Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

but it is possible right?.....thanks for at least answering truthfully.....

No, it is not possible, haven't I made that clear more than once?

Windbag - one thing I cherish is truth and honesty - I think it's pretty evident that I am "slightly" anti-gay [LOL] - but the fact of the matter is - you are wrong. As much as i hate giving ground to the enemy - yes it is theoretically possible that some gays are born that way - but it is far from proven . .... Now move along ... Carry on ...

It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.
Come on Bag, it is a simple question. Should gay couples have access to the same civil marriage license as straight couples, yes or no?

When you go hunting, you buy a hunting license.

If I buy a tag for rabbits, should I have access to shoot a deer? If no, am I discriminated against?

Jesus, you are stupid.

If you apply for a deer license and are denied a deer license because you are gay, then you are discriminated against.
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No, it is not possible, haven't I made that clear more than once?

Windbag - one thing I cherish is truth and honesty - I think it's pretty evident that I am "slightly" anti-gay [LOL] - but the fact of the matter is - you are wrong. As much as i hate giving ground to the enemy - yes it is theoretically possible that some gays are born that way - but it is far from proven . .... Now move along ... Carry on ...

It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."
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Windbag - one thing I cherish is truth and honesty - I think it's pretty evident that I am "slightly" anti-gay [LOL] - but the fact of the matter is - you are wrong. As much as i hate giving ground to the enemy - yes it is theoretically possible that some gays are born that way - but it is far from proven . .... Now move along ... Carry on ...

It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

A black man in a relationship with a white woman functions the same as a white man with a white woman. A black man in a relationship with a man of any color does not function the same as a man of any color with a woman of any color.

Glad I could clear that up.
All the current science points to attractions NOT being a choice. I'm on my phone and heading back to work. Try google.

Trot it out and I will show you why your science is the same as believing in astrology.

And your degree is in what field of science? Genetics? Biology?

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation.

Evidence for maternally inherited factors favouring male homosexuality and promoting female fecundity.

Homosexuality May Start in the Womb

Brain response to putative pheromones in homosexual men

So all those studies appearing in peer reviewed medical journals are "just like astrology" eh?

Seriously? That is the best you can do.

Here is some real science for you, monozygotic twins have identical genes. This means that, if homosexuality were genetic, monozygotic twins would always have the same sexual preference. They don't. There is a correlation, but correlation is not causation. If it were I could prove almost anything, including the fact that spending on science causes suicides.



Do Studies Conducted on Homosexuality in Twins Show a Genetic Basis of Sexual Orientation? - Born Gay - ProCon.org

As for DNA markers, that study has been debunked so many times it is laughable that anyone still uses it. Not to mention that every single marker cited actually appears in straight people also.

A 'gay Gene?' - Is Homosexuality Inherited? | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

But, please, keep pretending that is science.

You article about female relatives of gay men being more fecund is pretty sexist, if you ask me. How do you explain the occurrence of lesbians among relatives of gay men, or does that just never happen? In other words, it is pure speculation in an attempt to explain being gay assuming that Darwinian evolution would eventually eliminate the trait, a theory that is completely irrelevant if sexual preference is an actual choice, which is evident by the fact that gay men actually marry women, and have children with them. End of need to explain the impossible.

Here is a hint for you, when a science article says may in the title, it means they really have no idea what causes it, or when, but they want to try to support a pet theory. In other words, it isn't actually science, it is speculation. I do like one quote from that link though.

But many genetic screens have failed to turn up genes that are responsible for sexual orientation.

That is exactly what I have been saying, isn't it?

The response to pheromones is interesting, but hardly counts as proof that sexual preference is not a choice. People can learn to like smells, and memories are keyed to odor. All it proves is that, in some way, these people learn to recognize an odor and react to it.

So, you posted a bunch of junk, called it science, and now have egg all over your face. I, on the other hand, posted a single link to prove that homosexuality is not genetic. If you want to see the rest of my science showing hat sexual preference is a choice feel free to dig up one of my previous threads on the issue.
Jesus, you are stupid.

If you apply for a deer license and are denied a deer license because you are gay, then you are discriminated against.

So then, it is not discrimination to have a rabbit tag and a deer tag?

In that case, queers were never discriminated against - there has NEVER been a denial of a marriage license because someone was queer - as long as the person getting married abided by the SAME law as others, they were welcome to marry.

You Bolsheviks demand special privilege, you demand that because homosexuals are preferred, they should bag deer with a rabbit tag.

Marriage = joining of man and woman as a biological and social imperative.
It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

A black man in a relationship with a white woman functions the same as a white man with a white woman. A black man in a relationship with a man of any color does not function the same as a man of any color with a woman of any color.

Glad I could clear that up.

democrats cannot grasp biology.
but it is possible right?.....thanks for at least answering truthfully.....

No, it is not possible, haven't I made that clear more than once?

if you say so QW ....the church loves people like you....you know those close minded people that never would have believed all those IMPOSSIBLE scientific advancements over the centuries.....remember....every theory was a "speculation" before it was proven....you know speculation..... the thing you say is happening here.....

