Revenge is a dish best served C O L D

The note could very well be a hoax.

You could very well be a hoax....I mean, who'd name their kid "Bob" if their last name was Plumb? Don't mean to leave hanging on a thread Bob, but I'm gonna eat supper. Maybe the Cabbie can "thank" ya some more, call ya "Bro" maybe. :eusa_whistle:
You all are assuming that the places she left his things are at public places.
That's not necessarily so.

Exactly. If his brain is still engaged after reading her note, he'll BEAT FEET to the places his more valuable stuff was left. I doubt she was vindictive enough to leave his laptop at a video store but hey, is that any worse than him bringing home some STD he picked up prowling around? I bet most of his stuff isn't in any danger of being lost. I'd have liked to see the expression on his face when he finished that note. :lol:

Maybe that video store is owned by a family member or a friend. Same as the other things might be at.
She probably just made him spend time and money in gas to hunt for his things. :lol:

Or she knows the folks at the video store and told them to keep the laptop in a safe place and play dumb when he stormed through the door looking for it. :lol: The whole thing is probably a gigantic snipe hunt and his stuff is in a storage locker or at one of his pal's place.
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Not sure if she actually broke any laws.

Really hope that the guy learns a lesson about this kind of crap. He's lucky he didn't get a frying pan upside his head.

If she put his stuff out of the house/apartment and in public where they could be damage/stolen on purpose (As she stated) then she is liable for the damage and theft.

not necessarily. she can say she paid for the stuff and now discarded it. it is difficult to prove that those tennis shoes were bought by you if you do not have a payment receipt :)

It doesn't matter if she paid for them or not. She stated in the FB post that the items were his. The fact that someone gives me a gift does not negate the fact that the item is mine, particularly if the person states it openly. In states that still allow common law marriage, openly stating that you are married to someone is enough to get yourself credited by the courts with being a common law spouse.
Nope, not unless he was on her lease or had some kind of storage agreement. Women throw guy's things out on the lawn, sometimes through an upstairs window all the time. No DA would touch it....domestic dispute.


When he left that morning, he had the expectation that his stuff would be secure where he was living.

Since she took his stuff and placed them in harm's way, she is liable for any damage and/or theft.

It doesn't matter if his name is on the lease or not. Look up eviction law and learn something.

She isn't his landlord. Community property, domestic dispute, nothing happens.

Not all states are community property states.
The note could very well be a hoax.

You could very well be a hoax....I mean, who'd name their kid "Bob" if their last name was Plumb? Don't mean to leave hanging on a thread Bob, but I'm gonna eat supper. Maybe the Cabbie can "thank" ya some more, call ya "Bro" maybe. :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, BullKurtz - it isn't trolling when you are the one who is acting like an ass and making demands on everybody. We all came to this thread to participate in good faith and we were mostly having a good time until you had your little tantrum.

At this point you are the one derailing a thread that we were all enjoying, because once again YOU have to make it all about BullKurtz!
not necessarily. she can say she paid for the stuff and now discarded it. it is difficult to prove that those tennis shoes were bought by you if you do not have a payment receipt :)

She said they were his in the FB post. That is all the proof he needs.

As it looks it is not an FB post, but a piece of paper. If she states she paid for them, it makes them hers.
I don't think he has a case, the home dispute is not that easily settled.
But jurisprudence is not my area, so there could be a different approach.

My bad. It was on Yahoo. Not FB. But she openly stated the items belonged to him. Who paid is irrelevant. They are his. If he claims them and wants to be paid for them, and she in fact bought the items for him, she may get to pay for them twice.

One thing is certain when you decided to go into a court of law and 'say' this or 'say' that, if it is a lie you have committed a crime for which you can go to prison, lose public office, or any number of other undesirable outcomes.
If she put his stuff out of the house/apartment and in public where they could be damage/stolen on purpose (As she stated) then she is liable for the damage and theft.

not necessarily. she can say she paid for the stuff and now discarded it. it is difficult to prove that those tennis shoes were bought by you if you do not have a payment receipt :)

It doesn't matter if she paid for them or not. She stated in the FB post that the items were his. The fact that someone gives me a gift does not negate the fact that the item is mine, particularly if the person states it openly. In states that still allow common law marriage, openly stating that you are married to someone is enough to get yourself credited by the courts with being a common law spouse.

