Rico, "just being a person."

Lol…..you're terrified, that's why you have to be armed everywhere you go. You know you're weak, that's why you have to carry a firearm. In summation, you most likely grew up getting your ass kicked as a kid, and this is how you compensate as an adult.
Considering the number of random attacks killing innocent people the only reasonable response is being terrified.
Cool story kid. But in truth I'm just a regular guy who understands human nature. And at times humans are violent by nature. Myself included. As such, if I have to be present at a time when such nature presents itself; I have a biological imperative to have the greater capacity for violence, than one who might threaten me, and/mine. Welcome to the food chain...
After reading that disturbing screed you have revealed yourself as anything but a regular guy. But you have adopted an attitude the NRA has tried to cultivate for a long time.
There are millions of Ammosexuals in this country, and what gets them hard is when they are loaded up with guns and ammo they feel something they can not feel any other way: They feel powerful.

Same way you felt powerful when you thought you had Orange Man, when you thought that Bible was upside down?

(btw, good post)

I see. So you're saying all the SC rulings on gun possession over the years based on the 2nd A are unconstitutional.
Did you study to become a moron, or is it a natural talent
Cool story kid. But in truth I'm just a regular guy who understands human nature. And at times humans are violent by nature. Myself included. As such, if I have to be present at a time when such nature presents itself; I have a biological imperative to have the greater capacity for violence, than one who might threaten me, and/mine. Welcome to the food chain...
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Here's a hypothetical. Rico's house gets broken in to and his unsecured weapons are stolen. One of which is subsequently involved in a homicide.
Should Rico bear some legal responsibility for the use of his unsecured weapon in a crime?
Did you study to become a moron, or is it a natural talent
I thought you said the 2nd A doesn't refer to guns? How then are rulings on gun possession stemming from suits related to 2nd A protections constitutional?
After reading that disturbing screed you have revealed yourself as anything but a regular guy.
Flattery will get you nowhere. Nor will harsh language, and pacifism, when someone decides on violence.
I thought you said the 2nd A doesn't refer to guns? How then are rulings on gun possession stemming from suits related to 2nd A protections constitutional?
it refers to arms

as do the majority, if not all, cases that came to the SCOTUS notice.
Looks like you are protected right up to the point you pull the trigger.

“I was just taking my guns out for a walk”
This is what happens when 2A becomes a religion/cult.




This is what respectful people do who feel they absolutely need to have a gun in a grocery store.



Things have changed. My grandfather was in the military, he also hunted. He had several different rifles and handguns and was a stickler for proper handling and respect for what a gun could do. I doubt he ever felt the need to flaunt it in people’s faces or take it to the grocery store with him. A good friend of mine supports gun rights, but I’ve never known her or her husband to carry a gun to the store with them. The carry it when there is a need, such as walking their dogs during coyote mating season. We live in a rural area. NRA has changed the attitude of many people towards guns. No longer a tool, it has become a cult symbol. Jesus and guns.

I’m not “anti gun“ but I don’t feel the need to insert it into every aspect of life and I support regulation. Some of these people are no different than the idiots who walk down the street with a pit bull on a logging chain. It no longer has any relationship to “need” or appropriateness, it is all about image. The 2A needs to be be brought back down to sanity.

I am sure I’ll get a ton of disagrees from the usuals, because this subject can seldom be discussed rationally.

I still have my great grandmothers gun and it is usable. When her husband died, her son got her a “purse gun” because he worried about her being alone. I also have my great great (?) grandfather’s rifle. It’s a Lefever but can not be fired with modern ammunition. It is a beautiful gun though.

You mean it's not true that NYS Governor Hochul wants to build Affordable, Low Income, High Crime Apartment Buildings in every NYS suburb?
Have you tried pulling your head out of your ass and keeping up with the news?
Being a bag of shit by mischaracterizing her plan to promote affordable housing does not make for a compelling argument. What it does is make you a bag of shit.
Being a bag of shit by mischaracterizing her plan to promote affordable housing does not make for a compelling argument. What it does is make you a bag of shit.
That was some as hominem you just posted.
You're confused. Membership in a militia was never a requirement.
The preamble to the Second A mentions service in a militia as a reason citizens have the right to keep and bear arms. Scalia & Co., going outside the concept of originalism he championed, expanded on the language of the amendment to include ordinary citizens.
You mean it's not true that NYS Governor Hochul wants to build Affordable, Low Income, High Crime Apartment Buildings in every NYS suburb?

That's just a blatant lie. Not that I'd expect anything else from you.

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