Rhodes receives 18 years for sedition, ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST

I bet that this guy is a good neighbor and father. He probably worked most of his life, paid his bills, and never got into any trouble before this. He obviously was not going to overthrow the U.S. government. The very notion of this is absurd. The leftists among us gleefully cheer his conviction, I know. They clearly do not care about the man. They certainly do not care about him to the same degree they care about some some street urchin getting pinched for, say, assaulting an old lady and stealing her purse. They prefer to no-bail him back onto the streets so he can continue to contribute to the downfall of law and order.

Yes, you have an old white guy with only one eye who supported Trump and went to the Capital Building on J6. He broke some laws, and he should have to do the time for it. But 18 years for sedition? Give me a fucking break! The complete absence of empathy on the left for this guy, and others subjected to heavy-handed treatment for similar offenses on J6, is nothing short of a total breakdown of humanity. I think you folks on the left know this too. You know this is not right. You know that these J6 perps have been treated unfairly. You know that what happened on J6, though a total disgrace, was not an insurrection. They were idiots. But they did not go there to overthrow the government. Moreover, it was completely impossible that they could have overthrown the U.S. government. The "J6 insurrection" is a fiction.

ditto here

Rhodes receives 18 years for sedition, ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST.
When are MAGA supporters going to realize they will lose and the USA will win. Just like the Civil War.
Rhodes said ""Like President Trump, my only crime is opposing those who are destroying our country,"
Maybe Trump will get 18 years also.
I love it when the bad guys lose.

Unfortunately, the biggest bad guy of them all will probably just have to pay a fine, at best.
He broke some laws, and he should have to do the time for it. But 18 years for sedition? Give me a fucking break! The complete absence of empathy on the left for this guy, and others subjected to heavy-handed treatment for similar offenses on J6, is nothing short of a total breakdown of humanity. I think you folks on the left know this too. You know this is not right. You know that these J6 perps have been treated unfairly. You know that what happened on J6, though a total disgrace, was not an insurrection. They were idiots. But they did not go there to overthrow the government. Moreover, it was completely impossible that they could have overthrown the U.S. government. The "J6 insurrection" is a fiction.

They know that, too.
America is being FORCED to make the same mistake of not going after the 'Nazi' who attempted the failed coup because the 'Nazi' own the WH, the DOJ, the FBI, the DHS, etc... and are protecting themselves from accountability
That is what the NAZIs said in 1923. The NAZIs said they know better than the German citizens. They attempted a coup. Just like MAGA.
it is always about money dudd, have you not been watching about debt ceiling talks, another fool we have found in you
No dude. It is not all about the money, for most people.
Morality goes out the window when it is all about the money.
You are immoral.
I thought you'd be for that! Doesn't that make me more like your sex perv child molester Joe Biden?

In Joe's case, what he can't process, he passes as noxious gas and runny, smelly diarrhea, like your brain!
Bringing out the MAGAt sexual fantasies, I see.
That is what the NAZIs said in 1923. The NAZIs said they know better than the German citizens. They attempted a coup. Just like MAGA.

You're confised, snowflake. The Nazis are in control of the WH & weaomized govt agencies. They have been and continue to tell us they know better than the US Constitution, US Laws, & American citizens by violating them, breaking them, targeting them, and oppressing them.

I bet that this guy is a good neighbor and father. He probably worked most of his life, paid his bills, and never got into any trouble before this. He obviously was not going to overthrow the U.S. government. The very notion of this is absurd. The leftists among us gleefully cheer his conviction, I know. They clearly do not care about the man. They certainly do not care about him to the same degree they care about some some street urchin getting pinched for, say, assaulting an old lady and stealing her purse. They prefer to no-bail him back onto the streets so he can continue to contribute to the downfall of law and order.

Yes, you have an old white guy with only one eye who supported Trump and went to the Capital Building on J6. He broke some laws, and he should have to do the time for it. But 18 years for sedition? Give me a fucking break! The complete absence of empathy on the left for this guy, and others subjected to heavy-handed treatment for similar offenses on J6, is nothing short of a total breakdown of humanity. I think you folks on the left know this too. You know this is not right. You know that these J6 perps have been treated unfairly. You know that what happened on J6, though a total disgrace, was not an insurrection. They were idiots. But they did not go there to overthrow the government. Moreover, it was completely impossible that they could have overthrown the U.S. government. The "J6 insurrection" is a fiction.
Not according to his kids.
Rhodes receives 18 years for sedition, ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST
Time to celebrate...


The traitorous POS... lock him up and throw away the key...
You're confised, snowflake. The Nazis are in control of the WH & weaomized govt agencies. They have been and continue to tell us they know better than the US Constitution, US Laws, & American citizens by violating them, breaking them, targeting them, and oppressing them.


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