Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

I don't think Trumps schtick is still going to be entertaining to anyone is six months. But by then it's probably going to be too late for you guys to stop him.
Thanks for that.

What makes you think that Integrated Whale Media Investments are liberals? Did their editorial content change?

I work in the investment business with private investors like that, and we have never, ever had any discussions regarding ideology. The only thing we care about is making money. If anyone with whom we invested were wasting our money on driving an ideology, we'd fire them in a heartbeat. So I'm not sure why anyone would think that these investors would change the content of a magazine that has been so successful for so long.

I am just responding to the comment that Steve Forbes = Forbes Magazine. That's simply not true. He is the editor-in-chief and I'm sure he remains an influence but the team of writers and editorial contributors are the typical media liberals who permeate ALL national media these days.... you can't escape them. And they are pumping out this Socialist claptrap from every resource they can infiltrate.
Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

I don't think Trumps schtick is still going to be entertaining to anyone is six months. But by then it's probably going to be too late for you guys to stop him.

Oh, I think once he wins the election he won't have to do that. He's only doing it now because that's the game liberals and establishment GOPers want to play with him. He's fucking good at it too... so back your ears and get ready for a fight.
If Trump gets the nomination, wouldn't that mean we'd see a lot more of Palin?

And do conservatives here think that would be a good thing?

I think he's going to make Palin his Secretary of Energy. I think that would be a brilliant pick.
I have mixed feelings on Trump.

On one hand, I truly like the fact that someone has finally gotten out there and called bullshit on Free Trade, the biggest disaster inflicted on American Working Folks. If that were the only issue in this election, I'd vote for Trump in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, it isn't.

I know it's a bias. I've spent the last 7 years of my life working for a company where they couldnt' destroy American jobs fast enough and move them to China, and then wondered why they lost market share between delays at the docks and shitty quality. So what Trump says about Free Trade really does appeal to me.

But then you have to listen to him and his open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism the GOP normally engages in), his xenophobia, his fear-mongering, and frankly, I feel like my Grandparents must have felt when that Hitler guy was coming to power in the Old Country. You know he's a dangerous clown, but he's appealing to a mass anger.

For Republicans, I would say, "Think about what you are doing. Are you so eager to win that you are willing to put a guy so erratic in power? The German military and industrialists thought Hitler could be controlled if they made him Chancellor. Most of them didn't live to realize their folly.

For Democrats, I would say, Don't be too keen on running against Trump. He's a master at using media to his advantage, and what he says appeals to the vast majority of Americans who can't name their Senator but can tell you who is on the Bachelor this season.
If Trump gets the nomination, wouldn't that mean we'd see a lot more of Palin? nd do conservatives here think that would be a good thing?.
I think he's going to make Palin his Secretary of Energy. I think that would be a brilliant pick.
So would you say the more Palin on the campaign trail, the better?

Doesn't bother me... seems to really agitate the liberals but Trump isn't having any trouble doing that by himself. She is very popular in spite of all the flack she catches.

Again... I have to keep saying this... I am not a Trump supporter. I am voting for Ted Cruz. If Trump ends up winning the nomination, I will support him over Hillary or Bernie.

I am a little surprised that Palin endorsed Trump. I was expecting her to stay out of it and not back anyone until after the convention. But... It is what it is... I think it helps Trump and hurts Cruz... not by a lot but some. Right or wrong, I think she does have some influence on people.
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

But then you have to listen to him and his open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism the GOP normally engages in), his xenophobia, his fear-mongering, and frankly, I feel like my Grandparents must have felt when that Hitler guy was coming to power in the Old Country. You know he's a dangerous clown, but he's appealing to a mass anger.

I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!
Mitt Romney was too nice. The left wing trashed him with impunity every single day... on and on. It payed off. Same thing happened to McCain... too nice... didn't want to go negative... got schlonged! Same thing happened to G.W. Bush the last couple years of his presidency... didn't want to respond to the attacks... it was "beneath him" to do so,,, the left hammered and hammered until they destroyed him.

Repubs wear the mantle of victim hood so well.
Poor things. Between being scared to death and constantly picked on, how DO they get out of bed?

And this is typical of how liberals play.... You act like there has been no unwarranted attacks on the right... it's pointed out to you... THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out. This is a bullying tactic and Trump knows how to deal with you.
Yeah, because trump is definitely going to get the vote of educated whites and a majority of minorities..

Again... IF the Democrats continue to run on vitriolic hate-filled rants and blame Bush for all things wrong in the world.... Trump is going to clean your clocks. Trump is a very smart man with some very good ideas. But his ace in the hole is being able to effectively deal with loud mouth morons. You have NO chance of beating him in a schoolyard game of insults and denigration. He's going to get votes from people you didn't even know existed.
What a silly rant. What "hate filled rants" are coming from the dems? (People on this forum don't count.. and no one is "blaming" bush, you can't just ignore the fact that obama took over during a horrible recession, along with pathetic job growth during the bush years, etc, etc..)

