Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

So you think that if you had enough "therapy" that you could be attracted to members of the same sex? You could attend "conversion" therapy to make you gay?

You, of course, have links to these "thousands" that "abandon homosexuality", right?

Of course you don't because there aren't thousands. The success rate of so called "conversion" therapy is worse than the success rate of snake oil to cure warts.

You do realize that nobody in the scientific community takes NARTH seriously, don't you?

The success rate for conversion therapy actually runs about the same as the success rate for any other therapy conducted by the quacks of the APA, but don't let facts stop you from claiming that they used science to determine that you don't have a choice.

And, naturally, you can support that contention with actual links, right?

I don't have a choice in my attractions and neither do you. We both choose only in acting upon them.

Ever looked at the success rate of drug rehab programs designed by psychiatrists? If they work, why do so many people keep going to them? If they don't work, why are they still around? could it be because people, like you, buy into the snake oil sales pitch?


Some people choose to change, and they stop using drugs/alcohol without any help from quacks. Others are convinced by those quacks that they can't change, and they are forever trapped in the rehab cycle.

Everyone has a choice, some people chose to use that choice to become dependent on others because they take comfort in not having a choice.
FACE THE TRUTH!!!==LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!

Actually, if I were to take the Bible literally, I would argue that God forced them into that lifestyle, but thanks for playing.

Yup, that's what the verses say:
(25) For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (26)For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions;​
God was pissed at them for liking some other dude more than him so he made them do something "degrading". They weren't gay, they were straight and god forced them to go against what was natural for them.

Aren't you happy that I don't use the Bible to justify my beliefs? I believe in God, but I can still think for myself.
There is no psychological therapeutic remedy for homosexuality.

Their brains are wired wrong.

It is a hardware problem, not a software problem.

A hardware problem that no amount of board-swapping will fix.

Once the Blue Screen of Fruitcake appears, there's nothing to be done for it.
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The success rate for conversion therapy actually runs about the same as the success rate for any other therapy conducted by the quacks of the APA, but don't let facts stop you from claiming that they used science to determine that you don't have a choice.

And, naturally, you can support that contention with actual links, right?

I don't have a choice in my attractions and neither do you. We both choose only in acting upon them.

Ever looked at the success rate of drug rehab programs designed by psychiatrists? If they work, why do so many people keep going to them? If they don't work, why are they still around? could it be because people, like you, buy into the snake oil sales pitch?


Some people choose to change, and they stop using drugs/alcohol without any help from quacks. Others are convinced by those quacks that they can't change, and they are forever trapped in the rehab cycle.

Everyone has a choice, some people chose to use that choice to become dependent on others because they take comfort in not having a choice.

Your link did not support your claim.
And, naturally, you can support that contention with actual links, right?

I don't have a choice in my attractions and neither do you. We both choose only in acting upon them.

Ever looked at the success rate of drug rehab programs designed by psychiatrists? If they work, why do so many people keep going to them? If they don't work, why are they still around? could it be because people, like you, buy into the snake oil sales pitch?


Some people choose to change, and they stop using drugs/alcohol without any help from quacks. Others are convinced by those quacks that they can't change, and they are forever trapped in the rehab cycle.

Everyone has a choice, some people chose to use that choice to become dependent on others because they take comfort in not having a choice.

Your link did not support your claim.

Of course it didn't, for you. The problem here is that you think that the DSM is a based on scientific research, it isn't.

Two Who Resigned From DSM-5 Explain Why | Psychology Today
Ever looked at the success rate of drug rehab programs designed by psychiatrists? If they work, why do so many people keep going to them? If they don't work, why are they still around? could it be because people, like you, buy into the snake oil sales pitch?


Some people choose to change, and they stop using drugs/alcohol without any help from quacks. Others are convinced by those quacks that they can't change, and they are forever trapped in the rehab cycle.

Everyone has a choice, some people chose to use that choice to become dependent on others because they take comfort in not having a choice.

Your link did not support your claim.

Of course it didn't, for you. The problem here is that you think that the DSM is a based on scientific research, it isn't.

Two Who Resigned From DSM-5 Explain Why | Psychology Today

It didn't for anyone. You said that conversion therapy had the same success rate as other therapies but did not provide actual statistics to support your claim. In fact, it said right in the article you linked to that statistics for drug and alcohol treatment programs aren't readily available and are unreliable.