No, the church loves people that believe that are willing to ignore realty and accept the impossible as possible. Keep feeding them.

thats all just "speculation".....ask QW about how all the great thinkers of the past never "speculated" about the theory that they had before it was proven or not....

The might speculate, but they always used facts as evidence. You prefer to speculate on the basis "wouldn't it be nice if..."

thats all just "speculation".....ask QW about how all the great thinkers of the past never "speculated" about the theory that they had before it was proven or not....

I assume you're being sardonic since the science in these articles isn't speculation at all. When I say I was born gay, that's "speculation" since I, personally, have no scientific evidence to support my claim (but there's plenty out there), just an eye witness account. Apparently that's not good enough either.

That was funny. If it is not speculation why does one article actually include the word "may" as part of its title?

I actually reject a lot of eyewitness testimony because I know it is the worst type of evidence. Unless, that is, you want me to believe that Bigfoot is real and that Obama was born in Nigeria just because someone says it.

Not as smart as you think you are, are you?
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Windbag - one thing I cherish is truth and honesty - I think it's pretty evident that I am "slightly" anti-gay [LOL] - but the fact of the matter is - you are wrong. As much as i hate giving ground to the enemy - yes it is theoretically possible that some gays are born that way - but it is far from proven . .... Now move along ... Carry on ...

It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

Wat the fuck is wrong with you idiots? Can't you fucking read? I have addressed that issue multiple times in this very fucking thread, go back and look it up.

thats all just "speculation".....ask QW about how all the great thinkers of the past never "speculated" about the theory that they had before it was proven or not....

Then how did they come up with the theory in the FIRST PLACE, idiot?

God you libtards are so fucking stupid it drives me mad at times.

oh im a liberal now.....last week i was a right winger....were is Dean...he needs to see this so he can laugh too....

hey dumbass....read.....

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

geezus you "righties" are so fucking stupid it drives EVERYONE crazy at times....
Windbag - one thing I cherish is truth and honesty - I think it's pretty evident that I am "slightly" anti-gay [LOL] - but the fact of the matter is - you are wrong. As much as i hate giving ground to the enemy - yes it is theoretically possible that some gays are born that way - but it is far from proven . .... Now move along ... Carry on ...

It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

That sounds like "Deja-Poo" the feeling that I've heard this crap before .

You sir, are a racist of the worst kind , a demented pervert engaging in the most vile and despicable of racist diatribes and half baked fuzzy logic I've ever seen vomitted on these forums.

How dare you even attempt to equate the noble struggle of African Americans with your Mental Health issues. You vile little faggot - Black people don't want you around anymore than white , yellow, or red people do - you're disgusting get back in the closet fudge packer !@!!

Seriously? That is the best you can do.

Here is some real science for you, monozygotic twins have identical genes. This means that, if homosexuality were genetic, monozygotic twins would always have the same sexual preference. They don't. There is a correlation, but correlation is not causation. If it were I could prove almost anything, including the fact that spending on science causes suicides.



Do Studies Conducted on Homosexuality in Twins Show a Genetic Basis of Sexual Orientation? - Born Gay - ProCon.org

As for DNA markers, that study has been debunked so many times it is laughable that anyone still uses it. Not to mention that every single marker cited actually appears in straight people also.

A 'gay Gene?' - Is Homosexuality Inherited? | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

But, please, keep pretending that is science.

You article about female relatives of gay men being more fecund is pretty sexist, if you ask me. How do you explain the occurrence of lesbians among relatives of gay men, or does that just never happen? In other words, it is pure speculation in an attempt to explain being gay assuming that Darwinian evolution would eventually eliminate the trait, a theory that is completely irrelevant if sexual preference is an actual choice, which is evident by the fact that gay men actually marry women, and have children with them. End of need to explain the impossible.

Here is a hint for you, when a science article says may in the title, it means they really have no idea what causes it, or when, but they want to try to support a pet theory. In other words, it isn't actually science, it is speculation. I do like one quote from that link though.

But many genetic screens have failed to turn up genes that are responsible for sexual orientation.

That is exactly what I have been saying, isn't it?

The response to pheromones is interesting, but hardly counts as proof that sexual preference is not a choice. People can learn to like smells, and memories are keyed to odor. All it proves is that, in some way, these people learn to recognize an odor and react to it.

So, you posted a bunch of junk, called it science, and now have egg all over your face. I, on the other hand, posted a single link to prove that homosexuality is not genetic. If you want to see the rest of my science showing hat sexual preference is a choice feel free to dig up one of my previous threads on the issue.

I do believe there is a theory relative to mitichondrial DNA - portions of the following article have been articulately debunked by you in the post I am quoting:


Primarily your statement that correlation is not causation.

