Reviewing the Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony

What out for young men, they will turn into Holy Ghosts when they assault your females.
Nope, lol - they are just normal, healthy, red blooded young men behaving as their God given instincts and hormones drive them in their inclinations. Now with that being said, there comes with that a God given brain to keep their actions within the societal bounds of discretion, overriding their 'urges'. Enough with this "toxic masculinity" crap that pervades our society propagated by the MSM, Hollywood, schools and institutions of higher learning! There is a ring of normalcy & truth in that somewhat trite adage of "boys will be boys".

Well then you can tell me who is assaulting the females, besides Trump and Kavanaugh?
Cosby, Elison, Clinton, Weinstein, Matt Lauer, for starters.
You win. :p[/

Ex-Boyfriend Says Dr. Ford Coached Friend for Polygraph, Had No Fear of Flying

Reviewing the Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony | National Review

I'm waiting with bated breath for more proverbial 'shoes to drop', lol! Would trump have waded into such a misogynistic minefield at his Mississippi rally yesterday if he wasn't damn sure that it wouldn't blow back on him? Dr. ford being such a "victim" (accentuated by that squeaky, pubescent 'valley girl' voice) ... Actually there is even more contradiction with the preliminary "polygraph" report, (not the actual questions mind you, just the report) where there are now even more females at the supposed house party of groping. I've never been a prude but my goodness, as a teenager there were always a bevy of boys with wandering hands with only 1 thing on their minds... I just don't get the severity of her psyche shattering incident 36 years ago...

Inconsistencies in Ford’s testimony has no bearing on the validity of that testimony:

“…in recent years, police have been moving toward a model called trauma-informed interviewing. Rebecca Campbell is a research psychologist at Michigan State who's helped to promote the new standard, which takes into account that it's normal for victims to sometimes get their facts wrong.

‘What trauma-informed interviewing is saying - just because they might have difficulty answering a question or they might have some inconsistencies, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're lying; it doesn't necessarily mean that there's a problem in the case. It means keep an open mind and continue the investigation.’”
Debra Katz and Lisa Banks part of Dr. Fraud's secretive legal advice in a letter to Chairman Grassley: “Regarding the documents you have requested in your letter of October 2, 2018, Dr. Ford is prepared to provide those documents to the FBI when is interviewed.”
Hopefully the Left won't do to this issue as they have done to the subject of racism.

They've taken a terribly important issue and diluted/trivialized it by taking it too far for political advantage.

Stormy Mac, living in mortal fear that White Male Privilege might be diluted by treating women and minorities decently.

The fact is, only 3% of rapists see the inside of a jail cell, and half of them aren't even reported to authorities.
I would argue that there is another sort of 'assault' / disservice against females; the artificially propping up and faux societal entitlements that the 'powers that be' are engendering in females. Artificial anything, is doing a disservice to those it applies to. A corollary could be drawn to socioeconomic subsets that receive entitlements for the express purpose of garnering political chits / votes at the ballot box, IMHO of course...

wow, do you feel special that you strung a word salad together?

Here's the thing.

On one hand, we had an educated, calm woman talking about a sexual assault that happened to her as a teen,


An angry drunk screaming about conspiracies against him and how much he liked beer!
I would argue that there is another sort of 'assault' / disservice against females; the artificially propping up and faux societal entitlements that the 'powers that be' are engendering in females. Artificial anything, is doing a disservice to those it applies to. A corollary could be drawn to socioeconomic subsets that receive entitlements for the express purpose of garnering political chits / votes at the ballot box, IMHO of course...

wow, do you feel special that you strung a word salad together?

Here's the thing.

On one hand, we had an educated, calm woman talking about a sexual assault that happened to her as a teen,


An angry drunk screaming about conspiracies against him and how much he liked beer!
Whose fault is it, that you perceive a grammatically correct paragraph to be 'word salad', lol :)
wow, do you feel special that you strung a word salad together?

Here's the thing.

