Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

you call 3 or 4 little snippets COVERING?

I guess you missed the live stream that CNN.com had on all day.

Now let me ask you this Dive, when all these Iraq War protests were going on before the election in 2004, was Fox News covering them all day?

Just because CNN wasn't doing live coverage on it's television show throughout the entire day and because they realized there was actually other news to cover going on doesn't mean they didn't cover it.

They interviewed several people, and had 4 different reporters there.

Stop with the facts, you will confuse him.
you call 3 or 4 little snippets COVERING?

I guess you missed the live stream that CNN.com had on all day.

Now let me ask you this Dive, when all these Iraq War protests were going on before the election in 2004, was Fox News covering them all day?

Just because CNN wasn't doing live coverage on it's television show throughout the entire day and because they realized there was actually other news to cover going on doesn't mean they didn't cover it.

They interviewed several people, and had 4 different reporters there.
i wouldnt know
i dont watch Fox News that much
you call 3 or 4 little snippets COVERING?

I guess you missed the live stream that CNN.com had on all day.

Now let me ask you this Dive, when all these Iraq War protests were going on before the election in 2004, was Fox News covering them all day?

Just because CNN wasn't doing live coverage on it's television show throughout the entire day and because they realized there was actually other news to cover going on doesn't mean they didn't cover it.

They interviewed several people, and had 4 different reporters there.

Stop with the facts, you will confuse him.
you are the one confused
Here is the text version of the story.

It is simply amazing that a news network can be caught in a blatant lie, and yet there will be some who will say that black is white, up is down, and they were right all along.

Maybe this quote from Alice in Wonderland can explain it:

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Here is the text version of the story.

It is simply amazing that a news network can be caught in a blatant lie, and yet there will be some who will say that black is white, up is down, and they were right all along.

Maybe this quote from Alice in Wonderland can explain it:

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
it was a stupid ad
Here is the text version of the story.

It is simply amazing that a news network can be caught in a blatant lie, and yet there will be some who will say that black is white, up is down, and they were right all along.

Maybe this quote from Alice in Wonderland can explain it:

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

(always felt uncomfortable because Alice, of Alice and Wonderland, excited me as a young boy) It probably contributed to my hatred of rabbits.
Obama could sh**t gold bricks, pay off the national debt and Fox New's headline would read: Obama causes Gold stocks to plummet.
FOX doesn't cover GOP and related news. FOX promotes it. That is the difference. FOX is not a news station. It is a marketing station. They should be listed as "Paid Programming" in the TV listings. Their job is to promote GOP ideals.

"Fair and Balanced" as long as it doesn't conflict with republican principles.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35eRxxZ-Ar0&feature=PlayList&p=2C93EE912FAA6DCB&index=0&playnext=1]YouTube - 100 Days of "Fair & Balanced"[/ame]

Video: Glenn Beck's Operation | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

This video pretty much sums up Fox News ^

Wow, just wow. You really don't see the true scale of it until you see it put all together like that.

FoxNews is really just an organization made up of pieces of lying shit.

WOW is right, how did you buy Obama's Hope & Change and think it was something other than a Socialist Agenda?????:cuckoo::oops:
Dive is correct, it was an ad in a newspaper and that gay clown, Sanchez, has blown it way out of proportion(pun intended). CNN is a pathetic joke and any of you that can't see that are biased toward the Democrat point of view. FOX has more viewers than all of those other networks, even with CNN broadcast in every airport across America. By saying that they didn't cover the event is merely a subjective opinion put out by the writer of the ad.

Really, it's pretty funny to watch the same old players jumping up and down screaming FOX lied! You people are pathetic.:razz::lol::lol::lol: What, no accusations of racism?:lol::lol::lol:

If you want unbiased news, do not tune into FOX.....bottom line
How did CNN, MSNBC, etc. (all of the "liberal media" stations) miss the story about the tea party march on Washington?

Is it because the MSM is so liberal that they simply ignore such things, as Fox is implying?

Or is Fox News simply fabricating a story?

Listen to Rick and make up your own mind.

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

that video made me laugh at the irony, as he gets duped by fox new's ad and he say's he doesn't suffer fools and liars. :lol:

He got fooled by fox's ad into talking about the tea parties more :lol:

Murdoch freaking PWNED them....seriously that ad FOX made worked as it got CNN to bring up the TEA parties again after the story was dead.

Then he posts clips of CNN covering it telling mistruths and mischarecterizations about who the people are too, showing them lying.... MORE IRONY.

I love it, i gotta send this video around now to make some people laugh their asses off. Listen to that guy whine :rofl: I love it.

If you want unbiased news, do not tune into FOX.....bottom line

If you can't get News from FOX, might as well turn off the TV then, Because it ain't coming from anywhere else. :lol::lol::lol:
Fox should outclass the other major media outlets and admit their error.

Yeah, because clearly telling a whopper of a lie and then admitting your error AFTER being caught red-handed exhibits class...
It's easy to clear up.

Firstly, did Fox News suggest that the protest wasn't covered by CNN?

If it can be shown that there is evidence to support that proposition then it can be taken as proven but the statement must be shown to be unequivocal.


If it can be shown that there is evidence to show that CNN covered the protest then it calls into doubt the claim by Fox that CNN didn't cover the event.

If that's so then Fox has made a wrong claim. That's a fact in that case.

Why it happened - assuming it did - is in the realm of pure speculation.


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