Richard Dawkins Finally Gets One Right! Whats Next, He Starts to Believe in God? Heaven Forbid!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well Dawkins is now the Top Atheist ever since Anthony Flew decided the evidence supported a belief in God. But is Dawkins slipping when he focuses ire on a difference in Religion? Shouldn't it be that ALL religion is detestable instead of just Islam? It's funny to watch hyper-secularists wrestle with Common Sense.

'To hell with their culture' - Richard Dawkins in extraordinary blast at Muslims

(Maher): "And they (liberals) applaud that but if you say something about a woman being forced to wear a beekeeper suit in the hot sun all day…"

Dawkins then took over saying: "But that's 'their culture' and you have to accept it. It's the one exception. Liberal about everything but this one exception, 'it's their culture'.

"Well, to hell with their culture."

Dawkins went on to say Islam had a "free pass" because of the "terror of being thought racist" if the religion is criticized.

He added: "It's confused with racism. An incredible number of people think Islam is a race.

"And so they think if you criticise Islam you're being racist."

Social media erupted over the conversation, with some criticising the strong use of language against Muslims.

@MarceAriasSouto said: "This is just anti-Muslim bigotry. @billmaher was always a buffoon. Dawkins is becoming one."


Lol, idiot libtards think almost anything is racism no matter if its a criticism of space debris.
“What I am trying to tell you … watch Obama say, ‘Let there be no doubt that Islam is part of America,'” Cyrus said. “Well, I want you to know — let there be no doubt (that) raping your mother, your sister, your wife, your daughter is part of Islam.

“So now, if you accept that, great. Let’s all agree with Obama. And if you don’t — well, do something.”

This is what Obama and other apologists for the Muslim world fail to recognize: the appalling and completely consistent treatment of women.

Beautiful Woman Who Was Horribly Raped Exposes 1 Vital Truth About Islam
I follow Dawkins on twitter, and I have read 'the God delusion' . (but I am not an atheist) I am glad to see he has the courage to stick it to Muslims, considering we know how dangerous they are. I criticise the Quran but only under the name Dajjal not under my own name.
I follow Dawkins on twitter, and I have read 'the God delusion' . (but I am not an atheist) I am glad to see he has the courage to stick it to Muslims, considering we know how dangerous they are. I criticise the Quran but only under the name Dajjal not under my own name.

I had fellow workers back in the 1990s who were Muslim at a job site, and so I bought a Koran and studied it, taking careful notes, and I was impressed with the book. What is the source of most of the objectionable rubbish one might find is the Hadith which is a collection of folklore, traditions and rumors of what Mohamed did when he was alive. That is where most of the permissive morality comes from regarding rape.

Hadith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Sunnis give equal importance to the Hadith as they do to the Koran itself. At least the ones I have met do.
I do not rely on the Hadiths to criticise Islam, because they think the Quran is the word of God. So I figure that showing it cannot be the words of any kind of God will undermine the religion. I see the eradication of Islam as the only way to get rid of extremists.
I do not rely on the Hadiths to criticise Islam, because they think the Quran is the word of God. So I figure that showing it cannot be the words of any kind of God will undermine the religion. I see the eradication of Islam as the only way to get rid of extremists.

I disagree. There is a moderate element among Muslims that can be encouraged and promoted to build a bridge with the Muslim world that pacifies and marginalizes extremist jihadis.

The problem is not with Islam itself but with the Islamofascists that exploit Islam to try and build a strong nation-state. That is what most of the jihadis do and we make it easier for them with our tolerance and promotion of homosexuals and other perverts in our popular culture.
I do not rely on the Hadiths to criticise Islam, because they think the Quran is the word of God. So I figure that showing it cannot be the words of any kind of God will undermine the religion. I see the eradication of Islam as the only way to get rid of extremists.

I disagree. There is a moderate element among Muslims that can be encouraged and promoted to build a bridge with the Muslim world that pacifies and marginalizes extremist jihadis.

The problem is not with Islam itself but with the Islamofascists that exploit Islam to try and build a strong nation-state. That is what most of the jihadis do and we make it easier for them with our tolerance and promotion of homosexuals and other perverts in our popular culture.

