Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Oh because it's never caught huh? Then how could you possibly know it' runs rampant?

Because we can't even get legislation passed to require basic photo IDs at the polls! What the fuck is wrong with that? You need a photo ID to buy liquor and cigarettes but NOT to vote? Meanwhile, we have voting precincts in America, in the last election, reporting more votes than registered voters in the precinct! And you don't think there is any fraud happening?
But as it turns out, the critics WERE righr. Reagan was crazy, unstable and gave us voodoo economics that totally messed up the country. It's amazing that the USA actually survived that lunatic in Office.

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Good luck selling that one to the blue collar Democrats who gave him a landslide twice. And guess what! same thing is becoming a decent probability of happening this time. You don't actually think that Trump's support is coming only from the GOP do you?

Here, lets do an experiment, all of us, and we will have a better idea what is going on! In the states Trump wins that are GOP only, lets see what his margin of victory is.

Then in the states that have open primaries, lets check those, and see which margin is larger, especially in the early voting ones.

Why only the early voting ones? Because they are a better barometer of cross over vote, because the DNC has yet to pick it's candidate, and we know the DNC does NOT want Bernie so will vote Democratic till the nomination is secured.

Let us try this experiment, yes? We will see a reasonable trend of cross over vote in this manner-) May come out in your favor; who knows, but I kinda doubt it-)

Trump is t Reagan. And women, minorities gays and young people run from you guys like the plague.

Also decades of flatlined middle class wages are proof that trickle down economics is the voodoo economics daddy bush said it was.

What you say is not 100% true, but for the sake of debate this one time, we will accept it as reality.

It is not who runs from us, and goes wee-wee-wee, all the way home, but rather who does that, and stops at the polls to vote for Hillary-) Good luck with that, because ALL of us are running to the polls for sure!

This election is probably going to be 58% turnout or higher, and that bodes badly for you. You can spin it all you want, but if it is over 56.9%, you are OUT OF POWER! Why? Because the agent of change drives the increase EVERY time throughout history. (doubt me? Check it out) Hillary is the status quo.

Now you may not know this, but I an Debbie Wasserman, Shultz know this, and she is drinking a whole bunch of Pepto, and I am not! (not yet anyway) What does that tell you, lololol!

you underestimate the intensity with which the trump brigade disgusts people. the ones who will stay home are the establishment republicans who are mortified by what you hijackers have done to their party. the rest of us will go out to vote to protect what we see as priorities from the theocrats and bigots on the right. you seem to think that you don't have to offer an alternative that wouldn't make us nauseous. that's the same mistake you made in the last two presidential elections.

It is the failures of the Establishment Republicans that has lead to this populist revolt.

Indeed, the same process is leading to Sanders rise against the Establishment Hillary.

No, its the Establishment republicans intentional and systematic focus on teaching conservatives to feel rather than think, to reject evidence and go with their guts, to fear rather than understand, that has lead to this.

We're getting a heaping snoot full of *actual* republican values with Trump. As the more hate he spews, the more republicans like it. This is the true face of the party. Trump's 'sin' is in saying clearly and directly what establishment republicans merely insinuate.
Oh because it's never caught huh? Then how could you possibly know it' runs rampant?

Because we can't even get legislation passed to require basic photo IDs at the polls! What the fuck is wrong with that? You need a photo ID to buy liquor and cigarettes but NOT to vote? Meanwhile, we have voting precincts in America, in the last election, reporting more votes than registered voters in the precinct! And you don't think there is any fraud happening?

You can buy liquor and cigarettes at any store any day of the year. You can only vote at the one polling station you're registered at for the hours they are open one day every two years, signing beside your name.

With the rate of in person voter fraud being a fraction of the number of people hit by lightning.

What's next? Leash laws for unicorns?
Oh, I think once he wins the election he won't have to do that. He's only doing it now because that's the game liberals and establishment GOPers want to play with him. He's fucking good at it too... so back your ears and get ready for a fight.

Guy, the establishment GOP is acquiesing to him because they think they can control him when he gets into office.

But as I said, his shit of threatening to shoot people is going to get pretty old pretty fast.
Reagan didn't triple the debt... he requested budget cuts that he never got from a Democrat congress.
That's a lie and you have to know it! Dems had the House and the GOP had the Senate. Bob Dole, the GOP Senate Pres and O'Neill the Dem Speaker of the House made a deal on spending cuts that St Ronnie sabotaged because the cuts included his Star Wars crony donor slush fund.
But facts never stop the Right from parroting the lie you stupidly echoed!

