Rick Santorum claims Obama "exacerbated racism" long before Trump

I feel that Senator Santorum chose the appropriate verb "exacerbated."

That is to say, President Obama unwittingly caused unpleasantness between the current majority ethnicity and one of our major minorities. It was NOT his goal to do so.


I think that it may have started when President Obama invited (with the best of intentions) a college professor and a police officer to the White House to discuss their disagreements.


For me, I was especially dismayed when President Obama decided to bow to pressure from the activists and to discuss the case of the young man who was fatally shot in Florida. When President Obama said something to the effect that if he had had a son, his son would have looked like that young Floridian, President Obama seemed to be taking the side of those people who felt that the young Floridian had been unjustly shot.


Furthermore, I am disappointed that President Obama's first Attorney General was a very angry gentleman.
Obama didn't address issues important to blacks out of political calculation, even though his personal conviction was one of empathy towards black folk!
Obama didn't address issues important to blacks out of political calculation, even though his personal conviction was one of empathy towards black folk!
If Obama had been an African leader during the slave trade, he would have been the one selling his own people into slavery.
the black old guard was especially hard to convince of Obama's greatness because most of them didn't know Obama personally. some who did know him could not be sure he would have the back of blacks when it mattered.

at the same time, Obama's understanding of the white mainstream proved the advantage of his half whiteness: he knew intimately the desires and fears of white folks...

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