Richest 1%, will soon have more wealth than the rest of us


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Wealthiest 1 will soon own more than rest of us combined Oxfam says -

Turns out, the rich really are getting richer. And they'll soon own more than the rest of us put together.

So says a new report, which estimates that the richest 1% will have as much wealth as the other 99% combined by next year.

These people spent on charity few mln bucks every year, but i can't understand, is it so hard not to give money to organizations, but give it to people?!
Why our government spent trillions on war on poverty, but poverty rate is still increasing?
Who the fuck cares?

Stephen Ross has $6 Billion, his top lieutenants each have about $600 million, do you know what difference that makes in my life? Absolutely none

Need to abolish the personal income tax so people spend their time doing stuff besides looking in the other guys pocket

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