Richard Sherman: Thug is the New Ni66a

You are confused it seems. Why would you ask that question if they were white.

Go back and read. Thug is the new ******, or so goes the latest cry. My kid called two white kids thugs. Was she really calling them *******? No. If they had been black and she called them thugs she wouldn't have been calling them ******* either. Thug is someone looking to or causing trouble and come in all colors. This latest 'xx word really means ******' is more victim mentality.

You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,"

~Richard Sherman~

Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)
Go back and read. Thug is the new ******, or so goes the latest cry. My kid called two white kids thugs. Was she really calling them *******? No. If they had been black and she called them thugs she wouldn't have been calling them ******* either. Thug is someone looking to or causing trouble and come in all colors. This latest 'xx word really means ******' is more victim mentality.

You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,"

~Richard Sherman~

Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)

Leave it to you to prove you dropped out of school in the 5th grade to pursue a life a of crime. Even you should know that the word "seems" by the very definition is not set in stone. Let me help you out.

give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.
"Dawn seemed annoyed"

Dawn in this sentence seemed annoyed but there is no way to tell. She may have been just about to sneeze. Does that help you out with your vocabulary word of the day Lonestar?
You are confused it seems. Why would you ask that question if they were white.

Go back and read. Thug is the new ******, or so goes the latest cry. My kid called two white kids thugs. Was she really calling them *******? No. If they had been black and she called them thugs she wouldn't have been calling them ******* either. Thug is someone looking to or causing trouble and come in all colors. This latest 'xx word really means ******' is more victim mentality.

You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

Thread title: Thug is the new ******.

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

Thus isn't the new ******. Thug is thug, regardless of color.

My kid called two white kids thugs. According to this latest 'thug is ******' bs had they been black and she called them thugs, what she really would have meant was that they were *******. Bullshit.

Do you need me to explain this again? Cripes.
Go back and read. Thug is the new ******, or so goes the latest cry. My kid called two white kids thugs. Was she really calling them *******? No. If they had been black and she called them thugs she wouldn't have been calling them ******* either. Thug is someone looking to or causing trouble and come in all colors. This latest 'xx word really means ******' is more victim mentality.

You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

Thread title: Thug is the new ******.

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

Thus isn't the new ******. Thug is thug, regardless of color.

My kid called two white kids thugs. According to this latest 'thug is ******' bs had they been black and she called them thugs, what she really would have meant was that they were *******. Bullshit.

Do you need me to explain this again? Cripes.

Yes you need to explain it to me. How is calling two white guys thug in anyway calling then the n-word? You are not directing the comment to a Black person. Your grasp on the meaning of the OP is tenuous at best. Do you need for me to show you the operative word that makes this all work?
You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

Thread title: Thug is the new ******.

Everyone sees through the bullshit now a days. White people are quick to be scared by a black man and that intimidation is enough to label him a "thug" but what they want to say is the N-word.

Thus isn't the new ******. Thug is thug, regardless of color.

My kid called two white kids thugs. According to this latest 'thug is ******' bs had they been black and she called them thugs, what she really would have meant was that they were *******. Bullshit.

Do you need me to explain this again? Cripes.

Yes you need to explain it to me. How is calling two white guys thug in anyway calling then the n-word? You are not directing the comment to a Black person. Your grasp on the meaning of the OP is tenuous at best. Do you need for me to show you the operative word that makes this all work?

It isn't, that's the point. Calling two blacks kids thug isn't calling them ****** anymore than calling two white kids thug. omg, stop playing stupid. Thug isn't the new ******. It's more made-up bullshit, more whining. Period.
Thread title: Thug is the new ******.

Thus isn't the new ******. Thug is thug, regardless of color.

My kid called two white kids thugs. According to this latest 'thug is ******' bs had they been black and she called them thugs, what she really would have meant was that they were *******. Bullshit.

Do you need me to explain this again? Cripes.

Yes you need to explain it to me. How is calling two white guys thug in anyway calling then the n-word? You are not directing the comment to a Black person. Your grasp on the meaning of the OP is tenuous at best. Do you need for me to show you the operative word that makes this all work?

It isn't, that's the point. Calling two blacks kids thug isn't calling them ****** anymore than calling two white kids thug. omg, stop playing stupid. Thug isn't the new ******. It's more made-up bullshit, more whining. Period.