...proposed by Sykes (2003) that the inheritance of male homosexuality might be via mitochondrial DNA. This material is outside of the nucleus containing the chromosomes and is passed down the female line. Apparently it is 'selfish" in that it would prefer a female-only species, and Sykes suggests that male homosexuality might be an example of mDNA sabotaging masculinity

Born Gay? The origins of sexual orientation | Gresham College

I only studied genetics casually, as prerequisites for other courses, so my knowledge is limited.... but the theory sounds plausible although far from a smoking gun.
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thats all just "speculation".....ask QW about how all the great thinkers of the past never "speculated" about the theory that they had before it was proven or not....

The might speculate, but they always used facts as evidence. You prefer to speculate on the basis "wouldn't it be nice if..."

and until they found those facts it was all speculation and theories wasnt it?....

You prefer to speculate on the basis "wouldn't it be nice if...

no thats what you are seeing because you dont want to admit there could be the slightest possibility of someone being born gay...
It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

That sounds like "Deja-Poo" the feeling that I've heard this crap before .

You sir, are a racist of the worst kind , a demented pervert engaging in the most vile and despicable of racist diatribes and half baked fuzzy logic I've ever seen vomitted on these forums.

How dare you even attempt to equate the noble struggle of African Americans with your Mental Health issues. You vile little faggot - Black people don't want you around anymore than white , yellow, or red people do - you're disgusting get back in the closet fudge packer !@!!

Brilliant riposte. :lol:

Look at the loser bigot trying to sound like a civil rights supporter. :lol:

It is also interesting you make the logical fallacy of assuming someone who supports gay marriage equality must be gay. You're on a roll! :lol:
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It is also possible that astrology makes people gay, but I refuse to believe it because all the actual evidence contradicts that theory. Until you can explain to me how people can be programmed at birth to do exactly one thing with the rest of their lives I will deny the possibility that genes control our destiny just as vehemently as I do the theory that stars do so.

And I am very much pro gay, which is just more proof you are wrong.

Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

Wat the fuck is wrong with you idiots? Can't you fucking read? I have addressed that issue multiple times in this very fucking thread, go back and look it up.

Just because you addressed it - does not mean they have to accept it - why should they let facts get in the way of their opinions.
Please explain how one becomes gay makes any difference to whether or not they can be discriminated against.

Yours is possibly the stupidest argument against gay marriage equality I have ever heard, and that is saying a lot.

"Your marriage can't be accepted, black boy, because you chose to fall in love with a white women instead of your own kind." "Your marriage can't be accepted, faggot, because you chose to fall in love with another dude instead of a woman."

That sounds like "Deja-Poo" the feeling that I've heard this crap before .

You sir, are a racist of the worst kind , a demented pervert engaging in the most vile and despicable of racist diatribes and half baked fuzzy logic I've ever seen vomitted on these forums.

How dare you even attempt to equate the noble struggle of African Americans with your Mental Health issues. You vile little faggot - Black people don't want you around anymore than white , yellow, or red people do - you're disgusting get back in the closet fudge packer !@!!

Brilliant riposte. :lol:

What a loser. :lol:

It is also interesting you make the logical fallacy of assuming someone who supports gay marriage equality must be gay. You're on a roll! :lol:

That sounds like more Deja-Poo . If you're not a Queer and you argue their cause - then you're a useful Idiot who probably has latent homosexual tendencies :lol:

[Don't like it ? - latent homosexual tendencies that is- I borrowed that line from some of your fudge packing butt buddies. It's known as Jamming]
thats all just "speculation".....ask QW about how all the great thinkers of the past never "speculated" about the theory that they had before it was proven or not....

The might speculate, but they always used facts as evidence. You prefer to speculate on the basis "wouldn't it be nice if..."

and until they found those facts it was all speculation and theories wasnt it?....

You prefer to speculate on the basis "wouldn't it be nice if...

no thats what you are seeing because you dont want to admit there could be the slightest possibility of someone being born gay...

No, they speculated based on facts, and extrapolated theories to explain the facts. They then went searching for other facts to to support, or disprove, their theories. The way it works with the born gay crowd is they search for anything to support their theory, and ignore all the contrary evidence.

That makes their field something other than science.
The law requires that I serve the Christian.

Well now that's a lie.

Someone goes into a queer bakery and orders a cross cake to celebrate the celibacy oath of their kids and the bakers refuse - it won't be on the news, there will be no court order to obey massah gubmint, they'll just go elsewhere.

If the cake is in their catalogue to bake, they must bake it regardless of the religion of the customer. If they don't bake cross cakes, they don't have to unless they advertise that they do special orders. (And I imagine the law gets wiggly there)

Have you ever read the civil rights act regarding public accommodation? Christians are covered, gays are not.

Either that changes or STFU about the fact that some PA laws also cover gays as well as Christians.

I had a gay bar refuse to serve me. My ex and I didn't know it was a gay bar, the place was empty, we sat down and no one came over, after a while I went to the bar and was told this wasn't our kind of place and we should leave.

You just see homosexuals as a privileged class, preferred treatment by our rulers.

Did you? You didn't have to unless it was a private club. This happened when?

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