Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

I'd like to hear about these policies for which the Donald plans to help the economy. He thought our GPD was below zero, remember? He also claimed that China is taking advantage of American through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however China isn't even a part of that. The man is a moron, and anyone who plans to vote for him is a moron.

Trump says China gets an advantage from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
If you think Totalitarian China can't undercut everyone of these nations, I'd like to know what you're smoking.

LOL, you gave me a link that scores him with a Pants on Fire.

I know, but that's not what matters to me.
As soon as any nation gets a bid from China, the others nations aren't getting the jobs.
It really is THAT simple.

A smiley icon does not sweep away the FACT that China undercuts everyone.
I deal with FACTS, not Ideology.
Trump is 100% correct.

If you dealt with facts, you wouldn't be supporting The Donald.

So which of the candidates is discussing, or even CONCERNED, with this issue?
That's because the only people who loath Sarah Palin with a passion is the left. She won't be the bane to Trump's campaign that Democrats wish she would be.
Trump says China gets an advantage from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
If you think Totalitarian China can't undercut everyone of these nations, I'd like to know what you're smoking.

LOL, you gave me a link that scores him with a Pants on Fire.

I know, but that's not what matters to me.
As soon as any nation gets a bid from China, the others nations aren't getting the jobs.
It really is THAT simple.

A smiley icon does not sweep away the FACT that China undercuts everyone.
I deal with FACTS, not Ideology.
Trump is 100% correct.

If you dealt with facts, you wouldn't be supporting The Donald.

So which of the candidates is discussing, or even CONCERNED, with this issue?

It's certainly not The Donald, however, he does know how to play his base like a fiddle.
LOL, you gave me a link that scores him with a Pants on Fire.

I know, but that's not what matters to me.
As soon as any nation gets a bid from China, the others nations aren't getting the jobs.
It really is THAT simple.

A smiley icon does not sweep away the FACT that China undercuts everyone.
I deal with FACTS, not Ideology.
Trump is 100% correct.

If you dealt with facts, you wouldn't be supporting The Donald.

So which of the candidates is discussing, or even CONCERNED, with this issue?

It's certainly not The Donald, however, he does know how to play his base like a fiddle.

Just as the others do.
What you have just admitted, though, is that NONE of the others care if Americans have jobs or careers.
I know, but that's not what matters to me.
As soon as any nation gets a bid from China, the others nations aren't getting the jobs.
It really is THAT simple.

A smiley icon does not sweep away the FACT that China undercuts everyone.
I deal with FACTS, not Ideology.
Trump is 100% correct.

If you dealt with facts, you wouldn't be supporting The Donald.

So which of the candidates is discussing, or even CONCERNED, with this issue?

It's certainly not The Donald, however, he does know how to play his base like a fiddle.

Just as the others do.
What you have just admitted, though, is that NONE of the others care if Americans have jobs or careers.

I never admitted any such thing. This thread is about The Donald and The Dingbat.
He needs those women voters.

But Trump’s current coalition in the primaries relies heavily on male voters — especially less-educated men. The female vote is less important in Republican primaries — where, because women are more likely than men to be Democrats, they make up a minority of the electorate — and a candidate who appeals mostly to working-class males can emerge in a fractured field. Once that field is whittled to only the top candidates, however, the 40 percent to 50 percent of the GOP primary vote represented by women will become crucial.

And with women expected to comprise between 52 percent and 54 percent of the November electorate next year, Trump or any other Republican can ill afford to lose ground among female voters. (President Barack Obama won women in 2012, 55 percent to Mitt Romney’s 44 percent, according to exit polls.)

Read more:

What bullshit...I know hundreds of people in my Congregations who have Advanced Degrees and their main concern is Fair Trade.
They're being replaced by cheap Business Visas and they're voting for Trump.
I'm so sick and tired of this "less-educated" lie.


Do you know ANYTHING about Ricardian Free Trade?
Look it up; it's be good for your brain.

I'd like to hear about these policies for which the Donald plans to help the economy. He thought our GPD was below zero, remember? He also claimed that China is taking advantage of American through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however China isn't even a part of that. The man is a moron, and anyone who plans to vote for him is a moron.

Post the links and we'll discuss.
I the meanwhile, check out Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633...and tell me how wonderful our Representatives on the both sides of the aisle are..

the immigration bill?

What bullshit...I know hundreds of people in my Congregations who have Advanced Degrees and their main concern is Fair Trade.
They're being replaced by cheap Business Visas and they're voting for Trump.
I'm so sick and tired of this "less-educated" lie.


Do you know ANYTHING about Ricardian Free Trade?
Look it up; it's be good for your brain.

I'd like to hear about these policies for which the Donald plans to help the economy. He thought our GPD was below zero, remember? He also claimed that China is taking advantage of American through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however China isn't even a part of that. The man is a moron, and anyone who plans to vote for him is a moron.