Yes that is the point. This is what I meant by you being easily manipulated. i asked you to quote where Sherman or I said that. You quoted the title of the thread which was not the words used by Sherman or myself. You ran with it using white guys instead of understanding the OP in which it was explained. Thats how easily you are manipulated. Instead of finding out what exactly occurred you ran off chasing a media title. That was all it took to get you upset. Classic.
Yes you need to explain it to me. How is calling two white guys thug in anyway calling then the n-word? You are not directing the comment to a Black person. Your grasp on the meaning of the OP is tenuous at best. Do you need for me to show you the operative word that makes this all work?

It isn't, that's the point. Calling two blacks kids thug isn't calling them ****** anymore than calling two white kids thug. omg, stop playing stupid. Thug isn't the new ******. It's more made-up bullshit, more whining. Period.

Yes that is the point. This is what I meant by you being easily manipulated. i asked you to quote where Sherman or I said that. You quoted the title of the thread which was not the words used by Sherman or myself. You ran with it using white guys instead of understanding the OP in which it was explained. Thats how easily you are manipulated. Instead of finding out what exactly occurred you ran off chasing a media title. That was all it took to get you upset. Classic.

I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?
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It isn't, that's the point. Calling two blacks kids thug isn't calling them ****** anymore than calling two white kids thug. omg, stop playing stupid. Thug isn't the new ******. It's more made-up bullshit, more whining. Period.

Yes that is the point. This is what I meant by you being easily manipulated. i asked you to quote where Sherman or I said that. You quoted the title of the thread which was not the words used by Sherman or myself. You ran with it using white guys instead of understanding the OP in which it was explained. Thats how easily you are manipulated. Instead of finding out what exactly occurred you ran off chasing a media title. That was all it took to get you upset. Classic.

I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?

Who claimed you accused me of saying it? Thats what I mean. You quoted the title of the thread. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said. You cant even follow simple directions. I simply said find the quote where Sherman or myself said that so you would not be manipulated by the media title designed to get people to read the thread. If you read the OP you would have found 2 very important things out.

1. Sherman said "it seems" which is not definite
2. the person being called thug would need to be black

Under those 2 criteria your example was stupid and irrelevant.
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You are the one that needs to go back and read. Sherman did not say that nor did I. Please quote where that was said. You are making up words in your head that are not there. Your post was silly and not at all relevant.

"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,"

~Richard Sherman~

Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)

Leave it to you to prove you dropped out of school in the 5th grade to pursue a life a of crime. Even you should know that the word "seems" by the very definition is not set in stone. Let me help you out.

give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.
"Dawn seemed annoyed"

Dawn in this sentence seemed annoyed but there is no way to tell. She may have been just about to sneeze. Does that help you out with your vocabulary word of the day Lonestar?

Well your dishonesty isn't lacking.

seem (sēm)
intr.v. seemed, seem·ing, seems
1. To give the impression of being; appear: The child seems healthy, but the doctor is concerned.

2. To appear to one's own opinion or mind: I can't seem to get the story straight.

3. To appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.

4. To appear to exist: There seems no reason to postpone it.

Synonyms: seem, appear, look
These verbs mean to present the appearance of being: seems angry; appears skeptical; looks happy.

seem (siːm)
vb (may take an infinitive)
1. (copula) to appear to the mind or eye; look: this seems nice; the car seems to be running well.

2. to give the impression of existing; appear to be: there seems no need for all this nonsense.

3. used to diminish the force of a following infinitive to be polite, more noncommittal, etc: I can't seem to get through to you.

[C12: perhaps from Old Norse soma to beseem, from sœmr befitting; related to Old English sēman to reconcile; see same]
"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,"

~Richard Sherman~

Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)

Leave it to you to prove you dropped out of school in the 5th grade to pursue a life a of crime. Even you should know that the word "seems" by the very definition is not set in stone. Let me help you out.

give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.
"Dawn seemed annoyed"

Dawn in this sentence seemed annoyed but there is no way to tell. She may have been just about to sneeze. Does that help you out with your vocabulary word of the day Lonestar?

Well your dishonesty isn't lacking.

seem (sēm)
intr.v. seemed, seem·ing, seems
1. To give the impression of being; appear: The child seems healthy, but the doctor is concerned.

