Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

Sorry but we already have roads and bridges, water treatment and dams. The state and local governments have been taking care of those things for over 200 years. See... we're NOT the United STATE of America... that was made clear in the Constitution for a reason.

Uh no, guy. I don't run my life by what a bunch of guys in powdered wigs who shit in chamberpots and raped their slaves thought.

I live in the modern world. Where we have modern water systems and modern roads.

So let's look at a map of how "self-sufficient" Alabama actually is.


Oh, my, look at that. For every dollar sent to Washington, Alabama gets 1.71 back in benefits. Imagine that! While those liberals in California, Illinois and New York only get back .73-.79 on the dollar! So you redneck deadbeats are living high off the "Hog" on those liberal blue states.

Wait, wait, let's look at another map. Food Stamp Usage. Clearly being the self-sufficent sort of state you are, you'd be making sure those deadbeats aren't relying on Food Stamps.


Oh, no, wait. You guys are higher than California Texas and Illinois, where all those "illegals' live. How is it more of you rednecks are deadbeats?

Okay, let's try literacy rates.


Gee, 19% of you guys are illiterate. That explains a lot. Yeah, CA and NY are higher due to their high immigrant rates, but what's your excuse for being a bunch of dumb rednecks.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
What about gw's endorsement? How about mitt? What about Palin's boss McCain? Do they all endorse her? And remember these are all losers
Guy, Flint is a fine example of what happens when you let the Crony Capitalism of the Right manage a public interest.

You really suck at this arguing thing, don't you?
Guy, Job, I thought the city is run by leftists. Get a grip guy....Poke your head out every once in a while from the whale's belly to see what's happening in the world while you're sitting around in the darkness.
Guy, Job, I thought the city is run by leftists. Get a grip guy....Poke your head out every once in a while from the whale's belly to see what's happening in the world while you're sitting around in the darkness.

Uh, no. Flint has been run by an Emergency Management Team appointed by Rick Snyder under the ridiculous law in Michigan that allows the state to loot local cities despite what the people of those cities vote for.

If you had actually been following this issue, you'd know this.
Looks like Palin's endorsement is paying dividends for Trump. This surprises me

Reuters Poll: Trump’s Support Jumps to 40 Percent

A new Reuters poll of Republicans shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has expanded his national lead over rivals since his Jan. 19 endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The new poll of 2,508 Republicans, taken over several days, showed Trump at 40 percent and Cruz sharply down to 10.5 percent. That’s a 29.5-point margin.
Reuters’ Jan. 19 results showed Trump at 33 percent to Cruz’s 16 percent, which was a 17-point margin.
The Reuters poll is here, and can be adjusted to show the candidates’ popularity among various subgroups.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Reuters Poll: Trump's Support Jumps to 40 Percent - Breitbart[/FONT]
What about gw's endorsement? How about mitt? What about Palin's boss McCain? Do they all endorse her? And remember these are all losers

Dubya won....twice Sealydildo
Guy, Job, I thought the city is run by leftists. Get a grip guy....Poke your head out every once in a while from the whale's belly to see what's happening in the world while you're sitting around in the darkness.

Uh, no. Flint has been run by an Emergency Management Team appointed by Rick Snyder under the ridiculous law in Michigan that allows the state to loot local cities despite what the people of those cities vote for.

If you had actually been following this issue, you'd know this.
Uh...guy.... I am not sure what you are talking about EMT running the city's water supply. (maybe now that the city leadership neglected the infrastructure for decades)
Don Williamson, Democrat, in office 2003-2009
Dayne Walling, Democrat, in office 2009-2015
Karen Weaver, Democrat, in office 2015-present
I am not sure the city council is packed with right wingers, are you?
Uh no, guy. I don't run my life by what a bunch of guys in powdered wigs who shit in chamberpots and raped their slaves thought.

The you fucking need to move to Cuba!

No, we need to fix THIS country. You are welcome to keep shitting in a chamberpot, but i doubt anyone is going to volunteer to be your slave.
Uh...guy.... I am not sure what you are talking about EMT running the city's water supply. (maybe now that the city leadership neglected the infrastructure for decades)
Don Williamson, Democrat, in office 2003-2009
Dayne Walling, Democrat, in office 2009-2015
Karen Weaver, Democrat, in office 2015-present
I am not sure the city council is packed with right wingers, are you?

Had nothing to do with what happened in the past, guy. The EMT was the one who decided to change water suppliers without making sure the water wasn't contaminated.
No, we need to fix THIS country. You are welcome to keep shitting in a chamberpot, but i doubt anyone is going to volunteer to be your slave.

We need to fix this country alright but we need to return it to what our founders established and away from this soft tyrannical socialism. It's YOUR fascist policies that advocate equality of wealth and slavery to the ruling class and MY policies advocate freedom of the individual to earn and keep as much wealth as they desire.
We need to fix this country alright but we need to return it to what our founders established and away from this soft tyrannical socialism. It's YOUR fascist policies that advocate equality of wealth and slavery to the ruling class and MY policies advocate freedom of the individual to earn and keep as much wealth as they desire.

