Right on Cue: LGBT Activists Slam N.C. Democrat Governor’s ‘Bathroom Bill’ Repeal

You mad, loon? I answered your question, put the freaks where they belong....away from normal people.

Let me guess, you're wearing a nice dress and pumps as you comment?
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
haha, says the person who completely dodges the questions, offers no explanation or justification for their arguments and deflects from the conversation by petty insults on their opponent. What a joke.

You mad, loon? I answered your question, put the freaks where they belong....away from normal people.

Let me guess, you're wearing a nice dress and pumps as you comment?
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

There is no problem. Anyone that thinks they are anything but what they are needs mental help... that's the problem. Where to pee is a non-issue.
So i'll pose the same question to you. You think they need mental help, should that be mandated? If not, in the mean time which restroom does this person, born female, with a vagina use? Mens room or the ladies room?

haha, says the person who completely dodges the questions, offers no explanation or justification for their arguments and deflects from the conversation by petty insults on their opponent. What a joke.

You mad, loon? I answered your question, put the freaks where they belong....away from normal people.

Let me guess, you're wearing a nice dress and pumps as you comment?
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
And who blew it up? You certainly helped.
What a bunch of fucking drama queens.

Where do you people live that you have to fight off perverts in your public bathrooms?

I'm 67 years old, have been using public restrooms all my life and have yet to run into someone who didn't belong there and if they didn't belong there didn't let it be known that they didn't.
You mad, loon? I answered your question, put the freaks where they belong....away from normal people.

Let me guess, you're wearing a nice dress and pumps as you comment?
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

There is no problem. Anyone that thinks they are anything but what they are needs mental help... that's the problem. Where to pee is a non-issue.
So i'll pose the same question to you. You think they need mental help, should that be mandated? If not, in the mean time which restroom does this person, born female, with a vagina use? Mens room or the ladies room?

View attachment 119419

Of course not... only in rare cases does the state mandate mental treatment.

The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use.
You mad, loon? I answered your question, put the freaks where they belong....away from normal people.

Let me guess, you're wearing a nice dress and pumps as you comment?
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
And who blew it? You certainly helped.

I don't give two shits about what some mental midget wants, keep them away from my children THAT is what matters to me. You don't, your redundant fellow poster doesn't and some moron who doesn't know what gender he is doesn't. Fact, you loons will lose every time when our children are involved, law or no law
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


Dude, get a hobby or something and stop repeating the same shit over and over. I think they are fucking nuts and if they need to use a restroom find a single use they are all over the place.

The problem is when some pedo or pervert pretends to be tansgender and preys on children, laws like you want promotes that.

You won't get it though, you're too tunnel visioned
See i'm fine engaging in good debate but you never present useful arguments. You think their nuts and should be locked up, but when pressed on it you call it sarcasm. When asked which bathroom mens or women's the trans males should use, you can't answer. You say single use now? OK, so they can't use male or female if those are the only options available? So is that the law you want to put on the books? Transgenders can only use private and single use bathrooms? Do they get a ticket or locked up for violating this law?
No such thing as a transgender. Near miss if you happen to be Asian, and somehow there's no hint of male on the surface

My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
Wonderful, you're dodging the question again. I just want through this with Sassy who couldn't give a straight answer in pages of posts... Can't anybody give straight answers anymore?
As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


Dude, get a hobby or something and stop repeating the same shit over and over. I think they are fucking nuts and if they need to use a restroom find a single use they are all over the place.

The problem is when some pedo or pervert pretends to be tansgender and preys on children, laws like you want promotes that.

You won't get it though, you're too tunnel visioned
See i'm find engaging in good debate but you never present useful arguments. You think their nuts and should be locked up, but when pressed on it you call it sarcasm. When asked which bathroom mens or women's the trans males should use, you can't answer. You say single use now? OK, so they can't use male or female if those are the only options available? So is that the law you want to put on the books? Transgenders can only use private and single use bathrooms? Do they get a ticket or locked up for violating this law?

Yawn....yeah you're a fuckin icon....fucking dope
My question was how do we pay for the construction of the 100 to 1000's of mental facilities that we will need to house and treat these mentally ill people. How much money do we put into it? If these two questions don't overload your pea brain maybe you can elaborate more on the plan on how we handle enforcement of your brilliant idea. Do cops arrest and lock up any and all trans people they see? or do they only get locked up if they use a public restroom? Again how much of the state or federal budget are we putting in to this?

As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

There is no problem. Anyone that thinks they are anything but what they are needs mental help... that's the problem. Where to pee is a non-issue.
So i'll pose the same question to you. You think they need mental help, should that be mandated? If not, in the mean time which restroom does this person, born female, with a vagina use? Mens room or the ladies room?

View attachment 119419

Of course not... only in rare cases does the state mandate mental treatment.

The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use.
OK, thank you!!! So in your opinion this guy should use the ladies room and be around little girls. Glad we are clear.
As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
Wonderful, you're dodging the question again. I just want through this with Sassy who couldn't give a straight answer in pages of posts... Can't anybody give straight answers anymore?

That was a straight answer... sorry if you can't comprehend.
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


Dude, get a hobby or something and stop repeating the same shit over and over. I think they are fucking nuts and if they need to use a restroom find a single use they are all over the place.

The problem is when some pedo or pervert pretends to be tansgender and preys on children, laws like you want promotes that.

You won't get it though, you're too tunnel visioned
See i'm find engaging in good debate but you never present useful arguments. You think their nuts and should be locked up, but when pressed on it you call it sarcasm. When asked which bathroom mens or women's the trans males should use, you can't answer. You say single use now? OK, so they can't use male or female if those are the only options available? So is that the law you want to put on the books? Transgenders can only use private and single use bathrooms? Do they get a ticket or locked up for violating this law?

