RFK Jr would have the Latino vote locked up. No Mexican-American Democrat will ever vote against a Kennedy.

The young left doesn't know that lol they are the most vaxxed out of anyone. And I haven't seen any of them admit 9-11 was an inside job either

So I gotta disagree with you pal

Pretty much the entire Democrat Party knows 911 was a fraud.

The only Americans who don't are the Pro Israel Christian W apologists, the SUBS.

Kids were vaxed by MANDATE. Day by day they figure out the whole Covid thing was massive fraud followed by mass murder.

As Paul Craig Roberts noted, you knew if you had bubonic plague, you did not need to be tested for having NO SYMPTOMS....

Every day people, young people, die of the Murderous Fraud Vax. Every time that happens, RFKjr's credibility goes UP...
Pretty much the entire Democrat Party knows 911 was a fraud.

The only Americans who don't are the Pro Israel Christian W apologists, the SUBS.

Kids were vaxed by MANDATE. Day by day they figure out the whole Covid thing was massive fraud followed by mass murder.

As Paul Craig Roberts noted, you knew if you had bubonic plague, you did not need to be tested for having NO SYMPTOMS....

Every day people, young people, die of the Murderous Fraud Vax. Every time that happens, RFKjr's credibility goes UP...
I must applaud you're reasoning but I think it depends where you are. Out here on the west coast they aren't like that at all. Very much still brainwashed very much still sheepish
I must applaud you're reasoning but I think it depends where you are. Out here on the west coast they aren't like that at all. Very much still brainwashed very much still sheepish

The LOUD ONES are... the ENFORCERS...


Even a woke bigot knows a bio male roughing up a girl for speaking her mind is COMPLETELY FUCKED IN THE HEAD WRONG.
Democratic Presidential candidate RFK Jr would have the Latino vote in elector-rich CA and TX locked up, in both the primary and general election. No Mexican-American Democrat will ever vote against a Kennedy, and especially not Bobby's son. Bobby fought for the farm workers & will never be forgotten.

Fun fact. Go to SoCal or Texas and visit an old-school Mexican-American family, and chances are they have a tryptic of the "holy trinity" on the mantle: Jesus, Mary, and Bobby Kennedy.

Bobby with Cesar Chavez



Aren’t they still kind of pissed about the Bay of Pigs? That was a big Kennedy screw up.
You already said this once, and I spanked your ass.

Moving on.
Being so stupid you feel all potatoes have white flesh is spanking my ass?
If you think showing your stupidity is spanking my ass, you are spanking my ass continually.
He's also crazier then a shithouse rat.

Crazy people are the ones who allow someone to shoot untested mRNA Frankenshots into their arms and the arms of their children.

Covid Vax-crippled victims

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Being so stupid you feel all potatoes have white flesh is spanking my ass?
If you think showing your stupidity is spanking my ass, you are spanking my ass continually.
I can't believe you are still bitching, whining, and throwing a tantrum over a metaphor about Democrats and potatoes. Are all snowflakes as ignorantly anal as you, or are you just 'special'?
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Crazy people are the ones who allow someone to shoot untested mRNA Frankenshots into their arms and the arms of their children.

Covid Vax-crippled victims

Only the arrogant and stupid will care about a genetically-caused speech defect. The very man who was onto Big Farmer and The Jesuit Elf from the very start is running for U.S. president.
RFK Jr.'s speech was magnificent, encompassing and coherent, environmentally American, historically American, and emphasized the need for riddance of corporate apparati of capture, chronic illness of the population and the strive to resurrect the American middle class.
Think any democrat remembers or cares about Cesar Chavez? God help us if we ever let a president appoint his own brother as A.G. to watch his back. Apparently RFK got tired of crazy scenarios like exploding cigars to overthrow Castro so he picked a soft issue like migrant workers.
Think any democrat remembers or cares about Cesar Chavez? God help us if we ever let a president appoint his own brother as A.G. to watch his back. Apparently RFK got tired of crazy scenarios like exploding cigars to overthrow Castro so he picked a soft issue like migrant workers.
One should not rely on democrat memory under a Biden watch, which due to its promiscuity, clouds the mind better than events on Epstein's island.

Biden just lost these: no Mexican-American will fail to vote for a Kennedy, so your attempt at Big Farmer ahistoricism is already screwed by actual American history. Your view is cyclopian as well as ahistorical: yours is a frog's eyeview from the bottom of a well, because RFK's hispanic buffer will serve him well for foreign policy: the building of the Russian language and culture center, now underway in Venezuela.

The debauch of genuflectors across the border to bolster dems was not actually planned for Biden's administration but the administration of the Chappaqua Blue Racer.

RFK Jr. thus resolves two-party ambiguity regardless of who gets GOP nomination. RFK Jr.-MTG 2024.
If democrats had any integrity at all to match their so called convictions this man would be their nominee. Instead he will be tarred, feathered, smeared maligned and run out of the party

Shame on leftist commie shitlibs
For the majority of swampers, he is their worst nightmare because he helps to resolve two-party ambiguity that keeps the prisoners automatonic to its political theology:

1. Proposes resurrecting the middle class.

2. Proposes riddance of chronic disease in the American hostage population, which will render it stronger, again nightmaring nazi mentalities that rely on fear, troubled spirit, lockdowns, etc.

3. Proposes closing bases and bringing the military home.

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