Obama was elected because he claimed he could fix those things and he's made them worse. He's had 8 years, part of that with majorities in both houses of Congress. All he has to show for it is a fraudulent health care program he rammed down our throats which makes the insurance companies richer and raises everyone's health care premiums.

He has done nothing to help private enterprise grow, the jobs he claims he has created are temp jobs, part time jobs and shit jobs that no one wants. Our foreign policy is a disaster. You can fluff him all you want, his record will speak for itself. But this election isn't about Obama's record.
Worse according to who? You?
He has done nothing to help private enterprise grow
You're a partisan hack.
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing
This is from forbes.
U.S. added 292,000 jobs in December; unemployment rate steady at 5 percent
The U.S. economy finished the year with a red-hot hiring spree, adding 292,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate held steady at 5 percent, according to new government data released Friday morning.
The latest jobs report exceeded the expectations of economists and investors and provided a reassuring note about the resiliency of the labor market, even amid volatile oil prices, a major slowdown in China and modest overall growth at home.
In all, the nation added 2.65 million jobs in 2015, the second-best year for hiring since 1999 and one that improved markedly in the last quarter. The economy added an average of 284,000 new monthly positions between October and December; in the first three-quarters of the year, the monthly pace was 200,000. Wage growth remains tepid, but the unemployment rate stands at its lowest point in more than seven years.

Forbes is owned by billionaire liberals. All they do is pump out liberal propaganda. A sustained 5% unemployment rate is NOT GOOD. I'm sorry... it doesn't count the millions of people who are no longer eligible for benefits because their benefits ran out.

Let us forget the other Republican candidates for the sake of this discussion, and just look at Trump.

The vitriol over Trump is for obvious reasons from the left, he is the GOPs Barack Obama with business acumen! He has very little political experience=Obama, he is virtually a clean slate that can be spun into almost anything=Obama, he has people wanting to come to his rallies en mass=Obama, he has voters re-registering to vote=Obama getting the youth vote. Also, he is defeating the establishment=Obama. His supporters are so pissed with status quo, they will virtually walk on glass to get to the polls=Obama, if he stays this popular he will likely hold all 3 branches of government with his coat tails= Obama ushering in a democratic 3 branches of government.

So how good does Trump need be? I dunno, how good was Obama? And; how good does does Trump have to be against his general election rival? I dunno, Obama ran against captured war prisoner, and Trump is running against the perceived slime(crime) family of the DNC!

Polls this far out on the general mean absolutely nothing. Hell, six weeks out from election day, Reagan was down an average of 8 points across the polls consistently, and at that time if I remember correctly, had NEVER been in front of Carter. Look what happened!

And in the primaries, OMG.....the establishment was ALL against Reagan. They wanted Bush senior as their nominee. Are we old enough to remember the phrase, "voodoo economics?" Every establishment rino had all bad to say about Reagan during the primaries, and when he got the nomination, the left tried its usual tactics to make people believe that Reagan was crazy, unstable, and should never have the codes to our missiles.

Point is, this is just history repeating itself as it often does. Neither establishment wanted Reagan; in this instance, neither establishment wants Trump or Cruz. Nothing new here! Reagan was not as crass as Trump, but he stood up to both the rinos, and the Democrats. Do we see some correlation here?!

The driving forces in Reagan's election was the Iran hostage crisis, and the economy. And again, history repeats itself virtually-------> The Iran nuclear deal, and the economy.....with a whole bunch of illegal aliens mixed in.

The left will smugly sit here and tell you that a repeat is not possible because of the demographic change in the country. I am not going to sit here and insult anyone's intelligence and proclaim it has not. Instead, I will remind you of a troubling number that is a dirty little secret to both establishment party's. You want change? You need a 57% turnout to come close to cementing it at the polls of ALL registered voters. Unless of course the opposition is weak, but change usually occurs at over 57% when it is a hard fought battle. Look back in history! One of the discrepancies was 80 and 84, because Carter had totally lost the confidence of his constituency, so they stayed home in disgust, and a landslide happened-) But I digress.

Who/whom is getting people to re-register? Who/whom is the agent of change this time, in support of virtually ALL of the things MOST important (by polls) to Americans? Who/whom has the PERCEIVED ability to fix the economy because it is his forte?

Now you know why the anger vote, fear, is sooo important, and yes, it is probably the MOST important emotions in this race! Doubt me? CONSIDER----------> You are in a 10 foot square cage which is slightly electrified at the top with barbed wire going 1/2 way up. 20ft outside stands your daughter or grand daughter, and someone comes up and proclaims....... if you can escape that containment in 1 hr, I will hand her 100,000 dollars! Hmmmmmmmm!

Now consider the same scenario, but the person proclaims.............if you DON'T escape that containment in 1hr, I am going to rape her in front of your face.

What do you think folks? Fear and anger certainly will do it, and that is why the left fears Trump and Cruz! They are the vehicles of change that can help you stop them; or are seen as the vehicles, and you will show at the polls to stick it in those peoples eyes! Romney wasn't, Mcain certainly wasn't. Nice people for sure, but not the battlers to get you there in the voting booth, no matter what. And Hilly? Hilly! Who/whom believes anything other than; "she is the agent of status quo!"
THEN you proceed to mock and ridicule "whining" of those who pointed it out.

