Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

Well, now that Perry has flip flopped and apologized,

does that make him the idiot, or you people who defended him?

Take your pick.

Who defended him?

Likely no one. Having personal opinions is not allowed among the left.

Much like I don't think assault rifles belong in Chipotle. Doesn't mean I agree with the liberals who happen to hold the same position. Motive means everything
Well, now that Perry has flip flopped and apologized,

does that make him the idiot, or you people who defended him?

Take your pick.

Who defended him?

Likely no one. Having personal opinions is not allowed among the left.

Much like I don't think assault rifles belong in Chipotle. Doesn't mean I agree with the liberals who happen to hold the same position. Motive means everything

An assault rifle is a full auto military weapon that the military would buy.

It is not a single shot rifle that scares little old ladies and ignorant children simply because it resembles a military weapon.

And I will take whatever weapon I can legally anywhere I damned well want to.

You can either like it or leave, I don't care which.
I don't find his comments moronic. As with the majority of Americans/normal people - I fully support the notion that gays are of the same mindset as the mentally retarded. If you don't like my opinion, too bad.

Of course you don't...you're a moron too. He's at least a politically smart moron (sort of) that knows it's not okay to be anti gay. :lol:

Perry has never been anti gay as far as I know, your problem is that you are anti honesty.

As far as you know? Did you bother to look?

You don't remember his Brokeback anti gay ad?
Well, now that Perry has flip flopped and apologized,

does that make him the idiot, or you people who defended him?

Take your pick.

Who defended him?

I did.

And Perry did not apologize.

"I Stepped Right in It:" Texas Gov. Rick Perry Laments Comparison of Homosexuality to Alcoholism | NBC Bay Area

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he “stepped right in it” - but didn't actually apologize or take back his past comments - when he compared homosexuality to alcoholism last week during a visit to liberal-leaning, gay-friendly, San Francisco.

“I got asked about issues, and instead of saying 'you know what, we need to be a really respectful and tolerant country to everybody, and get back to talking about, whether you're gay or straight, you need to be having a job, and those are the focuses that I want to be involved with,’ he said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor on Thursday in Washington, D.C. “I readily admit I stepped right in it.”

But maybe I missed it; where did Perry apologize?
Of course you don't...you're a moron too. He's at least a politically smart moron (sort of) that knows it's not okay to be anti gay. :lol:

Perry has never been anti gay as far as I know, your problem is that you are anti honesty.

As far as you know? Did you bother to look?

You don't remember his Brokeback anti gay ad?

You are such a fucking liar; who gives a shit what you say?

Provide a link or I don't believe a godamned thing you say.
Perry has never been anti gay as far as I know, your problem is that you are anti honesty.

As far as you know? Did you bother to look?

You don't remember his Brokeback anti gay ad?

You are such a fucking liar; who gives a shit what you say?

Provide a link or I don't believe a godamned thing you say.

My, my...testy aren't you. Your google broken?

In Defense of Rick Perry's anti-gay Ad
Of course you don't...you're a moron too. He's at least a politically smart moron (sort of) that knows it's not okay to be anti gay. :lol:

Perry has never been anti gay as far as I know, your problem is that you are anti honesty.

As far as you know? Did you bother to look?

You don't remember his Brokeback anti gay ad?


I really don't give a fuck what other people think about as long as they don't try to shove their views down my throat. Perry has never once tried to do that to me, even though I used to live in Texas and he was governor. You, on the other hand, constantly try to shove your ideas down my throat, and even demand that the government take part in your tyranny. That makes you the enemy, and Perry an inconsequential idiot.
As far as you know? Did you bother to look?

You don't remember his Brokeback anti gay ad?

You are such a fucking liar; who gives a shit what you say?

Provide a link or I don't believe a godamned thing you say.

My, my...testy aren't you. Your google broken?

In Defense of Rick Perry's anti-gay Ad

That didn't look anti gay to me. Is that because I am not a hypersensitive asshole who thinks everything is a personal attack?
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
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Everything you say is so quotable, Rabbi. I mean never mind that no field of science believes homosexuality is a disease. You saying it is just entertains the rest of us.

Believes? It's not a belief, it's a fact. Homosexuality was also classified as a mental condition for decades until Libbie PC nerds had it changed to not "offend" certain people.

Homosexuality is NOT normal. Never has been, never will be.

Shall we go as far as to put people to death for it? No, since it doesn't violate the NAP (non-aggression principle) , it should not even be criminal; however, does that mean it's normal? No.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Bear in mind that in these ancient when this was written, people had their hands chopped off for stealing bread, thus this punishment is not as extreme as it seems. It was commonplace to massacre entire hostile tribes, women and children, during this period, even the Scriptures record and even glorify these types of massacres.

However, that does not mean that because the punishment was both cruel and unusual (where no punishment should even be issued in accordance to NAP), that the act itself is normal.

It truly is an abomination. If we accept homosexuality as "normal," then by what rigorous standard can we deem bestiality and incest as corrupt and abominable? Polygamous marriages are more NORMAL than Gaydom, in fact, polygamy is the common state of affairs in nature and primitive man and modern primates.

Should we not legalize, or at the very least, decriminalize, polygamy, since it's a NATURAL PHENOMENON? Where do we draw the line boy? Are you BETA MALES too afraid that Polygamy would result in an uneven distribution of women (scores of women for alpha males, and zero for most other beta men)???

Without a doubt, that is what would happen, and hence societies and cultures about the world have adopted Monogamous marriages, in order to avoid sexual starvation and desperation among the majority of males, which would promote revolutions and bloodshed that not even the elite groups of Alphas could suppress, and HENCE why MONOGAMY MARRIAGE is REQUISITE for civilization, because without that enforced standard, civilization would collapse under the weight of sexual-desperation revolutions and civil wars.

Now, speaking of societal collapse, and examining modern America today, consider why Gaydom, incest and bestiality are also just as destructive to civilization. Where those gay-boy loving Greeks at today?
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Believes? It's not a belief, it's a fact. Homosexuality was also classified as a mental condition for decades until Libbie PC nerds had it changed to not "offend" certain people.

Who gives a crap about what some ancient text says about homosexuality. Leave religion out of other peoples' beliefs.

Normal doesnt mean a thing. Michael Jordan's ability on the basketball court was far from normal. who gave a crap....
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

So you think that if you had enough "therapy" that you could be attracted to members of the same sex? You could attend "conversion" therapy to make you gay?

You, of course, have links to these "thousands" that "abandon homosexuality", right?

Of course you don't because there aren't thousands. The success rate of so called "conversion" therapy is worse than the success rate of snake oil to cure warts.

You do realize that nobody in the scientific community takes NARTH seriously, don't you?
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Great. You link to an anti gay Christian site...great way to make your point, NOT!
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Is heterosexuality genetic?

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