Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

I don't actually have a problem, m'boi. I'm gay and that's not a problem for me. I understand how other people being gay is a problem for you...it makes you all wiggly and uncomfortable inside. The question is, what really goes on in your brain when you think of all the "ass fucking" you can't stop talking about...:eusa_whistle:

That's fine. The retards have "Special Olympics" to make them feel normal too. I ignore them - same as I ignore queers.

How is continuously posting on this thread ignoring queers? You do know what the word "ignore" means right? Or are you also trying out for the Special Olympics? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Name one reason why consenting adults need the government's permission for anything.

Well, for one thing, we are a nation of laws. As a consenting adult, I cannot do drugs...they're illegal. I don't have the governments "permission" to do them.

We also have marriage laws in this country. Name one reason that gay consenting adults should be treated differently under the law than straight consenting adults.

I do not need the government's permission for anything, I am a free man. If you want to be a slave and ask permission of your masters every time you make a decision, feel free, just don't expect me to respect your decision. No wonder you prefer to pretend you don't have a choice who you sleep with, you prefer to let other people make your decisions.

Feel free to point out where I said the government should treat anyone differently for any reason. As I have pointed out, more than once, the very nature of government forces it to classify people. This always results in people being treated differently based on that classification, which is why I am opposed to government regulations of consenting adults. I know you have a hard time actually following logic after a lifetime of letting other people do your thinking for you, but I am right in this instance. The government should have no say in anything that consenting adults do, and I will never support anything that gives them that power.

You live in a nation of laws. You "free men" are welcome to ignore that at your peril.

You're dodging the question and deflecting. The question is not whether or not there should be cash and prizes, there are. The question is should gay couples be treated equally under the law or not. It's becoming apparent that you lean towards the not but don't want to admit it out loud.
Anything that doesn't produce offspring for Pops to leech off in his dotage is bad....but only the gay ones don't get a license in his bigoted world.

Nature is not a bigot.

More comedy?

Yes, opposite gender sex creates a wet spot, but it's all same sex sex creates.


Sorry, someday you'll understand.

No, prolly not.

Sad for you

Damn, seriously, is it that damn hard for you to learn how to use a simple quote feature!

Your version of "nature" has no bearing on civil marriage laws. Those laws are not the sole property of breeding couples so trying to use that as reasoning to deny equality to gay couples makes you a bigot.
Components of males and females must combine to create a new taxpayer.

Please link to the relevant section in the tax code which requires one to have a baby taxpayer before one is allowed to file a joint federal tax return.

Please link to the relevant section in the Social Security Act which requires one to have produced baby taxpayers before one is allowed to collect Social Security survivor benefits.

Thanks ahead of time.
Starting a new post since SeaWytch can't figure out a simple quote feature.

Two groups that are incredibly different are often times treated differently under the law.

Blind people are human, but unlike the sighted, are not allowed a drivers license.

Lawyers are human, they are professionals, they are not given a license to do surgery.

You continue to argue that you're relationship with another woman is the same as a male with a woman, and you are sadly wrong.

You and your partner never will be able to do what a male/female coupling can, and that is create life.

Creating life is the most important thing a couple can do. You and your partner is incapable of doing so.

Facts are facts.

The two groups are light years apart and your argument is laughable at best.

Sorry, not bigoted at all, simply fact.
Components of males and females must combine to create a new taxpayer.

Please link to the relevant section in the tax code which requires one to have a baby taxpayer before one is allowed to file a joint federal tax return.

Please link to the relevant section in the Social Security Act which requires one to have produced baby taxpayers before one is allowed to collect Social Security survivor benefits.

Thanks ahead of time.

Please take your head out your ass and post where I said one had too.
Components of males and females must combine to create a new taxpayer.

Please link to the relevant section in the tax code which requires one to have a baby taxpayer before one is allowed to file a joint federal tax return.

Please link to the relevant section in the Social Security Act which requires one to have produced baby taxpayers before one is allowed to collect Social Security survivor benefits.

Thanks ahead of time.

Please take your head out your ass and post where I said one had too.

You have said it over and over. You have said that is why gays must be excluded from receiving the same government cash and prizes as hetero marriages. Your argument is therefore based on a false premise. Receiving government cash and prizes is not predicated on offspring.
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Starting a new post since SeaWytch can't figure out a simple quote feature.

Two groups that are incredibly different are often times treated differently under the law.

Blind people are human, but unlike the sighted, are not allowed a drivers license.

Lawyers are human, they are professionals, they are not given a license to do surgery.

You continue to argue that you're relationship with another woman is the same as a male with a woman, and you are sadly wrong.

You and your partner never will be able to do what a male/female coupling can, and that is create life.

Creating life is the most important thing a couple can do. You and your partner is incapable of doing so.

Facts are facts.

The two groups are light years apart and your argument is laughable at best.

Sorry, not bigoted at all, simply fact.

I used the quote feature just fine. If Taptalk doesn't do it the way you like, oh fucking well.

These are the facts Pops ignores.

Neither Civil Marriage or sex is required to procreate. Procreation is not required to civilly marry (and in some cases is prohibited) and most importantly, DNA is not required to be a good parent.

Anything else is Pops trying to justify being anti gay.
Starting a new post since SeaWytch can't figure out a simple quote feature.

Two groups that are incredibly different are often times treated differently under the law.

Blind people are human, but unlike the sighted, are not allowed a drivers license.

Lawyers are human, they are professionals, they are not given a license to do surgery.

You continue to argue that you're relationship with another woman is the same as a male with a woman, and you are sadly wrong.

