Richard Sherman: Thug is the New Ni66a

for the same reason they made white racist in OK steal the black peoples planes and bomb them from the air
Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greenwood is a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most successful and wealthiest African American communities in the United States during the early 20th Century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. The riot was one of the most devastating race riots in history and it destroyed the once thriving Greenwood community.

Within five years after the riot, surviving residents who chose to remain in Tulsa rebuilt much of the district. They accomplished this despite the opposition of many white Tulsa political and business leaders. It resumed being a vital black community until segregation was overturned by the Federal Government during the 1950s and 60s. Desegregation encouraged blacks to live and shop elsewhere in the city, causing Greenwood to lose much of its original vitality. Since then, city leaders have attempted to encourage other economic development activity nearby.
Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greenwood is a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most successful and wealthiest African American communities in the United States during the early 20th Century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. The riot was one of the most devastating race riots in history and it destroyed the once thriving Greenwood community.

Within five years after the riot, surviving residents who chose to remain in Tulsa rebuilt much of the district. They accomplished this despite the opposition of many white Tulsa political and business leaders. It resumed being a vital black community until segregation was overturned by the Federal Government during the 1950s and 60s. Desegregation encouraged blacks to live and shop elsewhere in the city, causing Greenwood to lose much of its original vitality. Since then, city leaders have attempted to encourage other economic development activity nearby.

I know the story well and bring it up whenever whites say blacks cant make it on their own.

They always ignore every example of blacks doing for themselves because when blacks do...Whites burn it to the ground, wash away the evidence then say

"Hey why cant blacks do for themselves huh?"
EARTH TO ASCLEPIAS: Millions of white guys have served in the military and fought in wars, dodged bombs & bullets, jumped out of planes from 10,000 ft, fought against enemy fighter jets in the air, and took on everything from Japanese Kamikaze planes ramming into their ships, to booby traps in Vietnam, to IEDs in Afghanistan. And you call them weak hearted, right ? HA HA HA!!

Well, I guess I call you weak-minded. A riled up black man is just another riled up somebody somewhere. When I think of intimidation, I recall back to the North Vietnamese lieutenants I interrogated, who would rip the skin off your face with a bayonet, curl it into a ball, and shove it down your throat, just for the hell of it. Next to them, your riled up black man looks like a 2 week old kitten. :lol:

You are trying entirely too hard to pretend you are not afraid. Dont get your panties in a bunch. I'm talking about scary white guys like you and good boy. I know some white guys that are not afraid of anything but they seem to be few and far between. Most of the ones I seem to meet are easily intimidated.

That may be more in your head than theirs. And I don't "pretend" anything, asshole. I'm an Army veteran. If we were pretenders, we'd be dead. As for the word "thug". It just means a criminal who is pushy, that's all. As usual, black people in all their typical race paranoia are making something out of nothing. Ho hum. Yawn ***.

Just because you were in the army doesn't mean you are not a scary wuss. i told you already about how I slapped the crap out of white boy claiming to be in the Aryan nation while in the military. All he did was turn pink and red. I did it to intentionally provoke a fight and all he did was stand there humiliated. Fear is what motivates your type to do the things you do and did in the past. What type of fear induces people to have lynchings where they bring their children to watch them burn, mutilate, and hang people? Then they sold off body parts as souvenirs. Face it. Only fear or malformed genetics can cause people to do these type of things.
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I think its a pretty long stretch to call someone a thug accidently. Either you don't know what the word means or you are being a bigot. Since Blacks are frequently portrayed as thugs then its not at all being hypersensitive. Its being correctly perceptive.

Or perhaps it was because he was acting very aggressive. The word thug does carry the conotation of someone who is aggressive.

Actually it doesnt. A thug can be aggressive but you can be white collar criminal and be aggressive. its not even listed as a synonym.

Thug - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

thug noun \ˈthəg\
: a violent criminal

Notice I used the word "connotation".
an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
"the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression"
synonyms: overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, nuance, hint, echo, vibrations, association, intimation, suggestion, suspicion, insinuation More
the abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to.
Or perhaps it was because he was acting very aggressive. The word thug does carry the conotation of someone who is aggressive.