Nope... Reagan told them beforehand that SDI was off the table when it came to budget cuts. He was not going to sign anything that cut funding for it and he didn't. As a result, he ended the Cold War and brought down the Berlin Wall.
I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!

ANd he's called Mexicans "rapists" and called for deporting American citizens of Muslim faith.

That's when he's not reposting bogus crime statistics from racist websites.

If you can't see how racist what he says sounds, I'm just not sure if you are retarded or j ust stupid.
But as I said, his shit of threatening to shoot people is going to get pretty old pretty fast.

He didn't threaten to shoot anybody... that's exactly the kind of shit that is going to win him the election IF you morons continue to hurl it at him. He will beat your brains out. What's going to get old real fast is watching him continue to pop you in the kisser and turn your petty-ass complaints into political points.... actually, it won't get old for me... I'll enjoy every glorious minute of it... it WILL get old for you because you won't understand what is happening to your dumb asses until it's way too late.
ANd he's called Mexicans "rapists" and called for deporting American citizens of Muslim faith.

AGAIN... Another example of how Trump has beat your brains out and you don't even seem to realize it.... seems that you would notice since you lack brains to begin with... you can't really afford to lose any... but you don't. The Mexican meme was what kicked off his remarkable campaign and he has moved up in the polls ever since. It didn't work, and here you are, idiotically trotting it out again... what's the matter, was the first butt-kicking not enough? No problem, he'll be glad to pop that kisser again for ya!
Well then, you're an idiot. Because, IF Hillary wins... we can expect 3 to 4 radical liberal Supreme Court justices and it's Game Over for this country. Got it? GAME OVER!

Really, what are these guys going to do, except maybe overturn some of the awful rulings like citizens united and Heller that have blocked things the voters have ASKED TO BE DONE.

If you really still want billionaires to buy our elections or crazy clowns to get machine guns, you can totally argue those points in the legislatures and the ballots.
AGAIN... Another example of how Trump has beat your brains out and you don't even seem to realize it.... seems that you would notice since you lack brains to begin with... you can't really afford to lose any... but you don't. The Mexican meme was what kicked off his remarkable campaign and he has moved up in the polls ever since. It didn't work, and here you are, idiotically trotting it out again... what's the matter, was the first butt-kicking not enough? No problem, he'll be glad to pop that kisser again for ya!

He can get away with that Racist Shit in the gop Primaries because very few not-white people vote in those. But in the General Election, where they will make up 30% of the electorate, this racist shit is not going to fly.
I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!

ANd he's called Mexicans "rapists" and called for deporting American citizens of Muslim faith.

That's when he's not reposting bogus crime statistics from racist websites.

If you can't see how racist what he says sounds, I'm just not sure if you are retarded or j ust stupid.

Exactly what does racism have in common with American law? If it is against the law, then Trump can't do it, and I for one, will not support it. If what he proposes is lawful and is in accordance with our laws, I don't care if he calls them martians. At least he will ENFORCE the law. Now if you do NOT like the law, then change it. If you can't get enough support to do so, then you are spinning and propagandizing to achieve your goals WITHOUT doing what needs to be done.
ANd he's called Mexicans "rapists" and called for deporting American citizens of Muslim faith.

AGAIN... Another example of how Trump has beat your brains out and you don't even seem to realize it.... seems that you would notice since you lack brains to begin with... you can't really afford to lose any... but you don't. The Mexican meme was what kicked off his remarkable campaign and he has moved up in the polls ever since. It didn't work, and here you are, idiotically trotting it out again... what's the matter, was the first butt-kicking not enough? No problem, he'll be glad to pop that kisser again for ya!

No, don't realize how badly Trump has already hurt himself. As the more hate Trump spews the more support he gets from conservatives. All the xenophobia, anti-Islamic, racist and misogynistic beliefs that the GOP has been trying to distance themselves for years......Trump has splattered all over the party and conservatives in general.

And conservatives are a minority in the general election. With Trump supporters being a fraction of conservatives.

You don't have the numbers you need. And Trump is actively alienating the rest of the electorate. Which you are laughably lauding as some victory.

