Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

I actually posted a long, and detailed, response to your claims that the science proves something it doesn't. I wonder why you neglected to deal with anything I said in that post, is it because you can't handle actual science?

There is no actual science that says orientation is a choice because it isn't. The scientific community at large has stated such.

The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:
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There is no actual science that says orientation is a choice because it isn't. The scientific community at large has stated such.

The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, that is what I did. You really should pull your head out of your ass and stop attacking straw men, it makes you look incredibly stupid.

Feel free to find the post where I actually said something derogatory about anyone on the basis of their sexual preference. When you fail at that feel free to come back and admit you are the bigot in this conversation.
I assume you're being sardonic since the science in these articles isn't speculation at all. When I say I was born gay, that's "speculation" since I, personally, have no scientific evidence to support my claim (but there's plenty out there), just an eye witness account. Apparently that's not good enough either.

...just an eye witness account. Apparently that's not good enough either.

Wow , you can remember being born ? Sorry , I for one am having a hard time swallowing that [No sarcastic comments SeaWytch -I can read your filthy little excuse for a mind]

Nope, but I can remember always being attracted to girls and never boys. You? Did you "like" both but chose only one gender? I didn't.

Well, just curious , perhaps I'm confusing your story with someonme elses, but didn't you say you originally married a guy - or were banging one or some facsimile of that ?
I actually posted a long, and detailed, response to your claims that the science proves something it doesn't. I wonder why you neglected to deal with anything I said in that post, is it because you can't handle actual science?

There is no actual science that says orientation is a choice because it isn't. The scientific community at large has stated such.

The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Yes, the scientific community has. They are united in their knowledge that, while they do not know the exact combinations of nature and nurture that makes someone gay, they do know that gays don't choose their orientation.

Now, is there a difference in having attractions and acting upon them? Of course there is but as long as it is with consenting adults, our "behaviors" don't need to be "controlled". It's not akin to alcoholism or murder and you're a douche for even attempting to equate them.
The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, that is what I did. You really should pull your head out of your ass and stop attacking straw men, it makes you look incredibly stupid.

Feel free to find the post where I actually said something derogatory about anyone on the basis of their sexual preference. When you fail at that feel free to come back and admit you are the bigot in this conversation.

So you don't think that equating gays to alcoholics and sociopathic murderers isn't derogatory?
I am never wrong, learn form it. The problem is that you assholes want to define everything as a public accommodation, even if it has nothing to do with public accommodation. If you weren't such an authoritarian asshole you wouldn't be in that position.

The law is very clear on public accommodation. Unless I own a private club, I cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. That's from the Civil Rights Act. Federal protections have expanded to include gender, age and disability.

You can discriminate against me in some places, but I can't discriminate against a Christian anywhere. (Again, unless I own a private club). You ARE wrong.

That depends on the state, but thanks for proving how little you know about the law.

No it doesn't depend on the state. That was the Civil Rights Act I posted from. Need it again? Actually, this is the only part you need..the exception:

(e) The provisions of this title shall not apply to a private club or other establishment not in fact open to the public, except to the extent that the facilities of such establishment are made available to the customers or patrons of an establishment within the scope of subsection (b).​

That's it...just private clubs can discriminate based on race, color, religion, or national origin. The gay baker MUST bake the Christian a cake from their catalog in all 50 states, but you whine and cry about "fascism" because the Christian baker must bake a cake out of their catalog for the gay person in half of them.

How about getting rid of all public accommodation laws instead of whining like a bitch because in some places they cover "the gheys" too.
There is no actual science that says orientation is a choice because it isn't. The scientific community at large has stated such.

The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?
The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?

My brother and his legal wife have provided no "offspring" for you to suck off in your old age...gonna go take their license away Pops? My partner and I are the legal parents of two children...do we get your special breeder license Pops?
There is no actual science that says orientation is a choice because it isn't. The scientific community at large has stated such.

The scientific community has stated no such thing. The pseudo scientific astrologers and people who pretend that psychology is real science have stated it, and been shot down by actual scientists repeatedly. That is because, despite the claims of idiots, a biological predisposition toward something does not automatically control your life. It it actually worked that way addicts would never stop taking drugs, and every sociopath in the world would be a serial killer. People make choices, you should accept the fact that you have the ability to chose instead of treating your life like you have no control over it.

Yes, the scientific community has. They are united in their knowledge that, while they do not know the exact combinations of nature and nurture that makes someone gay, they do know that gays don't choose their orientation.

