Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

...Stop pretending repubs care...
Oh, there's no getting around the idea that Pubs are cold, heartless, uncaring types.

Then again, so are the Dems; it's just that they talk a better Populist game along the way; being every bit as full of shit as their counterparts.

That's why we are seeing a Populist Rebellion this year on BOTH sides of the aisle.

People are tired of the Ruling Party Elites on both Left AND Right.

Whether that trend continues all the way to Election Day is anybody's guess...

However, the unfolding of such a Rebellion against Party Elites looks like great fun and is probably a VERY healthy thing for The People.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

Perfect. No Democrat has a problem with this being 2008 all over again in the general election.

Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

Perfect. No Democrat has a problem with this being 2008 all over again in the general election.

Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

Perfect. No Democrat has a problem with this being 2008 all over again in the general election.

Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
from a guy with 2600 thanks,,,,,hard to believe jon
Assuming debt is always bad.

Debt is always bad.

Lucky for you that you pay cash for your vehicles and cash for your home.

As a matter of fact, I do pay cash for my cars and my home is paid for. I did not say that credit is bad thing. Debt is bad. Accumulating debt is bad. When you are spending more than you're taking in, it's bad. If you are taking in more than you spend, debt is being reduced and that is good. Trying to spin debt into a good thing is stupid and moronic.

So it's stupid to mortgage a home. Hey, people, this fuck thinks most of you are idiots.

I didn't say that. Stop twisting my comments into lies that I never said. You see, THIS kind of shit is gonna stop. You're not going to bully and intimidate this way anymore. I said that DEBT is a bad thing. If you have a home mortgage and you don't pay it but instead, take out additional mortgages and refinance, that's a bad thing. That's increasing your debt. Paying your mortgage is a good thing, it reduces your debt. Sorry you can't grasp that concept but there is really no reason to LIE and try to manipulate my words into something I didn't say and I will not tolerate that.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]

Perfect. No Democrat has a problem with this being 2008 all over again in the general election.

Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
from a guy with 2600 thanks,,,,,hard to believe jon


good morning eds
Perfect. No Democrat has a problem with this being 2008 all over again in the general election.

Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
from a guy with 2600 thanks,,,,,hard to believe jon


good morning eds
good day jon been up 5 hours already ...Just thinking I was wasting my time in that other place lol
hope you're not snowed in I'm in Fla ...just made it out of NY in time
Stop pretending repubs care about the debt and deficit when they insist on ridiculous tax cuts like Bush's. His cuts have greatly contributed to our debt but good luck getting repubs to admit that.

Well the Bush tax cuts weren't as effective as Reagan's because Bush was stupid and Reagan was smart. Reagan broadened the tax base and reduced top marginal rates to generate more revenue. Bush cut taxes across the board and decreased the base which essentially cancelled out the revenue benefits. Bush was also what he called a "compassionate conservative" which means he was a big spender on social entitlements. You'd think liberals would have loved him for that but they hated him. He increased entitlement spending and government programs more than the previous two democrat presidents combined.
Assuming debt is always bad.

Debt is always bad.

Lucky for you that you pay cash for your vehicles and cash for your home.

As a matter of fact, I do pay cash for my cars and my home is paid for. I did not say that credit is bad thing. Debt is bad. Accumulating debt is bad. When you are spending more than you're taking in, it's bad. If you are taking in more than you spend, debt is being reduced and that is good. Trying to spin debt into a good thing is stupid and moronic.

So it's stupid to mortgage a home. Hey, people, this fuck thinks most of you are idiots.

I didn't say that. Stop twisting my comments into lies that I never said. You see, THIS kind of shit is gonna stop. You're not going to bully and intimidate this way anymore. I said that DEBT is a bad thing. If you have a home mortgage and you don't pay it but instead, take out additional mortgages and refinance, that's a bad thing. That's increasing your debt. Paying your mortgage is a good thing, it reduces your debt. Sorry you can't grasp that concept but there is really no reason to LIE and try to manipulate my words into something I didn't say and I will not tolerate that.

Boss, they have to spin and deflect, or what else do they have? FEW people will pick them that actually work, if we stay on message!
Stop pretending repubs care about the debt and deficit when they insist on ridiculous tax cuts like Bush's. His cuts have greatly contributed to our debt but good luck getting repubs to admit that.

