Rhode Island She-Male pinched for child porn

To throw me in jail for the crime you're whining about.

I don’t need the local cops for that. From what I’m reading the FBI, NSA, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Agencies are gathering information on Trump Supporters daily. If that is true, they’ll get to you soon enough. No need for me to get involved. I mean the Chinese and Russians controlling Biden have a lot of practice locking up political opponents. Right?
I don’t need the local cops for that. From what I’m reading the FBI, NSA, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Agencies are gathering information on Trump Supporters daily. If that is true, they’ll get to you soon enough. No need for me to get involved. I mean the Chinese and Russians controlling Biden have a lot of practice locking up political opponents. Right?
So, actually your opinion about anything I do means ZERO, and it's time for you to STFU. Right? Nice attempt at tap dancing, however. Here's your trophy, you weak pussy. You're still hollering for the cops to come an rescue you from the evil righties!
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ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! In fact, the farther you are from my world, the better, You're the bitch that had to open your big-ass mouth and try to "own " me on a stupid fucking internet message board! FAIL!

I didn’t try to own you. I asked a question. The Conservatives keep swearing they are smarter. Yet they make so many dumb mistakes. Why is that?
Oh, hello! When did you get here?

Perhaps it is more accurate to say I am trying to better understand Modern Conservatives. They bemoan lawlessness in Democrat run cities. Swear that good core Americans don’t commit crimes. Only Democrats do. Argued that if you had nothing to hide you had nothing to fear from Stop and Frisk and other unconstitutional programs.

You are posting in a thread that argues that anyone who isn’t “normal” is a pervert and danger to children. I asked what Normal is but it was buried by Harmonica and his diversions.

I haven’t called you names. But you have insulted me. I guess I was supposed to get mad. But it honestly doesn’t bother me. When I was a little boy my Mother told me the old Sticks and Stones rhyme. Over the years of growing up I realized it was literally true. It is part of the reason I never got mad at the Drill Sergeants.

I am trying to understand several things. 1) why would anyone admit they were committing a crime even in the slightly anonymous environment of the net. 2) What justification you use to rationalize your actions.

There are other things. But those first two seem a good place to start.
Perhaps it is more accurate to say I am trying to better understand Modern Conservatives. They bemoan lawlessness in Democrat run cities. Swear that good core Americans don’t commit crimes. Only Democrats do. Argued that if you had nothing to hide you had nothing to fear from Stop and Frisk and other unconstitutional programs.

You are posting in a thread that argues that anyone who isn’t “normal” is a pervert and danger to children. I asked what Normal is but it was buried by Harmonica and his diversions.

I haven’t called you names. But you have insulted me. I guess I was supposed to get mad. But it honestly doesn’t bother me. When I was a little boy my Mother told me the old Sticks and Stones rhyme. Over the years of growing up I realized it was literally true. It is part of the reason I never got mad at the Drill Sergeants.

I am trying to understand several things. 1) why would anyone admit they were committing a crime even in the slightly anonymous environment of the net. 2) What justification you use to rationalize your actions.

There are other things. But those first two seem a good place to start.
Well, it's been pleasant seeing you. Bye!

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