CDZ RIGGED ELECTION: Let's see if we can imagine a new way to gather and count votes

Well these new so-called 'voter ID' laws passed in some red states just made your first bullet point mute. They just made voting hard as hell.

You find it too hard to procur an I.D., and so you are going through life without one? How sad.

It seems to be the easiest thing in the world to me.
urple ink.
Sorry but I don't have time to debate this morning.

No, we aren't a third world country, we don't need purple ink.

In fact, we don't need any reforms. What we did in 2020 was just fine.

You want reform, get rid of gerrymandering and the electoral college, and then people will have something to vote on.
Translation~ the left cheated and won
Close but not horseshoes.

Require every person to submit a thumb print by live scan along with their name, address and party affiliation to every County or Parish Clerk, to be attached to their old or a new voter registration.

Those who don't will have their vote tossed.
I vote in person, I am old with problems that may at some point require me to vote by mail. there are many people ( like overseas military) who need to vote by mail. So I TOTALY reject those who promote only in person voting. Also would support more poling places & more days or longer hours for voting.
We live in amazingly binary times. We just can't seem to see both lanes of the road.

We have the ability to both open up voting and keep things secure, but doing so would require us to do crazy things like "work together" and "innovate". Allowing a different idea to enter the conversation is confused with capitulation.

I'm guessing that, in the short term, we're going to see more of that sad situation. Maybe we'll innovate at some point, assuming we make it to that point.

Govt is the worst place to look for innovation and excellence.. And keeping voting systems and procedures secure ACCURATE and TRACEABLE is actual more important than convenience.. We're not talking about "phoning it in" kind of convenience when it comes to the LEGAL ACT of casting a ballot.. There's a chain of custody, recording and archiving and handling exceptions that ALL REQUIRE chain of custody..

NEVER EVER should a random THIRD PARTY -- like a "ballot harvestor" enter the picture here or EVER HANDLE the legal document that is "a ballot".. There's simply NO "other side of the street on shit like that.. And you want to "innovate" that direction?

MOST registrar offices CAN NOT HANDLE the current voting equipment maintenance, set-up, verifications. We've allowed the day of voting equipment to be designed BY MORONS who think its a good thing to have an Operating system with spyware and virus protection and comm ports on this stuff. It's so bad, that the OEM equipment managers who are NOT public servants have unfettered access to running the elections... Because Govt SCREWED up the paper trail, security, and accuracy of the equipment by buying the WRONG STUFF...

Day of voting equipment should be STONE STUPID.. Just mark the ballot and tally it.. Doesn't require floating point math and a dual or quadruple processor with all the vulnerabilities that entails.. How we ended up buying such shit is beyond me..

It's not all FRAUD we should be worried about.. It SHOULD BE about the competency of who RUNS the registrar functions and election process. We can't pretend it's as simple as counting pen marks anymore..

There's really not enough time here to have touchy feely jabber about "two lane roads" to SECURE elections in this country.. The situation is actually more dire than most people realize.. Time to quit arguing about presenting ID.. You SHOULD BE ABLE to waltz in to vote in a bathing suit with no ID.. But govt can't figure that out.. Should be SECURED OFF LINE picturess of you STORED on the voting register visible to the poll workers or counters. But that's too exotic for the dolts who run the govt...

This is a PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY of govt and they give it no honor or importance.. That's why no side has confidence in the process anymore...
All 50 states certified their elections
There was no sizable voter fraud detected much less proven.
The loser--Trump--got more votes than he did last time
The party of the loser--Trump--gained seats in the House of Representatives.
The party of the winner--Biden--lost seats in the House of Representatives.
The alleged fraud on 11/6/20 didn't swing the Senate for the party that won the Oval Office. A subsequent runoff and special election had to be held.

IF you don't have confidence in the process any more, feel free not to vote. But your lack of confidence isn't based on any evidence. It's based on your not liking the outcome of the previous election.

Not germane. ELection laws WERE changed illegally to sacrifice security and chain of custody for "covid convenience" by rogue judges and courts so close to election date that they could not be challenged..

And it INCLUDES all of the HIDEOUS THINGS that Ice Cream Nancy has planned in H.R. 1 to FEDERALIZE these loopholes to security of elections.. Go READ IT.. THAT"s the PERMANENT PLAN going forward and it WILL BE HOTLY OPPOSED.. It's got all that illegal stuff that violated state LAW and Constitution and NOW -- they want the FED govt to OVER-RIDE the states control of election processes...

..... because of stuff like "ballot harvesting" and not checking signatures or recording addresses on mail-ins before the envelopes get burned or shredded with all that chain of custody information.

And worst -- allowing PAID ballot harvesters and PAID stooges to stalk folks in voting lines....
IF you don't have confidence in the process any more, feel free not to vote. But your lack of confidence isn't based on any evidence. It's based on your not liking the outcome of the previous election.