On one hand, we had an educated, calm woman talking about a sexual assault that happened to her as a teen,


An angry drunk screaming about conspiracies against him and how much he liked beer!
dear joe
your attempt at explaining what the media told you to say amounts to little more than you needing someone else to string together the words for you, her sentence only seemed special to you because you did not hear it/them come over the TV, here is what you really saw and heard:

the consistently same testimony of a man that was so convincing it required your information filter known as the media to downshift to a lower gear and have you start shouting "BEER" "BEER" "BEER"
an unstable woman who was thoroughly and obviously coached on the 2 or 3 sentences she needed to pull off while claiming to not remember the things that would have surely landed her in jail if said under oath and result in her lawyers going before the bar.

now you obviously are going to fake some concern over a woman who wanted no part of this charade so as to hide the lie, but regardless of how this thing goes with Kavanaugh, one week later you are going to have no use for her other than to put her name on a protest's an old tired story joe...

So if Kavanaugh is confirmed I'll see ya when it is time to replace Ginsburg and you are touting the next media faux show

Are we not setting a deleterious precedent if she is not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, given the magnitude of the circumstances!

I am almost certain that is why the FBI didn't interview Dr. Ford after she had provided sworn testimony (whether or not anyone would think that was the wrong thing to do). After Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh provided sworn testimony in front of Congress, actually interviewing them would result in something. Since they cannot both be telling the truth, one or both of them (not to mention any number of collaborating witnesses) would be going to jail.

Where that comes into "play" is that someone (including Dr. Ford) could be going to jail for a lie they told during sworn testimony that really had nothing to do with the crime of sexual assault Dr. Ford alleged. In other words, no crime of sexual assault, that started the whole mess, may have been able to be proven with unbiased verifiable evidence as ever occurring. At the same time, any number of people could end up being sent to jail for lying about something (anything), either in their statements or testimony, that still doesn't prove whether or not the crime alleged ever occurred.

In other words, if the FBI had chosen to investigate anything other than what is directly supported in unbiased verifiable collaborating evidence that the alleged sexual assault occurred, and if they interviewed Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh (or any of the people who had already provided sworn statements) ... A whole stinking lot of people could have been going to jail over what is essentially an allegation of a sexual assault that may never have been proven to have occurred.

I am not excusing liars, I am saying that if the FBI wants to start opening investigations as to who is lying in Washington DC, there aren't enough jail cells to house the guilty.
the consistently same testimony of a man that was so convincing it required your information filter known as the media to downshift to a lower gear and have you start shouting "BEER" "BEER" "BEER"

Frankly, what I heard was an angry guy screaming the Clintons were conspiring against him... which was just nuts. Oh, yeah, and he keeps 35 year old calendars as proof of something. And he liked Beer.

an unstable woman who was thoroughly and obviously coached on the 2 or 3 sentences she needed to pull off while claiming to not remember the things that would have surely landed her in jail if said under oath and result in her lawyers going before the bar.

Frankly, woman seemed pretty stable to me. And when you have at least two other women and his classmates telling the same kinds of stories, they are more credible.

I am almost certain that is why the FBI didn't interview Dr. Ford after she had provided sworn testimony (whether or not anyone would think that was the wrong thing to do). After Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh provided sworn testimony in front of Congress, actually interviewing them would result in something. Since they cannot both be telling the truth, one or both of them (not to mention any number of collaborating witnesses) would be going to jail.

Again- horseshit. No investigator would conduct an investigation without questioning the two principles... and they wouldn't rely on interviews done by someone else.

This FBI investigation was a farce, and it will be pretty quickly revealed as one as soon as someone leaks it.
What out for young men, they will turn into Holy Ghosts when they assault your females.
Nope, lol - they are just normal, healthy, red blooded young men behaving as their God given instincts and hormones drive them in their inclinations. Now with that being said, there comes with that a God given brain to keep their actions within the societal bounds of discretion, overriding their 'urges'. Enough with this "toxic masculinity" crap that pervades our society propagated by the MSM, Hollywood, schools and institutions of higher learning! There is a ring of normalcy & truth in that somewhat trite adage of "boys will be boys".

Studies are showing that testosterone levels have dropped so low over the decades it's a wonder anybody manages to have kids or pee standing up any more, so yeah, the 'culture wars' are indeed leading to a demise in necessary roles. Soon, these 'women' will find out the rest of the world deosn't give a rat's ass about PC NESS and will subject them to far worse than occasionally getting groped by some kid.
Studies are showing that testosterone levels have dropped so low over the decades it's a wonder anybody manages to have kids or pee standing up any more, so yeah, the 'culture wars' are indeed leading to a demise in necessary roles. Soon, these 'women' will find out the rest of the world deosn't give a rat's ass about PC NESS and will subject them to far worse than occasionally getting groped by some kid.

