Rewarding illegal aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Rewarding those that enter the country illegally with driver license and other benefits only encourage more illegal immigration and make it harder and costly to control illegal immigration which is costly to the American people. Nevada just rewarded illegal aliens with driver’s license because our governor and other law maker believe it will make our roads safer. But it only put more drivers on the road that have no right in the beginning to be here. The only way to make our roads and neighborhoods safer is to deport those who are here illegally. Send the message that if you come illegally you will be not be rewarded but you will be deported ASAP. There has been no real attempt to curb illegal immigration since Truman, Eisenhower rounded them up and deported them. Begin the round up and they will leave on their own and illegal immigration will be controlled and controlling the border would be easier and less costly. Cost going to control illegal drug smuggling.
Logic. More driver's licenses issued to more people puts more drivers on the roads and more legal drunks and more accidents. How may fatal accident are caused by legal drivers? This country is run more and more by stupids. More crime in cities wiith large populations.
Chris Christie Gives Illegal Aliens Foothold in NJ Complete with in-state tuition

This means that New Jersey taxpayers will now be forced to pay thousands of dollars in taxes each year to subsidize each illegal immigrant going to their colleges. Since New Jersey colleges fill up each year, this means that illegal aliens will displace American students who need those limited seats!

Forcing taxpayers to give in-state tuition subsidies to illegal aliens will only encourage more people to illegally immigrate to America and New Jersey.
Chris Christie Gives Illegal Aliens Foothold in NJ Complete with in-state tuition - ALIPAC
When are we going to stop giving American away to people who have not legal right to be here?
If their only crime is crossing an imaginary line, and every act since then has been lawful, give em citizenship.

Americans were all illegal aliens when we started colonizing. This land was inhabited already and invisible lines were all over.
If their only crime is crossing an imaginary line, and every act since then has been lawful, give em citizenship.

Americans were all illegal aliens when we started colonizing. This land was inhabited already and invisible lines were all over.
You think borders are imaginary?


Rewarding those that enter the country illegally with driver license and other benefits only encourage more illegal immigration and make it harder and costly to control illegal immigration which is costly to the American people. Nevada just rewarded illegal aliens with driver’s license because our governor and other law maker believe it will make our roads safer. But it only put more drivers on the road that have no right in the beginning to be here. The only way to make our roads and neighborhoods safer is to deport those who are here illegally. Send the message that if you come illegally you will be not be rewarded but you will be deported ASAP. There has been no real attempt to curb illegal immigration since Truman, Eisenhower rounded them up and deported them. Begin the round up and they will leave on their own and illegal immigration will be controlled and controlling the border would be easier and less costly. Cost going to control illegal drug smuggling.

What everyone is missing, besides the obvious lunacy of offering illegal aliens licenses in the first place; what about insurance if the criminal trespasser gets into an accident and injures passengers in another vehicle who then need medical care? What happens then?

Is the taxpayer through higher health insurance premiums and/or taxes towards public hospitals supposed to suck up the costs the way they do for welfare, section 8 housing, etc., for criminal trespassers already?
If their only crime is crossing an imaginary line, and every act since then has been lawful, give em citizenship.

So stupid it is not worth a response.

Americans were all illegal aliens when we started colonizing. This land was inhabited already and invisible lines were all over.

Most of the US was not inhabited, and what occurred over 300 years ago is not relevant today. Should we stop using toilets, brushing our teeth or bathing since people didn't in the 1600s? And I though the Israel/Palestine posters were weak... :cuckoo:
Delta4, your most recent post is a candidate for the most idiotic, mindless bit of written flatulence of the New Year. One can hardly imagine that it was not a joke. One could fill a small pamphlet simply elaborating on the idiocy of those two short sentences.

You should be proud.

But getting back to the point of the thread, it must be considered that the States have significantly different interests from those of the federal government in the "illegal immigrant" situation.

The states must deal with the facts that these people are in our midst and the Feds have shown no great inclination to remove them en masse. Further, the Federal government, through its court system, has mandated that the States educate them, feed them, provide emergency medical care for them, and make available subsidized housing, in essentially the same manner as if they were legitimately in the country.

