Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
Meaning 60 percent of republicans don't support him.

Republican 'new math' is as bizarre as it is ridiculous.
rube math
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.

Trump's policies are going to appeal to a lot of independent and democratic voters.

Then why is Trump polling the worst among republican candidates with the general electorate?

MSM smear and propaganda tactics.
Lol it being on a policy basis is exactly why he will be destroyed. You can hate Bernie and Hillary's policies all you want, but those policies are what they are running on. We barely know what Trump is running on. He rarely even talks about his policy ideas.

Well neither of them are running against Trump for the presidency yet so it remains to be seen. But if we go by the threads and posts at USMB, the tactic here seems to be denigrate and attack the right over superficial nonsense. I see VERY few threads attempting honest debate on substantive issues from the left... it's always some smarmy adolescent ranting about how stupid and dumb the right is.

And hey... to your credit.... it has been working brilliantly for you since about half way through Bush's second term. Every prominent republican has attempted to stay the course, remain focused on the issues, not get into the gutter politics.... it hasn't worked very well for them. So now we have Trump who knows how to deal with you idiots.
Lol republicans remain focused on the issues? Like what? Cutting taxes on the top earners and corporations? We already know that doesn't do jack shit to stimulate the economy at large. Supply side economics is a lie. Anything else republicans run on is saying "no."
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

not enough rube crackers to elect a dog catcher nationally
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

not enough rube crackers to elect a dog catcher nationally

Could be true. Maybe you lefties have imported enough Third World Voters that a candidate with a platform designed to appeal to Americans can't win ever again.
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Lol oh my god. Trump is going to get destroyed in the general election regardless of whether or not it is Hillary or Bernie.

Well he might be... BUT... it's going to have to be on a substantive policy-based campaign where his opponent beats him on the issues important to most Americans. If the campaign is this vitriolic hate-filled ranting and raving about how stupid and ignorant righties are... you're going to get your ass handed to you by The Master. He's going to school you in schoolyard bullying tactics.
Lol it being on a policy basis is exactly why he will be destroyed. You can hate Bernie and Hillary's policies all you want, but those policies are what they are running on. We barely know what Trump is running on. He rarely even talks about his policy ideas.
But they are fabulous and Americans will get tired of winning.
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

not enough rube crackers to elect a dog catcher nationally

Could be true. Maybe you lefties have imported enough Third World Voters that a candidate with a platform designed to appeal to Americans can't win ever again.
Ah...getting your excuses ready already?
Yeah. Nobody likes belligerent loudmouth insulting and denigrating. So... vote Trump.

Just saying... IF that's what this election comes down to.... Trump is going to beat your fucking brains out. He is The Master when it comes to doing this effectively... you don't have a prayer of a chance.

not enough rube crackers to elect a dog catcher nationally

Could be true. Maybe you lefties have imported enough Third World Voters that a candidate with a platform designed to appeal to Americans can't win ever again.
Ah...getting your excuses ready already?

I have never been confident of success since Bill Clinton won re-election. That taught me that America can choose the wrong path.

Excuses? Fuck excuses.
Then why is Trump polling the worst among republican candidates with the general electorate?

They have to tell themselves that because they have to believe they aren't supporting a loser.

Trump is the worst candidate of all the Republicans at attracting cross-over votes.


Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.
Then why is Trump polling the worst among republican candidates with the general electorate?

They have to tell themselves that because they have to believe they aren't supporting a loser.

Trump is the worst candidate of all the Republicans at attracting cross-over votes.


Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

Whomever the GOP nominee might be, he or she will need a significant number of democratic-leaning independents and weak democrats to vote for that nominee in order to win the GE – particularly in the context of EC math; and that's not Trump.

Indeed, most republicans know this, which is why Trump won't be the nominee.
Then why is Trump polling the worst among republican candidates with the general electorate?

They have to tell themselves that because they have to believe they aren't supporting a loser.

Trump is the worst candidate of all the Republicans at attracting cross-over votes.


Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

Whomever the GOP nominee might be, he or she will need a significant number of democratic-leaning independents and weak democrats to vote for that nominee in order to win the GE – particularly in the context of EC math; and that's not Trump.

Indeed, most republicans know this, which is why Trump won't be the nominee.

Trumps policies on immigration and trade are the best from appealing to working class independents and democrats.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

The Palin 'endorsement' is preaching to the choir.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

"Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me"

What isn't surprising is there's no evidence in support of this – but you plunge right into the post hoc fallacy, anyway.

they're saying he took 6 points from cruz after sawah bcawwacuda endorsed him. it's not like he picked anything up from anyone who isn't a rightwing extremist.

but then again, what do you want from anyone who thought palin didn't sound unhinged.

Funny. Just a day ago you libs were saying it wouldn't matter.

I hope he wins the primary and picks dingbat Palin as his VP.

I hope he wins the primary and then the general and I don't care who he picks as his VP.
Lol those hold outs must have felt pity for him from enduring that embarrassing Palin speech from 4 feet away. Of course, republicans are stupid so that's the kind of speeches they respond to I guess.

Oblamo has sat in same room with Sharptounge 50 100 times? "resist we much"

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