Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

We may very well get the chance to see... He is leading comfortably in the polls and it doesn't look like anyone can defeat him... so you may get your "wet dream" of a Trump candidacy.

You see, I think your numbers are all wrong. I think that you represent about 10% of the people who Trump knows he won't ever win and doesn't care. You all are very loud and vocal... you flood the blogs and forums with your rhetoric, but you don't materialize into actual votes. He is going to exploit you and turn your senseless rhetoric against you while you watch in dismay.

I still think well enough of my country where I think we will not elect a clown like Trump.

But I also remember I had Grandparents who thought the same thing about Hitler.
Please... don't make me spew my coffee all over the computer screen this morning!

guy, I was a Republican before we started pandering to crazies like you. Now we are reaching the point where we can't short circuit your crazy anymore.
Sometimes Boss, that teaches us all of the idiocy of the left and right posters. Conservatives and the Left should call Bush the start of the lefts policies. Instead, the left bashes him, and the right defends him.

That is like you and I claiming that Kennedy's cut in tax was bad, or that Clinton's expanding economy was awful............along with Bill bringing the deficit down to next to nothing; no matter who/whom actually fostered it!

It takes out the believe ability factor when people do that, so I refuse! It is what it is, and people willing to do what is best for the country is NOT what party, but rather their accomplishments. It is also why we had Reagan Democrats! So we can tell, not all of them are dumb as a box of rocks.

Starting about midway through Bush's second term, the liberal left fanatics who took over the Democrat party and kicked moderates like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman out, began this Saul Alinsky mission of denigrating and attacking non-stop... all things right. It effectively worked on Bush because he didn't bother to respond to it.... just let it ride... stayed "above the fray" and let the detractors say whatever.... it resulted in his leaving office with a terrible approval rating and his predecessor was an apologetic fool who suffered from Stockholm Syndrome and should have never been nominated. They implemented the same attack plan on McCain and ruined his credibility... then the GOP ran Romney who spent the whole campaign apologizing for being wealthy and conservative.

So now we have Trump... he's not going to apologize for his success. He's masterful at dealing with personal attacks and petty criticisms and the Saul Alinsky tactics don't work on him... he turns the attacks into political fodder and scores... he has propelled himself to the lead in the primaries by popping these assholes in the kisser over and over. The jig is up... the Alinsky tactics aren't working on Trump, they are making him even more popular. The Democrats have a real problem on their hands here and they don't even realize it... they are still chortling the same insults and ridicule and they're about to be taught a lesson by the master.
and republicans are playing with a circular firing squad Trumps mouth might be fine for the businesses he has but in the political arena, the general election, he'll fall flat on his face imho,
Exactly what does racism have in common with American law? If it is against the law, then Trump can't do it, and I for one, will not support it. If what he proposes is lawful and is in accordance with our laws, I don't care if he calls them martians. At least he will ENFORCE the law. Now if you do NOT like the law, then change it. If you can't get enough support to do so, then you are spinning and propagandizing to achieve your goals WITHOUT doing what needs to be done.

Again, I imagine my Grandparents listening to the same thing about HIlter, right before they rounded up all the Jews in town.

Phony comparison! The law was NOT there when Hitler got elected; Hitler created it. In this case, the law already exists, and he is just demanding it be enforced.

If you honestly believe what you said, then get those who think like you and change the law! You have the support, or so you claim. Go for it. Is that not how America works; or do you want to change that part of Her too!
Oh because it's never caught huh? Then how could you possibly know it' runs rampant?

Because we can't even get legislation passed to require basic photo IDs at the polls! What the fuck is wrong with that? You need a photo ID to buy liquor and cigarettes but NOT to vote? Meanwhile, we have voting precincts in America, in the last election, reporting more votes than registered voters in the precinct! And you don't think there is any fraud happening?
Do you have proof identification is a wide problem?
We may very well get the chance to see... He is leading comfortably in the polls and it doesn't look like anyone can defeat him... so you may get your "wet dream" of a Trump candidacy.