Actually it doesnt. A thug can be aggressive but you can be white collar criminal and be aggressive. its not even listed as a synonym.

Thug - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

thug noun \ˈthəg\
: a violent criminal

Notice I used the word "connotation".
an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
"the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression"
synonyms: overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, nuance, hint, echo, vibrations, association, intimation, suggestion, suspicion, insinuation More
the abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to.

I did notice. I also noticed you took the bait like I knew you would. Thanks for proving the point that using the word thug to describe an agitated Black man is rooted in fear and invokes the feeling of "violent criminal" for some scary white people.
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Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

a violent person, esp. a criminal.

Meanwhile, like Sherman pointed out. All he did was say things. In Hockey when you beat someones teeth out (while white) you get applauded all day. Look at Incognito. Not one time did anyone call him a thug. Even tho his behavior was Thuggish.

Then add in the fact that you want all these Alpha males on the field but you want them to act like politicians? Huh?

Whats your thoughts?

nigga pleaz
my nigga
nigga what!

all roll off the tongue better than thug

but until he gets pissed over the use of cracker, he can go fuck himself
Actually it doesnt. A thug can be aggressive but you can be white collar criminal and be aggressive. its not even listed as a synonym.

Thug - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Notice I used the word "connotation".
an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
"the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression"
synonyms: overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, nuance, hint, echo, vibrations, association, intimation, suggestion, suspicion, insinuation More
the abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to.

I did notice. I also noticed you took the bait like I knew you would. Thanks for proving the point that using the word thug to describe an agitated Black man is rooted in fear and invokes the feeling of "violent criminal" for some scary white people.

Yet you assume that if a white man had acted the same way that people would not have called him a thug. You are the one that keeps bringing up that he is black. I believe in giving people a benefit of a doubt when motives are not truly known. Do you?
Notice I used the word "connotation".
an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
"the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression"
synonyms: overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, nuance, hint, echo, vibrations, association, intimation, suggestion, suspicion, insinuation More
the abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to.

I did notice. I also noticed you took the bait like I knew you would. Thanks for proving the point that using the word thug to describe an agitated Black man is rooted in fear and invokes the feeling of "violent criminal" for some scary white people.

Yet you assume that if a white man had acted the same way that people would not have called him a thug. You are the one that keeps bringing up that he is black. I believe in giving people a benefit of a doubt when motives are not truly known. Do you?

Where did you see me make that assumption? Please quote it for me. What would happen to a white guy never even crossed my mind. I simply said I agree that some people were calling him a thug as a way to disguise they really wanted to call him the N word.

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

a violent person, esp. a criminal.

Meanwhile, like Sherman pointed out. All he did was say things. In Hockey when you beat someones teeth out (while white) you get applauded all day. Look at Incognito. Not one time did anyone call him a thug. Even tho his behavior was Thuggish.

Then add in the fact that you want all these Alpha males on the field but you want them to act like politicians? Huh?

Whats your thoughts?
Sherman talks shit and then acts like a thug when others talk shit about him.

Thug fits him perfectly along with the other word. If you want to dish it out, be willing to take it in return.
I did notice. I also noticed you took the bait like I knew you would. Thanks for proving the point that using the word thug to describe an agitated Black man is rooted in fear and invokes the feeling of "violent criminal" for some scary white people.

Yet you assume that if a white man had acted the same way that people would not have called him a thug. You are the one that keeps bringing up that he is black. I believe in giving people a benefit of a doubt when motives are not truly known. Do you?

Where did you see me make that assumption? Please quote it for me. What would happen to a white guy never even crossed my mind. I simply said I agree that some people were calling him a thug as a way to disguise they really wanted to call him the N word.

Okay, I take you at your word. Would you agree that some or perhaps even many of the people that called him a thug did so without the N word crossing their minds? Or at least that it is possible?

Sometimes when there are two sides of a discussion like what we are having, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Yet you assume that if a white man had acted the same way that people would not have called him a thug. You are the one that keeps bringing up that he is black. I believe in giving people a benefit of a doubt when motives are not truly known. Do you?