2. To appear to one's own opinion or mind: I can't seem to get the story straight.

3. To appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.

4. To appear to exist: There seems no reason to postpone it.

Synonyms: seem, appear, look
These verbs mean to present the appearance of being: seems angry; appears skeptical; looks happy.

seem (siːm)
vb (may take an infinitive)
1. (copula) to appear to the mind or eye; look: this seems nice; the car seems to be running well.

2. to give the impression of existing; appear to be: there seems no need for all this nonsense.

3. used to diminish the force of a following infinitive to be polite, more noncommittal, etc: I can't seem to get through to you.

[C12: perhaps from Old Norse soma to beseem, from sœmr befitting; related to Old English sēman to reconcile; see same]

You should stop. You are only embarrassing yourself further. You even highlighted the definition and you still have problems grasping the meaning. The word "seems" was invented to convey the possibility that the following words may or may not be true. You cant possibly be this uneducated.
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Yes that is the point. This is what I meant by you being easily manipulated. i asked you to quote where Sherman or I said that. You quoted the title of the thread which was not the words used by Sherman or myself. You ran with it using white guys instead of understanding the OP in which it was explained. Thats how easily you are manipulated. Instead of finding out what exactly occurred you ran off chasing a media title. That was all it took to get you upset. Classic.

I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?

Who claimed you accused me of saying it? Thats what I mean. You quoted the title of the thread. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said. You cant even follow simple directions. I simply said find the quote where Sherman or myself said that so you would not be manipulated by the media title designed to get people to read the thread. If you read the OP you would have found 2 very important things out.

1. Sherman said "it seems" which is not definite
2. the person being called thug would need to be black

Under those 2 criteria your example was stupid and irrelevant.

You did. You said you never said that. And? I never accused you of saying it.

I don't care what Sherman, you, or anyone else says. Thug does not mean ******. It means thug. If the person is white, black, asian or green .... doesn't matter.

My example shows how moronic it is to believe that thug = ******.

My daughter just told me there are lots of thugs in her school. I asked her 'are they black'? She said 'they're white, black, asian, and both sexes'.

Thug isn't some code word for ******.

I find it odd that people give so much damn power to a word.

You didn't specifically answer this: In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?
Leave it to you to prove you dropped out of school in the 5th grade to pursue a life a of crime. Even you should know that the word "seems" by the very definition is not set in stone. Let me help you out.

Dawn in this sentence seemed annoyed but there is no way to tell. She may have been just about to sneeze. Does that help you out with your vocabulary word of the day Lonestar?

Well your dishonesty isn't lacking.

seem (sēm)
intr.v. seemed, seem·ing, seems
1. To give the impression of being; appear: The child seems healthy, but the doctor is concerned.

2. To appear to one's own opinion or mind: I can't seem to get the story straight.

3. To appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.

4. To appear to exist: There seems no reason to postpone it.

Synonyms: seem, appear, look
These verbs mean to present the appearance of being: seems angry; appears skeptical; looks happy.

seem (siːm)
vb (may take an infinitive)
1. (copula) to appear to the mind or eye; look: this seems nice; the car seems to be running well.

2. to give the impression of existing; appear to be: there seems no need for all this nonsense.

3. used to diminish the force of a following infinitive to be polite, more noncommittal, etc: I can't seem to get through to you.

[C12: perhaps from Old Norse soma to beseem, from sœmr befitting; related to Old English sēman to reconcile; see same]

You should stop. You are only embarrassing yourself further. You even highlighted the definition and you still have problems grasping the meaning. The word "seems" was invented to convey the possibility that the following words may or may not be true. You cant possibly be this uneducated.

Schooling you is never an embarrassment.
I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?

Who claimed you accused me of saying it? Thats what I mean. You quoted the title of the thread. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said. You cant even follow simple directions. I simply said find the quote where Sherman or myself said that so you would not be manipulated by the media title designed to get people to read the thread. If you read the OP you would have found 2 very important things out.

1. Sherman said "it seems" which is not definite
2. the person being called thug would need to be black

Under those 2 criteria your example was stupid and irrelevant.

You did. You said you never said that. And? I never accused you of saying it.

I don't care what Sherman, you, or anyone else says. Thug does not mean ******. It means thug. If the person is white, black, asian or green .... doesn't matter.

