Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out.

Mock and ridicule eh. You mean like trump does. All the time.

You do know that he is mocking and ridiculing the Republicans that support him. Right?

trump supporters are nothing more than props to the Donald.

And I have been paying attention to the Donald. I think my mocking and ridiculing will reach new heights thanks to the Donld.

Watch for it and see if I am doing better at mocking and ridiculing you. It is really kinda fun.

I am learning from one of the best mocker and ridiculer I have seen. Da tRump.

A-GAAAIN.... for the slow-witted and aloof.... This 7th-grade schoolyard name-calling rhetoric and denigration is just not going to ever work on Donald Trump. I know that you THINK it will... eventually.... some day.... sooner or later... HAS to... you're counting on it! Because you really don't have anything else.

It's like the analogy I gave earlier... Democrats are like the spoiled kid who falls to the floor and pitches a hissy fit. He kicks and screams and cries... then, the Republican "adult" eventually gives in to his demands or tries to reason with him to no avail. Trump is the "adult" who gets down in the floor and pitches the same kind of fit but does it better... mocks the kid for not being as good at pitching a convincing hissy fit.... ridicules his acting abilities... and the kid is miffed by this response. That's not what's supposed to happen!
why I will never vote for Trump any circumstance. I'll vote for Hillary - and I really don't want to - if they are the candidates.

I said many months ago that IF it came down to Bush vs Clinton, I wouldnt vote for either.

I dont like Hillary.
But I really dont trust or like trump.

I would probably vote for Clinton if my other choice was trump.
I don't think Trump is a racist but he certainly is a demagogue who is playing on tribal fears and xenophobia. His comments about Mexicans and Muslims are appalling, even if you agree that illegal immigration and radical Islam are problems. JoeB's Nazi Germany analogy is over the top - that's not going to happen here - but he's not entirely inaccurate either. Playing to people's fears about outsiders is bad. It leads down a very dark road. That's why I will never vote for Trump any circumstance. I'll vote for Hillary - and I really don't want to - if they are the candidates.

Well then, you're an idiot. Because, IF Hillary wins... we can expect 3 to 4 radical liberal Supreme Court justices and it's Game Over for this country. Got it? GAME OVER!
Post the links and we'll discuss.
I the meanwhile, check out Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633...and tell me how wonderful our Representatives on the both sides of the aisle are..

the immigration bill?


It raises Business Visas to at least 160,000 times 10 professions.
That's a minimal of 1,600,000 Business Visas a year.

And how does that effect you?

Corporations off-shoring jobs so they can pay du distance wages is a far larger problem

Bringing in 160,000 Accountants and 160,000 Attorneys and 160,000 Physicians and 160,000 Mechanical Engineers and 160,000 Electrical Engineers and 160,000 x 5 other White Collar Business Visas won't have an adverse effect on our economy?
It will devastate over 1,000,000 careers a year.

I don't believe that is where our economic problems are. Our problems with jobs leaving so corporations don't have to pay properly is far more significant.

Both are problems.

But raising one and saying it is worse does not mean the other one is not a problem TOO.
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.

Got a question-----------> If 3 illegal young men from (insert any country from South America) are caught coming across the Southern border, should we arrest or detain them?

Now, what if we turn them into Iranians, what should we do then?

Anyone who thought for a second.......even a slim second maybe we ought to detain or arrest them, therefore must be xenophobic right, lol!

I mean, we all know they are just coming here because they love the country, and even for a second thinking about it in the world according to the left, must be racist.
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.

Trump's policies are going to appeal to a lot of independent and democratic voters.
*spits my tea out of my nostrils*


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A T-Rump supporter celebrates Palin's endorsement...

Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.
Lol it being on a policy basis is exactly why he will be destroyed. You can hate Bernie and Hillary's policies all you want, but those policies are what they are running on. We barely know what Trump is running on. He rarely even talks about his policy ideas.
Making america great again, after Obama destroyed it.
This 7th-grade schoolyard name-calling rhetoric and denigration is just not going to ever work on Donald Trump.

I didnt say it would work ON Donald. But it does work FOR da Donald.

And that is what the white Republicans supporting trump are acting like; spoiled 6th graders been treated mean by all those other people and they want Daddy trump to fix it for em.

If it wast so pitiful it would be laughable.
Either way it is dangerous.

I mean think of it. Some Americans are supporting a Presidential candidate that our biggest ally (GB) had a vote to keep trump out of their country. Unfucking believable,
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.

Got a question-----------> If 3 illegal young men from (insert any country from South America) are caught coming across the Southern border, should we arrest or detain them?

Now, what if we turn them into Iranians, what should we do then?

Anyone who thought for a second.......even a slim second maybe we ought to detain or arrest them, therefore must be xenophobic right, lol!

