Reviewing the Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony

Like I said, you were told that that is what you heard, I heard the talking heads say almost verbatim what you just regurgitated, go ahead deny you heard that on TV and repeated it here so everyone reading this knows who is lying.

So you are saying he said other things in reality, and TV Dubbed in his voice saying this crazy shit?

You are getting seriously into Dale Smith Lizard Man conspiracy theory territory here, bud. Next you'll be telling me they were all Crisis Actors or some such crazy shit.
What I posted had nothing to do with your opinion about the sworn testimony they already gave or who questioned them during that testimony. I am talking about the basic fact that it was sworn testimony, and either or both of them could go to jail for lies told during that testimony that have nothing to do with the alleged assault, if they were interviewed by the FBI (same goes for all participants who had provided sworn statement that may be interviewed afterwards).

Again, nobody would conduct a serious investigation without questioning the two principles, which is what was done here.

This investigation is a farce.

Well if you want Dr. Ford sent to jail because she lied about being afraid to fly in her sworn testimony, when it has nothing to do with a sexual assault and more to do with why she didn't want to testify on a certain date, or the polygraph etc ... Then let the FBI interview and investigate what is already in her sworn testimony.

I am pretty sure they were more interested in whether or not there was any unbiased verifiable evidence of a sexual assault, and not how many people have already lied about something else.
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'm waiting with bated breath for more proverbial 'shoes to drop', lol! Would trump have waded into such a misogynistic minefield in his Mississippi rally yesterday if he wasn't damn sure that it wouldn't blow back on him?

Um, yeah, Trump would do that because the man's a fucking misogynist by nature, dummy.
Wait you don’t like misogynists? Really? You love Bubba, Fat Teddy, John Edwards, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, John Conyers, Anthony Wiener, Elliot Spitzer, Barney Frank, etc.

Frankly, woman seemed pretty stable to me. And when you have at least two other women and his classmates telling the same kinds of stories, they are more credible.
again regurgitation, the woman was clearly and undeniably unstable to the point she needed therapy to find out what was wrong with her, that escapes you because it wasn't repeated ad nauseum on your TV.
Again- horseshit. No investigator would conduct an investigation without questioning the two principles... and they wouldn't rely on interviews done by someone else.

This FBI investigation was a farce, and it will be pretty quickly revealed as one as soon as someone leaks it.
the farce was pretending to want and demanding an fbi investigation... was blatantly obvious nothing more than a delaying tactic with the intent all along to hide bogus charges cooked up and attributed to an unstable woman [who did not want to go public]to advance a political agenda...
...that is what happened here...nothing is the inability to get those delays that is irking you and the rest of the left.
Well if you want Dr. Ford sent to jail because she lied about being afraid to fly in her sworn testimony, when it has nothing to do with a sexual assault and more to do with why she didn't want to testify on an certain date, or the polygraph etc ... Then let the FBI interview and investigate what is already in her sworn testimony.

yeah, you do with that, because clearly being afraid to fly is really incriminating..

The point is, the FBI didn't talk to her or Kavanaugh... that's not an investigation.
So you are saying he said other things in reality, and TV Dubbed in his voice saying this crazy shit?

I said what I meant, the only one saying the above is you and because it is so crazy you now feel the need to blame someone else for it.

You are getting seriously into Dale Smith Lizard Man conspiracy theory territory here, bud. Next you'll be telling me they were all Crisis Actors or some such crazy shit.
I notice you did not deny hearing hearing those things on TV and then repeated them here, just made some outrageously crazy rants and then tried to attribute them to others to steer attention from the fact that you can not deny hearing those things from the media so you could pretend you had a point of your own....
...but go ahead, deny you heard any/all of that on TV so others can judge who is lying.
yeah, you do with that, because clearly being afraid to fly is really incriminating..

The point is, the FBI didn't talk to her or Kavanaugh... that's not an investigation.

It doesn't matter, because if the FBI investigates that and she lied about it in sworn testimony, it would be a crime (no matter what you think about it).

Which is my point to start with, the FBI doesn't necessarily want to send Dr. Ford to jail, they want to investigate whether or not there is any unbiased verifiable evidence the crime in her allegations occurred. Senator Grassley asked her before she was dismissed if there was anything else she wanted to add and she replied "no". If she wants to add something more, then she lied in sworn testimony under oath.

