Rick Perry: Middle Income Americans Don't Pay Enough Income Taxes

I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.
More bullcrap.

The only quote in the blog from Perry is this one.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax.

Newsflash...I'm in the middle...I pay taxes...Perry isn't talking about the middle. This blogger is a liar.

I am dismayed that half of all American's don't pay any income taxes while demanding others pay more and more.

Why? Because they have no skin in the game.

When half the population can vote for the other half to pay their way...THAT'S A PROBLEM.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of the democratic system.

Everyone should contribute something, even if it is only one percent for minimum wage.

As the left is so fond of chanting, everyone should pay a fair share.

So to be perfectly clear, you're for raising taxes on the poor, right?

Are you claiming that all the 51% of Americans who pay no income Tax are poor? Because your title Implies you believe the Middle Class are part of the 51%. Is Middle Class poor now?

More bullcrap.

The only quote in the blog from Perry is this one.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax.

Newsflash...I'm in the middle...I pay taxes...Perry isn't talking about the middle. This blogger is a liar.

I am dismayed that half of all American's don't pay any income taxes while demanding others pay more and more.

Why? Because they have no skin in the game.

When half the population can vote for the other half to pay their way...THAT'S A PROBLEM.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of the democratic system.

Everyone should contribute something, even if it is only one percent for minimum wage.

As the left is so fond of chanting, everyone should pay a fair share.

The effective federal tax rates on the 3 lowest quintiles of American households (based on income)

are 4.0% 10.6% and 14.3%.

Eric Cantor says
almost 50 percent of Americans don't pay income taxes​


PolitiFact Virginia | Eric Cantor says almost 50 percent of Americans don't pay income taxes
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I really don't understand Republicans. I would figure that they would be elated that 50% pay no income taxes, instead they are livid about it.
Jon Stewart did the first segment of his show on this tonight. When it comes up I'll try to link it.

He played clips of conservatives claiming raising taxes on the rich was "class warfare."

Then clips where they said it wouldn't help anyway, because it'd raise "only" $700 billion.

Then clips of them complaining about poor people don't pay enough taxes.

Then showed how if you took half of everything the bottom 50% own - not just their income, the value of everything they own - it'd raise... $700 billion.

I’ve been blissfully off the grid for the past few days, cycling in Western New York. (Allegany State Park is absolutely gorgeous. Made me be glad to be paying taxes in New York State.) I could forget about the debt ceiling fiasco, 9 percent unemployment, the tea party, runaway health spending, global warming, the NBA lockout…

But back in the real world, I learn from newly minted GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry what’s wrong with America—that middle income Americans don’t pay enough taxes. Really.

Rick Perry: Middle Income Americans Don't Pay Enough Income Taxes - Forbes

I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.
I’ve been blissfully off the grid for the past few days, cycling in Western New York. (Allegany State Park is absolutely gorgeous. Made me be glad to be paying taxes in New York State.) I could forget about the debt ceiling fiasco, 9 percent unemployment, the tea party, runaway health spending, global warming, the NBA lockout…

But back in the real world, I learn from newly minted GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry what’s wrong with America—that middle income Americans don’t pay enough taxes. Really.

Rick Perry: Middle Income Americans Don't Pay Enough Income Taxes - Forbes

I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.

Nice outright lie, idiot.

Nowhere does Perry every say "middle income Americans don't pay enough income taxes".
He simply said nearly half of Americans don't pay any income tax at all. Which is 100% true.

Its utterly amazing how stating a fact can make liberals batshit crazy.
I really don't understand Republicans. I would figure that they would be elated that 50% pay no income taxes, instead they are livid about it.

Well when the Hussein tells us everyone needs to "pay their fair share", we just take him for his word. Everyone needs to pay their fair share. We're only following what our great leader is dictating to us.

Otherwise, please take it up with Obama. Its really his ingenious idea.
I’ve been blissfully off the grid for the past few days, cycling in Western New York. (Allegany State Park is absolutely gorgeous. Made me be glad to be paying taxes in New York State.) I could forget about the debt ceiling fiasco, 9 percent unemployment, the tea party, runaway health spending, global warming, the NBA lockout…

But back in the real world, I learn from newly minted GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry what’s wrong with America—that middle income Americans don’t pay enough taxes. Really.