You and your partner never will be able to do what a male/female coupling can, and that is create life.

Creating life is the most important thing a couple can do. You and your partner is incapable of doing so.

Facts are facts.

The two groups are light years apart and your argument is laughable at best.

Sorry, not bigoted at all, simply fact.

I used the quote feature just fine. If Taptalk doesn't do it the way you like, oh fucking well.

These are the facts Pops ignores.

Neither Civil Marriage or sex is required to procreate. Procreation is not required to civilly marry (and in some cases is prohibited) and most importantly, DNA is not required to be a good parent.

Anything else is Pops trying to justify being anti gay.

Blame an app just like you blame your behavior on feeling discriminated against.

That pretty much says it all

Please link to the relevant section in the tax code which requires one to have a baby taxpayer before one is allowed to file a joint federal tax return.

Please link to the relevant section in the Social Security Act which requires one to have produced baby taxpayers before one is allowed to collect Social Security survivor benefits.

Thanks ahead of time.

Please take your head out your ass and post where I said one had too.

You have said it over and over. You have said that is why gays must be excluded from receiving the same government cash and prizes as hetero marriages. Your argument is therefore based on a false premise. Receiving government cash and prizes is not predicated on offspring.

It is and should be afforded only to couples that belong to the group that both partners can, not the demographic group in which it is impossible.

Have a hard time with that? There's an answer, stop giving into your obsession and marry someone of the opposite sex.

Simple enough, now move on and deal with your own problems.
Starting a new post since SeaWytch can't figure out a simple quote feature.

Two groups that are incredibly different are often times treated differently under the law.

Blind people are human, but unlike the sighted, are not allowed a drivers license.

Lawyers are human, they are professionals, they are not given a license to do surgery.

You continue to argue that you're relationship with another woman is the same as a male with a woman, and you are sadly wrong.

You and your partner never will be able to do what a male/female coupling can, and that is create life.

Creating life is the most important thing a couple can do. You and your partner is incapable of doing so.

Facts are facts.

The two groups are light years apart and your argument is laughable at best.

Sorry, not bigoted at all, simply fact.

I used the quote feature just fine. If Taptalk doesn't do it the way you like, oh fucking well.

These are the facts Pops ignores.

Neither Civil Marriage or sex is required to procreate. Procreation is not required to civilly marry (and in some cases is prohibited) and most importantly, DNA is not required to be a good parent.

Anything else is Pops trying to justify being anti gay.

Blame an app just like you blame your behavior on feeling discriminated against.

That pretty much says it all


I'm not "blaming" the app, you are. The quote looks fine on this end...maybe it's you. Updated your browser lately?

I blame bigots for most discrimination. Do you wish to deny a civil marriage license to a fertile gay couple but not an infertile straight couple? That makes you a bigot.
Well, for one thing, we are a nation of laws. As a consenting adult, I cannot do drugs...they're illegal. I don't have the governments "permission" to do them.

We also have marriage laws in this country. Name one reason that gay consenting adults should be treated differently under the law than straight consenting adults.

I do not need the government's permission for anything, I am a free man. If you want to be a slave and ask permission of your masters every time you make a decision, feel free, just don't expect me to respect your decision. No wonder you prefer to pretend you don't have a choice who you sleep with, you prefer to let other people make your decisions.

Feel free to point out where I said the government should treat anyone differently for any reason. As I have pointed out, more than once, the very nature of government forces it to classify people. This always results in people being treated differently based on that classification, which is why I am opposed to government regulations of consenting adults. I know you have a hard time actually following logic after a lifetime of letting other people do your thinking for you, but I am right in this instance. The government should have no say in anything that consenting adults do, and I will never support anything that gives them that power.

You live in a nation of laws. You "free men" are welcome to ignore that at your peril.

You're dodging the question and deflecting. The question is not whether or not there should be cash and prizes, there are. The question is should gay couples be treated equally under the law or not. It's becoming apparent that you lean towards the not but don't want to admit it out loud.

If I lived in a nation of laws we wouldn't be having this conversation because a nation of laws wouldn't turn cops into gangs of roving thieves. But, like I said, feel free to keep letting other people make decisions for you.

By the way, that nation of laws you are talking about actually makes it both legal and illegal for me to use marijuana. Want to explain how that works in your world?
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I do not need the government's permission for anything, I am a free man. If you want to be a slave and ask permission of your masters every time you make a decision, feel free, just don't expect me to respect your decision. No wonder you prefer to pretend you don't have a choice who you sleep with, you prefer to let other people make your decisions.

Feel free to point out where I said the government should treat anyone differently for any reason. As I have pointed out, more than once, the very nature of government forces it to classify people. This always results in people being treated differently based on that classification, which is why I am opposed to government regulations of consenting adults. I know you have a hard time actually following logic after a lifetime of letting other people do your thinking for you, but I am right in this instance. The government should have no say in anything that consenting adults do, and I will never support anything that gives them that power.

You live in a nation of laws. You "free men" are welcome to ignore that at your peril.

You're dodging the question and deflecting. The question is not whether or not there should be cash and prizes, there are. The question is should gay couples be treated equally under the law or not. It's becoming apparent that you lean towards the not but don't want to admit it out loud.

If I lived in a nation of laws we wouldn't be having this conversation because a nation of laws wouldn't turn cops into gangs of roving thieves. But, like I said, feel free to keep letting other people make decisions for you.

And he goes further afield in his effort not to answer the simple question....should gay couples have equal access to civil marriage laws?

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