Now, is there a difference in having attractions and acting upon them? Of course there is but as long as it is with consenting adults, our "behaviors" don't need to be "controlled". It's not akin to alcoholism or murder and you're a douche for even attempting to equate them.

You seem welded to the belief that scientists belive the same way you do despite the fact that you cannot provide any evidence that actual scientists have ever said that it is not a choice. The best you can come up with is that they do not know. I know this because, unlike you, I actually looked, and discovered that scientists are much more likely to say "I don't know" than I am. I base my opinion on the evidence, not the delusion that scientists agree with me.

Feel free to continue living your pathetic existence where you are not responsible for your choices because you are controlled by invisible forces based on the position of the planets at the time you were born, or conceived, however the fuck it is your delusions work. I will continue to examine the real evidence, and routinely evaluate my conclusions as it becomes clearer.

Here are a few things you should read to learn why you are wrong that science says something it doesn't.

Planned Parenthood says no one knows what causes sexual orientation.


HuffPo expounds on the idea that no one really knows, and why insisting that you were born gay only feeds into the bigotry of the idiots. After all, if you were actually born that way, someone can fix it.


Even Wikipedia points out that no one know why some people are gay and others are not.


Stop pretending science has the answers it doesn't. You are free to argue that you theory is valid, and present evidence, but you are not free to lie about what the scientific community actually believes.
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Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?

My brother and his legal wife have provided no "offspring" for you to suck off in your old age...gonna go take their license away Pops? My partner and I are the legal parents of two children...do we get your special breeder license Pops?

You might want to read the first sentence of the third paragraph. You won't look quite as irrational as you do.

If the government wants to encourage relationships that can possibly supply population, future citizens and more taxpayers by offering a few benefits to those relationships, I got no problem with that.

I believe you said you are Retired Navy? If so, your "sucking" comment is is irrational. Oh, and by the way, I, and the children supplied to the population by my wife and I are supplying your retirement benefit. Are you sucking off the public? No gay coupling has ever supplied a taxpayer to help supply the funds in your retirement package. Talk about sucking!

But, maybe we should figure out how to create a level playing field? Fair is fair, right?
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Ahhhh, now we are comparing gays to drug addicts, too! Of course.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir! :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, that is what I did. You really should pull your head out of your ass and stop attacking straw men, it makes you look incredibly stupid.

Feel free to find the post where I actually said something derogatory about anyone on the basis of their sexual preference. When you fail at that feel free to come back and admit you are the bigot in this conversation.

So you don't think that equating gays to alcoholics and sociopathic murderers isn't derogatory?

Since I didn't actually do that, no. Perhaps you should stop assuming that every discussion of science you do not understand means you are being attacked.
The law is very clear on public accommodation. Unless I own a private club, I cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. That's from the Civil Rights Act. Federal protections have expanded to include gender, age and disability.

You can discriminate against me in some places, but I can't discriminate against a Christian anywhere. (Again, unless I own a private club). You ARE wrong.

That depends on the state, but thanks for proving how little you know about the law.

No it doesn't depend on the state. That was the Civil Rights Act I posted from. Need it again? Actually, this is the only part you need..the exception:
(e) The provisions of this title shall not apply to a private club or other establishment not in fact open to the public, except to the extent that the facilities of such establishment are made available to the customers or patrons of an establishment within the scope of subsection (b).​
That's it...just private clubs can discriminate based on race, color, religion, or national origin. The gay baker MUST bake the Christian a cake from their catalog in all 50 states, but you whine and cry about "fascism" because the Christian baker must bake a cake out of their catalog for the gay person in half of them.

How about getting rid of all public accommodation laws instead of whining like a bitch because in some places they cover "the gheys" too.

Under federal law, a bakery is legally able to refuse to serve anyone for any reason, so is your business, unless you run a federally defined public accommodation. That, for the record, is a hotel/motel, restaurant, gas station, bus line, cab company, or other place that supplies transportation, food and or shelter to the public. That is why jewelry stores can get away with locking their doors and keeping people they don't like outside.
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I'm far from a liberal, but I don't see why so many conservatives care about gay people so much? Who cares if people are gay, why they're gay, how they became gay, etc.? Doesn't change my life in any way shape or form.


Good God, if they would just shut the fuck up once in a while and let people discuss ANY topic without them bringing all their cock sucking bullshit into the discussion peace might actually reign.

And having to hear all their fucking lies and bullshit agitprop certainly does affect my life. If it doesn't affect yours then good for you. But some of us have ears, eyes, read and think for ourselves. Happy you are unafflicted with such nonsense.

It's effecting you because you're allowing it to. It's really that simple. HOW does it affect you? Because you get offended by what they say? Because it bothers you? So why not just ignore it?

