Watch his polling and watch the media's reaction to it in the months ahead. Remember, he'd only need to pull single-digit support in the battleground states to sink the Dem nominee. I can't believe that will be Biden but even if it's Newsome, 5% or so would be enough to flip the race in those states. Here's the real kicker - Kennedy might be like Trump in that if he was excluded from the ballot, huge numbers (relatively speaking) might well write him in. It'd be enough to sink whoever DC chooses to cheat for this time.
I wish him luck
I watched another interview he did. I really like that guy. I dont agree with some of his big government bullshit, but as far as war, division and the establishment go, he is spot on.
I don't trust him.

For instance, last month he talked about supporting the Second Amendment but a week later said he supported banning "assault weapons" (i.e. AR-15s).

Given power he will do the typical Democrat destruction.
Anybody that trust RFK Jr to be anything other than a Leftest asshole is moron.
He's really not a leftist. But he is an asshole. No wonder the right-wing retards are going crazy over him.
RFK Jr has ideas that appeal to both Democrats and Republicans. He is more interested in the betterment of the American people than in keeping power for Democrats.
Why is he an asshole?
One example is below.... there are many more. Use Google.
Kennedy and his anti-vaccine group Children's Health Defense have promoted online host James Corbett, who is a 9/11 and Sandy Hook truther.

On top of that, Corbett has also peddled antisemitic conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler was a member of a Jewish banking family, claiming “Hitler was a Rothschild” and “Hitler and the Nazis were one hundred percent completely and utterly set up… by the international banking community and the international crony capitalists.”

During a November 2021 appearance on Corbett’s online show, Kennedy thanked the fringe streamer for his “extraordinary work for keeping the public informed so that we can actually maybe restore some democracy to the world.” Additionally, the CHD has propped up Corbett as “an expert on geopolitics and open-source journalism” while frequently featuring him on its programming.
Yup. He was so far off center that nobody really thought of him as a Democrat. He is not a serious person
Lol. You have listened to a word he’s said, but you did listen to MSNBC. Stop it.
One example is below.... there are many more. Use Google.
Kennedy and his anti-vaccine group Children's Health Defense have promoted online host James Corbett, who is a 9/11 and Sandy Hook truther.

On top of that, Corbett has also peddled antisemitic conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler was a member of a Jewish banking family, claiming “Hitler was a Rothschild” and “Hitler and the Nazis were one hundred percent completely and utterly set up… by the international banking community and the international crony capitalists.”

During a November 2021 appearance on Corbett’s online show, Kennedy thanked the fringe streamer for his “extraordinary work for keeping the public informed so that we can actually maybe restore some democracy to the world.” Additionally, the CHD has propped up Corbett as “an expert on geopolitics and open-source journalism” while frequently featuring him on its programming.
Garbage. Stop believing lies.

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