Rick DeSantis - The Governor Florida Desperately needed


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
But Florida also missed having a hard core, New Green Deal radical Progressive leftist Governor by a margin so thin it could make a razor blush.

8.1 Million votes cast.......and it came down to 32,000 being the difference between a certified gun grabbing Socialist and a limited government pro business leader with a vision of prosperity for all.

Unpredictable Florida governor Ron DeSantis cleans house and bucks status quo to make state great

I am proud of every single right wing voter who understood what was at stake in Florida and got out to vote last November. You are the deciders.....the movers and shakers. The ones who aren't just a big mouth flapping in the wind.. Equally proud of anyone on the Left who also cast their vote for DeSantis.

DeSantis has already replaced a decidedly liberal Florida Supreme court with a decidedly Conservative Supreme and committed himself to cutting the clutter of government over intervention.

In a sweeping move, he eliminated the Democrats "Common Core" that many saw as yet another invasion into the development of young minds.....
12 Reasons Common Core Falls Short | Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.

I'm personally in awe of the man so far. He has not attacked the Left, as the left attacks the right, instead he simply focuses on policies good for the people. Good job Rick!

However, 2022 will come fast and with the ever increasing block of ultra dumbed down, Marxist Progressive Socialist young voters, we face a strong headwind down the road. Georgia was nearly lost to a Progressive leftist as well. Let's not forget the stakes and begin now to encourage young people to see past the lies, indoctrination and hatred and toward self responsibility and the rewards of taking charge of and making the best of your own life, rather than being forced to accept the heavily regulated and diminishing returns of the Progressive Democrat Socialists and the across the board bankruptcy their policies embrace.
Florida is unique in that they can rely on appealing to retired baby boomers with nothing left to contribute other than spending the money they earned outside of Florida. That will prevent republicans from doing to Florida what they did to Kansas and to their other taker states.
It’s un fucking believable how many transplants to Florida from the Northeast.....who specifically left the Northeast due to high taxes...wanted a socialist to be the Florida Governor.

What fucking morons, I mean, first class idiots.

It’s like moving because a traintrack was built too close to your home and you don’t like the noise, and then voting to have a train track built next to your new home.

But Florida also missed having a hard core, New Green Deal radical Progressive leftist Governor by a margin so thin it could make a razor blush.

8.1 Million votes cast.......and it came down to 32,000 being the difference between a certified gun grabbing Socialist and a limited government pro business leader with a vision of prosperity for all.

Unpredictable Florida governor Ron DeSantis cleans house and bucks status quo to make state great

I am proud of every single right wing voter who understood what was at stake in Florida and got out to vote last November. You are the deciders.....the movers and shakers. The ones who aren't just a big mouth flapping in the wind.. Equally proud of anyone on the Left who also cast their vote for DeSantis.

DeSantis has already replaced a decidedly liberal Florida Supreme court with a decidedly Conservative Supreme and committed himself to cutting the clutter of government over intervention.

In a sweeping move, he eliminated the Democrats "Common Core" that many saw as yet another invasion into the development of young minds.....
12 Reasons Common Core Falls Short | Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.

I'm personally in awe of the man so far. He has not attacked the Left, as the left attacks the right, instead he simply focuses on policies good for the people. Good job Rick!

However, 2022 will come fast and with the ever increasing block of ultra dumbed down, Marxist Progressive Socialist young voters, we face a strong headwind down the road. Georgia was nearly lost to a Progressive leftist as well. Let's not forget the stakes and begin now to encourage young people to see past the lies, indoctrination and hatred and toward self responsibility and the rewards of taking charge of and making the best of your own life, rather than being forced to accept the heavily regulated and diminishing returns of the Progressive Democrat Socialists and the across the board bankruptcy their policies embrace.

Another good vote I cast. He's the man.
It’s un fucking believable how many transplants to Florida from the Northeast.....who specifically left the Northeast due to high taxes...wanted a socialist to be the Florida Governor.

What fucking morons, I mean, first class idiots.

It’s like moving because a traintrack was built too close to your home and you don’t like the noise, and then voting to have a train track built next to your new home.


You said it.

Colonel, all I can say is that it is a CLEAR illustration of how well the screwal system has worked to make wastelands out of so many minds.
They RUN from Progressive polices to areas much better, then hit the polls to change the better place to be like the place they fled.

They're not just stupid, they're insane imo.
I don't see how Florida will dodge that bullet again in 2022.

By then I plan to be out of Florida or at least out of the Blue dominated areas. Let them destroy and kill each other.
South Florida has become a MAJOR Blue infested area and crime and hate there is astronomical (but they hide it well, just like they do the same in the UK, France etc)
South Florida is ripe for more school mass shootings simply because of leftist policies which leave people so messed up, they can't even figure out their gender....much less how to deal with life.

The non-blue counties in Florida will not take well to the hard core Progressive edicts such as oppressive gun control and the sheriffs there will not enforce their unConstitutional declarations.

But in the end, it will all fall apart because as Abraham Lincoln wisely said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand" and that is the perfect description of America today. Just a matter of time.

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