Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.

I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.

Nope, solid as a rock. You asked about the harm. When one group collects the same amount as the other, without contributing the same amount, and in addition, not producing for future contribution. Harm.

Continue weeping, but it ain't pretty.

Millions of married couples do not and/or choose not to have offspring. Do you propose to take away their licenses?
So, are we to believe - Libberhoids - that having a dick inserted into your ass, and enjoying it, is "normal" mental/physical behavior?


Do share....

Ask the 40+% of straights that do it.

Yep. I've known more than one woman who liked anal. One girlfriend of mine absolutely loved it.

Ex of mine too. I was never a fan, but a little finger up there would send her right over every time. I hear it works for guys too.
If you are worried about gays not procreating, don't worry. Plenty of heteros are making more gay people every day.
Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.

I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.

Nope, solid as a rock. You asked about the harm. When one group collects the same amount as the other, without contributing the same amount, and in addition, not producing for future contribution. Harm.

Continue weeping, but it ain't pretty.

Not only are you a lying bustrard for not acknowledging one opposition to same sex marriage is the effect on children in such marraiges (even though no negative impact can be shown) but you also revel in your willful ignorance of equal protection. To treat one group differently than another, the govt must articulate a logical reason. If some couples in same sex marriages don't have children what is the basis for treating them differently from some couples in hetero marriages who don't have children. The answer is your intolerance and unkindness to your fellow humans. Do not have a nice day.
To Conservatives:

Why is it so important that homosexuals seek a 'cure'? Why is it so important that homosexuals be denied basic rights afforded to other American tax paying citizens?

Is it important to maintain a social stigma concerning homosexuality? If so, why?

To the idiots, where did I say they have to seek a cure?

Why is it so important to you that no cure be available?

Does the fact that a cure might exist somehow invalidate the defense that you have no choice?

Wouldn't it be easier to stand up and demand that you be treated with respect because you are willing to make a choice that is unpopular than pretending that you have no choice somehow validates your position?

I am not ashamed of my sexual activities, I just don't shove them all down the throats of the prudes on this board to make a point. For one thing, if I did, I would have idiots like you demanding I be banned for posting things that you think are evil.
... an open discussion of the mechanics of the environmentally-acquired affect known as "homosexuality"...

A completely bogus assertion.

I notice you didn't jump on Howey when he attacked me for being a lover of gay bestiality even though you attacked me for slurs I didn't make, why is that? Is it because you really don't care about the slurs as much as defending a position that is untenable in the face of real science? Or is it just that you are a hack who likes to pretend he is being fair, but are totally afraid of looking like you are criticizing a gay man?
So, are we to believe - Libberhoids - that having a dick inserted into your ass, and enjoying it, is "normal" mental/physical behavior?


Do share....

Is there a reason we shouldn't believe it is normal? Other than your personal abhorrence to it? If you think this particular behavior pattern is limited to gay men I suggest you look up pegging, you might learn how stupid you look saying things like that.
Yep. I've known more than one woman who liked anal. One girlfriend of mine absolutely loved it.

Ex of mine too. I was never a fan, but a little finger up there would send her right over every time. I hear it works for guys too.

Doesn't work for me.

It is called a prostrate massage, and it works for every single man on the planet. Unless, that is, you are going to insist that you are not human.
I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.

Nope, solid as a rock. You asked about the harm. When one group collects the same amount as the other, without contributing the same amount, and in addition, not producing for future contribution. Harm.

Continue weeping, but it ain't pretty.

Millions of married couples do not and/or choose not to have offspring. Do you propose to take away their licenses?

Nope, just pointing out that the two groups are not closely related in a very critical way, making you're claim that you are being discriminated against by bigots absolutely laughable.

You are more like the blind man denied a drivers license than a black man being denied a marriage license to a white women.

You actually believe people need the government to encourage them to breed? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You believe people will stop having kids if they don't get cash and prizes from the government? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What has happened to the divorce rate and the rate of illegitimacy since the government began handing out cash and prizes to married people?

Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir!

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.

I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.

However only male female coupling can produce the funds required to fund both.

You fail, but it is fun watching the twitching.
bs. Equal protection would then require childless heteros to forego benefits. Further, it's been proven again and again, gays raise kids. Your disingenuous post is outed by the opposition to same sex marriage as being bad for kids in gay households.

A single can raise a child. Is a single discriminated by not being able to file as married?

Nice try though.

Show me a single taxpayer CREATED during a gay sex act.
If you are worried about gays not procreating, don't worry. Plenty of heteros are making more gay people every day.

I don't know why the worry, we're procreating just fine...plus adopting kids the straights don't want.

LGBT parents are raising nearly 2 million children, according to a joint report by the Movement Advancement Project,the Family Equality Council, and the Center for American Progress. Here are some of the report's other findings:[...]

Of the 1.6 million adopted children in the U.S., 65,000, or 4 percent, are being raised by gay and lesbian parents. About 14,000 foster children, or 3 percent of all foster children in the U.S., live with LGBT parents.​
Nope, solid as a rock. You asked about the harm. When one group collects the same amount as the other, without contributing the same amount, and in addition, not producing for future contribution. Harm.

Continue weeping, but it ain't pretty.

Millions of married couples do not and/or choose not to have offspring. Do you propose to take away their licenses?

Nope, just pointing out that the two groups are not closely related in a very critical way, making you're claim that you are being discriminated against by bigots absolutely laughable.

You are more like the blind man denied a drivers license than a black man being denied a marriage license to a white women.

Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.
Yep. I've known more than one woman who liked anal. One girlfriend of mine absolutely loved it.

Ex of mine too. I was never a fan, but a little finger up there would send her right over every time. I hear it works for guys too.

It actually works better for guys because of the prostrate.

I'm well aware of how and why. Warrior needs a lesson apparently. Maybe y'all that can "choose" can help him out.
Millions of married couples do not and/or choose not to have offspring. Do you propose to take away their licenses?

Nope, just pointing out that the two groups are not closely related in a very critical way, making you're claim that you are being discriminated against by bigots absolutely laughable.

You are more like the blind man denied a drivers license than a black man being denied a marriage license to a white women.

Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.
Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

They know it. They know that civil marriage isn't a requirement to procreate, they know that procreation isn't a requirement for civil marriage. Heck, they even know that in some states procreation is actually prohibited in order for some couples to civilly marry. I even have faith they know that DNA isn't a requirement to parent a child...they don't care that their arguments are colossal failures because...well, gays are icky (except for all the lesbian porn they download, of course)

Oops...I guess the line about gay porn hit Warrior too close to home. :eek:

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