Where did you see me make that assumption? Please quote it for me. What would happen to a white guy never even crossed my mind. I simply said I agree that some people were calling him a thug as a way to disguise they really wanted to call him the N word.

Okay, I take you at your word. Would you agree that some or perhaps even many of the people that called him a thug did so without the N word crossing their minds? Or at least that it is possible?

Sometimes when there are two sides of a discussion like what we are having, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I believe I already stated that either people were ignorant of what "thug" means or they were frightened and trying to disguise their wish to call him the N word. I simply dont see how the word thug can be used to describe his actions. Does that make sense to you?
It doesn't matter how much ******* complain about the words used to identify them. There will always be another abhorrent behavior they will come to be associated with.
At the end of the day thugs, coloreds, blacks, african americans no matter what you call them they are ******* and nothing else.
It doesn't matter how much ******* complain about the words used to identify them. There will always be another abhorrent behavior they will come to be associated with.

We get it. You dont like black people. What kind of desperate child runs around screaming ****** for attention? Its fucking dumb.

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

a violent person, esp. a criminal.

Meanwhile, like Sherman pointed out. All he did was say things. In Hockey when you beat someones teeth out (while white) you get applauded all day. Look at Incognito. Not one time did anyone call him a thug. Even tho his behavior was Thuggish.

Then add in the fact that you want all these Alpha males on the field but you want them to act like politicians? Huh?

Whats your thoughts?
Sherman talks shit and then acts like a thug when others talk shit about him.

Thug fits him perfectly along with the other word. If you want to dish it out, be willing to take it in return.

Dish what?
It doesn't matter how much ******* complain about the words used to identify them. There will always be another abhorrent behavior they will come to be associated with.

yeah because bombing a city after stealing their planes to do it is so wonderful huh
Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Black Wall Street"[edit]

During the oil boom of the 1910s, the area of northeast Oklahoma around Tulsa flourished, including the Greenwood neighborhood, which came to be known as "the Negro Wall Street" (now commonly referred to as "the Black Wall Street").[3] The area was home to several prominent black businessmen, many of them multimillionaires. Greenwood boasted a variety of thriving businesses that were very successful up until the Tulsa Race Riot. Not only did African Americans want to contribute to the success of their own shops, but also the racial segregation laws prevented them from shopping anywhere other than Greenwood.[4] Following the riots, the area was rebuilt and thrived until the 1960s when desegregation allowed blacks to shop in areas that were restricted before.

Detroit Avenue, along the edge of Standpipe Hill, contained a number of higher-end houses belonging to doctors, lawyers and business owners. Also, the buildings on Greenwood Avenue housed the offices of almost all of Tulsa’s black lawyers, realtors, doctors, and other professionals.[5] In Tulsa at the time of the riot, there were fifteen well-known African American physicians, one of whom, Dr. A.C. Jackson, was considered the “most able Negro surgeon in America” by one of the Mayo brothers.[6] Dr. Jackson was shot to death as he left his house during the riot.[2] Greenwood published two newspapers, the Tulsa Star and the Oklahoma Sun, which covered not only Tulsa, but also state and national news and elections. Buildings housing the two papers were destroyed during the riot.[2]

Greenwood was a very religiously active community. At the time of the riot there were more than a dozen African American churches and many Christian youth organizations and religious societies.

In northeastern Oklahoma, as elsewhere in America, the prosperity of minorities emerged amidst racial and political tension. The Ku Klux Klan made its first major appearance in Oklahoma shortly before the worst race riot in history.[7] It is estimated that there were about 3,200 members of the Klan in Tulsa in 1921

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

a violent person, esp. a criminal.

Meanwhile, like Sherman pointed out. All he did was say things. In Hockey when you beat someones teeth out (while white) you get applauded all day. Look at Incognito. Not one time did anyone call him a thug. Even tho his behavior was Thuggish.

Then add in the fact that you want all these Alpha males on the field but you want them to act like politicians? Huh?

Whats your thoughts?
Sherman talks shit and then acts like a thug when others talk shit about him.

Thug fits him perfectly along with the other word. If you want to dish it out, be willing to take it in return.

Dish what?

Scary posturing.

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