Yawn....yeah you're a fuckin icon....fucking dope
That's your intellectual substantive response? Sorry to tell you but you lost this argument a long time ago. Thats why you are frustrated, because you can't back up your claims.
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
Wonderful, you're dodging the question again. I just want through this with Sassy who couldn't give a straight answer in pages of posts... Can't anybody give straight answers anymore?

That was a straight answer... sorry if you can't comprehend.
I asked which restroom that person should use and you responded that that person was mentally ill... That is not a straight answer that is a deflection.
As much as it takes, we must protect society.

Idiot you need to learn sarcasm and get your panties unbunched
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

There is no problem. Anyone that thinks they are anything but what they are needs mental help... that's the problem. Where to pee is a non-issue.
So i'll pose the same question to you. You think they need mental help, should that be mandated? If not, in the mean time which restroom does this person, born female, with a vagina use? Mens room or the ladies room?

View attachment 119419

Of course not... only in rare cases does the state mandate mental treatment.

The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use.
OK, thank you!!! So in your opinion this guy should use the ladies room and be around little girls. Glad we are clear.
View attachment 119421

The fact that you think a woman is so fucked up that she doesn't belong around little girls supports my position that this person needs mental help.
Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


Dude, get a hobby or something and stop repeating the same shit over and over. I think they are fucking nuts and if they need to use a restroom find a single use they are all over the place.

The problem is when some pedo or pervert pretends to be tansgender and preys on children, laws like you want promotes that.

You won't get it though, you're too tunnel visioned
See i'm find engaging in good debate but you never present useful arguments. You think their nuts and should be locked up, but when pressed on it you call it sarcasm. When asked which bathroom mens or women's the trans males should use, you can't answer. You say single use now? OK, so they can't use male or female if those are the only options available? So is that the law you want to put on the books? Transgenders can only use private and single use bathrooms? Do they get a ticket or locked up for violating this law?

Yawn....yeah you're a fuckin icon....fucking dope
That's your intellectual substantive response? Sorry to tell you but you lost this argument a long time ago. Thats why you are frustrated, because you can't back up your claims.

You're not listening, you're too busy trying declare victory. Typical stupid fuck leftist
Transgenders actually make up a very small part of the population but for some reason this thing has blown up into some sort of national crisis.

You're being played, it's poltical theatre designed by the left to further divide.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
Wonderful, you're dodging the question again. I just want through this with Sassy who couldn't give a straight answer in pages of posts... Can't anybody give straight answers anymore?

That was a straight answer... sorry if you can't comprehend.
I asked which restroom that person should use and you responded that that person was mentally ill... That is not a straight answer that is a deflection.

What part of "The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use." confused you?
Ok, so the locking up of the trangenders was sarcasm, want to try a real answer now on how to address the problem?

There is no problem. Anyone that thinks they are anything but what they are needs mental help... that's the problem. Where to pee is a non-issue.
So i'll pose the same question to you. You think they need mental help, should that be mandated? If not, in the mean time which restroom does this person, born female, with a vagina use? Mens room or the ladies room?

View attachment 119419

Of course not... only in rare cases does the state mandate mental treatment.

The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use.
OK, thank you!!! So in your opinion this guy should use the ladies room and be around little girls. Glad we are clear.
View attachment 119421

The fact that you think a woman is so fucked up that she doesn't belong around little girls supports my position that this person needs mental help.
Thats not at all what I said. Now you are trying to inject a narrative into my questions. Don't do that, its another form of deflection. I think its pretty obvious that this person belongs in the mens room, not because they are fucked up or a threat but because a little girl doesn't need to walk up into a restroom and see a guy with a beard standing there. You want him/her to be in the women's room because they have a vagina but I just don't agree.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


Dude, get a hobby or something and stop repeating the same shit over and over. I think they are fucking nuts and if they need to use a restroom find a single use they are all over the place.

The problem is when some pedo or pervert pretends to be tansgender and preys on children, laws like you want promotes that.

You won't get it though, you're too tunnel visioned
See i'm find engaging in good debate but you never present useful arguments. You think their nuts and should be locked up, but when pressed on it you call it sarcasm. When asked which bathroom mens or women's the trans males should use, you can't answer. You say single use now? OK, so they can't use male or female if those are the only options available? So is that the law you want to put on the books? Transgenders can only use private and single use bathrooms? Do they get a ticket or locked up for violating this law?

Yawn....yeah you're a fuckin icon....fucking dope
That's your intellectual substantive response? Sorry to tell you but you lost this argument a long time ago. Thats why you are frustrated, because you can't back up your claims.

You're not listening, you're too busy trying declare victory. Typical stupid fuck leftist
The conversation was over when you resorted to saying
Yawn....yeah you're a fuckin icon....fucking dope
Nothing to listen to there, its just a white flag. Grow some humility.
Again you can't answer the questions and you keep kicking the can to diversionary arguments. Try again, this is very simple. Transgender people like in the pictures that I posted. Born female converted to males. Do you want those people using the women's restrooms. They have hairy chests and beards and vaginas. Say yes or no.


This person needs serious mental help.
Wonderful, you're dodging the question again. I just want through this with Sassy who couldn't give a straight answer in pages of posts... Can't anybody give straight answers anymore?

That was a straight answer... sorry if you can't comprehend.
I asked which restroom that person should use and you responded that that person was mentally ill... That is not a straight answer that is a deflection.

What part of "The ladies room like all the rest of the people with vaginas use." confused you?
You made that comment after this thread... read the little green box, that comment isn't in it. I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots today.

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