Go read H.R 1,.. There's a reason that Pelosi and the power hoes put this as the 1st item of business.

They want to INSTITUTIONALIZE some of the heinous stuff that was allowed that turned ELECTION DAY into ELECTION MONTH... And over-ride the states control of elections..

You don't SEE the problem because youre not watching the game play out.. If elections are as perfect as you think, there WOULD BE NO NEED for H.R. 1 -- WOULD THERE?????

Answer that last question or just be irrelevant....

Whenever shit happens with a govt function -- I IMMEDIATELY know it;s more likely INCOMPETENCE than criminal.. Thats because govt SUCKS at any real excellence in anything.. So -- it's gotta be Stone Age and Stone STUPID for the govt to handle critical functions like elections..
I vote in person, I am old with problems that may at some point require me to vote by mail. there are many people ( like overseas military) who need to vote by mail. So I TOTALY reject those who promote only in person voting. Also would support more poling places & more days or longer hours for voting.
We live in amazingly binary times. We just can't seem to see both lanes of the road.

We have the ability to both open up voting and keep things secure, but doing so would require us to do crazy things like "work together" and "innovate". Allowing a different idea to enter the conversation is confused with capitulation.

I'm guessing that, in the short term, we're going to see more of that sad situation. Maybe we'll innovate at some point, assuming we make it to that point.

Govt is the worst place to look for innovation and excellence.. And keeping voting systems and procedures secure ACCURATE and TRACEABLE is actual more important than convenience.. We're not talking about "phoning it in" kind of convenience when it comes to the LEGAL ACT of casting a ballot.. There's a chain of custody, recording and archiving and handling exceptions that ALL REQUIRE chain of custody..

NEVER EVER should a random THIRD PARTY -- like a "ballot harvestor" enter the picture here or EVER HANDLE the legal document that is "a ballot".. There's simply NO "other side of the street on shit like that.. And you want to "innovate" that direction?

MOST registrar offices CAN NOT HANDLE the current voting equipment maintenance, set-up, verifications. We've allowed the day of voting equipment to be designed BY MORONS who think its a good thing to have an Operating system with spyware and virus protection and comm ports on this stuff. It's so bad, that the OEM equipment managers who are NOT public servants have unfettered access to running the elections... Because Govt SCREWED up the paper trail, security, and accuracy of the equipment by buying the WRONG STUFF...

Day of voting equipment should be STONE STUPID.. Just mark the ballot and tally it.. Doesn't require floating point math and a dual or quadruple processor with all the vulnerabilities that entails.. How we ended up buying such shit is beyond me..

It's not all FRAUD we should be worried about.. It SHOULD BE about the competency of who RUNS the registrar functions and election process. We can't pretend it's as simple as counting pen marks anymore..

There's really not enough time here to have touchy feely jabber about "two lane roads" to SECURE elections in this country.. The situation is actually more dire than most people realize.. Time to quit arguing about presenting ID.. You SHOULD BE ABLE to waltz in to vote in a bathing suit with no ID.. But govt can't figure that out.. Should be SECURED OFF LINE picturess of you STORED on the voting register visible to the poll workers or counters. But that's too exotic for the dolts who run the govt...

This is a PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY of govt and they give it no honor or importance.. That's why no side has confidence in the process anymore...
All 50 states certified their elections
There was no sizable voter fraud detected much less proven.
The loser--Trump--got more votes than he did last time
The party of the loser--Trump--gained seats in the House of Representatives.
The party of the winner--Biden--lost seats in the House of Representatives.
The alleged fraud on 11/6/20 didn't swing the Senate for the party that won the Oval Office. A subsequent runoff and special election had to be held.

IF you don't have confidence in the process any more, feel free not to vote. But your lack of confidence isn't based on any evidence. It's based on your not liking the outcome of the previous election.

Not germane. ELection laws WERE changed illegally to sacrifice security and chain of custody for "covid convenience" by rogue judges and courts so close to election date that they could not be challenged..

And it INCLUDES all of the HIDEOUS THINGS that Ice Cream Nancy has planned in H.R. 1 to FEDERALIZE these loopholes to security of elections.. Go READ IT.. THAT"s the PERMANENT PLAN going forward and it WILL BE HOTLY OPPOSED.. It's got all that illegal stuff that violated state LAW and Constitution and NOW -- they want the FED govt to OVER-RIDE the states control of election processes...

..... because of stuff like "ballot harvesting" and not checking signatures or recording addresses on mail-ins before the envelopes get burned or shredded with all that chain of custody information.

And worst -- allowing PAID ballot harvesters and PAID stooges to stalk folks in voting lines....
If security was actually sacrificed....where are the arrests? Let me's time for Conspiracy-theory-o-rama. What is it going to be this week? Are you going to go with servers being hacked (which didn't happen) or ballot shenanigans (which also didn't happen)?

