RFK Jr Plans To Run 3rd Party - Biden Is Finished - But Why Is This Guy Upset?

Of course. You're a partisan hack. The two vested parties will fight that kind of reform tooth and nail, because it does away with your lesser-of-two-evils schtick.

Actually, what I saw was the NYC Mayor race was kind of a clusterfuck, and what happened in Alaska was that ranked choice voting allowed a Democrat to win in a Republican state because the two republican candidates hated each other.

So not sure it's a good system at all.

The problem with third parties is that they tend to be... well... nuts. Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, George Wallace, John Anderson... they are all fringe characters who couldn't get traction in their own parties, so they run as spoilers.

A better system would be if no one gets 50%, you have a run-off election.
Unless they somehow find kiddie porn on his personal computer, there's no way the Dems are going to get him out of their hair, like they did Bernie Sanders. This is going to effectively split the Democrat party and siphon off some of their votes.
I think they have figured out they might have to kill Trump. Killing Kennedy is certainly under consideration.
Every election sees multiple independent bids for the presidency. Very rarely do any of them have any impact on the outcome of the election. I see no reason to believe this one would have been any different.
Here's a monkey wrench in the Democrats works.
Nah. he's just going to steal votes from Republicans, who don't want Trump but who do want some sort of whiny loser bitch.

Republicans really don't think this stuff through. If some barking kook mouths idiot right-wing talking points, who is going to vote for him?
Because his views on vaccine etc has no traction with the Dems. Why do you think he is running as an independent?
He has traction in Hollywood. Looks like some actors are going to be intimidated by our Gestapo.
Give it up.

Give what up? You're obviously not a conservative or a Republican. And you're obviously not a Trump-supporter. Given your post history, you are more aligned with the principles of the Democrat Party, yet you claim to not be a Biden-supporter.

This I perceive to be rather disingenuous, as you claim to be an "independent." Yet you don't seem to support RFK Jr., who might possibly run as an independent.

So what the fuck are you? Do you just pick and choose whatever side of an issue that makes you appear to be above it all, so you don't have to commit to anything or accept any responsibility? That just seems to me to be disingenuous and narcissistic. You can't be wobbling all over the place and blaming everybody else for everything, that's just political irresponsibility.
Because his views on vaccine etc has no traction with the Dems. Why do you think he is running as an independent?
Blacks have 0 interest in the shot retard. Without blacks Biden is done. Can't win without the uneducated inner city vote.
I posted a thread on who currently has my vote.

Just met the next President of the United States.

You can't be serious. Vermin Supreme? You're going to trust a man with a rubber boot on his head to have the power of life and death over you and your family?

Come on, really? Do you think the founding fathers of your country were that frivolous when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution?
Because his views on vaccine etc has no traction with the Dems. Why do you think he is running as an independent?
You think Trump supporters that would split off and vote for RFKJ? I think Trump supporters will turn n him the minute Trump goes after him.
Give what up? You're obviously not a conservative or a Republican. And you're obviously not a Trump-supporter. Given your post history, you are more aligned with the principles of the Democrat Party, yet you claim to not be a Biden-supporter.

The Democrat party isn't aligned with their principles sadly.

This I perceive to be rather disingenuous, as you claim to be an "independent." Yet you don't seem to support RFK Jr., who might possibly run as an independent.

I support him running as an independent.

The more the better.

So what the fuck are you? Do you just pick and choose whatever side of an issue that makes you appear to be above it all, so you don't have to commit to anything or accept any responsibility? That just seems to me to be disingenuous and narcissistic. You can't be wobbling all over the place and blaming everybody else for everything, that's just political irresponsibility.

I support positions, not sides.
You can't be serious. Vermin Supreme? You're going to trust a man with a rubber boot on his head to have the power of life and death over you and your family?

Come on, really? Do you think the founding fathers of your country were that frivolous when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution?

You go with the failed status quo if you wish. I've learned better. I drove 45 minutes to meet him. That won't happen for Biden or Trump or Kennedy.

Not that anyone would let you get that close.
The Democrat party isn't aligned with their principles sadly.

I support him running as an independent.

The more the better.

I support positions, not sides.

Son, your cheese has done slid off your cracker if you throw away your vote for boot-head man.

Do you really want to be remembered as the schmuck who voted for boot-head man in 2024? Have you no dignity? That would be like dying with dirty underwear on, or your wife catching you jacking off to a gay porn magazine in the closet.

You go with the failed status quo if you wish. I've learned better. I drove 45 minutes to meet him. That won't happen for Biden or Trump or Kennedy.

Not that anyone would let you get that close.

Ok then. Have at it. I just hope you don't mind that I make fun of you for the rest of your life. :laughing0301:
Because his views on vaccine etc has no traction with the Dems. Why do you think he is running as an independent?

I guess you haven't been paying attention to normal democrats.

They disagree with you fascists.

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