Reviewing the Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony

Well one of us doesn't. You who claimed he'd soon be gone because no one was listening back during the Flake flap or me who pointed out you lied about having no advertisers and, subsequently, Rush signed a new contract to continue his broadcast domination as the most popular radio show ever. Ever, liar boy, as in the entire history of radio!

So popular no one talks about it and you barely even know he's there? Ratings in the toilet and only being kept afloat by Koch money?

Oh, Dominican Rent Boy, I know you are upset your hero is nothing now...
No, liar boy. He’s kept very afloat due to advertising revenue flowing in as it always has. must be good at your job because you’ve got lying down to a science which helps a lot in your “padding” business.
This might be the proverbial nail in the coffin for Dr. Ford; oddly specific I thought at the time.

- "have you ever had discussions with anyone, besides your attorneys, on how to take a polygraph?
- "never"

minute 3 in the below video

If Dr. ford is, in the end, determined to have overtly lied under oath / determined to have fraudulently sought to influence the nomination should she be prosecuted? Are we not setting a deleterious precedent if she is not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, given the magnitude of the circumstances!

I was also struck by that question when it was asked because it seemed quite of those "I know something that you don't think I know moments!" that would have had most attorney's covering the microphone and having a little conference with their client to keep them from committing perjury. A simple "I don't remember." would have probably been the reply after such a conference. In Ford's case however, her lawyers were the ones she was steered to by Diane Feinstein which begs the question...were they there to represent Ford to the best of their abilities...or were they there representing the left in an attempt to derail that confirmation? When one takes into account that they seem to have failed to tell their client that the GOP was willing to fly to California to interview her privately which brought on the televised's not a stretch to think that lawyer Katz cared more about getting Kavanaugh than she did about protecting Ford!
No, liar boy. He’s kept very afloat due to advertising revenue flowing in as it always has.

You mean Gold Bugs and security companies and other advertisers who count on you being very, very afraid... um, yeah, I guess. must be good at your job because you’ve got lying down to a science which helps a lot in your “padding” business.

Naw, man, my business, honesty is important, unlike Rush, who just tells you wingnuts that it's raining when the rich piss on your leg.

He's very good at keeping the stupids from seeing who is really screwing them.
No, liar boy. He’s kept very afloat due to advertising revenue flowing in as it always has.

You mean Gold Bugs and security companies and other advertisers who count on you being very, very afraid... um, yeah, I guess. must be good at your job because you’ve got lying down to a science which helps a lot in your “padding” business.

Naw, man, my business, honesty is important, unlike Rush, who just tells you wingnuts that it's raining when the rich piss on your leg.

He's very good at keeping the stupids from seeing who is really screwing them.
Hey, JoeyB Dolezal, it dawned on me I owe you an apology. I remembered after recently recalling for you and everyone else in here the series of lies you made up about the state of Rush’s advertisers on Chicago’s WLS that you actually doubled down on them by asserting a smaller Rush station in WI was in the same PSA/self-promo boat as WLS! So, just wanted you to know how sorry I am for that omission and sincerely hope you’ll forgive me.

Something else popped into my mind too. Why don’t you just admit to the class you lied? That you just made it all up because you hate Rush and figured it would make it sound like your fantasy of a Rush-free world would soon be a reality. Sure, it would be highly embarrassing for you but perhaps the first step along the road to recovery too. Just imagine how different a world it would be for you if you could beat whatever sickness, mental deficiency or whatever it is that causes you to lie your ass off about things so easily disproved that leave folks to conclude you’re a friggin’ idiot, among other things. Anyway, give it some thought. It’s never too late to grow up.
There was a big "hole" in the proceedings for the Republican team on the Judiciary Committee.

One of them NEEDED TO state clearly and unambiguously that s/he DIDN'T BELIEVE FORD, and why.

Because the world was left with the preposterous conclusion that everyone on the Committee found her "credible," but still chose to go with Judge K. It cannot wash. Either Ford was wrong in what she said, or she wasn't. If she was wrong, then she was either lying, mistaken, or delusional. There is no other option. If you voted to confirm Kavanaugh, then you MUST HAVE CONCLUDED that what Ford said was not the truth. There is no other possibility. Why not state it out loud?

And there was enough meat on the bones to justify an overt statement that she was lying. As mentioned with nauseating frequency, she lied about fear of flying, she lied about not wanting her accusation to become public, probably lied about not knowing that the committee would come to her, lied about the reasons for installing two front doors in her residence (so that an office could be set up), and so on. Her very demeanor and voice in her testimony were "lies." She is a PhD psychologist who speaks in public ALL THE TIME. She has undoubtedly spoken at large symposiums and other large public gatherings. To come before the committee sounding like some timid little waif...that was obviously contrived and phony.

Most importantly, WHAT SHE SAID WAS NOT BELIEVABLE. She told a tale that cast an otherwise exemplary person as a sexual predator. There is no evidence from ANYWHERE, at any time of his life, that he had ever done or even contemplated such a vile act. It is as though someone claimed that Mr. Rogers was a child molester.

