Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

Nope, just pointing out that the two groups are not closely related in a very critical way, making you're claim that you are being discriminated against by bigots absolutely laughable.

You are more like the blind man denied a drivers license than a black man being denied a marriage license to a white women.

Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

It doesn't matter Pops. If they want kids, the demographics are the same.

You're right about the comedy though. Just bringing up procreation as an argument had the SCOTUS (and the rest of the thinking world) laughing out loud.
Nope, just pointing out that the two groups are not closely related in a very critical way, making you're claim that you are being discriminated against by bigots absolutely laughable.

You are more like the blind man denied a drivers license than a black man being denied a marriage license to a white women.

Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

Name one legal requirement of legal marriage between a man and a woman, involving children or sex,

that a same sex couple cannot fulfill.
Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

It doesn't matter Pops. If they want kids, the demographics are the same.

You're right about the comedy though. Just bringing up procreation as an argument had the SCOTUS (and the rest of the thinking world) laughing out loud.

And the only way they can have kids?????

At least one of the participants MUST come from outside the couple.

Face it SeaWytch, the harder you try, the harder you fall.

Trying to yell discrimination when there is a critical difference is funnier than hell.
Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

Name one legal requirement of legal marriage between a man and a woman, involving children or sex,

that a same sex couple cannot fulfill.

Red herring. Only one group CAN create a child within the coupling.

I've said before, the individual raising a child should get all the benefits and responsibility of raising the child. Marital status should not matter. A single can raise a child but they are not discriminated against by not giving them married status.
Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

It doesn't matter Pops. If they want kids, the demographics are the same.

You're right about the comedy though. Just bringing up procreation as an argument had the SCOTUS (and the rest of the thinking world) laughing out loud.

And the only way they can have kids?????

At least one of the participants MUST come from outside the couple.

Face it SeaWytch, the harder you try, the harder you fall.

Trying to yell discrimination when there is a critical difference is funnier than hell.

The same applies to infertile couples. Argument fail.

Face it Pops, I'm married and my wife and I have two kids. Other states aren't so lucky and face discrimination.
Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

Name one legal requirement of legal marriage between a man and a woman, involving children or sex,

that a same sex couple cannot fulfill.

Red herring. Only one group CAN create a child within the coupling.

I've said before, the individual raising a child should get all the benefits and responsibility of raising the child. Marital status should not matter. A single can raise a child but they are not discriminated against by not giving them married status.

Nope, not true. Both my wife and I could have given birth had we chose. :lol:
The same applies to infertile couples. Argument fail.

Face it Pops, I'm married and my wife and I have two kids. Other states aren't so lucky and face discrimination.

Which of the three states that have legal gay marriage were you "married" in Seawytch? You've read Windsor v United States I assume? [pages 14-22 of the Opinion] United States v. Windsor

Nope, not true. Both my wife and I could have given birth had we chose.

Which one of a gay male couple could have given birth had they chose?

Whereas heterosexual pedophilia, and by extension, a heterosexual pedophile are not a celebrated social value among heterosexuals, they are among homosexuals.

If a group of heterosexuals discovers one of their own molesting children, they will put him on trial, find him guilty and sentence him to prison and registry thereafter on the sex-offender's list. Once in prison, he is placed in protective custody because the number one murder target in prison is a child molestor: so hated and reviled are they that even the lowest of the low consider them untouchable and needing to be exterminated.

In extremely stark contrast, the cult of LGBT knows that its messiah, Harvey Milk, was compulsively plucking troubled teen minor boys off the streets to bring home and sodomize while officiating as their "father figure/guardian". Instead of denouncing him, putting him on public trial or distancing their movement from those despicable crimes, they elevated him to their "socio-sexual icon", defend his sex practices against anyone who confronts them about it; even suggesting as a remedy for his crimes that the age of consent should be lowered!..but never NEVER should he be punished for what he did. Very recently over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Canada and Mexico petitioned tirelessly, in full knowledge of the documented child sex crimes of their hero [his biography by Randy Shilts] to have a US Postage stamp issued with a rainbow "USA" on it. It was issued just last month I think.

Knowing how the two different groups, hetero vs homo, regard child molestors within their respective populations, as an adoption agent, which would you screen out as potential guardians for the orphaned wards placed in your trust and care?

It's OK, we all know the answer to the question. And so, the problem with "gay marriage" rears its ugly head again.

Since gay men cannot conceive ever, they are forced to adopt. Those charged with the welfare and oversight of children and the placement of orphans or children born to surrogacy have to have real and compelling concerns with the culture that gay men belong to.
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Name one legal requirement of legal marriage between a man and a woman, involving children or sex,

that a same sex couple cannot fulfill.

Red herring. Only one group CAN create a child within the coupling.

I've said before, the individual raising a child should get all the benefits and responsibility of raising the child. Marital status should not matter. A single can raise a child but they are not discriminated against by not giving them married status.

Nope, not true. Both my wife and I could have given birth had we chose. :lol:

Not with the sperm from the other. You're deflection just bolsters my point. Tell me a couple with opposite gender partners where both could give birth? Show me a gay male couple where either partner could give birth?

I'm starting to think you're a anti gay marriage plant?
It doesn't matter Pops. If they want kids, the demographics are the same.

