Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.


"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.
the bozos didn't learn their lessons in the past two presidential elections, now since the base has shrunk even more these fools are doubling down on crazy

McCain was no conservative.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.
they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.

You do understand that he is the front runner, right?
they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.

Don't stomp on my dreams! LOL!

GOP Strategist John Feehery: Sarah Palin's Speech "Was Like Performance Art... Crazy... Going To Be A Problem"

JOHN FEEHERY, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: The bigger prblem for Trump is of Sarah Palin "going rogue," and saying crazy things, which she did yesterday, it was like performance art.

It wasn't even really a political speech. Sarah Palin is not going to be asset for Trump, after Iowa she will be a liability...

It was, like a bunch of poetry, it was nonconnected, it didn't make sense, she's not that great of a surrogate, and I think it is going to be a problem, she dragged McCain down.

GOP Strategist John Feehery: Sarah Palin's Speech "Was Like Performance Art... Crazy... Going To Be A Problem"
Who was bragging about it?

I hope no one is bragging about it, because it makes right wingers look like the party of idiots.

It wouldn't matter if we nominated Stephen Hawking, you'd still think we're idiots. I don't think anyone on the right really gives two shits what you think. And I really don't think the belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating is going to win this campaign for Democrats... especially if Trump wins the nomination.
Stephen Hawking is certainly a trooper to go through what he has. Despite his severe disability he has still managed to make a good living off of public sympathy.

However, that does not change the fact that, unfortunately, he is a severely brain damaged idiot.
they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.
Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.

Don't stomp on my dreams! LOL!

Democrats' dream, republicans' nightmare.
they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.

So if someone spouts all of the positions of the radical right as McCain did, they still aren't conservative?
I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

There are always some radical rightwingnut women. Your personal acquaintances aren't reflective of the vast majority of us.

And let's. It forget black and Hispanic women vote too. And they aren't voting for trump
I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

There are always some radical rightwingnut women. Your personal acquaintances aren't reflective of the vast majority of us.

And let's. It forget black and Hispanic women vote too. And they aren't voting for trump

Trump is the ONLY candidate being honest about Careers & Jobs; without these issues being addressed everything falls apart.
Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.

Polls show him quite close to Hillary, with a long time to go.

AT this point in time to make such a prediction is nothing but emotional investment.

Much like your spin.
I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

He needs those women voters.

But Trump’s current coalition in the primaries relies heavily on male voters — especially less-educated men. The female vote is less important in Republican primaries — where, because women are more likely than men to be Democrats, they make up a minority of the electorate — and a candidate who appeals mostly to working-class males can emerge in a fractured field. Once that field is whittled to only the top candidates, however, the 40 percent to 50 percent of the GOP primary vote represented by women will become crucial.

And with women expected to comprise between 52 percent and 54 percent of the November electorate next year, Trump or any other Republican can ill afford to lose ground among female voters. (President Barack Obama won women in 2012, 55 percent to Mitt Romney’s 44 percent, according to exit polls.)

Read more:
Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.

Trump's policies are going to appeal to a lot of independent and democratic voters.

Then why is Trump polling the worst among republican candidates with the general electorate?

MSM smear and propaganda tactics.

So polling is smear and propoganda tactics?

Then how do you figure that Trump is leading in the GOP polls?
I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.

It is interesting that you are so invested that you cannot conceive that events might not go as you want.

It's not about being invested. He only had the support of 40% of 47% of the electorate. He alienates everyone who isn't white male. You can't win a general election without the rest of us.
Not true; I know lots of White Females who are voting for Trump.

He needs those women voters.

But Trump’s current coalition in the primaries relies heavily on male voters — especially less-educated men. The female vote is less important in Republican primaries — where, because women are more likely than men to be Democrats, they make up a minority of the electorate — and a candidate who appeals mostly to working-class males can emerge in a fractured field. Once that field is whittled to only the top candidates, however, the 40 percent to 50 percent of the GOP primary vote represented by women will become crucial.

And with women expected to comprise between 52 percent and 54 percent of the November electorate next year, Trump or any other Republican can ill afford to lose ground among female voters. (President Barack Obama won women in 2012, 55 percent to Mitt Romney’s 44 percent, according to exit polls.)

Read more:

What bullshit...I know hundreds of people in my Congregations who have Advanced Degrees and their main concern is Fair Trade.
They're being replaced by cheap Business Visas and they're voting for Trump.
I'm so sick and tired of this "less-educated" lie.
Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.

He's not going to win the general.
He won't even win the nomination, not with only about a third of republicans supporting him.

So if someone spouts all of the positions of the radical right as McCain did, they still aren't conservative?

McCain had a long record of moderation and working with Democrats.

That you put so much stock in his minor attempts to mend fences as he went into the general election is very self serving of you as you libs needed to demonize him because he had become a problem for the agenda instead of an aid.

McCain was not then or ever a conservative.

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