Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

I'm sure you don't need a plasma TV (do they even make those anymore?) when you got your gun and Jesus!!!
You can balance the Jesus part by putting your prayer shawl on your head and banging it into a wall, no?

Pay no attention to Joey... you know he used to be a Republican before he discovered he is a flaming left wing radical liberal. The boy's not playing with a full deck.
Pay no attention to Joey... you know he used to be a Republican before he discovered he is a flaming left wing radical liberal. The boy's not playing with a full deck.
Uh.. I had some good times with him before... He loves to address people "Guy"... He is like Fake Jake... Those two are the "common sense conservatives...." Mostly I leave them alone since they have nothing new to say but parroting DNC talking points.
I don't know or care if Mexicans are nasty... they can't come into America unless they do it legally. Sorry you can't get that through your stupid little head.

And again... In spite of your little propaganda organization's "factoids" the roads and bridges in my state are just fine. I drive on them every single day. Haven't seen any bridges collapsing... my car hasn't disappeared into any pothole... it's pretty much at the very BOTTOM of my list in terms of problems facing the country right now. I am MUCH more concerned with the flood of illegal immigrants coming across the southern borders.

guy, you live in one of the poorest states in the country. I think that about says it all, Boss Hogg. I think it's a little more important to rebuild our roads and water treatment systems than waste resources building a wall that people will easily be able to beat.

And I don't care if you want to call me names and insinuate I am racist or uneducated... that's fine, I understand you have to do that because you don't really have anything substantive to argue. So when you do that it actually makes me feel good inside... like I have made my point and owned your ass in every way. I love it when I cause you to melt down like that. Makes my fucking day!

Guy, I've pretty much wiped you up like smear in the carpet, smashing you with facts and then mocking you for the d umb-ass redneck you are.

You can balance the Jesus part by putting your prayer shawl on your head and banging it into a wall, no?

Um, no, guy. I'm an atheist. I'm really not sure where you keep getting this weird Idea that I'm Jewish, given I have expressed pretty strong opinions that Israel is fucking evil.

But you dumb rednecks keep letting the 1% screw you while you are right with Jesus.
Pay no attention to Joey... you know he used to be a Republican before he discovered he is a flaming left wing radical liberal. The boy's not playing with a full deck.

No, i used to be a republican until the common sense people were driven out by the nuts.

In 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

This year, you guys can't even meet THAT low standard.

But you'll keep losing and wondering why.
Um, no, guy. I'm an atheist. I'm really not sure where you keep getting this weird Idea that I'm Jewish, given I have expressed pretty strong opinions that Israel is fucking evil.

But you dumb rednecks keep letting the 1% screw you while you are right with Jesus.
Hahahaha...!!!!! I knew you were going to come out to play!!!!! :badgrin::funnyface:
Uh.. I had some good times with him before... He loves to address people "Guy"... He is like Fake Jake... Those two are the "common sense conservatives...." Mostly I leave them alone since they have nothing new to say but parroting DNC talking points.

getting utterly humiliated by Jake and myself if a good time for you? You can't afford a Dominatrix to punish you?
getting utterly humiliated by Jake and myself if a good time for you? You can't afford a Dominatrix to punish you?
Keep going Job.... Are you sitting in the whale's stomach? I hear some echo going on while you talk...:badgrin:
guy, you live in one of the poorest states in the country. I think that about says it all, Boss Hogg. I think it's a little more important to rebuild our roads and water treatment systems than waste resources building a wall that people will easily be able to beat.

Then you need to vote for the Socialist because that's what you are. Glad I could help!
I don't know or care if Mexicans are nasty... they can't come into America unless they do it legally. Sorry you can't get that through your stupid little head.

And again... In spite of your little propaganda organization's "factoids" the roads and bridges in my state are just fine. I drive on them every single day. Haven't seen any bridges collapsing... my car hasn't disappeared into any pothole... it's pretty much at the very BOTTOM of my list in terms of problems facing the country right now. I am MUCH more concerned with the flood of illegal immigrants coming across the southern borders.

guy, you live in one of the poorest states in the country. I think that about says it all, Boss Hogg. I think it's a little more important to rebuild our roads and water treatment systems than waste resources building a wall that people will easily be able to beat.