You see, I think your numbers are all wrong. I think that you represent about 10% of the people who Trump knows he won't ever win and doesn't care. You all are very loud and vocal... you flood the blogs and forums with your rhetoric, but you don't materialize into actual votes. He is going to exploit you and turn your senseless rhetoric against you while you watch in dismay.

I still think well enough of my country where I think we will not elect a clown like Trump.

But I also remember I had Grandparents who thought the same thing about Hitler.

Hey... don't say I haven't warned you about this... I have done my best and you're simply ignoring me. Comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler is a LOSING proposition. It's not going to work... might have worked on Cruz... may have worked on McCain or Romney... it will end up gaining support for Trump. So you keep that kind of shit up and see what happens... you're doing MORE to get him elected than anything I could ever say. Just know that!
DEMOCRATS, repeat after me-------> I am in the majority, so I KNOW I can change the law, and that is how America works.

Now, do IT, and quit whining because the law exists. If you can't get the support, you are blowing proverbial smoke and propaganda!
Please... don't make me spew my coffee all over the computer screen this morning!

guy, I was a Republican before we started pandering to crazies like you. Now we are reaching the point where we can't short circuit your crazy anymore.

Joey, I have heard your shtick for a few years now... I know it by heart. I once thought you might actually be Joe Biden... you're that stupid sometimes. You're not fooling anyone but you believe you are. You think that you can portray yourself as a republican who has seen the light.... but you're a democrat, you've always been a democrat and you'll always be a democrat. You're just too stoopid to be anything else.
Please... don't make me spew my coffee all over the computer screen this morning!

guy, I was a Republican before we started pandering to crazies like you. Now we are reaching the point where we can't short circuit your crazy anymore.

Joey, I have heard your shtick for a few years now... I know it by heart. I once thought you might actually be Joe Biden... you're that stupid sometimes. You're not fooling anyone but you believe you are. You think that you can portray yourself as a republican who has seen the light.... but you're a democrat, you've always been a democrat and you'll always be a democrat. You're just too stoopid to be anything else.

Either that, or he is a rich establishment, business owner rino, who wants to take advantage of low wages to screw his fellow Americans. In either case, yuck!
and republicans are playing with a circular firing squad Trumps mouth might be fine for the businesses he has but in the political arena, the general election, he'll fall flat on his face imho
imho and $4.50 will get you a Grande Latte at Starbucks! ;)
Well the Bush tax cuts weren't as effective as Reagan's because Bush was stupid and Reagan was smart. Reagan broadened the tax base and reduced top marginal rates to generate more revenue.

Actually, what Reagan did was c ut the taxes on the rich, and when that didn't produce the pixie dust revenues the Supply Siders keep promising, he raised taxes on the working class.

And dumb shits like you still think the senile old fool was great. (Shit, I voted for him twice, and now look where we are.)
Republicans are the only ones even talking about this.

Well that's because Republicans aren't winning these elections. I guarantee you, IF republicans won any election where more people voted than they had registered voters, we wouldn't hear the end of it... there would be calls for a Senate investigation... do you not recall the outcry over the Diebold voting machines after Bush narrowly won in Ohio?
Do you have proof identification is a wide problem?

Like I said... when you have more people voting than there are registered voters... there's your sign!
That's not proof. Republicans are the only ones even talking about this. Certainly not independent exerts.

And so lets follow your BRILLIANT theory--------------> since African Americans are the only ones talking about their snub at the Oscars, what they think has no merit too!

(everyone get ready to copy and paste this lefties response, because no matter what he says, it is going to be a GOP talking point, lol)
Starting about midway through Bush's second term, the liberal left fanatics who took over the Democrat party and kicked moderates like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman

Okay, guy, but your side has kicked out Arlen Specter, Dick Lugar, Colin Powell, and your trying to kick out John McCain because they aren't right wing fanatics.

Lieberman got kicked out for a reason. He forgot he was the Senator from Connecticut and started thinking he was the Senator from Israel.

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