The failure of anyone on the Republican side to state clearly that Ford was lying is one of the reasons why this whole thing will never actually die.
What out for young men, they will turn into Holy Ghosts when they assault your females.
Nope, lol - they are just normal, healthy, red blooded young men behaving as their God given instincts and hormones drive them in their inclinations. Now with that being said, there comes with that a God given brain to keep their actions within the societal bounds of discretion, overriding their 'urges'. Enough with this "toxic masculinity" crap that pervades our society propagated by the MSM, Hollywood, schools and institutions of higher learning! There is a ring of normalcy & truth in that somewhat trite adage of "boys will be boys".

Well then you can tell me who is assaulting the females, besides Trump and Kavanaugh?
Clinton, ellison, booker..... Libards are stupid.
What out for young men, they will turn into Holy Ghosts when they assault your females.
Nope, lol - they are just normal, healthy, red blooded young men behaving as their God given instincts and hormones drive them in their inclinations. Now with that being said, there comes with that a God given brain to keep their actions within the societal bounds of discretion, overriding their 'urges'. Enough with this "toxic masculinity" crap that pervades our society propagated by the MSM, Hollywood, schools and institutions of higher learning! There is a ring of normalcy & truth in that somewhat trite adage of "boys will be boys".

Well then you can tell me who is assaulting the females, besides Trump and Kavanaugh?
Clinton, ellison, booker..... Libards are stupid.
Especially when they lead with their chins like Penny did...KAPOW!
Something else popped into my mind too. Why don’t you just admit to the class you lied? That you just made it all up because you hate Rush and figured it would make it sound like your fantasy of a Rush-free world would soon be a reality.

Except it wasn't... his advertisers are mostly PSA, promotions for other shows and of course, the shit to keep you guys very, very, very afraid.

Decent companies took their ads off and they haven't been back.

Now, WLS- um, yeah, their ratings are done to a 1.5 share... so no one really knows what is going on there anymore.

Again, when was the last time Limbaugh was in the news? It's not that he's stopped saying Racist, Misogynistic shit, it's just that no one is listening when he does.

So if a Closeted Homosexual rants in an empty forest, does he make a sound?
Something else popped into my mind too. Why don’t you just admit to the class you lied? That you just made it all up because you hate Rush and figured it would make it sound like your fantasy of a Rush-free world would soon be a reality.

Except it wasn't... his advertisers are mostly PSA, promotions for other shows and of course, the shit to keep you guys very, very, very afraid.

Decent companies took their ads off and they haven't been back.

Now, WLS- um, yeah, their ratings are done to a 1.5 share... so no one really knows what is going on there anymore.

Again, when was the last time Limbaugh was in the news? It's not that he's stopped saying Racist, Misogynistic shit, it's just that no one is listening when he does.

So if a Closeted Homosexual rants in an empty forest, does he make a sound?
Wow, JoeyB Dolezal, you’re doubling down yet again! “...his advertisers are mostly PSA...”. You’re STILL sticking to your original lie even after I more or less offered you a Get Out of Jail Free card if you’d just admit you initially lied about everything concerning Rush’s advertisers? Too funny, sad, but funny.

I’ll be getting back to you about this latest iteration of your lying fantasy.
Wow, JoeyB Dolezal, you’re doubling down yet again! “...his advertisers are mostly PSA...”. You’re STILL sticking to your original lie even after I more or less offered you a Get Out of Jail Free card if you’d just admit you initially lied about everything concerning Rush’s advertisers? Too funny, sad, but funny.

You can keep pretending that, but nope, he doesn't have quality advertisers....

WLS rates lower than the Spanish Stations... that's how dead in the water it is.
Wow, JoeyB Dolezal, you’re doubling down yet again! “...his advertisers are mostly PSA...”. You’re STILL sticking to your original lie even after I more or less offered you a Get Out of Jail Free card if you’d just admit you initially lied about everything concerning Rush’s advertisers? Too funny, sad, but funny.

You can keep pretending that, but nope, he doesn't have quality advertisers....

WLS rates lower than the Spanish Stations... that's how dead in the water it is.
You are incredibly stupid. Check out the station ratings in any major market and usually Spanish stations are at the top simply because there aren’t the many options available to listeners that English speaking folks have.

Couldn’t listen real closely yesterday because the buying opportunities that arose in the markets cornered much of my attention, but I didn’t hear a single PSA. Lots of national and local spots as usual though.

One more time. Why not just tell the class why it is that you have to make up lies to support your positions on issues? We promise to take whatever you come up with seriously with little or no laughing. Honest. Oops, that’s a word you’ll probably have to look up in the dictionary, sorry.
You are incredibly stupid. Check out the station ratings in any major market and usually Spanish stations are at the top simply because there aren’t the many options available to listeners that English speaking folks have.

