
The Founders (many of them) owned people as property. If you're looking for a good man - don't.
You do realize that the original slave owners here were American Indians? Right into the 1900s...
Show us in the law where the Indians were slave owners right into the 1900s. You are such a dip stick.
They always enslaved other tribes, and in the early 1900s they were still fighting with each other and enslaving each other.
For instance here in western South Dakota there's a place called bear Butte, the Cheyenne and Sioux cannot be around each other or they will start fighting. Their camps have to be on the opposite side of the butte...
You obviously don't understand the Indian nations… LOL
I asked you for proof under the law. You don't have it. If you are citing yourself, then you are worse than silly. Give us proof that legal slavery existed under the Indians in the 1900s.
Legal? I never said it was "legal"… You do realize that indian nations were at odds with the federal government since forever and to this day?
Slavery has been as much of the indian nations culture as any other part of its history… it's part of its make up.
Slavery is as old as agriculture and war.
Rustic is merely mouth farting.

Where is the evidence that Indians practiced slavery into the 1900s? :lol:
Rustic is merely mouth farting.

Where is the evidence that Indians practiced slavery into the 1900s? :lol:
The northern plains tribes always have bragged about slavery and they were fighting each other right up to the very first part of the 1900's. They enslaved every tribe they conquered... fact

Of course political correctness wants to ignore these facts… Also they want to ignore the fact that northern plains tribes had no written language. Lol
Rustic is merely mouth farting.

Where is the evidence that Indians practiced slavery into the 1900s? :lol:
The northern plains tribes always have bragged about slavery and they were fighting each other right up to the very first part of the 1900's. They enslaved every tribe they conquered... fact

Of course political correctness wants to ignore these facts… Also they want to ignore the fact that northern plains tribes had no written language. Lol
No evidence, just silly statements by Rustic.
Rustic is merely mouth farting.

Where is the evidence that Indians practiced slavery into the 1900s? :lol:
The northern plains tribes always have bragged about slavery and they were fighting each other right up to the very first part of the 1900's. They enslaved every tribe they conquered... fact

Of course political correctness wants to ignore these facts… Also they want to ignore the fact that northern plains tribes had no written language. Lol
No evidence, just silly statements by Rustic.

We've got to do something while we wait for your evidence on Trump.
Rustic is merely mouth farting.

Where is the evidence that Indians practiced slavery into the 1900s? :lol:
The northern plains tribes always have bragged about slavery and they were fighting each other right up to the very first part of the 1900's. They enslaved every tribe they conquered... fact

Of course political correctness wants to ignore these facts… Also they want to ignore the fact that northern plains tribes had no written language. Lol
No evidence, just silly statements by Rustic.
We've got to do something while we wait for your evidence on Trump.
That you don't like that Trump admits he is being investigated is your problem, kiddo.

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