Good luck with that.
But note that even a partisan lefty like Joe finds Trump policy on Trade attractive.

Trump might not get Joe, but he his message is attractive to working class dems.

He will get more of them than any other candidate.

Again, guy, I'm a Republican. I'm just waiting to take back the party from the REligious nuts.

I will probably draw a Republican Ballot in the Illinois Primary. I might even vote for Cruz (who I despise) if he is the only alternative to Trump.

That said, yes, the Free Trade issue is important to me. NOt important enough for me to ignore Trump Authoritarian tendencies and his racism, though.
He can get away with that Racist Shit in the gop Primaries because very few not-white people vote in those. But in the General Election, where they will make up 30% of the electorate, this racist shit is not going to fly.

We may very well get the chance to see... He is leading comfortably in the polls and it doesn't look like anyone can defeat him... so you may get your "wet dream" of a Trump candidacy.

You see, I think your numbers are all wrong. I think that you represent about 10% of the people who Trump knows he won't ever win and doesn't care. You all are very loud and vocal... you flood the blogs and forums with your rhetoric, but you don't materialize into actual votes. He is going to exploit you and turn your senseless rhetoric against you while you watch in dismay.
Exactly what does racism have in common with American law? If it is against the law, then Trump can't do it, and I for one, will not support it. If what he proposes is lawful and is in accordance with our laws, I don't care if he calls them martians. At least he will ENFORCE the law. Now if you do NOT like the law, then change it. If you can't get enough support to do so, then you are spinning and propagandizing to achieve your goals WITHOUT doing what needs to be done.

Again, I imagine my Grandparents listening to the same thing about HIlter, right before they rounded up all the Jews in town.
AGAIN... Another example of how Trump has beat your brains out and you don't even seem to realize it.... seems that you would notice since you lack brains to begin with... you can't really afford to lose any... but you don't. The Mexican meme was what kicked off his remarkable campaign and he has moved up in the polls ever since. It didn't work, and here you are, idiotically trotting it out again... what's the matter, was the first butt-kicking not enough? No problem, he'll be glad to pop that kisser again for ya!

He can get away with that Racist Shit in the gop Primaries because very few not-white people vote in those. But in the General Election, where they will make up 30% of the electorate, this racist shit is not going to fly.

Seriously Joe, you claim you have the support of everybody and their brother on these issues. Why not get your great bloc together and demand change of the law? Why go AROUND the law and create controversy, or is that how Democrats roll!
Reagan didn't triple the debt... he requested budget cuts that he never got from a Democrat congress.
That's a lie and you have to know it! Dems had the House and the GOP had the Senate. Bob Dole, the GOP Senate Pres and O'Neill the Dem Speaker of the House made a deal on spending cuts that St Ronnie sabotaged because the cuts included his Star Wars crony donor slush fund.
But facts never stop the Right from parroting the lie you stupidly echoed!

Nope... Reagan told them beforehand that SDI was off the table when it came to budget cuts. He was not going to sign anything that cut funding for it and he didn't. As a result, he ended the Cold War and brought down the Berlin Wall.
More pure bullshit!
And the wall came down under Bush I thanks to Perestroika, not St Ronnie.

Rosy Scenarios and Red Realities: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and the Deficit
Reagan continued to rail against deficits while doing everything he could to protect his tax and defense programs that were their primary cause. In 1985 he adroitly outmaneuvered GOP Senate leader Bob Dole’s efforts to cut a deficit-reduction deal with House Democratic Speaker Tip O’Neill that included tax increases and defense cuts in return for entitlement economies.

Reconcilable Differences? "d0e4234"
Dole accused Reagan of "surrendering to the deficit." "If the President can't support us, he ought to keep his mouth shut,"
Oh, I think once he wins the election he won't have to do that. He's only doing it now because that's the game liberals and establishment GOPers want to play with him. He's fucking good at it too... so back your ears and get ready for a fight.

Guy, the establishment GOP is acquiesing to him because they think they can control him when he gets into office.

But as I said, his shit of threatening to shoot people is going to get pretty old pretty fast.
Trump most likely wanted to use the old adage, "I could fuck a goat on Fifth Avenue and they'd still love me." However, we can't say that on tv. So he substituted something else. I think everyone knows what he meant.

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