Well the Bush tax cuts weren't as effective as Reagan's because Bush was stupid and Reagan was smart. Reagan broadened the tax base and reduced top marginal rates to generate more revenue. Bush cut taxes across the board and decreased the base which essentially cancelled out the revenue benefits. Bush was also what he called a "compassionate conservative" which means he was a big spender on social entitlements. You'd think liberals would have loved him for that but they hated him. He increased entitlement spending and government programs more than the previous two democrat presidents combined.
bush doubled our debt ,,,reagan tripled it
Voter ID fraud is statistically rare.

LOL... Because it's not ever caught!

Why don't they want to do anything about our crumbling infrastructure

We don't have a fucking crumbing infrastructure! Besides, that is NOT what the Federal government is supposed to be there for! Your roads, bridges, fire department and police are state and local issues best dealt with at the state and local level. If you have a bad bridge, go to your city councilman or county commissioner and demand they fix them! The Federal government is not there to wipe your fucking ass and we've got to stop this insanity of thinking they are! You morons think Federal government is Sugar Daddy with an unlimited credit card and can just dole out free money for whatever.... that's bankrupting our country and it has to end.
Forget 2008, Trump getting beaten by Hillary will rival Goldwater's defeat.
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
from a guy with 2600 thanks,,,,,hard to believe jon


good morning eds
good day jon been up 5 hours already ...Just thinking I was wasting my time in that other place lol
hope you're not snowed in I'm in Fla ...just made it out of NY in time

good to hear

hope your enjoying Florida

currently we are not snowed it but that can change

Stop pretending repubs care about the debt and deficit when they insist on ridiculous tax cuts like Bush's. His cuts have greatly contributed to our debt but good luck getting repubs to admit that.

Well the Bush tax cuts weren't as effective as Reagan's because Bush was stupid and Reagan was smart. Reagan broadened the tax base and reduced top marginal rates to generate more revenue. Bush cut taxes across the board and decreased the base which essentially cancelled out the revenue benefits. Bush was also what he called a "compassionate conservative" which means he was a big spender on social entitlements. You'd think liberals would have loved him for that but they hated him. He increased entitlement spending and government programs more than the previous two democrat presidents combined.
bush doubled our debt ,,,reagan tripled it

No... Reagan didn't triple the debt... he requested budget cuts that he never got from a Democrat congress. He lobbied for the Line Item Veto so that he could trim the pork from the bills he wanted to sign... never got that. He lobbied for a Balanced Budget Amendment... never got it.
Stop pretending repubs care about the debt and deficit when they insist on ridiculous tax cuts like Bush's. His cuts have greatly contributed to our debt but good luck getting repubs to admit that.

Well the Bush tax cuts weren't as effective as Reagan's because Bush was stupid and Reagan was smart. Reagan broadened the tax base and reduced top marginal rates to generate more revenue. Bush cut taxes across the board and decreased the base which essentially cancelled out the revenue benefits. Bush was also what he called a "compassionate conservative" which means he was a big spender on social entitlements. You'd think liberals would have loved him for that but they hated him. He increased entitlement spending and government programs more than the previous two democrat presidents combined.

Sometimes Boss, that teaches us all of the idiocy of the left and right posters. Conservatives and the Left should call Bush the start of the lefts policies. Instead, the left bashes him, and the right defends him.

That is like you and I claiming that Kennedy's cut in tax was bad, or that Clinton's expanding economy was awful............along with Bill bringing the deficit down to next to nothing; no matter who/whom actually fostered it!

It takes out the believe ability factor when people do that, so I refuse! It is what it is, and people willing to do what is best for the country is NOT what party, but rather their accomplishments. It is also why we had Reagan Democrats! So we can tell, not all of them are dumb as a box of rocks.
Voter ID fraud is statistically rare.

LOL... Because it's not ever caught!

Why don't they want to do anything about our crumbling infrastructure

We don't have a fucking crumbing infrastructure! Besides, that is NOT what the Federal government is supposed to be there for! Your roads, bridges, fire department and police are state and local issues best dealt with at the state and local level. If you have a bad bridge, go to your city councilman or county commissioner and demand they fix them! The Federal government is not there to wipe your fucking ass and we've got to stop this insanity of thinking they are! You morons think Federal government is Sugar Daddy with an unlimited credit card and can just dole out free money for whatever.... that's bankrupting our country and it has to end.
no infrastructure problems boss?
American Infrastructure Report Card | Society of Civil Engineers
palin support brings dividends now ,,,but will fall on it's face if trump is the final candidate


probably not
from a guy with 2600 thanks,,,,,hard to believe jon


good morning eds
good day jon been up 5 hours already ...Just thinking I was wasting my time in that other place lol
hope you're not snowed in I'm in Fla ...just made it out of NY in time

good to hear

hope your enjoying Florida

currently we are not snowed it but that can change

already asked bass and ro to visit
Voter ID fraud is statistically rare.