The FBI is not operating as the function of a lawyer in a courtroom cross examining witnesses after they have provided statements or testimony.

If you think the investigation is flimsy, that is the sole result of the fact the allegations were flimsy, and lacked unbiased verifiable evidence for the FBI to pursue.
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When the Judiciary committee requests supporting documents (therapy notes etc.) and they are flat out denied, except for specific terms in steering the agenda & time table of the committee; there is a problem! Who knows if Dr. Ford would even produce those documents & not just obfuscate & foment more Bull Sheite if the committee acquiesced, while the world awaits, & turns on a dime for this proven perjurer... That's NOT how this works & I'm newly buoyed by the likes of Graham (who was on my shit list until recently) and others who call a spade a spade!

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Hopefully the Left won't do to this issue as they have done to the subject of racism.

They've taken a terribly important issue and diluted/trivialized it by taking it too far for political advantage.

Stormy Mac, living in mortal fear that White Male Privilege might be diluted by treating women and minorities decently.

The fact is, only 3% of rapists see the inside of a jail cell, and half of them aren't even reported to authorities.
There is no white male privilege.

Your so called fact is wrong.

There is no evidence of your 3% claim or of your claim that most are not reported
Oh my, all that 'experience' in posting crazy mentally ill rubbish for years is, like, really really intimidating n stuff...

Again, I doubt you'll be here that long, so you probably aren't even worth putting on "ignore'.

But do go on with your right wing babbling of stuff you heard on hate radio like it is an original thought.

you're the expert on talk radio, as well as parroting the same old piles of shit put out by your media like a good lil flunkie boi, so it's not like anybody cares what you spew out, it's just entertainment, so don't worry, I promise I wont' make you have these stupid infantile tantrums of yours on the Internet and have to call your therapist/pimp outside of office hours again.
'm waiting with bated breath for more proverbial 'shoes to drop', lol! Would trump have waded into such a misogynistic minefield in his Mississippi rally yesterday if he wasn't damn sure that it wouldn't blow back on him?

Um, yeah, Trump would do that because the man's a fucking misogynist by nature, dummy.
Is that worse than being a fucking outright liar like you?
I notice you did not deny hearing hearing those things on TV and then repeated them here,

Um, yeah, I am totally repeating what Judge Drunken Rapist said... which is what I heard him say..

It doesn't matter, because if the FBI investigates that and she lied about it in sworn testimony, it would be a crime (no matter what you think about it).

well, no, it wouldn't be... because lots of people who are afraid of flying still get on airplanes.

I really don't like airplanes. The other thing that freaks me out is hypodermic needles because I spent a lot of time in a Catholic Hospital when I was a kid and they jabbed me with lot of needles trying to extract money from my Dad's insurance plan.

But I still get a shot when I have to.
you're the expert on talk radio, as well as parroting the same old piles of shit put out by your media like a good lil flunkie boi, so it's not like anybody cares what you spew out, it's just entertainment, so don't worry, I promise I wont' make you have these stupid infantile tantrums of yours on the Internet and have to call your therapist/pimp outside of office hours again.

Maybe someone can teach you how to properly structure a sentence while they are at it...
Is that worse than being a fucking outright liar like you?

Sorry, Dominican Rent Boy, nobody is lying here... I know reality is a tough thing for you Hate Radio Drones to deal with.
Wasn’t talking about here dipshit and you know it. And so does everyone else in here familiar with your totally made up lies about Rush’s advertisers, or complete lack of as you so stupidly asserted.

Perhaps your mother could tell you the story some day about the boy who cried wolf. A bit late, yes, but better than never if you’re able to comprehend the point.
you're the expert on talk radio, as well as parroting the same old piles of shit put out by your media like a good lil flunkie boi, so it's not like anybody cares what you spew out, it's just entertainment, so don't worry, I promise I wont' make you have these stupid infantile tantrums of yours on the Internet and have to call your therapist/pimp outside of office hours again.

Maybe someone can teach you how to properly structure a sentence while they are at it...

Lost another one didn't ya?

Have you noticed you've pretty much been on the losing side for the last two years?'re a tired old clown

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