Rick Perry: Middle Income Americans Don't Pay Enough Income Taxes - Forbes

I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.

Nice outright lie, idiot.

Nowhere does Perry every say "middle income Americans don't pay enough income taxes".
He simply said nearly half of Americans don't pay any income tax at all. Which is 100% true.

Its utterly amazing how stating a fact can make liberals batshit crazy.

Would you expect anything less coming from the left?
I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.
More bullcrap.

The only quote in the blog from Perry is this one.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax.

Newsflash...I'm in the middle...I pay taxes...Perry isn't talking about the middle. This blogger is a liar.

I am dismayed that half of all American's don't pay any income taxes while demanding others pay more and more.

Why? Because they have no skin in the game.

When half the population can vote for the other half to pay their way...THAT'S A PROBLEM.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of the democratic system.

Everyone should contribute something, even if it is only one percent for minimum wage.

As the left is so fond of chanting, everyone should pay a fair share.

So to be perfectly clear, you're for raising taxes on the poor, right?

I am for everyone paying their fair share.

Isn't that what the liberals keep claiming they are for?

Then, when it comes time to raise taxes, everyone's taxes are raised the same...progressively, of course.

Just like liberals claim to believe, I believe in shared sacrifice.

When half the population is paying taxes for services that everyone uses, while the other half pays nothing, that is not shared sacrifice.

When the half of the population that pays nothing demands that the other half pay more, that is not everyone paying their fair share.

All I know is Bush was a Progressive and Obama is a Progressive... They both in fact took this country in a very Progressive "Big Government" direction and reality is the country is divided the most it has been since the civil war, we are bankrupt, downgraded, in a permanent recession (3 years now) and a President that runs on being anti war manages to start 3 new wars in just under 3 years while expanding 1 of the two existing wars that are both still going strong.

This country is sick, it is dying and our politicians will not let it get better.
More bullcrap.

The only quote in the blog from Perry is this one.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax.

Newsflash...I'm in the middle...I pay taxes...Perry isn't talking about the middle. This blogger is a liar.

I am dismayed that half of all American's don't pay any income taxes while demanding others pay more and more.

Why? Because they have no skin in the game.

When half the population can vote for the other half to pay their way...THAT'S A PROBLEM.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of the democratic system.

Everyone should contribute something, even if it is only one percent for minimum wage.

As the left is so fond of chanting, everyone should pay a fair share.

So to be perfectly clear, you're for raising taxes on the poor, right?

I am for everyone paying their fair share.

Isn't that what the liberals keep claiming they are for?

Then, when it comes time to raise taxes, everyone's taxes are raised the same...progressively, of course.

Just like liberals claim to believe, I believe in shared sacrifice.

When half the population is paying taxes for services that everyone uses, while the other half pays nothing, that is not shared sacrifice.

When the half of the population that pays nothing demands that the other half pay more, that is not everyone paying their fair share.


So that's a "yes"?
So to be perfectly clear, you're for raising taxes on the poor, right?

I am for everyone paying their fair share.

Isn't that what the liberals keep claiming they are for?

Then, when it comes time to raise taxes, everyone's taxes are raised the same...progressively, of course.

Just like liberals claim to believe, I believe in shared sacrifice.

When half the population is paying taxes for services that everyone uses, while the other half pays nothing, that is not shared sacrifice.

When the half of the population that pays nothing demands that the other half pay more, that is not everyone paying their fair share.


So that's a "yes"?

Yes, everyone should pay their fair share.

Do you oppose that?

P.S. - still waiting on that link.
I am for everyone paying their fair share.

Isn't that what the liberals keep claiming they are for?

Then, when it comes time to raise taxes, everyone's taxes are raised the same...progressively, of course.

Just like liberals claim to believe, I believe in shared sacrifice.

When half the population is paying taxes for services that everyone uses, while the other half pays nothing, that is not shared sacrifice.

When the half of the population that pays nothing demands that the other half pay more, that is not everyone paying their fair share.


So that's a "yes"?

Yes, everyone should pay their fair share.

Do you oppose that?

P.S. - still waiting on that link.

The income tax is a tax on income, not on people.

No liberal supports raising taxes on the poor. We support lowering taxes on the poor, and raising taxes on the rich.

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