And I don't care if you want to call me names and insinuate I am racist or uneducated... that's fine, I understand you have to do that because you don't really have anything substantive to argue. So when you do that it actually makes me feel good inside... like I have made my point and owned your ass in every way. I love it when I cause you to melt down like that. Makes my fucking day!

Guy, I've pretty much wiped you up like smear in the carpet, smashing you with facts and then mocking you for the d umb-ass redneck you are.

You can balance the Jesus part by putting your prayer shawl on your head and banging it into a wall, no?

Um, no, guy. I'm an atheist. I'm really not sure where you keep getting this weird Idea that I'm Jewish, given I have expressed pretty strong opinions that Israel is fucking evil.

But you dumb rednecks keep letting the 1% screw you while you are right with Jesus.
biggest mistake the republicans did is let thesouthern bible thumping crackas in and gave them power in the party
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My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down.

They are getting pretty shitty grades. Your bridges get a C- and your roads get a D+.

Bridges: About 8% of Alabama’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient, and the situation is forecasted to worsen as the average age of Alabama’s bridges climbs from 44 years now to the age of bridge retirement around 50. Over 2,600 (16%) bridges in Alabama are currently posted for reduced weight limits and many more are closed to all traffic, requiring some drivers to detour 12 miles on average. Roughly one in every six drivers will drive over a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge every single day in Alabama.

Roads: Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

America's Infrastructure
My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down.

They are getting pretty shitty grades. Your bridges get a C- and your roads get a D+.

Bridges: About 8% of Alabama’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient, and the situation is forecasted to worsen as the average age of Alabama’s bridges climbs from 44 years now to the age of bridge retirement around 50. Over 2,600 (16%) bridges in Alabama are currently posted for reduced weight limits and many more are closed to all traffic, requiring some drivers to detour 12 miles on average. Roughly one in every six drivers will drive over a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge every single day in Alabama.

Roads: Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

America's Infrastructure

Again, you're posting propaganda from some left-wing radical organization pushing this infrastructure nonsense. The Constitution makes NO mention of federal government being responsible for your roads and bridges. It authorizes some responsibility to ensure maintaining post roads and that's all. From that one small consideration the liberals have assumed that this gives them the right to build all the roads and bridges from coast to coast... that's just not the intention of the Constitution and not what most Americans want their tax dollars spent on at the federal level. We pay state and local taxes for that.

Now you keep on making this point that MY state is among the worst of the worst... but why am I not here lobbying for relief from the federal coffers for my terrible roads? Clearly, if this was so much of an urgent and pressing problem, I would be among the most vocal... but I am fine with my "shitty roads" the way they are.
My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down.

They are getting pretty shitty grades. Your bridges get a C- and your roads get a D+.

Bridges: About 8% of Alabama’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient, and the situation is forecasted to worsen as the average age of Alabama’s bridges climbs from 44 years now to the age of bridge retirement around 50. Over 2,600 (16%) bridges in Alabama are currently posted for reduced weight limits and many more are closed to all traffic, requiring some drivers to detour 12 miles on average. Roughly one in every six drivers will drive over a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge every single day in Alabama.

Roads: Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

America's Infrastructure
Alabama's schools third-worst in U.S.

Report: Alabama's schools third-worst in U.S.

and in healthcare

Alabama | State public health statistics | America's Health Rankings

My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down.

They are getting pretty shitty grades. Your bridges get a C- and your roads get a D+.

Bridges: About 8% of Alabama’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient, and the situation is forecasted to worsen as the average age of Alabama’s bridges climbs from 44 years now to the age of bridge retirement around 50. Over 2,600 (16%) bridges in Alabama are currently posted for reduced weight limits and many more are closed to all traffic, requiring some drivers to detour 12 miles on average. Roughly one in every six drivers will drive over a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge every single day in Alabama.

Roads: Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

America's Infrastructure

Again, you're posting propaganda from some left-wing radical organization pushing this infrastructure nonsense. The Constitution makes NO mention of federal government being responsible for your roads and bridges. It authorizes some responsibility to ensure maintaining post roads and that's all. From that one small consideration the liberals have assumed that this gives them the right to build all the roads and bridges from coast to coast... that's just not the intention of the Constitution and not what most Americans want their tax dollars spent on at the federal level. We pay state and local taxes for that.