Judges didn't change the election rules. Elections officials did. The courts upheld their decisions. One such decision was made by Greg Abbott.
Govt is the worst place to look for innovation and excellence..
But the only place to look for regulating voting.

But, to your point: independent commissions, maybe foreign, should be enlisted to assess our system and make recommendations. Especially including redrawing districts.

Not foreign.. Highly TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED.. I'd go to places like IEEE or ASME professional societies to design "day of voting" machines and procedures.. That's would work just fine..

If ya remember, we all got weirded out by "chad" and recounts in 2000. The Dems particularly went to voting machine COMPANIES and got sold shitty over-thought designed crap.. And they SCREAMED ABOUT WANTING TOUCH SCREENS... That was the total solution...

It sucks.. The machines used on day of voting should be SIMPLE and completely PROPRIETARY.. NOT relying on MSoft Op systems, floating point math processors, VIRUS PROTECTION and net and wireless connections...

Like I said above, what we're finding is not criminal, but the INABILITY OF LOCAL registrars to set-up, maintain and re-validate these machines..

And then there's got to be a realization that a ballot IS A LEGAL DOC, not a pizza coupon or Pub Clearing house package when it hits the mail... No matter if COVID is the excuse or an ALIEN occupation or whatever they use next to shred "chain of custody" on the ballots..

The EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is LONG GONE.. With the shredded or burned envelopes tghat mail-ins were SUPPOSED to come in.. So -- FIXING things is the priority. NOT litigating the last election..
I'm not expecting a terribly vibrant thread, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. So here goes:

I wonder if we could toss out a few ideas on how we can count votes in the future. Leaving (or at least trying to leave) your political affiliation out of this, let's see your ideas on how the states might best do the following:
  • Make voting as easy as possible, particular in rural, less dense areas
  • Minimize the need for recounts
  • Create voting systems (voting & counting) that maximize security
I'll start: Let's begin by dragging ourselves away from this need to know who won a state by the end of Election Day. Let's have an automatic audit confirmation process that counts the vote multiple (two or three different) ways on Election Night and the next day. That way we can minimize the need for recounts after the fact.

Also, while each state will certainly have its own rules, maybe we can find SOME common methods so that we can standardize them for better efficiency and accountability.

Okay, go. Let's try "imagining" instead of just repeating.

Vote by phone and have a digital record you can only access and could grant officials access in case of a recount…
I'm not expecting a terribly vibrant thread, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. So here goes:

I wonder if we could toss out a few ideas on how we can count votes in the future. Leaving (or at least trying to leave) your political affiliation out of this, let's see your ideas on how the states might best do the following:
  • Make voting as easy as possible, particular in rural, less dense areas
  • Minimize the need for recounts
  • Create voting systems (voting & counting) that maximize security
I'll start: Let's begin by dragging ourselves away from this need to know who won a state by the end of Election Day. Let's have an automatic audit confirmation process that counts the vote multiple (two or three different) ways on Election Night and the next day. That way we can minimize the need for recounts after the fact.

Also, while each state will certainly have its own rules, maybe we can find SOME common methods so that we can standardize them for better efficiency and accountability.

Okay, go. Let's try "imagining" instead of just repeating.

1) get rid of the Electoral College
2) Move election day to a Saturday or make it a holiday.
3) Allow early voting and have those votes pre-counted before election day.

To get rid of the Electoral College would require a Constitutional Amendment which is impossible to get passed in today political climate, and it is not the real reason why our system is failing…
Not foreign.. Highly TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED.. I'd go to places like IEEE or ASME professional societies to design "day of voting" machines and procedures.. That's would work just fine..

If ya remember, we all got weirded out by "chad" and recounts in 2000. The Dems particularly went to voting machine COMPANIES and got sold shitty over-thought designed crap.. And they SCREAMED ABOUT WANTING TOUCH SCREENS... That was the total solution...
Well, no, the complaint after 2000 was that the new touch screen machines didn't have a paper backup. Oh, and they were designed by Deibold, who was hip deep in bed with the Bush Crime Family.
And then there's got to be a realization that a ballot IS A LEGAL DOC, not a pizza coupon or Pub Clearing house package when it hits the mail... No matter if COVID is the excuse or an ALIEN occupation or whatever they use next to shred "chain of custody" on the ballots..

The EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is LONG GONE.. With the shredded or burned envelopes tghat mail-ins were SUPPOSED to come in.. So -- FIXING things is the priority. NOT litigating the last election..

Let's get real here. We let people file their taxes on line, file for unemployment on line and complete their Census forms on line. These are also legal government documents. The software they use to do so is probably less secure than what we use to tally up votes.

Early voting is a godsend. mail in voting is a godsend. Making it easier to vote is a good thing.

The fact is, even with RECORD turnout, 33% of people who could have voted still didn't. The problem isn't too many people voted, it's that not enough of them feel a need to.

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