Mock and ridicule eh. You mean like trump does. All the time.

You do know that he is mocking and ridiculing the Republicans that support him. Right?

trump supporters are nothing more than props to the Donald.

And I have been paying attention to the Donald. I think my mocking and ridiculing will reach new heights thanks to the Donld.

Watch for it and see if I am doing better at mocking and ridiculing you. It is really kinda fun.

I am learning from one of the best mocker and ridiculer I have seen. Da tRump.
tRump appeals to those who want an authoritarian to run their lives for them.

tRump is the Daddy figure all these nit wit, middle age white men and women long for.

tRump will make all the boo boos go away. Make it all better for the white guys.

A certain pecentage of people are drawn to authoritarian figures. Remains to be seen if tRump has enough cross over appeal to authoritarian figures on both sides and get himself elected.

We are fucked if he does. And I dont think he will. But there are a lot of Americans with fucked up thinking right now.
But then you have to listen to him and his open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism the GOP normally engages in), his xenophobia, his fear-mongering, and frankly, I feel like my Grandparents must have felt when that Hitler guy was coming to power in the Old Country. You know he's a dangerous clown, but he's appealing to a mass anger.

I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!

I don't think Trump is a racist but he certainly is a demagogue who is playing on tribal fears and xenophobia. His comments about Mexicans and Muslims are appalling, even if you agree that illegal immigration and radical Islam are problems. JoeB's Nazi Germany analogy is over the top - that's not going to happen here - but he's not entirely inaccurate either. Playing to people's fears about outsiders is bad. It leads down a very dark road. That's why I will never vote for Trump any circumstance. I'll vote for Hillary - and I really don't want to - if they are the candidates.
Lol republicans remain focused on the issues? Like what? Cutting taxes on the top earners and corporations? We already know that doesn't do jack shit to stimulate the economy at large. Supply side economics is a lie. Anything else republicans run on is saying "no."

Well, this is just not true. We try to talk about our massive debt and deficit and you slam us with insinuations that we want to starve school kids and push old people off a cliff. We try to talk reasonable about the cost of health care and you claim we want poor people to get sick and die. We try to discuss the situation with radical Islam and you accuse us of hating brown people and tear into a rant about Bush. We talk about ensuring fair elections with voter ID and we're racists who want to put blacks back in chains.... Here in your own post, you go off on a rant about supply side economics which DID work for 30-something years. You don't even attempt to reasonably discuss anything... this thread is living proof. It is chock-full of hate and vitriol for the right. Just unreasonable, unhinged, denigration and shooting off of the mouth. And you've been doing it for so long you don't even realize you're doing it anymore.

Now, I can't do anything about Trump winning the GOP nomination. He's not who I am voting for in the primaries. I am supporting Ted Cruz, but you don't like Ted either. And I think you'll do the same thing with Cruz as you've done with every other Republican to run... denigrate and trash until you destroy their credibility. I don't think he knows how to deal with you, I don't think Carson knew and I don't think any of the others do... But Trump does. He's been dealing with your type for years and rather successfully.

You may not have noticed this but every time you've gone after Trump with your hyped-up rhetorical attacks, it has resulted in better poll numbers for him. He is like some kind of modern day political Svengali. Or like some nightmarish super-villain who just gets stronger the more you attack him. In any event, the only way I see you beating Trump is on a substantive debate of the issues... which I don't think any of you are capable of.

Very Well said.
But then you have to listen to him and his open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism the GOP normally engages in), his xenophobia, his fear-mongering, and frankly, I feel like my Grandparents must have felt when that Hitler guy was coming to power in the Old Country. You know he's a dangerous clown, but he's appealing to a mass anger.

I don't hear anything racist from him, and I listen really hard to hear that. I see the liberal left and establishment GOPers saying it... I just don't hear Trump saying it. It's not racist to say you want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country or deport illegal aliens from the country... I'm sorry if you think that's being a racist, it's just not. It's not racist to say you want to restrict Muslims from coming into the country at a time of war with radical Islam. All of this shit is being ginned into "racism" by his detractors. He is married to a foreigner! His previous wife was a foreigner as well! He was born and raised in probably the most multi-cultural state and city in the US. Xenophobe? He OWNED the Miss Universe pageant!

I don't think Trump is a racist but he certainly is a demagogue who is playing on tribal fears and xenophobia. His comments about Mexicans and Muslims are appalling, even if you agree that illegal immigration and radical Islam are problems. JoeB's Nazi Germany analogy is over the top - that's not going to happen here - but he's not entirely inaccurate either. Playing to people's fears about outsiders is bad. It leads down a very dark road. That's why I will never vote for Trump any circumstance. I'll vote for Hillary - and I really don't want to - if they are the candidates.

So, enforcing American laws is now xenophobic? Who would have ever thought that!

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