Now you keep on making this point that MY state is among the worst of the worst... but why am I not here lobbying for relief from the federal coffers for my terrible roads? Clearly, if this was so much of an urgent and pressing problem, I would be among the most vocal... but I am fine with my "shitty roads" the way they are.

Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

Uh oh...someone doesn't like the message so he attacks the source? I had no idea that the AL Dept of Trans was a "left wing radical organization". Do you have actual FACTS to the contrary?

So Boss likes the crappy Alabama roads...guess it's okay then. Nothing to see here. Boss is the boss! :lol:
My roads and bridges in Alabama aren't falling down.

They are getting pretty shitty grades. Your bridges get a C- and your roads get a D+.

Bridges: About 8% of Alabama’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient, and the situation is forecasted to worsen as the average age of Alabama’s bridges climbs from 44 years now to the age of bridge retirement around 50. Over 2,600 (16%) bridges in Alabama are currently posted for reduced weight limits and many more are closed to all traffic, requiring some drivers to detour 12 miles on average. Roughly one in every six drivers will drive over a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge every single day in Alabama.

Roads: Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

America's Infrastructure

Again, you're posting propaganda from some left-wing radical organization pushing this infrastructure nonsense. The Constitution makes NO mention of federal government being responsible for your roads and bridges. It authorizes some responsibility to ensure maintaining post roads and that's all. From that one small consideration the liberals have assumed that this gives them the right to build all the roads and bridges from coast to coast... that's just not the intention of the Constitution and not what most Americans want their tax dollars spent on at the federal level. We pay state and local taxes for that.

Now you keep on making this point that MY state is among the worst of the worst... but why am I not here lobbying for relief from the federal coffers for my terrible roads? Clearly, if this was so much of an urgent and pressing problem, I would be among the most vocal... but I am fine with my "shitty roads" the way they are.

Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) rated almost 50% of the interstate and state highways fair, poor, or very poor showing that maintenance must be a priority.

Uh oh...someone doesn't like the message so he attacks the source? I had no idea that the AL Dept of Trans was a "left wing radical organization". Do you have actual FACTS to the contrary?

So Boss likes the crappy Alabama roads...guess it's okay then. Nothing to see here. Boss is the boss! :lol:

Well.. you know, as hard core conservative and against government spending as I am... IF there were an announcement that a Federal government agent would be in town handing out loads of cash today... I'd be there with my money bag! Sorry... I'd get over my principles for some free cash!

So that's what you have with the ALDOT. There will be money appropriated and Alabama wants their share if it's going to be doled out. BUT... Again, I drive around in this state all the time... never have had a bridge collapse or lost my car in a pothole. I've not heard any story on the news of any Alabamian experiencing such an incident, so I have to assume, for the most part, our roads and bridges are okay.

Now... the schools suck but that's why I want to get rid of the Federal DOE and let the State fund their own charter schools. But all of this pales in comparison to the problems I think we have with radical Islamic terrorism and illegal aliens crossing our southern border. Next to that, I think a bigger problem is the federal debt and deficit. Next to that is the solvency of Social Security... next to that is the debacle of our health care system that Obama totally screwed up.... next to that is the treatment of our veterans... next to that..... well, we have to go WAY down the list before I get worked up about roads and bridges.
Forced labor contributed, but was not the majority of "building".

The farmers in colonial America pushed the frontier forward with their farms and they were not an underclass. The US colonies had the highest standard of living in the world.

Uh, no, they really didn't. I think you need to stop reading jingoistic crap. For most of our history, America was a pretty miserable place to live if you were black, a Catholic, a Jew, a woman, an native american, or an immigrant. It was awesome for the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males, but that was about it. Oh, yeah, White Anglo Saxon Protestant Males- describes all but TWO of our presidents, doesn't it?

For most of history, most of the world, by modern standards was a pretty miserable place to live.

I don't know what you think the rest of the world was like during colonial America.

For whites in Europe, or blacks in African, or Jews anywhere.

Economic history of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The colonial economy differed significantly from that of most other regions in that land and natural resources were abundant in America but labor was scarce.

