Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?


You actually believe people need the government to encourage them to breed? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You believe people will stop having kids if they don't get cash and prizes from the government? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What has happened to the divorce rate and the rate of illegitimacy since the government began handing out cash and prizes to married people?

Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?
Do you also have 'problems' with the behavior of heterosexuals? Does pedophilia really bother you if it is caused by a heterosexual (which it is vastly more often than from homosexuals). Does pornography pose as big a societal problem than the actions of homosexuals? Does it surprise or offend you that those most often repressed are those who cry out loudest for equality? Is there a need to repress the rights of law abiding homosexuals because you are offended by the irresponsible actions of a few homosexuals? Could that same standard be applied to all heterosexuals following egregious actions by a few heterosexuals? Or do yiou just find it fun to repress the rights of a minority?

Below I've reference the continuity of what I was talking about from the last page so your bumping to a new page and introducing a strawman will not affect the conversation.

Whereas heterosexual pedophilia, and by extension, a heterosexual pedophile are not a celebrated social value among heterosexuals, they are among homosexuals.

If a group of heterosexuals discovers one of their own molesting children, they will put him on trial, find him guilty and sentence him to prison and registry thereafter on the sex-offender's list. Once in prison, he is placed in protective custody because the number one murder target in prison is a child molestor: so hated and reviled are they that even the lowest of the low consider them untouchable and needing to be exterminated.

In extremely stark contrast, the cult of LGBT knows that its messiah, Harvey Milk, was compulsively plucking troubled teen minor boys off the streets to bring home and sodomize while officiating as their "father figure/guardian". Instead of denouncing him, putting him on public trial or distancing their movement from those despicable crimes, they elevated him to their "socio-sexual icon", defend his sex practices against anyone who confronts them about it; even suggesting as a remedy for his crimes that the age of consent should be lowered!..but never NEVER should he be punished for what he did. Very recently over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Canada and Mexico petitioned tirelessly, in full knowledge of the documented child sex crimes of their hero [his biography by Randy Shilts] to have a US Postage stamp issued with a rainbow "USA" on it. It was issued just last month I think.

Knowing how the two different groups, hetero vs homo, regard child molestors within their respective populations, as an adoption agent, which would you screen out as potential guardians for the orphaned wards placed in your trust and care?

It's OK, we all know the answer to the question. And so, the problem with "gay marriage" rears its ugly head again.

Yes, the scientific community has. They are united in their knowledge that, while they do not know the exact combinations of nature and nurture that makes someone gay, they do know that gays don't choose their orientation.

Now, is there a difference in having attractions and acting upon them? Of course there is but as long as it is with consenting adults, our "behaviors" don't need to be "controlled". It's not akin to alcoholism or murder and you're a douche for even attempting to equate them.

The younger a person can access reparative therapy, of their own will and choosing, the more successful wounds and imprinting from molestation can be reversed. Gay sexual imprinting is a social disease passed on by inappropriate contact of an impressionable child by someone else of the same gender. In the case of pedophiles, your "scientific community....united" is so sure that it's socially-transmitted that the Mayo Clinic put its stamp on the following statement:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.

This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

And the CDC findings echo this "scientific accepted consensus".. what a coincidence...they don't use words at the CDC like "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

So Seawytch would have us call this "nurture" like it's some cuddly and fun term that once imprinted, we should just do everything we can to make sure that child doesn't have access to reverse that cuddly and fun set of compulsive behaviors they're stuck with. Stuck with. Stuck with. Can you imagine having a compulsion that you hated, that reminded you every day of old childhood wounds from sexual assault and that as a matter of law you were not allowed to seek a medical professional's help to assist you in ridding yourself of this daily torment?

I had a good friend who died of AIDS who lived this tortured hell for most of his life after being molested as a boy. He was no more gay than your or my father. He kept falling in love with women but was only able to express himself compulsively sexually with males. His solution was in an act of supreme passive aggression to get back at who he saw was responsible. He went out knowingly infected with HIV and had unprotected sex with as many gay males as possible before he died.

I contend that if he was allowed by law to access reparative therapy at a young age today, he would still be alive and so would hundreds, possibly thousands of others who died as a direct result of his mental issues surrounding having been "nurtured" [thank you Seawytch] into being "a gay man"...
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Yes, the scientific community has. They are united in their knowledge that, while they do not know the exact combinations of nature and nurture that makes someone gay, they do know that gays don't choose their orientation.