So what is a State to do?

Making driver's licenses (and auto titles) available allows the states to ensure that the Illegals are competent to drive, and that they have liability insurance - just like Americans. This is hardly "rewarding" the Illegals with anything; they have to pay for their licenses and insurance.

In-state tuition in NJ is granted on the same basis to Illegals as to Americans. You have to have lived in the state for a set period of time, be a graduate of a NJ high school, and so forth. If they are in the state and NJ can't throw them out (that's the Federal Government's job), then isn't it better for NJ to condone their continuing education, so that they can be productive members of NJ's economy?

The idea that for every Illegal granted in-state tuition, there is some American Jersey-ite who loses out is a bit silly, don't you think?

And it's almost as likely that an illegal in NJ comes from a family that is paying taxes to the state as it is for a native to come from a family that is paying taxes to the state.

Bottom line, so what? New Jersey taxpayers might be paying a few extra sheckels to provide benefits to Illegals, but they aren't going anywhere soon anyway, so what's the difference? If Our Beloved President gets his way, they'll all be citizens before he leaves office anyway.
Logic. More driver's licenses issued to more people puts more drivers on the roads and more legal drunks and more accidents. How may fatal accident are caused by legal drivers? This country is run more and more by stupids. More crime in cities wiith large populations.

Completely illogical.

Does anyone really believe that only licensed drivers are behind the wheel?
Are you saying that fatal accidents are caused by illegals and/or unlicensed drivers?

Licensing illegals is a brilliant idea.

As it is now, we have no real idea how many illegals there are in the US. Driver's licenses would enable us to have a much ore accurate count. We would also be able to track where they are and what countries they came from.

And, yes, for the millionth time, not all illegals are Mexican.

We need less knee jerk reactions and more thought.
If their only crime is crossing an imaginary line, and every act since then has been lawful, give em citizenship.

Americans were all illegal aliens when we started colonizing. This land was inhabited already and invisible lines were all over.

The natives had no claim on the land and there were no immigraiton laws therefor no laws were broken. Natives did not belive the land could be owned. Then you know what happened next. Just because you inhabit a spot of land do not mean you own it. I don't believe there were borders?
Logic. More driver's licenses issued to more people puts more drivers on the roads and more legal drunks and more accidents. How may fatal accident are caused by legal drivers? This country is run more and more by stupids. More crime in cities wiith large populations.

Completely illogical.

Does anyone really believe that only licensed drivers are behind the wheel?
Are you saying that fatal accidents are caused by illegals and/or unlicensed drivers?

Licensing illegals is a brilliant idea.

As it is now, we have no real idea how many illegals there are in the US. Driver's licenses would enable us to have a much ore accurate count. :cuckoo:We would also be able to track where they are and what countries they came from.

And, yes, for the millionth time, not all illegals are Mexican.

We need less knee jerk reactions and more thought.
11 million are driving?:lol:
Go the schools, hospital emergency rooms, work places, internal revenue, welfare office and walmart and we wlil find 11 million illegal aliens.
If their only crime is crossing an imaginary line, and every act since then has been lawful, give em citizenship.

Americans were all illegal aliens when we started colonizing. This land was inhabited already and invisible lines were all over.

I get it. Borders do not exist, and thus, anyone who sneaks themselves across should be given a free ride by no other virtue than their ability to evade the border patrol?

You're second comment displays more ignorance than the first. Face it, Europeans were able to steam roll over the Indians because they were the more advanced civilization. This was certainly not uncommon in the 17th 18th & 19th centuries and the guilty include the Native Americans themselves before we arrived. If the standard is tribal wars that left one tribe destitute at the gain of another, then don't go on complaining when the European tribe did the exact same thing by the exact same standard. Your guilt is not going to change history and the world is indeed better off because of European colonialism.
80% of those applying in Nevada cannot pass the written test. I cannot for the life of me see the logic in giving someone here illegally the right to drive or do anything. It is not a civil or human right issue. Giving drivers license do not make them safe drivers. If I enter a home illegally what rights do I have to anything in that house???? It is not safe for Americans for 11 million people to be in the country illegally anyway. How much is this costing tax payers when more people had to be trained and hired to process them?? Does not mean they will continue to have auto insurance once they pass the test and register their cars. Some will still drive without insurance just like other legal drivers do.