From 1700 to 1775 the output of the colonies increased 12 fold, giving the colonies an economy about 30% the size of Britain's at the time of independence. The free white population of the colonies enjoyed the highest standard of living in the world. Population growth was responsible for over three-quarters of the economic growth of the British American colonies.

They were not an "underclass". THey were the "middle class" of their time.

Demographic history of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nearly all commercial activity was run in small privately owned businesses with good credit both at home and in England being essential since they were often cash poor. Most settlements were nearly independent of trade with Britain as most grew or made nearly everything they needed—the average cost of imports per most households was only about 5-15 English pounds per year. Most settlements were created by complete family groups with several generations often present in each settlement. Probably close to 80% of the families owned the land they lived and farmed on. They nearly all used English Common Law as their basic code of law and, except for the Dutch and Germans, spoke some dialect of English. They established their own popularly elected governments and courts and were, within a few years, mostly self-governing, self-supporting and self-replicating.

Nearly all colonies and, later, states in the United States were settled by migration from another colony or state, as foreign immigration usually only played a minor role after the first initial settlements were started. Many new immigrants did end up on the frontiers as that was where the land was usually the cheapest.

New England[edit]
The New England colonists included more educated men as well as many skilled farmers, tradesmen and craftsmen. They were mostly farmers and settled in small villages for common religious activity. Shipbuilding, commerce, and fisheries were important in coastal towns. New England's healthy climate (the cold winters killed the mosquitoes and other disease-bearing insects), and abundant food supply resulted in the lowest death rate and highest birth rate of any place in the world (marriage was expected and birth control was not, and a much higher than average number of children and mothers survived).[4]

The eastern and northern frontier around the initial New England settlements was mainly settled by the Yankee descendants of the original New Englanders. Emigration to the New England colonies after 1640 and the start of the English Civil War decreased to less than 1% (about equal to the death rate) in nearly all years prior to 1845. The rapid growth of the New England colonies (total population ~700,000 by 1790) was almost entirely due to the high birth rate (>3%) and low death rate (<1%) per year.[5]

Middle Colonies[edit]
The middle colonies' settlements were scattered west of New York City, New York (est. 1626 by Dutch, taken over by the English in 1664) and Philadelphia,Pennsylvania (est. 1682). The Dutch-started colony of New York had the most eclectic collection of residents from many different nations and prospered as a major trading and commercial center after about 1700. The Pennsylvania colonial center was dominated by the Quakers for decades after they emigrated there, mainly from the North Midlands of England, from about 1680 to 1725. The main commercial center of Philadelphia was run mostly by prosperous Quakers, supplemented by many small farming and trading communities with strong German contingents located in the Delaware River valley.

Many more settlers arrived in the middle colonies starting in about 1680, when Pennsylvania was founded and many Protestant sects were encouraged to settle there for freedom of religion and good, cheap land. These settlers were of about 60% British and 33% German extraction. By 1780 in New York about 17% of the population were descendants of Dutch settlers. The rest were mostly English with a wide mixture of other Europeans and about 6% Blacks. New Jersey and Delaware had a majority of British with 7-11% German-descended colonists, about a 6% black population, and a small contingent of Swedish descendants of New Sweden. Nearly all were at least third-generation natives.

The main drive of the economy in Virginia, Maryland and South Carolina was large plantations growing staples for export, especially tobacco and rice. Outside the plantations, land was farmed by independent farmers who rented from the proprietors, or (most often) owned it outright. They emphasized subsistence farming to grow food for their large families. Many of the Irish and Irish immigrants specialized in rye-whiskey making, which they sold to obtain cash. In Maryland by 1700 there were about 25,000 people and by 1750 that had grown more than 5 times to 130,000. By 1755, about 40% of Maryland's population was black.[6]

From 1717 to 1775 the western frontier was settled primarily by Presbyterian settlers that migrated from England border lands (Scotland and Ireland). Frontier settlers initially landed in Philadelphia or Baltimore before migrating to the western frontier for the cheaper lands and less restrictive life.
Nearly all commercial activity was run in small privately owned businesses with good credit both at home and in England being essential since they were often cash poor. Most settlements were nearly independent of trade with Britain as most grew or made nearly everything they needed—the average cost of imports per most households was only about 5-15 English pounds per year. Most settlements were created by complete family groups with several generations often present in each settlement. Probably close to 80% of the families owned the land they lived and farmed on. They nearly all used English Common Law as their basic code of law and, except for the Dutch and Germans, spoke some dialect of English. They established their own popularly elected governments and courts and were, within a few years, mostly self-governing, self-supporting and self-replicating.