Now, is there a difference in having attractions and acting upon them? Of course there is but as long as it is with consenting adults, our "behaviors" don't need to be "controlled". It's not akin to alcoholism or murder and you're a douche for even attempting to equate them.

That is a study which shows the likelihood of an abuse victim becoming a sexual predator themselves or suffering from other afflictions. It is not a study which proves all gays were sexual abuse victims, you unbelievable idiot! It does not support your idiotic claims in any way.

The younger a person can access reparative therapy, of their own will and choosing, the more successful wounds and imprinting from molestation can be reversed. Gay sexual imprinting is a social disease passed on by inappropriate contact of an impressionable child by someone else of the same gender.

Bullshit. You have provided ZERO evidence for this.

In the case of pedophiles, your "scientific community....united" is so sure that it's socially-transmitted that the Mayo Clinic put its stamp on the following statement:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.

This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

"Increases the chances of an individual become An OFFENDER", dumbass. Not GAY.

They are not saying all gays are gay because they were molested.

Wow. You are incredibly stupid.

And the CDC findings echo this "scientific accepted consensus".. what a coincidence...they don't use words at the CDC like "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

I notice you did not provide a link. Here it is: http://www.clinicalpsychiatrynews.c...g-use-among-gay-men-pervasive/03dac4afbf.html

An interesting tidbit from that source:

The survey findings debunk conventional wisdom about alcohol use among gay men. Old, poorly constructed studies suggested that one in three was alcoholic, but that oft-quoted figure is inflated, Dr. Stall said.

As for drug abuse among gays, how does that compare to drug abuse among blacks?

Perhaps if blacks abuse drugs more than gays, we should ban blacks from being able to marry.

You know what scientific studies show about marriage? They show married people are more stable, have lower rates of STDs, and lower drug and alcohol abuse. So why deny marriage to gays if marriage produces positive societal effects?
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Let's not jump ahead of ourselves with too many strawmen and keep to the questions and points I raised until we've resolved them, OK G500?

Whereas heterosexual pedophilia, and by extension, a heterosexual pedophile are not a celebrated social value among heterosexuals, they are among homosexuals.

If a group of heterosexuals discovers one of their own molesting children, they will put him on trial, find him guilty and sentence him to prison and registry thereafter on the sex-offender's list. Once in prison, he is placed in protective custody because the number one murder target in prison is a child molestor: so hated and reviled are they that even the lowest of the low consider them untouchable and needing to be exterminated.

In extremely stark contrast, the cult of LGBT knows that its messiah, Harvey Milk, was compulsively plucking troubled teen minor boys off the streets to bring home and sodomize while officiating as their "father figure/guardian". Instead of denouncing him, putting him on public trial or distancing their movement from those despicable crimes, they elevated him to their "socio-sexual icon", defend his sex practices against anyone who confronts them about it; even suggesting as a remedy for his crimes that the age of consent should be lowered!..but never NEVER should he be punished for what he did. Very recently over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Canada and Mexico petitioned tirelessly, in full knowledge of the documented child sex crimes of their hero [his biography by Randy Shilts] to have a US Postage stamp issued with a rainbow "USA" on it. It was issued just last month I think.

Knowing how the two different groups, hetero vs homo, regard child molestors within their respective populations, as an adoption agent, which would you screen out as potential guardians for the orphaned wards placed in your trust and care?

It's OK, we all know the answer to the question. And so, the problem with "gay marriage" rears its ugly head again.

Which group would you adopt to?
As for the insidious mention of AIDS by bigots when talking about gays, such sideways tactics come from ignorance.

Heterosexuals were plagued for CENTURIES by syphilis and gonorrhea. Both diseases were just as lethal as AIDS, and killed milions of men and women until a cure was found in the 20th century.
Let's not jump ahead of ourselves with too many strawmen and keep to the questions and points I raised until we've resolved them, OK G500?

No strawmen on my part. You attempted to take a study which shows people who were molested as children and go on to become offenders themselves as some kind of proof of your idiotic claim that all gays are gay because they were made that way by external factors.

It does not get any dumber than that. You have demonstrated a profound ignorance of science and logic.
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As for the insidious mention of AIDS by bigots when talking about gays, such sideways tactics come from ignorance.

Heterosexuals were plagued for CENTURIES by syphilis and gonorrhea. Both diseases were just as lethal as AIDS, and killed milions of men and women until a cure was found in the 20th century.

Another sideline as you avoid answering my question about the difference of adopting out orphans to heteros vs homos when it comes to the difference in those two groups in how they regard child sex predators within their ranks...

....duly noted...