My example shows how moronic it is to believe that thug = ******.

My daughter just told me there are lots of thugs in her school. I asked her 'are they black'? She said 'they're white, black, asian, and both sexes'.

Thug isn't some code word for ******.

I find it odd that people give so much damn power to a word.

You didn't specifically answer this: In my example, if the two kids had been black and my daughter called them thugs do you believe that what she really was meaning to call them was *******? Yes or no?

I did what? I never claimed you accused me of saying that. Please provide the quotes where I typed that. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said so you wouldn't be confused on what he or I was saying.

Why are you on the thread typing irrelevant things if you do not care what Sherman thinks? Thats what the thread is about. What Sherman thinks is not what you are saying.

Yes your quote was moronic. It is entirely possible that thug = the n word for people that are saying it to disguise their intent. What makes you think it is impossible?

Like I just said it is entirely possible that if the kids were black then thug = the n word. In what world is this an impossibility?
Well your dishonesty isn't lacking.

seem (sēm)
intr.v. seemed, seem·ing, seems
1. To give the impression of being; appear: The child seems healthy, but the doctor is concerned.

2. To appear to one's own opinion or mind: I can't seem to get the story straight.

3. To appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.

4. To appear to exist: There seems no reason to postpone it.

Synonyms: seem, appear, look
These verbs mean to present the appearance of being: seems angry; appears skeptical; looks happy.

seem (siːm)
vb (may take an infinitive)
1. (copula) to appear to the mind or eye; look: this seems nice; the car seems to be running well.

2. to give the impression of existing; appear to be: there seems no need for all this nonsense.

3. used to diminish the force of a following infinitive to be polite, more noncommittal, etc: I can't seem to get through to you.

[C12: perhaps from Old Norse soma to beseem, from sœmr befitting; related to Old English sēman to reconcile; see same]

You should stop. You are only embarrassing yourself further. You even highlighted the definition and you still have problems grasping the meaning. The word "seems" was invented to convey the possibility that the following words may or may not be true. You cant possibly be this uneducated.

Schooling you is never an embarrassment.

You couldn't school anyone if your paycheck depended on it. You dont even know what seems means. Dont make me laugh. :lol:
Thug has been code for ****** in right wing political circles since "strapping young buck" was outed for offensiveness.
I did what? I never claimed you accused me of saying that. Please provide the quotes where I typed that. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said so you wouldn't be confused on what he or I was saying.

Your reading skills need work.
Yes that is the point. This is what I meant by you being easily manipulated. i asked you to quote where Sherman or I said that. You quoted the title of the thread which was not the words used by Sherman or myself. You ran with it using white guys instead of understanding the OP in which it was explained. Thats how easily you are manipulated. Instead of finding out what exactly occurred you ran off chasing a media title. That was all it took to get you upset. Classic.

I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

Why are you on the thread typing irrelevant things if you do not care what Sherman thinks? Thats what the thread is about. What Sherman thinks is not what you are saying.

No, what the thread is about is that thug is now some code word for ******.

Sherman thinks so. He's saying thug is the accepted way of saying ****** (translation: thug is code for ******). No it isn't.

"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,"

~Richard Sherman~

Are you going to go off on a rant about the word 'seems' again? lol "the only reason it bothers me is because it appears like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays". To Sherman, it seems/it appears/he believes that if someone uses the word thug what they really mean is ******.

Yes your quote was moronic. It is entirely possible that thug = the n word for people that are saying it to disguise their intent. What makes you think it is impossible?

I'm saying that you want it to be so, so that's how you see it. It isn't any different than when people disagree with obama's policies and someone screams 'you're racist!'. It's b.s. Thug is about behavior not skin color.

Like I just said it is entirely possible that if the kids were black then thug = the n word. In what world is this an impossibility?

To you, because that's what you want to see. Like I said, you have a victim mentality. Thug is thug, it's not some code word for ******. Already posted other examples, above ... thugs are trouble makers not skin color.

Thug politicians aren't black/*******. Pols who practice thug behavior are ones who would blackmail/coerce/manipulate/intimidate/bully. Christ Christie is a thug ... he bullies.
Ok so you dont know why and you dont even want to round table some ideas about why he was called a thug. I get it.