I mean, we all know they are just coming here because they love the country, and even for a second thinking about it in the world according to the left, must be racist.
Surely they can be no worse than the European scum that came to this country to kill and take land from those that were already here....
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.

Wait Boss, how about this one------> You are walking down the streets of New York and must choose one side of the street to walk on. On one side, you have 3 men in in traditional arab garb, each carrying a pool cue satchel, and a briefcase. On the other side of the street, you have 3 elderly women, 1 black, one white, and one Hispanic carrying grocery bags.

Which side of the street the lefties gonna choose? OMG, they just profiled them, and are xenophobic, lol!
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.

Wait Boss, how about this one------> You are walking down the streets of New York and must choose one side of the street to walk on. On one side, you have 3 men in in traditional arab garb, each carrying a pool cue satchel, and a briefcase. On the other side of the street, you have 3 elderly women, 1 black, one white, and one Hispanic carrying grocery bags.

Which side of the street the lefties gonna choose? OMG, they just profiled them, and are xenophobic, lol!
Is that what your Muslim gay lover said about you also?
But then you have to listen to him and his open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism the GOP normally engages in), his xenophobia, his fear-mongering, and frankly, I feel like my Grandparents must have felt when that Hitler guy was coming to power in the Old Country. You know he's a dangerous clown, but he's appealing to a mass anger.

I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!

But note that even a partisan lefty like Joe finds Trump policy on Trade attractive.

Trump might not get Joe, but he his message is attractive to working class dems.

He will get more of them than any other candidate.
He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

He needs those women voters.

But Trump’s current coalition in the primaries relies heavily on male voters — especially less-educated men. The female vote is less important in Republican primaries — where, because women are more likely than men to be Democrats, they make up a minority of the electorate — and a candidate who appeals mostly to working-class males can emerge in a fractured field. Once that field is whittled to only the top candidates, however, the 40 percent to 50 percent of the GOP primary vote represented by women will become crucial.

And with women expected to comprise between 52 percent and 54 percent of the November electorate next year, Trump or any other Republican can ill afford to lose ground among female voters. (President Barack Obama won women in 2012, 55 percent to Mitt Romney’s 44 percent, according to exit polls.)

Read more:

What bullshit...I know hundreds of people in my Congregations who have Advanced Degrees and their main concern is Fair Trade.
They're being replaced by cheap Business Visas and they're voting for Trump.
I'm so sick and tired of this "less-educated" lie.
Your congregations? As requested you some kind of pastor?

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Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
Meaning 60 percent of republicans don't support him.

Republican 'new math' is as bizarre as it is ridiculous.

What's Clintons numbers? Around the same so 60% of democrats don't support her? LOL You're dismissed.....loon

Clinton's has a majority of Dem voters..

But hey! lets not engage head before saying something.
I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

There are always some radical rightwingnut women. Your personal acquaintances aren't reflective of the vast majority of us.

And let's. It forget black and Hispanic women vote too. And they aren't voting for trump
A lot of them won't vote for Hillary either. Also young women finding out about the Clinton's horrific past won't vote for her either. So keep up the good work and support Hillary.
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.

Wait Boss, how about this one------> You are walking down the streets of New York and must choose one side of the street to walk on. On one side, you have 3 men in in traditional arab garb, each carrying a pool cue satchel, and a briefcase. On the other side of the street, you have 3 elderly women, 1 black, one white, and one Hispanic carrying grocery bags.

Which side of the street the lefties gonna choose? OMG, they just profiled them, and are xenophobic, lol!
Is that what your Muslim gay lover said about you also?

See, real life examples show how phony your lefty position is. Everybody knows it, and when someone puts themselves in that situation, they to come to understand that all your bluster is propaganda!!
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.

Trump's policies are going to appeal to a lot of independent and democratic voters.
*spits my tea out of my nostrils*


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Joe here is one of the worst partisan lefty hacks. And he finds Trumps trade position attractive.

Trump probably won't get Joe's vote of course, but there are plenty of less partisan democrats out there who will find Trump's trade position attractive and some of them will vote for Trump.
This 7th-grade schoolyard name-calling rhetoric and denigration is just not going to ever work on Donald Trump.

I didnt say it would work ON Donald. But it does work FOR da Donald.

And that is what the white Republicans supporting trump are acting like; spoiled 6th graders been treated mean by all those other people and they want Daddy trump to fix it for em.

If it wast so pitiful it would be laughable.
Either way it is dangerous.

I mean think of it. Some Americans are supporting a Presidential candidate that our biggest ally (GB) had a vote to keep trump out of their country. Unfucking believable,

I don't really give a shit... US Presidents don't generally need to get in or out of the UK.

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