Rhode Island She-Male pinched for child porn

MORE irrelevant crap from you

I’ve been asking for this proof for days. And you haven’t produced it. You asserted that there were things stolen from the construction site. Why haven’t you backed up this assertion or admitted you were wrong?
no--you love trannys and are against freedom and law-order ...you want to judge police BEFORE a trial/etc

As an aside. Freedom means as long as you don’t hurt someone. Do whatever you want. Some guy dressing as a woman isn’t hurting anyone. The person going into the bathroom is so they should be arrested and all that sort of thing.

But the thread was written to show that all trannies are perverts. Nonsense. Preposterous.

You hate freedom. Not me. You use lies and obfuscation to push your agenda. Not me. I wrote an OP decrying the inclusion of two people who knew the victim in the trial of the McMichaels. You didn’t bother to comment on that.

Truth and facts guide me. Political objectives and hatred guide you.
SavannahMann wrong -YOU dumbfucks said there is no problem allowing the fruitcakes into GIRLS' bathrooms
...it's TOTALLY stupid to even THINK about allowing that
and bringing up cops is TOTALLY ridiculous -irrelevant
What's taking you so fucking long? No SWAT at my door yet. Come on -- BRING IT!

I never said I was going to call the cops. But later when the Feds come and round you up with the other Trump Supporters that will be one of the charges. We will hear endless bleating about how political it is and all that.
WTF are you yakking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's ILLEGAL to go INTO private property = CRIME

Actually. In Georgia. It really isn’t illegal to go into a construction site. But you won’t read those links and are too stupid to even consider that.

However. Your assertion was that things were stolen. Prove it.
I never said I was going to call the cops. But later when the Feds come and round you up with the other Trump Supporters that will be one of the charges. We will hear endless bleating about how political it is and all that.
You explain how I'm breaking the law but are too cowardly to call the cops? Okay.
Actually. In Georgia. It really isn’t illegal to go into a construction site. But you won’t read those links and are too stupid to even consider that.

However. Your assertion was that things were stolen. Prove it.
you totally fkd up-- I said the jackass had stolen before ....you fkd up---show me where I said he stole from the site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Guerrero exercised his "rights" as a Shim to enter a mall bathroom and start taking pictures for publishing.

Liberal states allow Trannies full access to their states' ladies rooms, and this gentleman took full advantage.

The liberal media had largely ignored this story, and they think this kind of behavior is legit.

I wonder if this guy is a transsexual or he was just a pervert who like to sneak into women's restrooms?
you totally fkd up-- I said the jackass had stolen before ....you fkd up---show me where I said he stole from the site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t say you said he stole. I said you claimed things were stolen from the construction site.

I have been asking for proof of this assertion. A simple enough request that somehow confuses you.

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