Guy, the problem is, your notion of "Freedom" is those with money abusing those without it.

You want a state that protects the wealthy from the rest of us. That actually really IS fascism. Mussolini and Hitler were well-loved by the rich of their countries and even liked by the rich outside their countries. Henry Ford and William Randolph Hurst thought Hitler was the bomb.
We need to fix this country alright but we need to return it to what our founders established and away from this soft tyrannical socialism. It's YOUR fascist policies that advocate equality of wealth and slavery to the ruling class and MY policies advocate freedom of the individual to earn and keep as much wealth as they desire.

Guy, the problem is, your notion of "Freedom" is those with money abusing those without it.

You want a state that protects the wealthy from the rest of us. That actually really IS fascism. Mussolini and Hitler were well-loved by the rich of their countries and even liked by the rich outside their countries. Henry Ford and William Randolph Hurst thought Hitler was the bomb.

Mussolini and Hitler were loved by the rich in their countries because the rich in their countries were the ruling class. In our country, we don't have a ruling class, that's what you want to establish.

In our system, we don't have classes. Every individual has god-given freedom to pursue their dreams and ambitions through a vibrant free market, free enterprise system. You want to shut that down because you don't like people becoming wealthy. You assume that wealth breeds corruption and greed. You have contempt for those who worked hard and obtained wealth and you want to take that wealth from them and redistribute it.

You can sit here and deny this is your belief but it seeps through in every lame point you attempt to make. Even the most abject moron should understand, no matter how much you hate rich people, you're never going to eliminate them and you're never going to take their wealth unless you exterminate them like Mao did in China. So whenever you implement your Grand Plan, what you will do is eliminate any possibility for those who aren't already wealthy to become wealthy, and those who control the wealth will quickly control all power and we'll have a ruling class.
Mussolini and Hitler were loved by the rich in their countries because the rich in their countries were the ruling class. In our country, we don't have a ruling class, that's what you want to establish.

You don't think people like the Romneys and the Bushes are a ruling class? Are you fucking retarded, Boss Hogg?

You want to shut that down because you don't like people becoming wealthy. You assume that wealth breeds corruption and greed. You have contempt for those who worked hard and obtained wealth and you want to take that wealth from them and redistribute it.

I'm sorry, when did the Bushes and the Romney's work hard? They got wealthy because other people worked hard and usually, ended up fighting on the foreign battlefields so they didn't have to. The stupidity is thinking Paris Hilton who adds nothing to society is more worthy than the lady who keeps her hotels cleans.

You can sit here and deny this is your belief but it seeps through in every lame point you attempt to make. Even the most abject moron should understand, no matter how much you hate rich people, you're never going to eliminate them and you're never going to take their wealth unless you exterminate them like Mao did in China.

Well, that would be PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME if we did that. But, no, that would probably be a bit harsh. Of course, we could do what FDR did- make them pay their fair share in taxes and make sure they paid the hired help a fair wage. We had something like 40 years of continous economic growth and became the richest country in the world before Reagan came along and fucked it up.

But you keep living there in Alabama, home of the country's largest toxic waste dump... and tell me how wonderful capitalism is.

Emelle, Alabama: Home Of The Nation?s Largest Hazardous Waste Landfill

In 1978, Chemical Waste Management, a subsidiary of Waste Management Inc., purchased a landfill permit for a 300-acre tract of land near the village of Emelle in the center of Sumter County, Alabama.�In Sumter County, one of the country�s most impoverished regions, one-third of the residents live below the poverty level. Over 65 percent of the residents are Black and over 90 percent of the residents near the landfill in Emelle are Black.� Since acquiring the landfill, Waste Management Inc. has dumped millions of tons of hazardous waste on what was once lush farmland, creating the largest hazardous waste landfill in the United States, and possibly the world.� Nearly 40 percent of the toxic waste disposed of nationwide between 1984 and 1987 under the federal Superfund removal program ended up at the landfill.� The 2,700-acre landfill also sits directly over the Eutaw Aquifer, which supplies water to a large part of Alabama
You don't think people like the Romneys and the Bushes are a ruling class?

No, a ruling class is a class of people who rule over the rest of the people. In our system, we don't have that. We have a representative republic where the people elect who represents them in government.
They got wealthy because other people worked hard and usually, ended up fighting on the foreign battlefields so they didn't have to.

This is bullshit. That certainly did not happen. George H.W. Bush was a decorated war hero. Romney's family were missionaries. You've been pumped full of Socialist-Marxist bullshit and it spews from your every orifice.
You don't think people like the Romneys and the Bushes are a ruling class?

No, a ruling class is a class of people who rule over the rest of the people. In our system, we don't have that. We have a representative republic where the people elect who represents them in government.

We have a plutocracy where we decide which millionaire is going to rule us. That's hardly representative.

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