Nearly all colonies and, later, states in the United States were settled by migration from another colony or state, as foreign immigration usually only played a minor role after the first initial settlements were started. Many new immigrants did end up on the frontiers as that was where the land was usually the cheapest.

New England[edit]
The New England colonists included more educated men as well as many skilled farmers, tradesmen and craftsmen. They were mostly farmers and settled in small villages for common religious activity. Shipbuilding, commerce, and fisheries were important in coastal towns. New England's healthy climate (the cold winters killed the mosquitoes and other disease-bearing insects), and abundant food supply resulted in the lowest death rate and highest birth rate of any place in the world (marriage was expected and birth control was not, and a much higher than average number of children and mothers survived).[4]

The eastern and northern frontier around the initial New England settlements was mainly settled by the Yankee descendants of the original New Englanders. Emigration to the New England colonies after 1640 and the start of the English Civil War decreased to less than 1% (about equal to the death rate) in nearly all years prior to 1845. The rapid growth of the New England colonies (total population ~700,000 by 1790) was almost entirely due to the high birth rate (>3%) and low death rate (<1%) per year.[5]

Middle Colonies[edit]
The middle colonies' settlements were scattered west of New York City, New York (est. 1626 by Dutch, taken over by the English in 1664) and Philadelphia,Pennsylvania (est. 1682). The Dutch-started colony of New York had the most eclectic collection of residents from many different nations and prospered as a major trading and commercial center after about 1700. The Pennsylvania colonial center was dominated by the Quakers for decades after they emigrated there, mainly from the North Midlands of England, from about 1680 to 1725. The main commercial center of Philadelphia was run mostly by prosperous Quakers, supplemented by many small farming and trading communities with strong German contingents located in the Delaware River valley.

Many more settlers arrived in the middle colonies starting in about 1680, when Pennsylvania was founded and many Protestant sects were encouraged to settle there for freedom of religion and good, cheap land. These settlers were of about 60% British and 33% German extraction. By 1780 in New York about 17% of the population were descendants of Dutch settlers. The rest were mostly English with a wide mixture of other Europeans and about 6% Blacks. New Jersey and Delaware had a majority of British with 7-11% German-descended colonists, about a 6% black population, and a small contingent of Swedish descendants of New Sweden. Nearly all were at least third-generation natives.

The main drive of the economy in Virginia, Maryland and South Carolina was large plantations growing staples for export, especially tobacco and rice. Outside the plantations, land was farmed by independent farmers who rented from the proprietors, or (most often) owned it outright. They emphasized subsistence farming to grow food for their large families. Many of the Irish and Irish immigrants specialized in rye-whiskey making, which they sold to obtain cash. In Maryland by 1700 there were about 25,000 people and by 1750 that had grown more than 5 times to 130,000. By 1755, about 40% of Maryland's population was black.[6]

From 1717 to 1775 the western frontier was settled primarily by Presbyterian settlers that migrated from England border lands (Scotland and Ireland). Frontier settlers initially landed in Philadelphia or Baltimore before migrating to the western frontier for the cheaper lands and less restrictive life.
For most of history, most of the world, by modern standards was a pretty miserable place to live.

I don't know what you think the rest of the world was like during colonial America.

For whites in Europe, or blacks in African, or Jews anywhere.

So you have gone from "Greatest country ever" to "Didn't suck as bad as everywhere else".

Fact is, a large middle class is a modern thing... And you can thank progressives for it, not conservatives.
No, you see, even CAPITALIST governments realize that you need roads and water treatment and bridges and dams.

Nothng, "Socialist" about that as all. It's just good policy, Boss Hogg.

Sorry but we already have roads and bridges, water treatment and dams. The state and local governments have been taking care of those things for over 200 years. See... we're NOT the United STATE of America... that was made clear in the Constitution for a reason.

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