There are cures for syphilis and gonorrhea. There aren't for HIV/AIDS. Hence the problem the CDC has with those with behaviors that constitute 78% of the vector-potential for spreading it. [using the anus as an artificial vagina is the #1 vector for spreading HIV].

Are you going to answer my question about the differences between how heteros and homos regard child molestors in their ranks as to adoption qualifications or not?
Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?


You actually believe people need the government to encourage them to breed? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You believe people will stop having kids if they don't get cash and prizes from the government? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What has happened to the divorce rate and the rate of illegitimacy since the government began handing out cash and prizes to married people?

Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir!

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.
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Same sex couplings have never produced a single job from the child produced by their sexual relations. Heterosexual coupling has produced all.

When a same sex couple ages and requires Medicare, social security, VA or other government benefits, the contributions to those are mainly supplied by heterosexuality and the offspring of male/female coupling. The offspring of the coupling between my wife and I will contribute to the benefits received by same sex couples. Since same sex couples cannot have offspring, they cannot contribute to mine.

If the government want to encourage those couples that supply ALL future taxpayers by giving them a few extra benefits because of this, I have no problem with this as long as they don't force these couples into the contracts.

Same sex couples supply zero future citizens and zero future taxpayers yet feel they are being treated unfairly?


You actually believe people need the government to encourage them to breed? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You believe people will stop having kids if they don't get cash and prizes from the government? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What has happened to the divorce rate and the rate of illegitimacy since the government began handing out cash and prizes to married people?

Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir!

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.

I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.
bs. Equal protection would then require childless heteros to forego benefits. Further, it's been proven again and again, gays raise kids. Your disingenuous post is outed by the opposition to same sex marriage as being bad for kids in gay households.
And again, we are paying people to live where there are no jobs, and where there will never be jobs. We're paying adolescent girls to bear illegitimate children, and the more they bear the more money they get. And, you people care about gays having sex. Pathetic.
So, are we to believe - Libberhoids - that having a dick inserted into your ass, and enjoying it, is "normal" mental/physical behavior?


Do share....

You actually believe people need the government to encourage them to breed? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You believe people will stop having kids if they don't get cash and prizes from the government? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What has happened to the divorce rate and the rate of illegitimacy since the government began handing out cash and prizes to married people?

Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

Because you are feeble minded or just too plain lazy to post the assertion my post responded to, I'll do the heavy lifting for you.

Pedophiles, alcholics, drug addicts. You bigots can't prove a couple of consenting adults getting married and reaping the same state and federal benfits as everyone else is harmful to society, so you have to try so hard to create a fantasy linkage with gays to socially harmful behaviors. But you aren't prejudiced toward gays! No, sir!

Now, the benefits that a same sex couple receives, whether through Medicare, social security or a host of other government entities is funded by me and my offspring. Only male/female coupling creates past/present or future tax payers.

The offspring of same sex coupling, which is an impossibility, will not fund my Medicare, social security or any other government benefit I, or any opposite gender couple will ever require.

You want equality? Than I suggest we start talking about how, in essence same sex couples are freeloading on the system.

I repeat. Producing offspring is not a requirement to collect Social Security survivor benefits or Medicare.

Your argument fails.

Nope, solid as a rock. You asked about the harm. When one group collects the same amount as the other, without contributing the same amount, and in addition, not producing for future contribution. Harm.

Continue weeping, but it ain't pretty.
Producing offspring is not a requirement before one can file a joint federal tax return. Did you not know this?

Producing offspring is not a requirement for collecting Social Security survivor's benefits. Did you not know this?

They know it. They know that civil marriage isn't a requirement to procreate, they know that procreation isn't a requirement for civil marriage. Heck, they even know that in some states procreation is actually prohibited in order for some couples to civilly marry. I even have faith they know that DNA isn't a requirement to parent a child...they don't care that their arguments are colossal failures because...well, gays are icky (except for all the lesbian porn they download, of course)
And again, we are paying people to live where there are no jobs, and where there will never be jobs. We're paying adolescent girls to bear illegitimate children, and the more they bear the more money they get. And, you people care about gays having sex. Pathetic.

"we're" paying?

I am certain I paid more in taxes last year than you earned.
I don't think you can compare alcoholism to being queer.It's not fair to the drunks. Who wants to be drug through the mud like that.
So, are we to believe - Libberhoids - that having a dick inserted into your ass, and enjoying it, is "normal" mental/physical behavior?


Do share....

Who says being gay is normal?

Abnormal =/= wrong.

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