Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online
That's incorrect. Polls didn't give anyone 98% chance of victory. You are talking about forecasters, not polls. Be smarter.
Fox News would do a poll on Trump yet after a civil suit that proved they lie,, and now a plagiarist broadcaster has pulled her book off the shelf they dare not attempt to show Trump in a positive light...
Here we are barely two months from the biggest surprise in modern political history where almost every poll called Hillary the sure winner and it looks like the mainstream media hasn't learned a freaking thing about selected demographics and rigged polls.
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online

You people in the bubble -- you're like sheep or Moonies, just swallowing his shit and saying thank you sir, may we have some more.
Polls showed Cankles beating trump easily...so much for polls
Polls showed Clinton beating Trump by 2-4% in the popular vote. The only way for you to prove poll inaccuracy is by peddling the voter fraud fake news that you guys love to type up.
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online
Ah, the irony of you calling anyone a useful idiot! Add to that the hilarious fact that the guy who thumped on the illegitimacy of Obama's presidency daily for eight solid years on even weaker grounds is getting his Karma, and that causes to you kick like an army mule instead of reflecting on the fickle finger of fate that points to chickens coming home to roost.
JimBowie's fake analysis of the real news is noted.
You posted poll after poll showing Cankles winning and were gleeful over it....why should anyone listen to you now?
Why should they not? We know the Far Right and Alt Right do not tell the truth. Fact. He got 47% of the vote, and he is now at 40% popularity, his own party is in turmoil concerning legislation, and you refuse to accept the country is going to give Trump the same support you gave Obama: from day one on. Count on it.

JimBowie, you, and the rest kick against the pricks.
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online

Mr Bowie, that knife cuts both ways, trump didn't need help to provide evidence that he is a bastard (i.e. illegitimate), his words and deeds are sufficient. The media and Congressman are simply reporting facts, on some level you must know your draft choice is a bust.
i dont expect CNN to ever give Trump a higher rating of 40% while we all know its 65%.

Trump has 65% approval?

Have you forgotten the election? You know, the one they say is the only poll that matters?

46% of the vote.

You think Trump has magically gained 20 percentage points of approval since the election?

lol, you're retarded.
Polls showed Cankles beating trump easily...so much for polls
Polls showed Clinton beating Trump by 2-4% in the popular vote. The only way for you to prove poll inaccuracy is by peddling the voter fraud fake news that you guys love to type up.

Stay on point, or be considered as dumb as the SassyIrishlass.
Polls showed Cankles beating trump easily...so much for polls
Polls showed Clinton beating Trump by 2-4% in the popular vote. The only way for you to prove poll inaccuracy is by peddling the voter fraud fake news that you guys love to type up.
...not until the last couple of days when their lying corrupt asses did as much damage as they could. The fake news is all yours.

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