Reviving America

Can you imagine the money we would save in government. ..
20 million × ?= billions
A business that pays an illegal 10 bucks an hour would have to pay an american citizen 25 bucks an hour for the same exact work. Anything less and you are an anti american.
Interesting to think about. Here in Hillsboro (Hillsburrito), we have a large number of Mexican nationals living and working the farms and fields nearby. You see them everywhere. The short Mexican women with their strollers, pushing their anchor babies up and down the sidewalks. The school classrooms full of ESL kids who are slowing down everything for everyone else. The emergency rooms full of indigent Mexicans who can't pay their bills. On the other hand, I do think a hell of of lot of businesses would be hurt by their absence were they all to be deported. Also, who would harvest the crops? Would Americans go back to doing this hard labor for little pay?
Interesting to think about. Here in Hillsboro (Hillsburrito), we have a large number of Mexican nationals living and working the farms and fields nearby. You see them everywhere. The short Mexican women with their strollers, pushing their anchor babies up and down the sidewalks. The school classrooms full of ESL kids who are slowing down everything for everyone else. The emergency rooms full of indigent Mexicans who can't pay their bills. On the other hand, I do think a hell of of lot of businesses would be hurt by their absence were they all to be deported. Also, who would harvest the crops? Would Americans go back to doing this hard labor for little pay?

If one gets hungry enough
No american should work on those farms for less than 20 bucks per hour. Screw those filthy bastards who exploit people. If you disagree you hate Americans.
Not even if one is hungry for anything near what an illegal is paid. Its gonna be time to put the screws to american employers. Pay up cheap pricks.
Put the screws to businesses that don't comply and raise wages big time. Time to shut down. I will help close you down and celebrate your closing.
No american should work on those farms for less than 20 bucks per hour. Screw those filthy bastards who exploit people. If you disagree you hate Americans.
Yeah, but then American consumers would have to pay a lot more for their groceries.
How much do farm workers make a year?

Annually, the average income of crop workers is between $10,000 to $12,499 for individuals and $15,000 to $17,499 for a family. To give you an idea, the federal poverty line is $10,830 for an individual or $22,050 for a family
Then we should pay more. Stick it to the exploiters. Time to nail businesses but good. You hire illegals, now you double the wages for the same work....bout time.
A business that pays an illegal 10 bucks an hour would have to pay an american citizen 25 bucks an hour for the same exact work. Anything less and you are an anti american.
You know a business that pays Trespassers that much?
I say $7.00/hour at most.

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