RFK Jr Plans To Run 3rd Party - Biden Is Finished - But Why Is This Guy Upset?

Blacks have 0 interest in the shot retard. Without blacks Biden is done. Can't win without the uneducated inner city vote.
….or mail-ins. They’d never be disciplined enough, or motivated enough, to actually go to the neighborhood polling place.
Son, your cheese has done slid off your cracker if you throw away your vote for boot-head man.

Do you really want to be remembered as the schmuck who voted for boot-head man in 2024? Have you no dignity? That would be like dying with dirty underwear on, or your wife catching you jacking off to a gay porn magazine in the closet.


It was mentioned on the local news.........X votes for Candidate A, X votes for Candidate B, X votes for Candidate C and um, one write in vote for Vermin Supreme.

That was me.

I would more embarrassed to have voted for those who have got us into 33 trillion in debt.
It was mentioned on the local news.........X votes for Candidate A, X votes for Candidate B, X votes for Candidate C and um, one write in vote for Vermin Supreme.

That was me.

I would more embarrassed to have voted for those who have got us into 33 trillion in debt.

I just have to say that you're awful trusting of a man with a rubber boot on his head, believing that he wouldn't put us $66 trillion in debt. I'll take known quantities and qualities any day over unknown quantities and qualities.
I just have to say that you're awful trusting of a man with a rubber boot on his head, believing that he wouldn't put us $66 trillion in debt. I'll take known quantities and qualities any day over unknown quantities and qualities.

You never know. Maybe that would happen. Do you know what I would do? Never vote for him again unlike those who continue to vote for debt and those who created it.
I sleep well with my votes. I didn't vote for the wars, the debt, the lies.

I didn't vote for the war, the debt, and the lies either. Trump didn't give us a new war. In fact, peace was breaking out all over the world under his presidency. His spending wasn't all that much until we were attacked by a Chinese biological weapon in 2020. Then it became a necessity, because nobody knew how to deal with the pandemic. And as for "lying", Trump didn't lie to me. He might not have accomplished everything he promised, thanks to an uncooperative Congress. But he did deliver more than he promised me. And I am more than willing to give him another term.
How can this be "exclusive" when there is already three threads on it?

It's "exclusive" because this is the thread I've been responding to. But I won't exclude you, you're an ok guy.

I didn't vote for the war, the debt, and the lies either. Trump didn't give us a new war.

We were at war every day of his presidency.

In fact, peace was breaking out all over the world under his presidency. His spending wasn't all that much until we were attacked by a Chinese biological weapon in 2020. Then it became a necessity, because nobody knew how to deal with the pandemic. And as for "lying", Trump didn't lie to me. He might not have accomplished everything he promised, thanks to an uncooperative Congress. But he did deliver more than he promised me. And I am more than willing to give him another term.

You got nothing. A wall? No. A new deal with China? No, you got a multi-billion dollar bailout. Overturn Obamacare? No. A balanced budget? No.
We were at war every day of his presidency.

You got nothing. A wall? No. A new deal with China? No, you got a multi-billion dollar bailout. Overturn Obamacare? No. A balanced budget? No.

What the hell did you expect Trump to do? Surrender? Wave his hands over the world and say "Let there be peace"? You're forgetting his historic walk across the North Korean DMZ, meeting the Kim Jong Un, after which he stopped flinging missiles everywhere and actually returned the remains of 200 American soldiers killed in the Korean War.

How about the fact that there was no war in Ukraine? Or the historic peace deal he worked out between the Arab world and Israel, the one that still stands today? Or the end of the war in Afghanistan, the plan that was handed off to Biden, whose incompetence got 13 American soldiers killed? You do know that there were no American combat casualties in Afghanistan during the last 18 months of Trump's presidency, right?

Now let's see a man with a rubber boot on his head pull off things like those.
What the hell did you expect Trump to do? Surrender? Wave his hands over the world and say "Let there be peace"? You're forgetting his historic walk across the North Korean DMZ, meeting the Kim Jong Un, after which he stopped flinging missiles everywhere and actually returned the remains of 200 American soldiers killed in the Korean War.

It's not our place to create "world peace". We can't do that. People have been fighting for centuries. That doesn't mean we have to join in.

I think it's great he tried to get along with N. Korea. The name calling was extremely stupid though.

How about the fact that there was no war in Ukraine? Or the historic peace deal he worked out between the Arab world and Israel, the one that still stands today? Or the end of the war in Afghanistan, the plan that was handed off to Biden, whose incompetence got 13 American soldiers killed? You do know that there were no American combat casualties in Afghanistan during the last 18 months of Trump's presidency, right?

Now let's see a man with a rubber boot on his head pull off things like those.

The war in Ukraine is why I noted the Democrats don't actually have principles. Trump didn't end the war in Afghanistan. Lindsey wouldn't let him.
It's not our place to create "world peace". We can't do that. People have been fighting for centuries. That doesn't mean we have to join in.

I think it's great he tried to get along with N. Korea. The name calling was extremely stupid though.

The war in Ukraine is why I noted the Democrats don't actually have principles. Trump didn't end the war in Afghanistan. Lindsey wouldn't let him.

I guess you've never met anyone from NYC? They always come up with names for people. That's just what New York Cityers do.
I guess you've never met anyone from NYC? They always come up with names for people. That's just what New York Cityers do.

There are plenty of NYer's who are not man/boys. It's what ultimately cost Trump the election. All he had to be was an adult and he couldn't do it.
There are plenty of NYer's who are not man/boys. It's what ultimately cost Trump the election. All he had to be was an adult and he couldn't do it.

No, what caused Trump to lose the election was widespread fraud. The same type of fraud that's going to keep RFK Jr, Vermin Supreme, or any other "independent" from siphoning votes away from the Democrats.
No, what caused Trump to lose the election was widespread fraud. The same type of fraud that's going to keep RFK Jr, Vermin Supreme, or any other "independent" from siphoning votes away from the Democrats.
Still with this nonsense? Move on.
Nah, you give them way too much credit.

What they see is an accomplishment by Biden in leading the free world. Something the orange pile of shit could never do.

That's why they supported it right up until the orange pile of shit opened his mouth about it. Then they realized they had to make a choice
There is no doubt that foreign nations prefer a weak U.S. President. Joe Biden is the weakest since Carter.
LOL You really think a scion of the Kennedys would abandon the Democratic party if he thought he had a chance?

As for Newsom swooping in... what the fuck with you retards and conspiracy theories? These are politicians. If Newsom or any other Dem even thought they had a slight chance to get the nomination, don't you think they would go for it?

It is precisely because they know they don't have a chance, that they are holding back.

But hey, dream your fantasies. It will be good to see you guys whining when Biden beats the orange loser like a drum....again!
This will not age well
RFK is barely taking votes for Democrats against Trump because Trump voters like RFK Junior better than Democrats like him.
It is likely that RFK Junior will hurt Trump‘s chances if he runs as a libertarian.

So stealing votes away from Trump is your game plan for winning? :laughing0301:

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