You're right about the comedy though. Just bringing up procreation as an argument had the SCOTUS (and the rest of the thinking world) laughing out loud.

And the only way they can have kids?????

At least one of the participants MUST come from outside the couple.

Face it SeaWytch, the harder you try, the harder you fall.

Trying to yell discrimination when there is a critical difference is funnier than hell.

The same applies to infertile couples. Argument fail.

Face it Pops, I'm married and my wife and I have two kids. Other states aren't so lucky and face discrimination.

I know all kinds of single females with 2 children. You are no different than them.
Rick Perry is like an alcoholic. He can choose not to be an ignorant asshole, but doesn't. He's a willful idiot.
So, are we to believe - Libberhoids - that having a dick inserted into your ass, and enjoying it, is "normal" mental/physical behavior?


Do share....

If a woman takes a dick in her ass is she gay? Just wondering.

For the record I don't think it's "normal"....but I also don't think that I have the right to tell other people how to live their lives and what they can and cannot do if it doesn't harm anybody else. In other words: I hate the nanny-state.
Red herring. Only one group CAN create a child within the coupling.

I've said before, the individual raising a child should get all the benefits and responsibility of raising the child. Marital status should not matter. A single can raise a child but they are not discriminated against by not giving them married status.

Nope, not true. Both my wife and I could have given birth had we chose. :lol:

Not with the sperm from the other. You're deflection just bolsters my point. Tell me a couple with opposite gender partners where both could give birth? Show me a gay male couple where either partner could give birth?

I'm starting to think you're a anti gay marriage plant?

About 10-11% of men have problems with their wigglers and some have to use sperm from a sperm bank. Do they get a marriage license? They went "outside the marriage" to procreate.

Millions of couples use surrogates like gay men do.

No logic in ANY of your bigotry.
And the only way they can have kids?????

At least one of the participants MUST come from outside the couple.

Face it SeaWytch, the harder you try, the harder you fall.

Trying to yell discrimination when there is a critical difference is funnier than hell.

The same applies to infertile couples. Argument fail.

Face it Pops, I'm married and my wife and I have two kids. Other states aren't so lucky and face discrimination.

I know all kinds of single females with 2 children. You are no different than them.

We're very different. We're married to each other and are BOTH the legal parents of OUR children. :lol:

Poor bigots...NOT.
The same applies to infertile couples. Argument fail.

Face it Pops, I'm married and my wife and I have two kids. Other states aren't so lucky and face discrimination.

I know all kinds of single females with 2 children. You are no different than them.

We're very different. We're married to each other and are BOTH the legal parents of OUR children. :lol:

Poor bigots...NOT.

Says the far left Obama drone bigot!
Nope, not true. Both my wife and I could have given birth had we chose. :lol:

Not with the sperm from the other. You're deflection just bolsters my point. Tell me a couple with opposite gender partners where both could give birth? Show me a gay male couple where either partner could give birth?

I'm starting to think you're a anti gay marriage plant?

About 10-11% of men have problems with their wigglers and some have to use sperm from a sperm bank. Do they get a marriage license? They went "outside the marriage" to procreate.

Millions of couples use surrogates like gay men do.

No logic in ANY of your bigotry.

No bigotry in my logic either. No buns in your oven without a male.

I've answered this question at least a dozen times. Yes, if he finds a women that will marry him, he gets a license. I will not hold his disability against him.

Now for purposes of comparing the two groups.

What percentage of gay couples must go outside the partnership to conceive a child?

Since you run and deflect so much I will supply the answer. 100%

What percentage of gay couples must go outside of the relationship to conceive a child due to disability? 0%

See the difference?

Thanks again for proving how critically different the two groups are!

Ex of mine too. I was never a fan, but a little finger up there would send her right over every time. I hear it works for guys too.

It actually works better for guys because of the prostrate.

I'm well aware of how and why. Warrior needs a lesson apparently. Maybe y'all that can "choose" can help him out.

Actually, the guy that needs the lesson is the one I responded to, the idiot that took your side against me and got proven wrong, just like you did. Maybe you should volunteer to teach him since you both agree that you were born without the ability to make a choice.
Infertile couples are exactly the same as gay couples. A bigot would deny marriage to only one of these demographics.

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to disability?

Are you and your partner unable to procreate due to your age?

Do you and your partner need to use birth control not to procreate?

Do tell again how closely the two demographic groups are, and why this is a civil rights issue.

Name the miscarriage from a gay sex act. The abortion required by a gay sex act. The death from complications of childbirth resulting from a gay sex act.

You are too much. Comedy this good normally costs good money. You are way to cheap.

Name one legal requirement of legal marriage between a man and a woman, involving children or sex,

that a same sex couple cannot fulfill.

Name one reason why consenting adults need the government's permission for anything.
It actually works better for guys because of the prostrate.

I'm well aware of how and why. Warrior needs a lesson apparently. Maybe y'all that can "choose" can help him out.

Actually, the guy that needs the lesson is the one I responded to, the idiot that took your side against me and got proven wrong, just like you did. Maybe you should volunteer to teach him since you both agree that you were born without the ability to make a choice.

The choice is only in acting upon natural inclinations...true for all orientations.

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