Having a driver license is a privilege, not a right. 1.pdf

Backers of the bill say because many immigrants in the country illegally drive anyway, the law will make roads safer because they will be required to take the tests and have insurance.

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Encouraging and Harboring Illegal Aliens

It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is in the United States in violation of law. HARBORING MEANS ANY CONDUCT THAT TENDS TO SUBSTANTIALLY FACILITATE AN ALIEN TO REMAIN IN THE U.S. ILLEGALLY. The sheltering need not be clandestine, and harboring covers aliens arrested outdoors, as well as in a building. This provision includes harboring an alien who entered the U.S. legally but has since lost his legal status.

Aiding, abetting, harboring, encouraging illegals a felony
It is a crime to transport illegal aliens but they can legally transport themselves?
When I got my drivers 's license I had to show a birth certificate and give a social security number. I lleagl aliens do not have social security numbers. How do we know they are who they say they are?? I have been living in a senior citizen complex and they have just asked for a birth certificate as mandatory requirement.

Getting a driver's license or Photo ID in USA
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The new law will set off a scramble at the Department of Motor Vehicles, which may open up to six temporary offices to handle the estimated 1.4 million immigrants who are expected to apply in the next three years.

A study in New Mexico found that the rate of insured drivers has increased only slightly. Republican Gov. Susana Martinez has advocated the repeal of the driver's license provision, arguing that out-of-state immigrants are flocking there and fraudulently obtaining licenses.
Washington state has also seen multiple attempts to repeal its immigrant driver's licenses.

State officials estimate that once guidelines are in place, processing the flood of applications will cost $140 million to $220 million in the first three years. The new applicants would collectively pay about $50 million under current fee structures, but the bill allows additional fees if necessary.
Delta4, your most recent post is a candidate for the most idiotic, mindless bit of written flatulence of the New Year. One can hardly imagine that it was not a joke. One could fill a small pamphlet simply elaborating on the idiocy of those two short sentences.

You should be proud.

But getting back to the point of the thread, it must be considered that the States have significantly different interests from those of the federal government in the "illegal immigrant" situation.

The states must deal with the facts that these people are in our midst and the Feds have shown no great inclination to remove them en masse. Further, the Federal government, through its court system, has mandated that the States educate them, feed them, provide emergency medical care for them, and make available subsidized housing, in essentially the same manner as if they were legitimately in the country.

So what is a State to do?

Making driver's licenses (and auto titles) available allows the states to ensure that the Illegals are competent to drive, and that they have liability insurance - just like Americans. This is hardly "rewarding" the Illegals with anything; they have to pay for their licenses and insurance.

How much? A few dollar compared to what the get in benefits and cost American familes.
In-state tuition in NJ is granted on the same basis to Illegals as to Americans. You have to have lived in the state for a set period of time, be a graduate of a NJ high school, and so forth. If they are in the state and NJ can't throw them out (that's the Federal Government's job), then isn't it better for NJ to condone their continuing education, so that they can be productive members of NJ's economy?

The idea that for every Illegal granted in-state tuition, there is some American Jersey-ite who loses out is a bit silly, don't you think?

And it's almost as likely that an illegal in NJ comes from a family that is paying taxes to the state as it is for a native to come from a family that is paying taxes to the state.

Bottom line, so what? New Jersey taxpayers might be paying a few extra sheckels to provide benefits to Illegals, but they aren't going anywhere soon anyway, so what's the difference? If Our Beloved President gets his way, they'll all be citizens before he leaves office anyway.

If Immigrations Reform passes it will need the support of majority of Republicans.
The Secret Republican Strategy to Secure Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Immigrants |
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The taxpayers money used to process these driver's permits should be use to process deportations.
They will eventually go home when they have completely destroyed this country as they have Mexico. If onlly Mexicans were deported it would make a big difference. What does one have to do to lose their citizenship or right to be in this country?
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