So take those gropings, ladies!!!!

Just remember, when you get knocked up in that rape you were totally asking for when you dressed like a slut, you can't fix it with an abortion.
Studies are showing that testosterone levels have dropped so low over the decades it's a wonder anybody manages to have kids or pee standing up any more, so yeah, the 'culture wars' are indeed leading to a demise in necessary roles. Soon, these 'women' will find out the rest of the world deosn't give a rat's ass about PC NESS and will subject them to far worse than occasionally getting groped by some kid.

So take those gropings, ladies!!!!

Just remember, when you get knocked up in that rape you were totally asking for when you dressed like a slut, you can't fix it with an abortion.

Well, we know your ilk think it's fine for homos to grope strangers, so why the sudden morality outbreak among your ilk anyway? It doesn't fool anybody, and you just continue to look like the congenital liars all you deviants are. You deviants love kiddie rapers, think they're 'victims', and you like to have your human sacrifices, in the form of millions of murdered babies as well, so stick with annoying your fellow sickos, and stop bothering the real posters like a good lil boy.
Well, we know your ilk think it's fine for homos to grope strangers, so why the sudden morality outbreak among your ilk anyway? It doesn't fool anybody, and you just continue to look like the congenital liars all you deviants are. You deviants love kiddie rapers, think they're 'victims', and you like to have your human sacrifices, in the form of millions of murdered babies as well, so stick with annoying your fellow sickos, and stop bothering the real posters like a good lil boy.

Okay, buddy... I've been here for 8 years...

I doubt you'll last a few months.

No one said it was okay for gays to grope strangers...

And fetuses aren't people.

Do you want to spew any more crazy to distract from the point?
Well, we know your ilk think it's fine for homos to grope strangers, so why the sudden morality outbreak among your ilk anyway? It doesn't fool anybody, and you just continue to look like the congenital liars all you deviants are. You deviants love kiddie rapers, think they're 'victims', and you like to have your human sacrifices, in the form of millions of murdered babies as well, so stick with annoying your fellow sickos, and stop bothering the real posters like a good lil boy.

Okay, buddy... I've been here for 8 years...

I doubt you'll last a few months.

No one said it was okay for gays to grope strangers...

And fetuses aren't people.

Do you want to spew any more crazy to distract from the point?

Oh my, all that 'experience' in posting crazy mentally ill rubbish for years is, like, really really intimidating n stuff...

lol lol lol what's next, you post pics of your big sister shaking her fist at me?
Again- horseshit. No investigator would conduct an investigation without questioning the two principles... and they wouldn't rely on interviews done by someone else.

This FBI investigation was a farce, and it will be pretty quickly revealed as one as soon as someone leaks it.

What I posted had nothing to do with your opinion about the sworn testimony they already gave or who questioned them during that testimony. I am talking about the basic fact that it was sworn testimony, and either or both of them could go to jail for lies told during that testimony that have nothing to do with the alleged assault, if they were interviewed by the FBI (same goes for all participants who had provided sworn statement that may be interviewed afterwards).

The FBI does not cross examine sworn witnesses like a lawyer in a courtroom either. A trained agent would also not do something as stupid as start an interview by saying, "We are conducting this interview because we think you lied, and now expect you will give us an honest answer to any question."

The FBI can interrogate some, but that happens before the subject provides a sworn statement or testimony. And, it doesn't matter who the idiots that provided them the opportunity to be sworn in and testify are.

They were investigating whether or not a sexual assault occurred, not whether or not someone has already lied under oath, because they already know at least one person has, and possibly everyone has about something.
Frankly, what I heard was an angry guy screaming the Clintons were conspiring against him... which was just nuts. Oh, yeah, and he keeps 35 year old calendars as proof of something. And he liked Beer.
Like I said, you were told that that is what you heard, I heard the talking heads say almost verbatim what you just regurgitated, go ahead deny you heard that on TV and repeated it here so everyone reading this knows who is lying.
What I posted had nothing to do with your opinion about the sworn testimony they already gave or who questioned them during that testimony. I am talking about the basic fact that it was sworn testimony, and either or both of them could go to jail for lies told during that testimony that have nothing to do with the alleged assault, if they were interviewed by the FBI (same goes for all participants who had provided sworn statement that may be interviewed afterwards).

Again, nobody would conduct a serious investigation without questioning the two principles, which is what was done here.

This investigation is a farce.

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