Couldn’t listen real closely yesterday because the buying opportunities that arose in the markets cornered much of my attention, but I didn’t hear a single PSA. Lots of national and local spots as usual though.

One more time. Why not just tell the class why it is that you have to make up lies to support your positions on issues? We promise to take whatever you come up with seriously with little or no laughing. Honest. Oops, that’s a word you’ll probably have to look up in the dictionary, sorry.

Nothing to make up... Rush in Chicago is below the Spanish Stations, no one listens to his show anymore, and no sponsors other than the "Let's Scare White People" companies put spots on his show.

The only thing propping him up is Koch brother money at this point.
You are incredibly stupid. Check out the station ratings in any major market and usually Spanish stations are at the top simply because there aren’t the many options available to listeners that English speaking folks have.

Couldn’t listen real closely yesterday because the buying opportunities that arose in the markets cornered much of my attention, but I didn’t hear a single PSA. Lots of national and local spots as usual though.

One more time. Why not just tell the class why it is that you have to make up lies to support your positions on issues? We promise to take whatever you come up with seriously with little or no laughing. Honest. Oops, that’s a word you’ll probably have to look up in the dictionary, sorry.

Nothing to make up... Rush in Chicago is below the Spanish Stations, no one listens to his show anymore, and no sponsors other than the "Let's Scare White People" companies put spots on his show.

The only thing propping him up is Koch brother money at this point.
Do you ever pause and read the bullshit you’ve typed before hitting Post Reply?

So, according to a certified liar no one listens to Rush on WLS, a show crammed full of PSAs and only ad spots for dubious products or services. Thus the question, Why would WLS continued to air his show? And the only possible answer would be their suits are as stupid as you.

I will admit though this White People was scared yesterday listening to Rush’s national spots for LifeLock computer security, window accessories, Rhino safe company, and other very scary and sinister businesses.

C’mon now, JoeyB Dolezal, just come clean and tell the class why you are constantly compelled to make up such absurd lies that are so easily disproved simply by listening to Rush’s show? It’s hard to believe you’re unaware how asinine your repeated doubling down comes across in here. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
Ford lied, proof is who is sitting on the court now?
A recent study found that drinking decreased among American teenagers from 1991 to 2015, particularly among boys and children from better-off families. A publication from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health states, “We all feel the effects of the aggressive behavior, property damage, injuries, violence, and deaths that can result from underage drinking,” and warns that “underage youth who drink are more likely to carry out or be the victim of a physical or sexual assault after drinking than others their age who do not drink.”

Kavanaugh’s High School, Georgetown Prep, Warned Parents in 1990 of “Sexual or Violent Behavior” at Parties
Ex-Boyfriend Says Dr. Ford Coached Friend for Polygraph, Had No Fear of Flying

Reviewing the Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony | National Review

I'm waiting with bated breath for more proverbial 'shoes to drop', lol! Would trump have waded into such a misogynistic minefield at his Mississippi rally yesterday if he wasn't damn sure that it wouldn't blow back on him? Dr. ford being such a "victim" (accentuated by that squeaky, pubescent 'valley girl' voice) ... Actually there is even more contradiction with the preliminary "polygraph" report, (not the actual questions mind you, just the report) where there are now even more females at the supposed house party of groping. I've never been a prude but my goodness, as a teenager there were always a bevy of boys with wandering hands with only 1 thing on their minds... I just don't get the severity of her psyche shattering incident 36 years ago...

Boys will be boys huh? The fact is that if they had that on their mind then their parents did not do a good job of parenting. Clearly the National Review article was written by a man. It is not unusual for a woman to have gaps in her memory. Nothing Dr Ford has done is inconsistent with other victims of sexual assault. It is also interesting how Dr Ford's word is examined very carefully but a letter is taken at face value. Her fear of flying is a red herring drawn by you clowns.
This might be the proverbial nail in the coffin for Dr. Ford; oddly specific I thought at the time.

- "have you ever had discussions with anyone, besides your attorneys, on how to take a polygraph?
- "never"

minute 3 in the below video

If Dr. ford is, in the end, determined to have overtly lied under oath / determined to have fraudulently sought to influence the nomination should she be prosecuted? Are we not setting a deleterious precedent if she is not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, given the magnitude of the circumstances!

A bunch of men are going to make that determination? Try it and destroy the party.
Boys will be boys huh? The fact is that if they had that on their mind then their parents did not do a good job of parenting.

Wow, sucks to be you with your puritan views and obvious lack of experience with having a healthy libido!
Any 'red blooded men' (& women) want to weigh in on whether puritan parenting was able to mitigate their God given, innate sex drive, lol...
Boys will be boys huh? The fact is that if they had that on their mind then their parents did not do a good job of parenting.

Wow, sucks to be you with your puritan views and obvious lack of experience with having a healthy libido!
Any 'red blooded men' (& women) want to weigh in on whether puritan parenting was able to mitigate their God given, innate sex drive, lol...

It shows my parents did a good job with me and taught me morals. I am very proud of that you little whore.

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