Let's say gay people are allowed to get married....how will that affect anybody's religious beliefs? Religions wouldn't be required to marry gay people....because religions CAN refuse to marry people now based on several things. Try marrying a Catholic in a Catholic church if you weren't baptized on your forehead.
Yes, the scientific community has. They are united in their knowledge that, while they do not know the exact combinations of nature and nurture that makes someone gay, they do know that gays don't choose their orientation.

Now, is there a difference in having attractions and acting upon them? Of course there is but as long as it is with consenting adults, our "behaviors" don't need to be "controlled". It's not akin to alcoholism or murder and you're a douche for even attempting to equate them.

The younger a person can access reparative therapy, of their own will and choosing, the more successful wounds and imprinting from molestation can be reversed. Gay sexual imprinting is a social disease passed on by inappropriate contact of an impressionable child by someone else of the same gender. In the case of pedophiles, your "scientific community....united" is so sure that it's socially-transmitted that the Mayo Clinic put its stamp on the following statement:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.

This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

And the CDC findings echo this "scientific accepted consensus".. what a coincidence...they don't use words at the CDC like "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

So Seawytch would have us call this "nurture" like it's some cuddly and fun term that once imprinted, we should just do everything we can to make sure that child doesn't have access to reverse that cuddly and fun set of compulsive behaviors they're stuck with. Stuck with. Stuck with. Can you imagine having a compulsion that you hated, that reminded you every day of old childhood wounds from sexual assault and that as a matter of law you were not allowed to seek a medical professional's help to assist you in ridding yourself of this daily torment?

I had a good friend who died of AIDS who lived this tortured hell for most of his life after being molested as a boy. He was no more gay than your or my father. He kept falling in love with women but was only able to express himself compulsively sexually with males. His solution was in an act of supreme passive aggression to get back at who he saw was responsible. He went out knowingly infected with HIV and had unprotected sex with as many gay males as possible before he died.

I contend that if he was allowed by law to access reparative therapy at a young age today, he would still be alive and so would hundreds, possibly thousands of others who died as a direct result of his mental issues surrounding having been "nurtured" [thank you Seawytch] into being "a gay man"...
To Conservatives:

Why is it so important that homosexuals seek a 'cure'? Why is it so important that homosexuals be denied basic rights afforded to other American tax paying citizens?

Is it important to maintain a social stigma concerning homosexuality? If so, why?
Look at the post above mine and then the post above that [mine also]. His question was answered with biting clarity before he even asked it. And still he remains confused. "There's your sign"...
So you don't think that equating gays to alcoholics and sociopathic murderers isn't derogatory?

Whether or not you are offended by an open discussion of the mechanics of the environmentally-acquired affect known as "homosexuality" and the potential problems and issues it presents to society [HIV, links to pedophilia...Harvey Milk and the rest of it] is immaterial. Your offense cannot shut the conversation down.

And it will not shut the conversation down. If open discussions about your behavioral affect at that of your LGBT cult members offends you, you should go somewhere else and pat each other on the back about how cool it is what you do. Just don't show up where people have an issue with these behaviors forcing themselves into the social fabric by whining and complaining about discussions of resistance to that being "derogatory".

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Look at the post above mine and then the post above that [mine also]. His question was answered with biting clarity before he even asked it. And still he remains confused. "There's your sign"...
So you don't think that equating gays to alcoholics and sociopathic murderers isn't derogatory?

Whether or not you are offended by an open discussion of the mechanics of the environmentally-acquired affect known as "homosexuality" and the potential problems and issues it presents to society [HIV, links to pedophilia...Harvey Milk and the rest of it] is immaterial. Your offense cannot shut the conversation down.

And it will not shut the conversation down. If open discussions about your behavioral affect at that of your LGBT cult members offends you, you should go somewhere else and pat each other on the back about how cool it is what you do. Just don't show up where people have an issue with these behaviors forcing themselves into the social fabric by whining and complaining about discussions of resistance to that being "derogatory".

Do you also have 'problems' with the behavior of heterosexuals? Does pedophilia really bother you if it is caused by a heterosexual (which it is vastly more often than from homosexuals). Does pornography pose as big a societal problem than the actions of homosexuals? Does it surprise or offend you that those most often repressed are those who cry out loudest for equality? Is there a need to repress the rights of law abiding homosexuals because you are offended by the irresponsible actions of a few homosexuals? Could that same standard be applied to all heterosexuals following egregious actions by a few heterosexuals? Or do yiou just find it fun to repress the rights of a minority?

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