And then you follow it up with a blog post about two guys pissed off because things weren't done the way they wanted? Again, does not support your claim that ALL therapy is bunk.

Conversion therapy certainly is.
Wow, people believe folks can be taught to change from straight to gay.
Your link did not support your claim.

Of course it didn't, for you. The problem here is that you think that the DSM is a based on scientific research, it isn't.

Two Who Resigned From DSM-5 Explain Why | Psychology Today

It didn't for anyone. You said that conversion therapy had the same success rate as other therapies but did not provide actual statistics to support your claim. In fact, it said right in the article you linked to that statistics for drug and alcohol treatment programs aren't readily available and are unreliable.

And then you follow it up with a blog post about two guys pissed off because things weren't done the way they wanted? Again, does not support your claim that ALL therapy is bunk.

Conversion therapy certainly is.

And I posted an article about how rehab, which is psychological therapy, is a scam. You seem to have a problem following the logic, just like all close minded people who prefer their beliefs to actual facts.

As for the "blog post", it is actually an column published in Psychology Today, which is a lot more than a blog.
So the men that like to fuck women in the ass are also like alcoholics.
Wow, no one believes this nonsense but their preacher tells them they have to believe it.
This is fun, reminds me of the locker room 1973 and all the good jokes we told.
Difference is I grew up.
Wow, people believe folks can be taught to change from straight to gay.

No, people believe in free will.

I believe in free will.
Many straight people refuse to participate in sex of any kind.
And same as gays that do and do not practice their sexual attractions and love there is nothing wrong with them either.
But the fact that I and most all humans that walk this earth never chose their sexuality remains.
Unless you can explain the details of how you chose yours.
Difference is your bogus claims that there is something wrong with gay folks falling in love with folk of the same sex.
Because you were told so by a preacher and a book.
Your link did not support your claim.

Of course it didn't, for you. The problem here is that you think that the DSM is a based on scientific research, it isn't.

Two Who Resigned From DSM-5 Explain Why | Psychology Today

It didn't for anyone. You said that conversion therapy had the same success rate as other therapies but did not provide actual statistics to support your claim. In fact, it said right in the article you linked to that statistics for drug and alcohol treatment programs aren't readily available and are unreliable.

And then you follow it up with a blog post about two guys pissed off because things weren't done the way they wanted? Again, does not support your claim that ALL therapy is bunk.

Conversion therapy certainly is.

You're Funny :cuckoo: of course you do know that I mean Funny as in Ha-Ha - and yes I am calling you a clown.
Wow, people believe folks can be taught to change from straight to gay.

No, people believe in free will.

I believe in free will.
Many straight people refuse to participate in sex of any kind.
And same as gays that do and do not practice their sexual attractions and love there is nothing wrong with them either.
But the fact that I and most all humans that walk this earth never chose their sexuality remains.
Unless you can explain the details of how you chose yours.
Difference is your bogus claims that there is something wrong with gay folks falling in love with folk of the same sex.
Because you were told so by a preacher and a book.

Many straight people refuse to participate in sex of any kind.

You mean such as priests - who take a vow of celibacy ?

And same as gays that do and do not practice their sexual attractions and love there is nothing wrong with them either.

So long as they do not practice and preach their dementai as beig something admirable - true.

But the fact that I and most all humans that walk this earth never chose their sexuality remains.

Nobody chooses their sexuality - in the cae of heterosexuals - it's the naturalstate of being - it'show Human Beings were designed.

In the case of homosexuals - it's the result of childhood trauma , arrested sexual development - end result being Sexual Dysphoria , degeneracy and gender dementia.

There is very little proof to support the theory that homosexuality is the result of genetics, and also very litle to indicate that it s a birth defect.

Unless you can explain the details of how you chose yours.
See Above ^^^

Difference is your bogus claims that there is something wrong with gay folks falling in love with folk of the same sex.

It's abnormal , and far from harmless. It represents self loathing and manifests itself in many cases in some very destructive behavior. Both self destructive, and when organized destructive towards the society as a whole.

Because you were told so by a preacher and a book.

Not all loathing of Gays is religous based , and if by the "book" you are referring to the Bible - homosexuals are never mentioned in a negative light in the New Testament.
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