I feel the fact remains that the Quran is an evil book of lies about God. It should be exposed by scholars and proved to be a false doctrine. Islam is one religion too many and the world would have been better off without it.
HONEST and consistent liberals....would condemn Islam as harshly as any one thing in society. Some actually do.

Most dont. Like the USMB libs who think Islam is a race.
Anyone who takes any of the Semitic religions anywhere near literally is batshit crazy.

Your arrogance is not only unsupported by fact or reason, I think safe to say that you are not doing much more than trolling like a libtard might be expected to do.

Anyone who does not believe in a Creator is either ignorant, willfully stupid or just morally lazy.
Muslims believe in a creator. They're as batshit crazy as the rest of the adherents to the Abrahamic religions.

Anyone who believes in a creator without being able to provide evidence for the same is a believer in fairy stories, i.e. batshit crazy.
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Muslims believe in a creator. They're as batshit crazy as the rest of the adherents to the Abrahamic religions.

Anyone who believes in a creator without being able to provide evidence for the same is a believer in fairy stories, i.e. batshit crazy.
And yet people can and do present evidence to believe in a Creator all the time.

What evidence do you think convinced the Platonists of ancient Greece to abandon polytheism in favor of monotheism? What do you think finally convinced one time atheist Anthony Flew to believe in a Creator, dude?

And if you are too lazy to look up primary sources of such arguments and evidence then you are batshit crazy as in schizo and a lying sociopath.
And if you are too lazy to look up primary sources of such arguments and evidence then you are batshit crazy as in schizo and a lying sociopath.
That you cannot present evidence to the existence of a creator is all the evidence needed as to your belief without evidence, i. e. batshit crazy.

And you have the cheek to have a shot at the Muslims. Remove the mote from your own eye.

edit...Assertions from assumptions are not evidence.
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That you cannot present evidence to the existence of a creator is all the evidence needed as to your belief without evidence, i. e. batshit crazy..

Thus you demonstrate to the entire fucking planet that you are nothing more than a braying lying jack ass.

I said I could prove the existence of God and you pretend I said the opposite.

You are just another libtard troll that seems to be infesting the internet of late.

And why don't you answer my question about the Platonists? Are you just too stupid or are you just a fucking toe sucking coward?

My bet is that you are just another god damned libtard coward.

Either way, all you do is run you mouth and derail threads.

Fuck off, you piece of shyte.
But you have not presented evidence as to the existence of a creator. Assertions that you can produce evidence without actually producing evidence are just that, baseless assertions. To be expected from batshit crazies.

edit... And to think you have the cheek to have a shot at Muslims.
Plato said that men could see only shadows on the side of a cave that bore no resemblance to what created them. He believed, apparently, in a pantheon of gods. That you wish to refer to his acolytes to 'prove' monotheism is batshit crazy.
Plato said that men could see only shadows on the side of a cave that bore no resemblance to what created them. He believed, apparently, in a pantheon of gods. That you wish to refer to his acolytes to 'prove' monotheism is batshit crazy.

Plato believed in a Creator, the Demiurge, or Craftsman, that was the ultimate Good. He may have had some vestigial belief in the generic godlings that he has his characters speak of, especially Socrates, but he has Socrates defend himself from the charge of atheism by claiming he believed in the One, objective Good.

"From this passage we could make some educated guesses about Plato's and perhaps Socrates' positive conception of the gods: the gods are perfect beings, with perfect bodies, far more beautiful than our own; they cannot be killed--in fact, they cannot be harmed in any way. Their bodies are incorruptible. What is more, since they do not die, they need not replenish their population; thus they do not beget child gods to whom they might need to tell stories."

"A brief remark later in Plato's Republic is also informative. Socrates is about to introduce a famous comparison between the Sun and his highest Form, the Good."

Homer's Gods, Plato's Gods

"The cosmos cannot be eternal, as a Form is, since it comes into being. But it is as much like a Form, as close to being eternal, as it can be (37d). When the Demiurge created the universe, he also created time."