Post the links and we'll discuss.
I the meanwhile, check out Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633...and tell me how wonderful our Representatives on the both sides of the aisle are..

the immigration bill?


It raises Business Visas to at least 160,000 times 10 professions.
That's a minimal of 1,600,000 Business Visas a year.

Do you know ANYTHING about Ricardian Free Trade?
Look it up; it's be good for your brain.

I'd like to hear about these policies for which the Donald plans to help the economy. He thought our GPD was below zero, remember? He also claimed that China is taking advantage of American through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however China isn't even a part of that. The man is a moron, and anyone who plans to vote for him is a moron.

Post the links and we'll discuss.
I the meanwhile, check out Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633...and tell me how wonderful our Representatives on the both sides of the aisle are..

the immigration bill?


It raises Business Visas to at least 160,000 times 10 professions.
That's a minimal of 1,600,000 Business Visas a year.

And how does that effect you?

Corporations off-shoring jobs so they can pay du distance wages is a far larger problem
Do you know ANYTHING about Ricardian Free Trade?
Look it up; it's be good for your brain.

I'd like to hear about these policies for which the Donald plans to help the economy. He thought our GPD was below zero, remember? He also claimed that China is taking advantage of American through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however China isn't even a part of that. The man is a moron, and anyone who plans to vote for him is a moron.

Post the links and we'll discuss.
I the meanwhile, check out Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633...and tell me how wonderful our Representatives on the both sides of the aisle are..

the immigration bill?


It raises Business Visas to at least 160,000 times 10 professions.
That's a minimal of 1,600,000 Business Visas a year.

And how does that effect you?

Corporations off-shoring jobs so they can pay du distance wages is a far larger problem

Bringing in 160,000 Accountants and 160,000 Attorneys and 160,000 Physicians and 160,000 Mechanical Engineers and 160,000 Electrical Engineers and 160,000 x 5 other White Collar Business Visas won't have an adverse effect on our economy?
It will devastate over 1,000,000 careers a year.
Lol republicans remain focused on the issues? Like what? Cutting taxes on the top earners and corporations? We already know that doesn't do jack shit to stimulate the economy at large. Supply side economics is a lie. Anything else republicans run on is saying "no."

Well, this is just not true. We try to talk about our massive debt and deficit and you slam us with insinuations that we want to starve school kids and push old people off a cliff. We try to talk reasonable about the cost of health care and you claim we want poor people to get sick and die. We try to discuss the situation with radical Islam and you accuse us of hating brown people and tear into a rant about Bush. We talk about ensuring fair elections with voter ID and we're racists who want to put blacks back in chains.... Here in your own post, you go off on a rant about supply side economics which DID work for 30-something years. You don't even attempt to reasonably discuss anything... this thread is living proof. It is chock-full of hate and vitriol for the right. Just unreasonable, unhinged, denigration and shooting off of the mouth. And you've been doing it for so long you don't even realize you're doing it anymore.

Now, I can't do anything about Trump winning the GOP nomination. He's not who I am voting for in the primaries. I am supporting Ted Cruz, but you don't like Ted either. And I think you'll do the same thing with Cruz as you've done with every other Republican to run... denigrate and trash until you destroy their credibility. I don't think he knows how to deal with you, I don't think Carson knew and I don't think any of the others do... But Trump does. He's been dealing with your type for years and rather successfully.

You may not have noticed this but every time you've gone after Trump with your hyped-up rhetorical attacks, it has resulted in better poll numbers for him. He is like some kind of modern day political Svengali. Or like some nightmarish super-villain who just gets stronger the more you attack him. In any event, the only way I see you beating Trump is on a substantive debate of the issues... which I don't think any of you are capable of.
Who was bragging about it?

I hope no one is bragging about it, because it makes right wingers look like the party of idiots.

Like supporting Hillary and all her baggage....or the senile old Sanders who's proposals will certainly crush this nation with debt? I'm not sold on Trump but given him or those two loons it's hard not to pay attention to him
Assuming debt is always bad.
I hope no one is bragging about it, because it makes right wingers look like the party of idiots.
My dear, it shows individuality unlike the Dems marching in lockstep with the exception of ole Bernie the communist.
Bernie sanders is far from a communist. Only a partisan hack would apply that label, just like left wing individuals who call trump a fascist.
Who was bragging about it?

I hope no one is bragging about it, because it makes right wingers look like the party of idiots.

It wouldn't matter if we nominated Stephen Hawking, you'd still think we're idiots. I don't think anyone on the right really gives two shits what you think. And I really don't think the belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating is going to win this campaign for Democrats... especially if Trump wins the nomination.
Loudmouth insulting? Err.. I haven't been on this forum long, but virtually every right wing poster I've run into is a partisan hack that spews some of the most vile garbage I've seen.
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Yeah, because trump is definitely going to get the vote of educated whites and a majority of minorities..

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