Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

And? He's right. Homosexuality is a choice and is a mental disease. Also put a damn link up.

If it's like alcoholism. that means it CAN'T be cured. So much for those who say they can. Thanks for clearing that up.
I was under the distinct impression that what he was saying was that just as with alcoholism one can be genetically predisposed towards homosexuality.

So what on earth in that statement has everyone riled up so? He's coming only a few steps away from saying you are "born gay".

What's the issue?
I was under the distinct impression that what he was saying was that just as with alcoholism one can be genetically predisposed towards homosexuality.

So what on earth in that statement has everyone riled up so? He's coming only a few steps away from saying you are "born gay".

What's the issue?
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

So you think that if you had enough "therapy" that you could be attracted to members of the same sex? You could attend "conversion" therapy to make you gay?

You, of course, have links to these "thousands" that "abandon homosexuality", right?

Of course you don't because there aren't thousands. The success rate of so called "conversion" therapy is worse than the success rate of snake oil to cure warts.

You do realize that nobody in the scientific community takes NARTH seriously, don't you?

The success rate for conversion therapy actually runs about the same as the success rate for any other therapy conducted by the quacks of the APA, but don't let facts stop you from claiming that they used science to determine that you don't have a choice.
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Is heterosexuality genetic?

And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Is heterosexuality genetic?


So sexual attraction is a purely learned behaviour? We are that separated from other mammals?

So sexual attraction is a purely learned behaviour? We are that separated from other mammals?

What makes you think other mammals don't make choices themselves? How do you explain matings between animals that are not "programmed" to be attracted to each other if they don't make a choice?

How do YOU explain a male dog and female dog being able to breed and produce offspring having never been taught how to breed?
So sexual attraction is a purely learned behaviour? We are that separated from other mammals?

What makes you think other mammals don't make choices themselves? How do you explain matings between animals that are not "programmed" to be attracted to each other if they don't make a choice?

How do YOU explain a male dog and female dog being able to breed and produce offspring having never been taught how to breed?

How do you know they haven't been taught? Do you speak dog?
FACE THE TRUTH!!!==LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!
FACE THE TRUTH!!!==LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!

Actually, if I were to take the Bible literally, I would argue that God forced them into that lifestyle, but thanks for playing.
FACE THE TRUTH!!!==LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!

Actually, if I were to take the Bible literally, I would argue that God forced them into that lifestyle, but thanks for playing.

so you want to show this board your ignorance??? GOD'S WORD IS LIVING ETERNAL TRUTH AND little sin loving man's ideas and opinions change NO TRUTH!!!
And Rick Perry is absolutely on the right track. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetically induced predisposition, as is evident by the thousands of people who abandon homosexuality each year.

Many former gays will tell you that deep down they knew that the "born that way" line was a self-serving lie, a myth generated to rationalize deviant conduct.

If you want to read research that debunks the myth that gays are born gay, here's one resource:

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

So you think that if you had enough "therapy" that you could be attracted to members of the same sex? You could attend "conversion" therapy to make you gay?

You, of course, have links to these "thousands" that "abandon homosexuality", right?

Of course you don't because there aren't thousands. The success rate of so called "conversion" therapy is worse than the success rate of snake oil to cure warts.

You do realize that nobody in the scientific community takes NARTH seriously, don't you?

The success rate for conversion therapy actually runs about the same as the success rate for any other therapy conducted by the quacks of the APA, but don't let facts stop you from claiming that they used science to determine that you don't have a choice.

And, naturally, you can support that contention with actual links, right?

I don't have a choice in my attractions and neither do you. We both choose only in acting upon them.
FACE THE TRUTH!!!==LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!

Actually, if I were to take the Bible literally, I would argue that God forced them into that lifestyle, but thanks for playing.

Yup, that's what the verses say:

(25) For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (26)For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions;​

God was pissed at them for liking some other dude more than him so he made them do something "degrading". They weren't gay, they were straight and god forced them to go against what was natural for them.

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