Now you've changed what thug means when earlier you claimed you didnt know why someone would call him a thug. Now definitions dont mean anything to you?

The word "thug" has been used so many times by the same sort of people about the same sort of thing that it's no longer even accurate to call it code—it's really more of a shorthand. It means a black guy who makes white folks a little more uncomfortable than they prefer. On Sunday night, Richard Sherman made a lot of people uncomfortable. Then on Monday, people said thug on TV more often than on any other day in the past three years.

The numbers here come from iQ Media1, and they're based on every closed caption that ran in every market in the country over the past three years. As you can see above, Monday was more "thug"-heavy than any day in the past few years. iQ Media says 625 "thug"s across all markets, while competing service TVEyes says 524 so far today, but just 269 yesterday. Both have today and yesterday as massive spikes. ESPN, to its credit, appears to be on the hook for just two "thugs" all of yesterday. CBS was the overall leader by iQ's count, but that number is slightly inflated because of a mention on the national broadcast of the creatively bereft ratings graveyard Intelligence, which went out to a bunch of local affiliates.

So if I understand you right Spiderman. You are ignorant and indifferent...You dont know and you dont care. But the ONLY thing you DO KNOW its NOT racist....and Thug was used wrong...then you say was used right

I didn't change the definition you did by saying thug means ******.

And it seems to me you don't know what a synonym is.

Sorry but I don't see a racist behind every tree or a terrorist under every rock.

You people are looking for something to be "outraged" about

Like I said he's a nobody league minimum player looking to get his name in the paper.

He is not the object of a racist plot.

Sorry but I don't see a racist behind every tree or a terrorist under every rock.
Well, YOU wouldn't and that was a seemingly benign and entirely fraudulent comparison.
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I did what? I never claimed you accused me of saying that. Please provide the quotes where I typed that. i asked you to quote what Sherman or I said so you wouldn't be confused on what he or I was saying.

Your reading skills need work.
I quoted what was in the op. I never said you said that ... where did you even get that from? My original op in here wasn't even directed at you.

You need to go back and re-read the first sentence of the op. Who is saying that? Sherman? CC? I have no idea, there isn't any link. Regardless, the first sentence is claiming that thug is the new ******. No, it isn't.

No, what the thread is about is that thug is now some code word for ******.

Sherman thinks so. He's saying thug is the accepted way of saying ****** (translation: thug is code for ******). No it isn't.

Are you going to go off on a rant about the word 'seems' again? lol "the only reason it bothers me is because it appears like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays". To Sherman, it seems/it appears/he believes that if someone uses the word thug what they really mean is ******.

Yes your quote was moronic. It is entirely possible that thug = the n word for people that are saying it to disguise their intent. What makes you think it is impossible?

I'm saying that you want it to be so, so that's how you see it. It isn't any different than when people disagree with obama's policies and someone screams 'you're racist!'. It's b.s. Thug is about behavior not skin color.

Like I just said it is entirely possible that if the kids were black then thug = the n word. In what world is this an impossibility?

To you, because that's what you want to see. Like I said, you have a victim mentality. Thug is thug, it's not some code word for ******. Already posted other examples, above ... thugs are trouble makers not skin color.

Thug politicians aren't black/*******. Pols who practice thug behavior are ones who would blackmail/coerce/manipulate/intimidate/bully. Christ Christie is a thug ... he bullies.

You need reading comprehension lessons. Asking you to quote what I said in no way means I am claiming that you accused me of something. Like I already told you I did it so you would focus on the OP which was not an emphatic thug = the n word. How did you miss that now twice?

You need help with your translation skills as well. BTW why are you translating when he spoke in English? Lets try this one more time. Show me where Sherman says that "thug is the accepted way of saying ******".

Yes I will rant on the word "seems". The reason why is because the appearance of that word totally destroys your assumption. He said "seems". There is only one conclusion you can rationally come to with that. Its possible people are using it to call Black guys the n word.

I'm not asking what you said. Thats irrelevant. I'm asking you to understand what he said and speak on that. You avoided the question. Where is it impossible for the word thug to be used by a racist to call a black person the n word?

Trying to insult me and avoid the point is not working. What you think of me is not my business. Please answer the question if you can. Where is it impossible for the word thug to be used by a racist to call a black person the n word?

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