LOL... Because it's not ever caught!

Why don't they want to do anything about our crumbling infrastructure

We don't have a fucking crumbing infrastructure! Besides, that is NOT what the Federal government is supposed to be there for! Your roads, bridges, fire department and police are state and local issues best dealt with at the state and local level. If you have a bad bridge, go to your city councilman or county commissioner and demand they fix them! The Federal government is not there to wipe your fucking ass and we've got to stop this insanity of thinking they are! You morons think Federal government is Sugar Daddy with an unlimited credit card and can just dole out free money for whatever.... that's bankrupting our country and it has to end.
Oh because it's never caught huh? Then how could you possibly know it' runs rampant? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

Um our infrastructure is shit. It is one of the worst systems in the developed world. These are facts. You ignore the problem simply because republicans do. If you want I can give you plenty of sources to prove it.
Sometimes Boss, that teaches us all of the idiocy of the left and right posters. Conservatives and the Left should call Bush the start of the lefts policies. Instead, the left bashes him, and the right defends him.

That is like you and I claiming that Kennedy's cut in tax was bad, or that Clinton's expanding economy was awful............along with Bill bringing the deficit down to next to nothing; no matter who/whom actually fostered it!

It takes out the believe ability factor when people do that, so I refuse! It is what it is, and people willing to do what is best for the country is NOT what party, but rather their accomplishments. It is also why we had Reagan Democrats! So we can tell, not all of them are dumb as a box of rocks.

Starting about midway through Bush's second term, the liberal left fanatics who took over the Democrat party and kicked moderates like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman out, began this Saul Alinsky mission of denigrating and attacking non-stop... all things right. It effectively worked on Bush because he didn't bother to respond to it.... just let it ride... stayed "above the fray" and let the detractors say whatever.... it resulted in his leaving office with a terrible approval rating and his predecessor was an apologetic fool who suffered from Stockholm Syndrome and should have never been nominated. They implemented the same attack plan on McCain and ruined his credibility... then the GOP ran Romney who spent the whole campaign apologizing for being wealthy and conservative.

So now we have Trump... he's not going to apologize for his success. He's masterful at dealing with personal attacks and petty criticisms and the Saul Alinsky tactics don't work on him... he turns the attacks into political fodder and scores... he has propelled himself to the lead in the primaries by popping these assholes in the kisser over and over. The jig is up... the Alinsky tactics aren't working on Trump, they are making him even more popular. The Democrats have a real problem on their hands here and they don't even realize it... they are still chortling the same insults and ridicule and they're about to be taught a lesson by the master.
Voter ID fraud is statistically rare.

LOL... Because it's not ever caught!

Why don't they want to do anything about our crumbling infrastructure

We don't have a fucking crumbing infrastructure! Besides, that is NOT what the Federal government is supposed to be there for! Your roads, bridges, fire department and police are state and local issues best dealt with at the state and local level. If you have a bad bridge, go to your city councilman or county commissioner and demand they fix them! The Federal government is not there to wipe your fucking ass and we've got to stop this insanity of thinking they are! You morons think Federal government is Sugar Daddy with an unlimited credit card and can just dole out free money for whatever.... that's bankrupting our country and it has to end.
no infrastructure problems boss?
American Infrastructure Report Card | Society of Civil Engineers

Oh... I didn't say there weren't special interest groups out there moaning and complaining in order to get their hands on some sweet government handouts! I said it's not the FEDERAL government's responsibility to handle these problems. WE don't have an infrastructure problem! YOUR state or locality may, and that is YOUR problem, not MINE! MY tax dollars need to be used to pay for our military and essential FEDERAL government functions enumerated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution and nothing else.
Reagan didn't triple the debt... he requested budget cuts that he never got from a Democrat congress.
That's a lie and you have to know it! Dems had the House and the GOP had the Senate. Bob Dole, the GOP Senate Pres and O'Neill the Dem Speaker of the House made a deal on spending cuts that St Ronnie sabotaged because the cuts included his Star Wars crony donor slush fund.
But facts never stop the Right from parroting the lie you stupidly echoed!

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