impact Theory as the Law of the Land, and thus require even more blatant anti-white discrimination by law.

Wow, look anotehr white person who thinks he's being oppressed because they won't tell him his great grandpappy was a good man when he fought to keep slavery.

NOpe. Another white person who thinks laws requiring anti-white discrimination in hiring, promotions and university admissions is wrong.

The NEw Haven Firefighter Case came down to a single vote.
What you say is not 100% true, but for the sake of debate this one time, we will accept it as reality.

It is not who runs from us, and goes wee-wee-wee, all the way home, but rather who does that, and stops at the polls to vote for Hillary-) Good luck with that, because ALL of us are running to the polls for sure!

This election is probably going to be 58% turnout or higher, and that bodes badly for you. You can spin it all you want, but if it is over 56.9%, you are OUT OF POWER! Why? Because the agent of change drives the increase EVERY time throughout history. (doubt me? Check it out) Hillary is the status quo.

Now you may not know this, but I an Debbie Wasserman, Shultz know this, and she is drinking a whole bunch of Pepto, and I am not! (not yet anyway) What does that tell you, lololol!

you underestimate the intensity with which the trump brigade disgusts people. the ones who will stay home are the establishment republicans who are mortified by what you hijackers have done to their party. the rest of us will go out to vote to protect what we see as priorities from the theocrats and bigots on the right. you seem to think that you don't have to offer an alternative that wouldn't make us nauseous. that's the same mistake you made in the last two presidential elections.

It is the failures of the Establishment Republicans that has lead to this populist revolt.

Indeed, the same process is leading to Sanders rise against the Establishment Hillary.

No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.

Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Lying about US only makes US angrier.

Are you being divisive on purpose now?
And where has this happened, exactly? Because now you are going in to crazy land again.

Well, it's happening HERE, Joe. Every day. Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and he has been doing that for 8 years now. Congress has been passing an average of 2,000 regulations per session since Obama was elected. We have literally reams and reams of new regulations and mandates on business and individuals across the board, restricting what they can and cannot do. We have dozens upon dozens of new agencies and un-elected czars and government cronies assigned to making sure we march in lockstep with Obama's socialism.... and you want to pretend it isn't happening. You're plum GOOFY!
That doesn't challenge my point that a lot of crime is driven by Illegals and that ignoring that is irresponsible.


Except that it's really not. Illegals are LESS likely to get in trouble with the law because they can be deported for petty theft or assault, as opposed to Citizen criminals who are often given a slap on the wrist because we ALREADY have too many people in prison.

Those numbers compare illegals to the overall population, numbers which include numbers for the Black community, which is also all kinds of fucked up.

Illegals contribute greatly to the crime problem and it is irresponsible to ignore that.

Deport all the illegals, stop Third World Immigration and the prisons will have more room for Citizen Criminals.
you underestimate the intensity with which the trump brigade disgusts people. the ones who will stay home are the establishment republicans who are mortified by what you hijackers have done to their party. the rest of us will go out to vote to protect what we see as priorities from the theocrats and bigots on the right. you seem to think that you don't have to offer an alternative that wouldn't make us nauseous. that's the same mistake you made in the last two presidential elections.

It is the failures of the Establishment Republicans that has lead to this populist revolt.

Indeed, the same process is leading to Sanders rise against the Establishment Hillary.

No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.

Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Lying about US only makes US angrier.

Are you being divisive on purpose now?

No one is lying about YOU (see, I can use caps too).

You're the ones who are divisive. Telling you that is NOT being divisive.

But you're funny.
It is the failures of the Establishment Republicans that has lead to this populist revolt.

Indeed, the same process is leading to Sanders rise against the Establishment Hillary.

No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.

Trump is not "spewing hatred".

He is giving voice to the Righteous Anger of the People.

There has been no Republican Party

"intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think,"

THat is just partisan nonsense.

To other than the trump types, your "righteous anger" is ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Lying about US only makes US angrier.

Are you being divisive on purpose now?

No one is lying about YOU (see, I can use caps too).

You're the ones who are divisive. Telling you that is NOT being divisive.

But you're funny.

Name the number one example of Trump spewing hatred, you divisive liar.

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