Generally speaking, MOST states abide by such standards weather you are married or not. No one knows where this took place and efforts to pin it down are not panning out on my end.

I will say that changing the locks is not legal in ANY state to my knowledge.
You all are assuming that the places she left his things are at public places.
That's not necessarily so.

Given her reference to someone else 'finding' them before he does, it can reasonably be assumed.
No offence to you, kind sir, but once you give birth to a thread, it becomes somewhat of a shared project.

Trying to maintain It's direction is a bit stifling to the thread itself. I used to do that on other sites until I realized that if the thread I created gets attention in ANY capacity - It's a hit. Enjoy it and let it take off and fly where it will. Sometimes, the biggest and best threads to ever come about change directions several times and very often evolve into a thread quite unlike its original incarnation. :)

I been at this a long time and over the years I stayed on sites that supported thread-ownership. What that means is trolling gets dealt with and the brass let us police ourselves. I guide my threads and keep them on subject as much as I can....I thought I made it clear early on....most of my readers don't try to derail what I'm doing...those who do, get told to knock it off or leave. So you run your threads like you want and I'll run mine. If you check the number of views I get without allowing pissing contests I think you'll see I'm pretty good at this. :)

Um ... OK. Don't know what else to comment on ... maybe: Cool story, Bro?


Me either. I, personally, don't find legal discussions boring.
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woohoo. :) oh and hey asshole, you sure seem to know a lot about people in here even though you "just" joined recently.

Damn you seem so familiar. lol
SOCK SOCK SOCK SOCK...just sayin. lol
I been at this a long time and over the years I stayed on sites that supported thread-ownership. What that means is trolling gets dealt with and the brass let us police ourselves. I guide my threads and keep them on subject as much as I can....I thought I made it clear early on....most of my readers don't try to derail what I'm doing...those who do, get told to knock it off or leave. So you run your threads like you want and I'll run mine. If you check the number of views I get without allowing pissing contests I think you'll see I'm pretty good at this. :)

Um ... OK. Don't know what else to comment on ... maybe: Cool story, Bro?


Me either. I, personally, don't find legal discussions boring.

LOL! Seriously ... I have no clue what we are "supposed" to talk about.

The note could very well be a hoax.

You could very well be a hoax....I mean, who'd name their kid "Bob" if their last name was Plumb? Don't mean to leave hanging on a thread Bob, but I'm gonna eat supper. Maybe the Cabbie can "thank" ya some more, call ya "Bro" maybe. :eusa_whistle:

I did a search and found some real people named Bob Plumb. Am I allowed to say that? It's a little off subject. Hope you have a good supper!
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The note could very well be a hoax.

You could very well be a hoax....I mean, who'd name their kid "Bob" if their last name was Plumb? Don't mean to leave hanging on a thread Bob, but I'm gonna eat supper. Maybe the Cabbie can "thank" ya some more, call ya "Bro" maybe. :eusa_whistle:

I did a search an found some real people named Bob Plumb. Am I allowed to say that? It's a little off subject. Hope you have a good supper!

I suspect that perhaps you are a plumber? Hence the plumb-bob reference?
This is always the best approach and I recommend it highly.

Also, forgiving people is a forgotten art form.

if you get lied to one time - that's his/her fault, if he/she lies to you the next time - it is your fault.

It's a proverb, and obviously, it is not as easy in the relationships as it sounds. This girl might have had an easy way out if she does not take him back.

Healing the wounds is possible only after the material settings are cleared.
Otherwise it would be a mess.

You misunderstand my point - once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater.

Forgiveness is something you do for yourself ~

on that one I agree completely
You could very well be a hoax....I mean, who'd name their kid "Bob" if their last name was Plumb? Don't mean to leave hanging on a thread Bob, but I'm gonna eat supper. Maybe the Cabbie can "thank" ya some more, call ya "Bro" maybe. :eusa_whistle:

I did a search an found some real people named Bob Plumb. Am I allowed to say that? It's a little off subject. Hope you have a good supper!

I suspect that perhaps you are a plumber? Hence the plumb-bob reference?

Not a plumber. But your guess does make sense. Bob Plumb is my stripper name. :eusa_angel:

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