Rfk jr. The rigged primary

Do you know what the RNC even is????

The RNC was "a U.S. political committee that was a major part of the Republican Party of the United States. It was responsible for developing and promoting the Republican brand and political platform, as well as assisting in fundraising and election strategy.[3] It is also was responsible for organizing and running the Republican National Convention. When a Republican is president, the White House controls the committee. According to Boris Heersink, "political scientists have traditionally described the parties' national committees as inconsequential but impartial service providers."[4][5]

Now they are trump's property, and they do as trump tells them to do.
Yup, and he's singing the song of their people with this "rigged rigged rigged" crap.
340,000 ballot images missing from Fulton county GA

600,000 votes between 1am-5am in PA all for Biden

Michigan blocks windows and somehow like magic Biden takes the lead

AZ Maricopa County had 100 mile Trump parade of cars yet somehow went Biden?

Yes it was rigged anyone with a brain can see that

He's right! The dems rigged the primary in 2016 and 2020, the rigged the election in 2020. They are the most corrupt party this nation has ever seen and should be dismantled and scattered to the winds

Primaries are effing RIDICULOUS.

Go look at how other countries do it.

Each political party should be FREE to choose whichever candidate they want.

The rigging comes when there are only two political parties. Proportional Representation would allow political parties to choose who they like, and represent the core foundations of that political party.

If ANYONE can become a candidate for the Dems or Reps, what does this mean these parties stand for? NOTHING.
He's running Independent now. Will be pull Biden or Trump voters more?
He may. .. . . might. . . . . shave a few percent from both, but. . .

.. . . primarily, I believe, he will get the, "did not vote," in the middle. He'll probably motivate a lot of folks, that just don't care about the corrupt system anymore, to maybe vote??



The media tell us, that 2020, had the highest turn out since. . . well. . . since 1900? I think that might be due to, er, "mail your vote." lol



I think he will pull votes from Biden. There were a ton a people who voted for him last time because they were the “Anyone But Trump” crowd. Now that Biden’s dementia has advanced and his role as the head of the Biden Crime Family is apparent, they will be glad to have another option.
I think he will pull votes from Biden. There were a ton a people who voted for him last time because they were the “Anyone But Trump” crowd. Now that Biden’s dementia has advanced and his role as the head of the Biden Crime Family is apparent, they will be glad to have another option.
Given that interview he did with Theo Von? He'll pull just as many from Trump, in the under 40 male age group, IMO.

There are also a lot of Trump voters that know, Pfizer gave Trump a million bucks for his inauguration, gave BIG PHARMA swamp dweller Alex Azar the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services, and made swamp dweller, Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb, the job as head of the FDA.

NONE OF THAT? Is at all excusable. To many of these voters, that COVID bullshit cost them their educations, small farms, their homes, their small businesseses, and in some cases, the lives of loved ones. .. and any conservative that doesn't explain or take responsibility for their mistakes? Doesn't deserve their job back.

You might not give a shit about the scamdemic, but it is pretty damn important to some folks. Don't delude yourself. Those past Trump voters will vote for RFKjr. in a heart beat.
Given that interview he did with Theo Von? He'll pull just as many from Trump, in the under 40 male age group, IMO.

There are also a lot of Trump voters that know, Pfizer gave Trump a million bucks for his inauguration, gave BIG PHARMA swamp dweller Alex Azar the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services, and made swamp dweller, Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb, the job as head of the FDA.

NONE OF THAT? Is at all excusable. To many of these voters, that COVID bullshit cost them their educations, small farms, their homes, their small businesseses, and in some cases, the lives of loved ones. .. and any conservative that doesn't explain or take responsibility for their mistakes? Doesn't deserve their job back.

You might not give a shit about the scamdemic, but it is pretty damn important to some folks. Don't delude yourself. Those past Trump voters will vote for RFKjr. in a heart beat.
The COVID bullshit was the fault of Fauci, and his insistence that if Trump didn’t shut the economy down, 2 million Americans would die.

Democrat groups, including the teacher’s Union, worked with the CDC in keeping kids out of school and keeping the country shut tight. The pandemic was used to falsely state the need for a massive mail-in election, by which Democrats could cheat their way to a win.

Trump did as well as could be expected given the lies he was fed.

BTW, where is evidence that Pfizer cut a check to Trump for $1 million?
His answers on how he handled COVID were unacceptable. I wanted him to be shown that RFKjr video, the interview with Theo Von, and this information. . . and. . .


(posted previously)

That interview that Theo Von did with RFKjr., which either exposes Trump's "corruption," or his complicity with the Deep State for favors from BIG Pharma. . that has necessarily put us all at risk, and taken economic advantage of the nation. For some of us, that disqualifies him for another term. A lot of people don't like to read that. It also, necessarily makes me wonder, why the left doesn't use that information against him. . .

No one wants to know about the corruption of our establishment, it is too uncomfortable. If you are actually IN the media establishment, it takes a lot of bravery to report on this, especially if it is on institutions, political parties, people, etc. and things you admire. I have often been confronted with this conundrum myself. If I find something out about someone or something I don't like or don't want to be true? But if the information comes from a reasonably reliable source? Is it not contingent upon my integrity and critical the the health of our republic, to share it far and wide, regardless of my political agenda?

(Posted previously. . .)

The short of it, Trump took a million dollars from Pfizer for his inauguration, and hired BIG PHARMA industry insiders, "the SWAMP," for his administration, after running on the promise to drain it. . .

He hired Azar, president of president of Eli Lilly and Company to become the 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Trump hired Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb to be the 23rd Commissioner of Food and Drugs.

Trump and Dr. Fauci Met With Robert Kennedy Jr. About Vaccines​

deeper dive at the link.

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