Plato’s Cosmology: The Timaeus

Platos Ontological argument for the existence of the Demiurge as the ultimate objective Good, as the Creator of all types and the ultimate Good was the seed for monotheism though he still believed in immortal godlings, the latter of whom are fairly close to the Judeo-Christian concept of Angels. This belief in monotheism was fully embrace by Aristotle.

Aristotle on the existence of God

Aristotle, as I understand him, does not attack the concept of the many godlings that are not the Demiurge or Ultimate Good, but he seems to generally ignore them as of small importance.

The Emanationist school of philosophers had gone into quite a bit of detail in describing this concept of the Creator started by Plato.

"The primary classical exponent of emanationism was Plotinus, wherein his work, the Enneads, all things phenomenal and otherwise were an emanation from the One (hen). In Ennead 5.1.6, emanationism is compared to a diffusion from the One, of which there are three primary hypostases, the One (ἕν, hen), the Intellect/Will (νοῦς, nous), and the Soul (ψυχὴ τοῦ παντός, psyche tou pantos). For Plotinus, emanation, or the "soul's descent", is a result of the Indefinite Dyad, the primordial agnosis inherent to and within the Absolute, the Godhead.[2]"

Emanationism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This concept of the ultimate Good, the Demiurge had no tradition or definition among the Greek poets, and so the Athenians often referred to the Demiurge as the 'Unknown God' for whom they built an alter in Athens.

When St Paul journeyed to Athens it struck him, as a Jew, that some Gentiles could be so pious. He then says in Acts of the Apostles in chapter 17,
22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[c]

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”

And this began the great conversion of the ancient Greeks to Christianity, whose concepts had such similarity that many believe that Christianity borrowed its concept of God entirely from the Greeks and abandoned its Jewish roots all together.

The point of all this is not to prove God's existence, at least not yet, but that the ancient Greek rationalists not only found the concept of God rational, but actually explored concepts that were very similar to the Christian concept of the Creator.

So for you to claim that Abrahamic faiths are irrational and their believers insane does nothing more than to show your ignorance and arrogance at passing judgement against things you have no clue about, dude.
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cnm, atheists today are unable to understand God or really even honestly attempt to grasp the essential characteristics of God because of their fear. This fear is similar to the fear you can see in Zombie movies and TV shows, it is hilarious in a way. On Walking Dead last night, some townsmen who were so confident in challenging what they thought they understood, fellow human beings like Rick, that they had no respect for Rick and his crew, even though Rick was more dangerous to them than any zombies ever would be.

But when these townsmen were brought face to face with the zombies, whose very nature so confused and put fear into the hearts of them, they could not simply pull a knife from their belt sheath and stick it in the head as they had been told to do to 'kill' the zombie. Their minds could not rationally accept what they beheld and that inability to understand filled them with hysterical fear and powerlessness. When not around the Zombies they spoke boastfully of their abilities and they would do this or that. But when the zombie was two feet in front of them, all they had was paralysis.

Confusion and ignorance can make any of us into frozen cowards, and that is the chief characteristic today of atheists. I have know many very intelligent atheists and I never try to preach to them. I simply tell them that if they ever want to know anything about what and why I believe what I do, I would be happy to discuss the subject and answer their questions. BUT THEY NEVER ASK. They are afraid to. They fear the possibility that this God that they have defied, castigated and denounced might very well be real and so THEY REFUSE TO EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Often times they end up spouting some of the same kind of bullshit you have in this thread. But they only do it once since I am there to engage in any rejoinder, lol.

You are frozen in fear by something you do not want to think can be real. Otherwise you would not say the stupid things you say that betray your complete ignorance about God and What He is.

The funniest thing is that even though I have gone into some considerable detail for a day off, trying to explain these things to you, you will most like give some shallow flippant response again and will take none of this to heart and to think about, your arrogance I think will prevent you from opening your mind to what you are so unable to honestly consider.
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HONEST and consistent liberals....would condemn Islam as harshly as any one thing in society. Some actually do.

Most dont. Like the USMB libs who think Islam is a race.

I'm pretty liberal and I agree with Bill on Islam. I'll take crazy Christians over crazy Muslims any day of the week.

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